Relationship Management Flashcards
Emotional intelligence (EI)
Ability to be sensitive to and understand one’s own and
others’ emotions and impulses.
Process by which two or more parties work together to
reach agreement on a matter.
Process of developing mutually beneficial contacts
through the exchange of information.
Principled negotiation
Process in which negotiators aim for mutual gain,
emphasizing the need to focus on the problem instead
of personal differences and on mutually beneficial
Stakeholder concept
Concept that proposes that any organization operates
within a complex environment in which it affects and is
affected by a variety of forces or stakeholders who all
share in the value of the organization and its activities.
A process of developing mutually beneficial context through exchange of information.
Internal Contact
People with whom you interact on a regular basis in the course of your work.
External Contact
People outside the organization with whom you work regularly, colleagues and other companies, or other connections through professional associations
What are the values that a balanced network offers?
- Colleagues in the HR discipline can build and maintain the awareness of what is happening in the field
- Some individual can act as a career mentor or provide coaching on specific skills
- Highly valuable people can be connectors and give you connections to other people (Malcolm Gladwell)
What are the steps to creating a professional network?
- Give deliberate thought to who you want to include in your network
- In all social situations, introduce yourself, ask about the other person’s work and life, listen, and remember
- Make yourself more visible
- Develop your own value
- Do favors
Who are HR’s stakeholders?
- External customers including thos receiving or purchasing the organization’s products or services and those who seek a return on their investment in the organization
- Internal customers which include any number of roles in the organization (senior management, board of directors, all functions of an organization, employees, etc)
- Community
- political groups
How does culture affect the stakeholder’s perspectives in global organizations?
- Customers expectations will vary globally
- A culture that values long-term relationships, suppliers might not understand being asked to reapply for supplier status periodically, but in a country where short-term results are valued that request may be expected
- employees in different countries value different benefits
What is the key to networking?
The ability to build and sustain relationships
What are the benefits of effective relationships?
- improve the quality of communication
- incrase productivity by supporting ollaboration and enabling efficient resolution of disagreements
- create a positive work envuronment by fulfilling human needs for socialization and attachment
What are characteristics of good working relationships?
- characterized by trust and opennes
- Mutual