Work 1 Flashcards
Paul Glenn (1965) defines _____ or _____ as man’s effort applied to the production of goods. It is the effort of mind or body, partially or wholly applied to the production of utilities.
work; labor
work that is done, wholly or partially, for _____ or _____. It refers to a task which is usually done for a _____ or _____.
self-support; gain; wage; salary
Blustein (2006), _____ is about making people feel like a part of the society they live in.
Drenth (1991) defined work as a crucial activitiy for human survival, which allows _____, _____, and the _____.
cultural development; professional fulfillment; satisfaction of the needs of life
Richardson (1993) has pointed out that work serves to achieve _____ and _____ and also allows to connect the individual to society.
personal success; satisfaction
Warr (1984) also observes the negative cost of work in terms of psychological and physical _____ and _____.
stress; strain
What are the two classifications of work according to Tuazon, et al. (1978)?
Mental and Physical
This refers to those types of activities in which remembering, thinking, reasoning, judging, and others, are utilized. This has reference to out intellect like teaching, accounting, bookkeeping and the like.
Mental work
This refers to those activities where speed, coordination and intensity of muscular responses are the concern of the individual. This has reference to our body and muscles like being a laborer, janitor, construction worker and the like.
Physical work
What are the classifications of work according to Antonio Ozaeta (1986)?
Manual workers and Knowledge workers
_____ is the evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events.
“a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object.”
Work attitude
reflects an individual’s feelings and emotions towards a situation. It involves positive, neutral, or negative feelings about an object.
Shows an individual expects to behave towards a situation.
Refers to the beliefs, values and ideas a person has about the object.
Attitudes help predict _____
work behavior
Attitudes help people to adapt to their _____
work environment
Attitudes often help people to adjust to their work environment.
Adjustment function
Attitudes help people to retain their dignity and self-image.
Ego-defensive function
Attitudes provide individuals with a basis for expressing their values.
Value-expressive function
Attitudes provide standards and frames of reference that allow people to understand and perceive the world around them.
Knowledge function
It is an attitude that reflects how an individual is gratified or fulfilled by his work.
Job satisfaction
Refers to the individuals feeling of identification with and attachment to an organization.
Organizational commitment
Involvement refers to a person’s willingness to be a team member and work beyond the usual standards of the job.
Organizational involvement
Two major categories of barriers that come in the way of changing attitudes
Prior commitment and Insufficient information
_____ is when people feel a commitment towards a particular course of action that has already been agreed upon. Thus, it becomes difficult for them to change or accept the new ways of functioning.
Prior commitment
_____ also acts as a major barrier to changing attitudes. Sometimes people simply see any reason to change their attitude due to unavailability of adequate information.
Insufficient information
Some of the possible ways of changing attitudes
Providing new information
Use of fear
Resolving discrepancies
Influence of friends and peers
Sometimes a dramatic change in attitude is possible only by providing relevant and adequate information to the person concerned.
Providing new information
Attitudes can be changed through the use of fear. People might resort to change their work habit for the fear of unpleasant consequences.
Use of fear
People who face a dilemma or conflict feel confused about choosing a particular course of action.
Resolving discrepancies
A very effective way of changing one’s attitude is through his friends and colleagues.
Influence of friends and peers