Word List 5 Flashcards
Auxiliary (adj)
offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary
Avarice (n)
greediness for wealth
Montaigne is correct in maintaining that it is not poverty, but rather abundance, that breeds avarice. The more shoes Imelda Marcos had, the more she craved
Aver (v)
assert confidently or declare; as used in law, state formally as a fact
The self proclaimed psychic averred that, because he had extrasensory perception on which to base his predictions, he needed no seismographs or other gadgets in order to foretell earthquakes
Avocation (n)
secondary or minor occupation
His hobby proved to be so fascinating and profitable that gradually he abandoned his regular occupation and focused on his avocation
Avuncular (adj)
like an uncle
Avuncular pride did not prevent him from noticing his nephew’s shortcomings
Awry (adv)
distorted; crooked
Axiom (n)
self0evident truth requiring no proof
The Declaration of Independence records certain self-evident truths or axioms, the first of which is “All men are created equal”. To Sherlock Holmes, it was axiomatic that the little things were infinitely the most important; he based his theory of detection oaths obvious truth
Baleful (adj)
threatening; menacing; sinister; foreshadowing
The bully’s baleful glare across the classroom warned Tim to expect trouble after school. Blood-red in colour, the planet Mars has long been associated with warfare and slaughter because of its ominous, baleful appearance
Balk (v)
stop short, as if faced with an obstacle and refuse to continue
The chief of police balked at sending his officers into the riot-torn area
Balk (v)
When the warden learned that several inmates were planning to escape, he took steps to balk their attempt
Banal (adj)
hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality
The hack writer’s worn-out cliches made his comic sketches seem banal. He even resorted to the banality of having someone slip on a banana peel!
Bandy (v)
discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly
While the president was happy to bandy patriotic generalisations with anyone who would listen to him, he refused to bandy words with unfriendly reporters at the press conference
Bane (n)
curse; cause of ruin
Lucy’s little brother was the bane of her existence, scribbling on walls with he lipsticks
Baneful (adj)
destructive, causing ruin or death
Barb (n)
sharp projection from fishhook or other objects; openly cutting remark
If you were a politician, which would you prefer, being caught on the barb of a fishhook or being subjected to malicious verbal barbs?