WoB Marriage Quotes Flashcards
Prologue: quote about woe in marriage and how many husbands she’s had
“To speke of wo that is in mariage;
For, lordinges, sith I twelve yeer was of age, (…)
Housbondes at chirche dore I have had five”
Quote about definition of husbands allowed
“Yet herde I nevere tellen in myn age
Upon this nombre diffinicioun”
Bigamy quote
But of no nombre mencion made he,
Of bigamie, or of octonomie;
Why sholde men thanne speke of it vileynie?
Who does she mention in we bigamy argument
King Soloman, Lameth, Abraham and Jacob
The wife blesses God for what?
Yblessed be God that I have wedded five!
Welcome the sixte, whan that evere he shal.
The wife’s religious argument for valuing wives as high as virgins
I nil envye no virginitee. Lat hem he breed of pured whete-seed, And lat us wives hoten barly-breed; And yet with barly-breed, Mark telle kan, Oure Lord Jhesu refresshed many a man.
The wife’s husband will be what to her?
Which shal be bothe my dettour and my thral.
Upstarts the Pardoner - why should he marry?
Pardoner: I was aboute to wedde a wyf; allas,
What sholde I bye it in my flessh so deere?
What is the wife an expert of?
Tribulacion in mariage,
Of which I am expert in al myn age
The Pardoner wishes to learn from the wife’s tale
Pardoner: Telle forth youre tale, spareth no man,
And teche us yonge men of youre praktike.
How many of her husbands were good and how many bad?
As thre of hem were goode, and two were badde.
The freedom the wife believes she should be a given as a wife
Thou sholdest seye, “Wyf, go wher thee liste;
Taak youre disport, I wol nat leve no talis.
I knowe yow for a trewe wyf, dame Alis.”
One of the analogies the wife uses to describe what she did to her fourth husband
But certeinly, I made folk swich cheere
That in his owene grece I made him frie
For angre, and for verray jalousie.
By God! In erthe I was his purgatorie
What happens when her manipulation doesn’t work with Jankin?
For that I rente out of his book a leef,
That of the strook myn ere wax al deef.
Stibourn I was as is a leonesse
And of my tonge a verray jangleresse
What part of Ecclesiastes did Jankin strongly believe in?
That ilke proverbe of Ecclesiaste
Where he comandeth, and forbedeth faste,
Man shal nat suffre his wyf go roule aboute.
What are of the things in Jankin’s book, other than parables and books by clerks such as St Jerome?
To reden on this book of wikked wives. He knew of hem mo legendes and lives Than been of goode wives in the Bible. For trusteth wel, it is an impossible That any clerk wol speke good of wives
Tale: what are widows considered?
And many a widwe, for that they been wise