Workforce Management Flashcards
Situation in which an organization shares responsibility
and liability for its alternative workers with an alternative
staffing supplier; also known as joint employment.
Termination of employment of individual employees
or groups of employees for reasons other than
performance, for example, economic necessity or
restructuring; also known as reduction in force (RIF)
Due diligence
Process of investigating a decision thoroughly before
finalizing it to identify all potential factors that could affect
the positive and negative impacts of the decision.
Independent contractors
Self-employed individuals hired on a contract basis for
specialized services.
Joint employment
Situation in which an organization shares responsibility
and liability for its alternative workers with an alternative
staffing supplier; also known as co-employment.
Judgmental forecasts
Use of information from past and present to predict future
Knowledge management (KM)
Process of creating, acquiring, sharing, and managing
knowledge to augment individual and organizational
Reduction in force (RIF)
Termination of employment of individual employees
or groups of employees for reasons other than
performance, for example, economic necessity or
restructuring; also known as downsizing.
Regression analysis
Statistical method used to determine whether a
relationship exists between variables and the strength of
the relationship.
Replacement planning
“Snapshot” assessment of the availability of qualified
backup for key positions.
Act of reorganizing the legal, ownership, operational, or
other structures of an organization
Representations of real situations; give organizations
the opportunity to speculate as to what would happen if
certain courses of action were pursued.
Succession planning
Process of implementing a talent management strategy
for identifying and fostering the development of highpotential employees or other job candidates who, over
time, may move into leadership positions of increased
Talent management
Development and integration of HR processes that retain
the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees that will
meet current and future organizational needs.
Act of replacing employees leaving an organization;
attrition or loss of employees
Turnover rate
Annualized formula that tracks number of separations
and total number of workforce employees per month.
Workforce analysis
Systematic approach to anticipate human capital needs
and data HR professionals can use to ensure that
appropriate knowledge, skills, or abilities will be available
when needed to accomplish organizational goals and
Workforce planning
Activities needed to ensure that workforce size and
competencies meet current and future organizational and
individual needs.
Workforce profile
Part of workforce analysis that identifies the current
make-up of employees in terms of their demographics,
skills, competencies, performance levels, expected
retirement dates, pay grades, and other factors that help
explain the workforce’s composition.