AMND Critics and Interpretations (A03) Flashcards
Dan Rebellato
From responsibility to the borderlines of respectability.
‘When they return to Athens the relationships have reorganised themselves for the better as it is a comedy’.
Alexandra Leggat
Individuality is at particularly low ebb in Shakespearean comedy.
Samuel Pepys
The most insipid ridiculous play that ever I saw in my life (1662)
Susan Snyder
Comedy, beginning in turmoil but ending in harmony, celebrates life.
John Morreall
In the comic vision…authority and tradition are threatened and tested rather than blindly accepted…Comedy goes out of its way to expose authority figures for their pretences.
Fool are the only plain honest men who speak truth.
Do we care or do we accept that what a comedy wants you to do is accept your social identity?
The comedy brings you together and gives you an identity through coupling not through isolation.
Dan Rebellato on the forest
The forest is a magical place - when they get there all of the rigid relationships set up in the first act become loosened. They are physically transformed and transformed in their relationships.
Figuration of Gender and Power in Elizabethan Culture’: I explore this dialectic within a specifically Elizabethan context of cultural production: the interplay between representations of gender and power in a stratified society in which authority is everywhere, that is, except at the top
A joke is a metaphorical mask behind which lurk aggressive or obscene thoughts.
Langley - social roles
I often get the sensation that people are disappointed by the end of Shakespearean comedies as it seems people retreat into social roles, they agree to just fit in.
Jonathan Dollimore
Do these plays reinforce the dominant order or do they interrogate it to the point of subversion?
BBC RSC Live TV Production (interpretation)
The scene where Bottom and Titania meet is played, Bottom has the outfit of a bricklayer and an East London accent, where Titania is played by Judie Dench.
Hoffman Film Production (Interpretation)
The film sticks to the script - the fairies are dressed very fairy-like, Puck with horns etc.
Classical Comics Graphic Novel version of the play (interpretation)
Puck is more childlike is a satyr, artform is very colourful.
2016 Emma Rice Production at the Globe Theatre
Titania, Hippolyta, Theseus and Oberon are played by the same two people, Helena was changed to a man named ‘Helenus’, there was song and dance etc.