H1 TL Flashcards
- William Rufus dies
- Henry I rushes to Winchester, and is crowned at Westminster by Maurice 3 days after WR’s death
- Robert Curthose returns from crusade - Normandy and England separated
- Henry issues a ‘charter of liberties’ three days after Rufus’ death:
- Issued everywhere in the kingdom
- First time a king formalises what they will do
- Emphasises Church since they give him legitimacy, they are the largest landholder and written by Churchmen as well
- Vows to stop doing vacancies (doesn’t stop), and to reduce feudal dues (doesn’t)
- Fears rebellion so appeases knights - they don’t have to provide grain
- Implies people were taking others’ lands
- Henry locks up Ranulf Flambard (escapes and is reappointed in 1101)
- Begs Anselm to return (he does)
- Henry marries Edith/Matilda - Malcolm’s daughter, Edgar Atheling’s niece
- Gerard made Archbishop of York
- Robert Curthose invades England:
- Has the support of the Montgomery brothers - Robert of Bellême (single most powerful Norman after the royal family), Arnulf and Roger - and the earls of Surrey and Buckingham. Also William of Mortain.
- Henry had the support of Robert (count of Flanders) who promised to supply the king 1,000 knights in return for an annual pension of £500. He had the Church’s support and the fyrd.
- Curthose lands in Portsmouth and they confront each other. No battle fought.
- Results in the Treaty of Alton:
- Robert renounced his claim to the English throne
- Henry to pay £2,000 each year
- Henry surrenders claims to Normandy
- Henry must forgive his enemies and allow them to keep their lands.
- Each agreed to be the other’s heir if the other died without children.
- Violation of Alton: deprives Robert of Bellême of his estates
- Anselm holds a council and bans simony and clerical marriage (leads to revolt of 200 bare footed priests in London).
- Ultimately not fully effective: Roger Le Poer was married, as was Thomas of Bayeux
- Anselm supports Henry - threatens Robert Curthose with excommunication and legitimised his marriage with Matilda.
- Gerard kicks over Anselm’s chair in Westminster council, because it was higher than his. Paschal II wrote to Gerard telling him to pay homage to Anselm.
- Anselm exiled because he refuses to pay Henry homage and refuses his investiture (the practice of lay rulers giving the emblems of bishops’ office - the idea that a bishop was dependent for his power on his lay lord was intolerable).
- Henry acquires allies - counts of Brittany, Flanders, Anjou and Maine all bought off with money payments or marriages.
- Curthose visits England and Henry no longer has to pay the 3,000 marks each year (either he refuses or Curthose lets him off). Another clause of Alton broken!
- Henry briefly invades Normandy
- Violation of Alton: William of Mortain is dispossessed.
- Ravages English rebels’ lands
- Lots of taxes are imposed
- Henry’s invasion of Normandy properly begins - he takes Caen and Bayeux. Takes four years as opposed to three for Rufus.
- Henry is threatened with excommunication. Robert de Beaumont/Robert of Meulan, earl of Leicester excommunicated for advising the king to continue to do investiture. All invested bishops excommunicated by Paschal II. Compromise of L’aigle.
- Curthose meets Henry in Northampton and don’t come to an agreement so there’s open war
- William of Mortain and Robert of Bellême support Curthose
- Henry besieges Tinchebrai, one of Mortain’s castles. Curthose seeks to relieve it, but Henry defeats them. (Henry uses mercenaries from Brittany and Maine)
- William of Mortain blinded
- Curthose imprisoned
- Edgar Atheling let go
- Count of Maine given wardship of William Clito
- Note: Henry never calls himself Duke of Normandy until Curthose is dead.
- Settlement with Church reached
- Settlement proclaimed in Church council.
- Roger Le Poer made bishop of Salisbury.
- Philip of France dies, Louis VI succeeds.
- Henry sends a writ ordering sheriffs to hold hundred and shire courts at the same time
- Count Fulk IV of Anjou dies; Fulk V succeeds.
- Anselm dies: Canterbury vacant until 1114.
- Until a truce is reached in 1113, Henry and his allies fight against Louis VI, Fulk and disgruntled Normans.
- New diocese created at Ely
Robert of Bellême imprisoned for life
- Matilda married to Henry V (Holy Roman Emperor)
- Ralph d’Escures made Archbishop of Canterbury and Thurstan appointed Archbishop of York
Thurstan resigns as archbishop of York
- Battle of Alençon - Fulk of Anjou defeats Henry and Henry’s grip on his French lands is weakened.
- Fulk wanted to go on Crusade and needed peace, so arranged a marriage between Henry’s son William and his daughter: the county of Maine was the dowry.
- Edith/Matilda died.
- Thurstan reinstated as Archbishop-Elect in 1118.
- Henry defeats Louis VI at Brémule.
- Thurstan consecrated in 1119 by Calixtus II in Rheims. Thurstan not allowed back into England but also saves Henry’s face by not becoming a legate.
White Ship sinks - William Adelin dies.
Henry I remarried (Adeliza of Louvain) but they don’t have any children.
Henry marches North to construct Carlisle castle (reassert royal authority in Cumberland)
- Battle of Bourgthéroulde: Henry defeats Fulk, Louis VI, Norman rebels and William Clito (Henry has the support of Theobald count of Blois as well as Stephen of Blois and Henry V - Holy Roman Emperor, married to Matilda).
- Ralph Basset hangs 44 thieves and has 6 blinded and castrated. Shows how severe his rule was?
- Holy Roman Emperor dies - Matilda returns to England
- Henry blinds and castrates (and to have their right hands cut off) the moneyers - praised by ASC
Christmas court - nobles, including Stephen of Blois, swear an oath of allegiance to Matilda, his daughter as heir to the throne.
Louis VI installs William Clito as the Count of Flanders
- Matilda betrothed to Geoffrey of Anjou (response to being threatened)
- William Clito killed.
- Hugh of Reading summoned to Rome: Henry threatens him, but he persists and goes. Charged with the overdue Peter’s Pence.
Henry I backs Innocent II over Anacletus, and negotiates a reduction in Peter’s Pence.
- Matilda and Geoffrey have a son - Henry…
- Thurstan asks the Pope for permission to divide dioceses - shows increased role. Diocese created in Carlisle.
- Fountains Abbey made by Cistercians
Henry I Dies - Geoffrey wanted some Norman castles and the homage of Norman barons and Matilda wanted to secure a foothold in the duchy before her father died. Henry refused their requests
Before his death, Matilda and Geoffrey campaign in Normandy because they wanted a secure foothold in the duchy before Henry died.