Words & Expressions (4) Flashcards
Waver /ˈweɪvər/
He’s beginning to waver about staying in the job
Titubear, dudar, vacilar
Está empezando a dudar sobre si quedarse en el trabajo
Ideas, reflexiones, meditaciones
To muse
To muse on (sth)
He took weeks to muse on the question before putting pen to paper
Reflexionar sobre
Tardó semanas en reflexionar sobre el asunto antes de ponerse manos a la obra
I don’t want to grovel to the boss, but I want our plan to be approved, so I might have to do it
(Be servile) - denigrarse, humillarse, rebajarse, arrastrarse
No quiero denigrarme ante el jefe, pero quiero que aprueben nuestro plan, así que probablemente tenga que hacerlo
Abasement (or self-abasement)
Humillación, degradación
Those wretches! How dare they impersonate us!
(Despicable person) - desgraciado, despreciable
Esos desgraciados! Cómo se atreven a imitarnos
Vi - Sob
N - Sob
Rachel’s boyfriend had dumped her and she was sobbing in the girls’ restroom
It was not considered seemly to talk in such a way in front of the children
Decente, decoroso
Bask in (sth)
Meerkats enjoy basking in the sun
I bask in the warmth of my family’s love
Tumbarse, echarse (al sol)/disfrutar de algo
Los suricatos les gusta tumbarse al sol
Disfruto del calor de mi familia
To bulldoze (sb) into (sth) (figurative)
- My colleagues bulldozed me into doing the presentation
Bulldoze through (sth)
Forzar a, obligar a
Abrirse paso a empujones
The paper headlines are full of buzzwords but contain no real content at all
(Trendy term) - palabra de moda, expresión en boga
He’s always bragging about his wealth
Alardear, presumir, vanagloriarse, fanfarronear
The magician’s tricks quite bamboozled me
She was bamboozled into telling them her credit card number
(Deceive) - desorientar, desconcertar / engañar, engatusar, enredar engañar
People get a vicarious pleasure out of becoming scared when then watch horror movies
He wanted his son to become a famous surgeon to gain a vicarious sense of success.
Vicario (que tiene las veces, poder y facultades de otra o la sustituye)
To Deride
His co-workers mercilessly derided him
(Express contempt for, ridicule)
Sus compañeros lo ridiculizaban con crueldad
Yummy dogger
Galletas & lucky person
Person evasiva, evasor de impuestos, tramposo
To hobnob with someone
Evelyn spends her weekends hobnobbing with socialities in the city
Relacionarse con, codearse con….
There’s nothing as baffling as the human brain
Desconcertante, incomprensible
To baffle
If baffles me that you don’t want to come to the party
Confundir, desconcertar
John was rude all evening; his behaviour was outrageous
Intolerable, inaceptable, indignante, ofensivo
Riddled with
High schools are riddled with incompetent employees
Plagado de…
Knock (sb) up
Her boyfriend knock her up when she was 16, which put an end to her dream of being an actress
She was knocked up
To be born out of wedlock
Ser ilegítimo
(Noun) He has played as understudy to Celtic’s usual goalkeeper
(Vb) He had to undertudy Prospero
(Stand-in) - suplente
to be duped into
The newspaper was duped into publishing an untrue story
to be deceived, fooled….
To go bust
Since the start of the recession, many well-known retailers have gone bust.
Go bunkrupt
To pan out
Their attempt to start a new business didn’t pan out.
Tener éxito
ripple effect
“the ripple effect is huge when something like this happens”
Efecto dominó - the continuing and spreading results of an event or action.
Many of us find our body’s trapped in this flight or fight mode, leaving a backlog of stress in our cellular memory
To impair
Over time, chronic stress impairs our nervous system
Unwieldy / cumbersome
Difícil de manejar
To streamline
Streamline your to-do list to make it more manageable
Hacer más eficiente, racionalizar
Acquaint oneself with
Familiarialzarse con
(Intimidating) - sobrecogedor, desalentador