Wrist Flashcards
Ulnar Tilt of Radius
25 degrees
Palmer tilt of Ulna
10 degrees
Dorsal Radiocarpal Ligament
prevents anterior dislocation of carpals
Ulnar collateral ligament, palmer ulnocarpal ligament, articular disc.
Short intrinsic ligaments
Connect and stabilize the distal row
wrist flexion
70-85 degrees is normal while coupled with ulnar deviation
wrist extension
60-75 degrees is normal, coupled with radial deviation
radial deviation
15-20 degrees is normal
ulnar deviation
35-40 degrees is normal
degrees to maximize grip force
30 degrees of extension
overly short flexors lead to…
minimal tension generation
flexed position leads to…
passive extensor torque
Transverse Carpal Ligament
serves as attachment site for muscles, restrains enclosed tendons from “bowstringing” anteriorly and out of the carpal tunnel, most notably when grasping actions performed with a partially flexed wrist
Carpal tunnel
serves as passageway for the median nerve and the tendons of extrinsic flexor muscles of the digits
Palmer radiocarpal ligament
provides greater overall mechanical stability to the wrist than the thinner dorsal extrinsic ligament. Three dominant ligaments are radioscaphocapitate, long radiolunate, and short radiolunate
what is the primary function of the TFCC
to securely bind the distal ends of the radius and ulna while simultaneously permitting the radius, with attached carpals, to freely rotate (pronate and supinate) around a fixed ulna.
palmer ulnocarpal ligament
has two parts, ulnotriquetral and ulnolunate. they help indirectly secure the position of the TFC
ulnar collateral ligament
reinforce ulnar side of wrist, must be sufficiently flexible
lunotriquetral ligament (intermediate)
helps to stabilize the ulnar side of the lunate relative to the triquetrum
scapholunate ligament (intermediate)
primary stabilizer of the lunate, has three parts, dorsal palmer, and proximal.
Scaphotrapezial and scaphotrapezoidal ligaments (intermediate)
reinforces the articulation between the distal pole of the scaphoid with the trapezium and trapezoid
Palmer intercarpal ligament (long)
lateral and medial leg, resemble the inverted V. helps guide the arthrokinematics of the wrist
Dorsal intercarpal ligament
provides transverse stability to the wrist by interconnecting the trapezium, scaphoid, triquetrum, and occasionally a small part of the lunate
the wrist rotates how many degrees in sagittal plane
130 to 160 degrees
frontal plane rotation of wrist
50 to 60 degrees
ROM for ADL’s of wrist
Flexion: 40 degrees
Extension: 40 degrees
Radial deviation: 10 degrees
Ulnar deviation: 30 degrees