Working the scene Flashcards
What is the primary crime scene?
where crime occurs
most evidence is found there
What is the secondary crime scene?
related to crime scene
might help find the primary crime scene
When the crime scene investigator arrives at the crime scene, they must…
_____ the victims (give ___ ____ if necessary).
Approaching body in an ____ route in order to ____ evidence.
_____ the perpetrators if one the scene, ____witness ( record _____). _____ suspects
Assist or help First-aid indirect protect Arrest detain statement separate
To protect the evidence, we must apply the ___ ____ rule. This is why only _____ _____ is allowed on the crime scene. When they arrive at the crime scene, the crime investigators wll determine a _____ entryway.
locards exchange
authorized personel
Why is it crucial that the crime investigator documents the procedure and fast?
They have a limited amount of time before specialist come rushing in.
Notes will ___ the scene, ___ ___ of evidence and record the _____ of the personel. They will also note the interview of the ____ ____.
keep track
firest responder
______ ____ shots of the crime scene before and after _____ are positioned. ___ ___ before each item is _____.
MUST include _____ of _____, from at least ___ objecct/wall/etc. The photographers must take pictures from different ____, to get the position of the object.
wide angled markers closed up moved points of reference 2 angles
Why is it necessary to have points of reference in the picture?
to know the size and placement of the object in question.
Why can’t videos replace pictures?
- shaky
- zoom is often sloppy
- narration is often obsucred by sound
- deteriorate with time, humidity, light and temperature
What is the (only) advantage of videos and what must be done?
must make a transcript of the sound/voice over.
_____ sketches are initially made.
What is the main purpose of the crime scene sketch?
Relationship of items to the body (in case of murder)
Every object in the sketch must be identified with the distance from…
two fixed points
Name the 7 things that a sketch must include?
- Location
- Date
- Time
- Incident
- Sketch by…
- Objects
- Compass with the north
How must a crime investigator reconstruct the crime in his mind?
Visualize the crime in his mind based on evidence, (open windows, hair, fibers).
Why do they try visualize the crime scene?
helps to identify the truthfullness of the suspects/witness
What is one crucial thing that crime scene investigators must be aware and be careful of when imagining the crime?
Perpetrators might have planted or moved evidence to make it seem like something it isnt (suicide, robbery).
What is the difference between direct and circumstancial evidence?
Direct is facts. Witnesses, confessions, etc. Less reliable
Circumstancial is by inference/indirect. Requires the judgment of judge or jury: hair or fingerprints. More reliable.
What is reconstructive evidence?
helps understand what happened during the crime - figure out who is lying and who isnt.
What is associative evidence?
Links a suspect to a crime scene. It can either prove something or clear them.
The absence of evidence implied they are ______.
Everything is considered evidence on a crime scene. What does that imply for the crime scene investigator?
They must choose what evidence is important and pertinent. Based on the technology the lab has, the capibilities and limitations and techniques.
What is the difference between class evidence and indivvidual evidence?
Class evidence means evidence that can lead to many people (type of car, type of dog)
Individual evidence is only one person (DNA, fingerprints)
Explain what happened in the Stepehn Bradley case?
He was convicted by deduction because of many class evidence.