Word List 34 Flashcards
Palpable (adj)
tangible; easily perceptible
After knee surgery, David noticed a palpable bump or swelling below his knee
Palpable (v)
throb; flutter
As she became excited, her heart began to palpitate more and more erratically
Paltry (adj)
insignificant; petty; trifling This is a paltry sum to pay for such a high-class piece of jewellery
Panacea (n)
cure-all; remedy for all diseases
Panache (n)
flair; flamboyance
Many performers imitated Noel Coward, but few had his panache and sense of style
Pandemonium (n)
wild tumult
When the ships collided in the harbour, pandemonium broke out among the passengers
Pander (n)
cater to the low desires of others
The reviewer accused the makers of Lethal Weapon for pandering to the masses’ taste for violence
Panegyric (n)
formal praise
Blushing all the praise heaped upon him by the speakers, the modest hero said “I don’t deserve such panegyrics.”
Parable (n)
short; simple story teaching a moral
Paradigm (m)
model; example; pattern
Paradox (n)
something apparently contradictory in nature
Paragon (n)
model of perfection
Her fellow students disliked Lavinia because Miss Minchin always pointed her out as a paragon of virtue
Paraphernalia (n)
equipment; odds and ends
Her desk was cluttered with paper, pen an ink, dictionary and other paraphernalia of the writing craft
Pariah (n)
social outcast
Parochial (adj)
narrow in outlook; provincial