World War I Flashcards
Causes of the War (3)
- French wanted back Alsace and Lorraine which Germany had
- Dispute between the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires for political and economic control of the Balkan area
- Economic rivalries and Naval competition between the United Kingdom and Germany, making the UK ally with France against Germany
The Triple Alliance / Central Powers Members and Characteristics (3)
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (but Italy was neutral in war)
-Defensive in nature
-Isolate France
-Defending Austria’s southern flank against Russia in the Balkans
The Triple Entente
United Kingdom, France and Russia (later 🇺🇸 )
Germany WW1 Policy and Leader
Under Wilhelm II, German policy was characterized by expansionism, nationalism and militarism
Before the War, European countries started… (2)
- Creating a system of alliances
- Rapid militarizing
First Moroccan Crisis (1905-1906) (3)
- Germany was dissatisfied with the distribution of Africa at the Berlin Conference of 1885
- Wilhelm II went to Tangiers, Morocco
in support of the Sultan - Resolved with the Algeciras Conference of 1906
The Agadir Crisis (1911)
- Military aid sent to the Moroccan Sultan
-Solved with British support to France
Balkan Question (3)
- The Balkans were the scene of the so-called “question of the East.”
- The weakness of the Ottoman Empire provoked the independence of Serbia, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria
- Both Austria-Hungary and Russia wanted political and economic control there
Three Balkan Crises between 1908 and 1913
- In 1908 the Austro-Hungarian Empire annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina, provoking Serbian protests
- In 1912 the Balkan League (Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece) defeated Turkey, making Albania independent
- In 1913 Serbia defeated Bulgaria and grew its Balkan territories
la de daaa im Archduke Franz Ferdinand and im going for a carriage ride la de daaaaa
The assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was the trigger for the First World War
After the assassination, (🇦🇹-🇭🇺)
Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia and sent them an ultimatum, which they failed, so Austria-Hungary declared war on them
Alliances as a result of Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia
Russia, ally of France, came to the aid of Serbia
Germany came to Austria’s aid
So now France, Serbia and Russia were against Austria-Hungary and Germany
Advantages of Each Side
Central Powers had a better strategy and specialization in submarine warfare
Triple Entente had more soldiers and the British navy was stronger
Both sides had about equal weapons
Number of Countries Fighting
fourteen European countries and their colonies plus the United States and Japan
Total War
Use of all human, economic and technical resources
Number of soldiers mobilized in WW1
70 million
Modern and Lethal weaponry (7)
Artillery, machine guns, battleships, submarines, toxic gases, battle tanks, aviation etc.
War Economy (4)
- Rationing and hardship for the population
- Women in traditionally male jobs
- Public debt and loans
- Propaganda
Schlieffen Plan
Germany’s plan of going through Belgium and defeating France easily then moving all troops to Russia easily
Tannenberg Battle
Battle of Russia vs Germany and Germany wins
First Battle of the Marne
Germany tried to take over Paris but failed
Trench Warfare
- Barbed wire and trenches
- Try to breach the other side’s trenches
Battle of the Somme (3)
- fought from July till November in 1916
- a joint operation between British and French forces intended to achieve a decisive victory over the Germans on the Western Front
- it was very violent and bloody
-1 +1
Russia leaves the war and the United States joins
Loss of Central Powers (2)
- Turks, Austro-Hungarians and Bulgarians were defeated
- An internal revolution forced Wilhelm II to abdicate
German Republic
was established in Germany and the armistice was signed (November 11, 1918)
Zimmerman Telegram
British-intercepted telegram in which Germany asked Mexico to ally with them against the United States
14 Points of Woodrow Wilson Summarized (5)
- Suppression of secret diplomacy
- Freedom of navigation and international commerce
- Reduction of armaments
- Recognition of the right to self-determination of people
- Creation of League of Nations
France end of war Treaty
Demanded harsh treaty against Germany with war reparations
Treaty of Versailles (7)
- Alsace and Lorraine to France
- Corridor of Poland to Poland
- Loss of all colonies
- Heavy war reparations
- Give profitable Saar coal mines to France for 15 years
- Army down to 100,000 soldiers
- Demilitarize the Rhineland
Treaty created several four new states
Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey
USA Economy Post WW1
Due to public debt and foreign bank loans abroad to the United States, it became the world’s leading economic power
Demographic War Losses
9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians
New Rich vs New Poor
merchants and industrialists became rich while the rest of the population was by inflation and unemployment
womens’ work that replaced men during WW1 made helped them obtain the right to vote
League of Nations Purpose
ensure the maintenance of peace, collective security, disarmament, and economic and cultural cooperation among the various States of the world
Governing Bodies (4) of League of Nations and Creators (5)
The General Assembly
The Council
The Secretariat
Court of International Justice
Created by United Kingdom, United States, France, Italy
and Japan
Weakness of League of Nations (3)
-No army and no executive capacity
-No accession of the defeated powers or the Soviet
Union allowed
-Isolationism of the United States, which was not part of
the League of Nations
Good Side of League of Nations
Beginning of multilateral diplomacy and the creation of
humanitarian organizations (International Health