Word List 3 Flashcards
Anathema (n)
solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse
The Ayatollah Khomeini heaped anathema upon “the Great Satan” that is the United States. To the Ayatollah, America and the West were anathema; he loathed the democratic nations, cursing them in his dying words (anathematise v)
Ancestry (n)
family descent
David can trace his ancestry as far back as the seventeenth century, when one of his ancestors was a court trumpeter somewhere in Germany (ancestral adj)
Ancillary (adj)
serving as an air or accessory; auxiliary
In an ancillary capacity Doctor Watson was helpful; however, Holmes could not trust the good doctor to solve a perplexing case on is own
Anecdote (n)
short account of an amusing or interesting event
Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Reagan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds
hostile feeling or intent
The animus of the speaker became obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and insulting remarks
Anonymity (n)
state of being nameless; anonymous
Antecede (v)
The invention of the radiotelegraph ante-ceded the development of television by a quarter of century
Antecedents (n)
preceding events or circumstances that influences what comes later, ancestors or early background
Antipathy (n)
aversion; dislike
Tom’s extreme antipathy for disputes keeps him from getting into arguments with his temperamental wife
Antiquated (adj)
obsolete; outdated
Accustomed to editing his papers on word processors, Philip though typewrites were too antiquated for him to use
Apathy (n)
lack of caring; indifference
Apex (n)
tip; summit; climax
At the apex of my career i can easily kiss Hilary Clinton
Aplomb (n)
poise; assurance
Gwen’s aplomb in handling potential embarrassing moments was legendary around the office
Apocryphal (adj)
spurious; not authentic; invented rather than true
Although many versions exist of the famous story of Emerson’s visit to Thoreau in jail, in his writings Thoreau never mentions any such visits by Emerson, and so the tale is most likely apocryphal
Apolitical (adj)
having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs