- Working Class Flashcards
What were trade unions called then?
What were the function of trade unions in 1783?
They were used to pressure employers to take from a certain group onto their factory and as insurance schemes
How were trade unions insurance schemes?
Members paid a monthly fee and would be taken care and paid for if they had an accident
Who was involved in trade unions?
Rich working class such a skilled trades like tailor and weavers
What happened in 1800?
The combination acts were passed so the trade unions were banned
What happened to trade unions between 1800 - 1824?
They had less influence because of tenement being illegal. They renamed themselves to ‘friendly societies’ and were still insurance schemes
When did trade unions influence increase?
In war years 1808-15 because there were less workers so they could ask for higher wages and the employers were more likely to comply
What happened to the number of trade unions from 1800 - 1824?
They increased
Does Luddism suggest the working class to be working together?
Yes to an extent because they were in a large area with similar tactics. However they weren’t organised and didn’t achieve anything. Machines still flourished
What happened in 1824?
The combination acts were repealed
What happened after the combo acts were repealed?
Many trade unions rose and strikes happened and protested to the government.
What happened to the trade unions after 1824?
They increased in size and number
Give an example of the law being against the workers
The ‘Master and servants act’ - If the workers don’t come to work they can be imprisoned
What happened between 1820 - 30’s?
National societies were formed like the Union of Carpenters.
This was mostly just a grand title as they usually didn’t communicate and most trade unions were local and for rich working people
Do trade unions show that there is a working class?
No, it was local and they didn’t like different professions mixing
The measures weren’t national and they didn’t achieve much
What was Owenism?
A branch of socialism
What did Robert Owen want?
He wanted to make it so that the working class got better pay and better treatment and to not exploit children
What did Owen do with trade unions?
He tried to make them and change the system.
What did he make in Hampshire 1839 and in New Harmony in 1824?
He made an area where his ideals were placed like equal rights, better working conditions and equal education
What did Owen advocate for?
He wanted equal education, collectivised family life, legalised birth control and divorce.
What did the working class think about his demands?
They didn’t agree with it because it went against religion and societal norms
Who did Owenism attract?
Feminist women and religious people
What happened to Owen politically?
He tried to advocate for change but it didn’t go anywhere and resulted in no change
How was Owenism defeated?
It went against religion so people were against it
Capitalists easily crushed the settlements