DNA Flashcards
Typically, DNA evidence is done for these four crimes?
sexual assualts
missing/unidentified person
DNA stands for..?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
WHat is DNA?
the instruction for each of our cells.
Where does DNA come from?
Half from sperm, half from egg.
inherited 23 chromosomes man, 23 woman
What does DNA do?
determined an individual’s physical feature.
- hair
- eye colour
- skin colour
- height
- shape of facial feature
- blood type, etc.
Where in our cell is DNA found?
in the Nucleus, pocket in the middle of the cell.
Approximately how many genes do humans have?
40 000
DNA looks like a twisted ladder, what is its name?
double helix
What are the four chemical units of our DNA?
Which goes with which?
A- adenine
G- guanine
T- thymine
C- cytosine
What is the genome?
Ensemble of your DNA. The sequence of letters, the ensemble.
Small sections of the genome are called…? Those are short ____ to be understood by ____.
What is the RNA?
DNA can be recoded to become RNA, to become protein, to heals, growth, etc.
What does RNA stand for?
ribonucleic acid
All cells in our body has 46 chromosomes except?
1- gametes only have 23
2- red blood cells have zero
DNA human sequence is ____% the same, thus we are ___ unique.
- 9%
0. 1%
More than ____ possible combinations arise from just two parents.
8 trillion
DNA fingerprinting:
DNA is found in almost every cell of the body, it is extracted from _____ such as bones and teeth.
DNA is found in _____, hair (if ____ ____), ____, ____ (cells from ____ ducts and mouth), ____ blood cells and any item that was ____ or ____ by suspect or victim.
skin follicular tag semen saliva - salivary white touched worn
What is a chimera? Explain why it sometimes happen?
Someone who acquired 2 DNAs in the process of embryonic development.
- 2 eggs fertilize and fuse instead of twins.
As of a dutch researcher, what % of the population is a chimera?
Why and how (2 ways) we preserve DNA?
no degradation of the DNA
1- dried and stored
2- frozen if cant be dried
Though we share most of our DNA, areas of it are ______ (meaning they take different forms) and make some parts unique to everyone.
What are the 3 types of samples that are necessary when doing DNA fingerprinting?
1- the samples found at the crime scene.
2- reference samples: victim, suspect if any
3- elimination samples: past sexual partners, first responders, everyone who worked at the crime scene or is involved in the case.
1- In order to collect DNA, which means separating from the material in which it is trapped, five steps need to be done. Name them.
PS: remember that some steps require you to name the substance that is used.
1- collect the cells
2- break up the cell membrane (to access the nucleus) - use Lysis Buffer
3- digest the protein to release the DNA with protease
4- precipitate DNA with cold alcohol.
5- determining the [ ] of DNA - how much DNA we have