WR Change vs Continuity Flashcards
Big change - central government
Men raised from the dust - Ranulf Flambard
Chancery states he is King ‘by the grace of God’
All continuity with central government
Same court locations and timings as WtC
Gives up land
Vacancies and Simony - 60% of Church land
Feudal Dues
Coronation still done ASAP to mark legitimacy
Law of King Edward promised
Court locations continuity - central government
Same court locations and timings as WtC
Land and vacancies continuity - central government
He gives up land
Vacancies and Simony - 60% of Church land
Feudal dues continuity - central government
Feudal dues still used
Coronation continuity - central government
Coronation still done ASAP to mark legitimacy
Laws continuity - central government
Law of King Edward promised
Big change - local government
Sheriffs’ power reduced by making them ‘raised from the dust’ (know they’re loyal to you and they are dispensible)
There was central oversight by the exchequer (reduce corruption, get money to reconquer Normandy) - HENRY KEEPS THIS AS WELL
Big change - church government
Vacancies - increasingly controversial because of papal reform an investiture contest.
Archbishop of Canterbury - continuity
Both Italian
Both Abbotts of Bec
Skilful Ecclesiastical thinker
Archbishop of Canterbury - change
Bad relations with Rufus - when he ascends he complains about Canterbury’s lands, Archbishop of Canterbury’s status as head of the English Church, recognition of Urban II.
Does Anselm love the papacy? He recongises the importance of having pope for his position. Yet in Rufus’ reign he isn’t a massive supporter of Papal reform. He does not support reform councils.
Anselm refuses to give good knights, pay money for his position and vacancies.
What anselm likes changes over time.