Written Exam - Large Animal Castration Complications Flashcards
T/F: castration is a common cause of malpractice claims against vets
when may you do castration with the animal recumbent? what about standing?
recumbent - feral, young, or poorly trained horses
standing - racehorses
what are the advantages & disadvantages of standing castration in horses?
advantages - avoid risk of GA, not all facilities will be clean, use a handler, shortened time of procedure, & cheaper
disadvantages - higher degree of difficulty for the surgeon (done by feel, visualization isn’t as good), primary closure can’t be done
what are the advantages & disadvantages of recumbent castration in horses?
advantages - better visualization, better control, complications are easier to fix, primary closure
disadvantages - horse must survive anesthesia & recovery, more time, costly, 2 week recovery period with hand-walking for 2 weeks
what are the general complications of castration?
hemorrhage, evisceration/eventration, peritonitis, swelling, penile damage, & continued masculine behavior
what may cause hemorrhage?
improperly applied emasculator, too much tissue to adequately crush the cord, excessive fat in donkeys
when is a henderson equine castrating tool used?
horses or donkeys with small testicles - don’t use on larger horses
what is too much hemorrhage?
unabated streaming of blood for 15 minutes - testicular artery usually the problem
how do you treat excessive hemorrhage?
application of forceps or emasculator, place another ligature, gauze packing - scrotum is closed with gauze packed into inguinal canal/scrotum & then removed 24-28 hours later
what is eventration?
prolapse of omentum through the scrotum - not necessarily an emergency, do a rectal exam to make sure there is no bowel in the inguinal ring
what are the treatment options used for eventration?
surgical correction - transect omentum proximally, & suture the superficial inguinal ring only is the rectal indicated the need
what is evisceration?
prolapse of the bowel from the internal ring that descends into the scrotum or inguinal canal
very uncommon - potentially fatal
why does evisceration happen?
results from pre-existing, unapparent congenital inguinal hernia = large inguinal rings
what breeds are most commonly affected by large inguinal rings?
standardbreds, arabians, draft breeds, american saddlebreds, & tennessee walking horses
what is the treatment for evisceration?
euthanasia, referral to surgical center