Word List 44 Flashcards
Somnolent (adj)
half asleep
The heavy meal and the overheated room made us all somnolent and indifferent to the speaker
Sophist (n)
teacher of philosophy; quibbler
You are using all the devices of a sophist in trying to prove your case; your argument is specious
Sophistry (n)
seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning
Instead of advancing valid arguments, he tried to overwhelm his audience with a flood of sophistries
Sophomoric (adj)
immature; half baked like a sophomore
The humour in Dumb & Dumber is sophomoric at best
Soporific (adj)
sleep causing, marked by sleepiness
Prof Albert’s lecture was so soporific that even he fell asleep in class
Spasmodic (adj)
fitful; periodic
The spasmodic coughing in the auditorium annoyed the performers
Specious (adj)
seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading
Spendthrifts (n)
someone who wastes money
Sphinx-like (adj)
enigmatic; mysterious
The Mona Lisa’s sphinx like expression has puzzled art lovers for centuries
Squalor (n)
filth; degradation; dirty; neglected state
Staid (adj)
sober; sedate
Stalwart (adj)
strong; brawny; steadfast
His consistent support to the party has proved that he is a stalwart and loyal member
Stickler (n)
perfectionist; person who insists things be exact
The IRS agent was a stickler for accuracy
Stigma (n)
token of disgrace; brand
Stipend (n)
pay for services