Volpone Act 1 Quotes Flashcards
Scene 1: first Volpone lines about his shrine
“Good morning to the day ; and, next, my gold: / Open the shrine, that I may see my saint.”
Scene 1: Volpone quotes about his love of money he wishes to kiss it
“Let me kiss, / With adoration, thee, and every relic / Of sacred treasure in this room.”
Scene 1: Volpone quote on his love for money with mythological / religious comparisons
“Riches, the dumb god that giv’st all men tongues”
Scene 1: Mosca quote on money vs wisdom in nature
“Riches are in fortune / A greater good than wisdom is in nature.”
Scene 1: Volpone on the pleasure of gaining money
“Yet, I glory / More in the cunning purchase of my wealth, / Than in the glad possession.”
Scene 1: Volpone quote about the greedy hopes of the other birds visiting him
“With hope, that when I die, which they expect / Each greedy minute, it shall then return / Tenfold upon them (…) “playing with their hopes, / And am content to coin ‘em into profit.”
Scene 2: quotes from the song about fools
“Fools, they are the only nation / Worth men’s envy, or admiration (…) All they speak, or do, is sterling (…) His very face begetteth laughter, / And he speaks truth”
Scene 2: Volpone quote about the birds of prey visiting him believing he is dying
“Vulture, kite, / Raven, and gorcrow, all my birds of prey, / That think me turning carcass, now they come”
Scene 2: Volpone reference to the fox and crow fable
“And not a fox / Stretched on the earth, with fine delusive sleights, / Mocking a gaping crow?”
Scene 2: Mosca quote on the effect of rich clothing on disguising a fool
“Hood an ass with reverend purple, / So you can hide his two ambitious ears, / And he shall pass for a cathedral doctor.”
Scene 3: Mosca quote about age
“Age will conquer.”
Scene 4: Mosca tells Volpone’s view on doctors
“Most of your doctors are the greater danger, / And worse disease, t’escape. (…) they flay a man, before they kill him.”
Scene 4: Corbaccio’s reaction to hearing bad news about Volpone’s health
"O, good." "Good." "'Tis good." "Good symptoms, still." "I conceive you, good."
Scene 4: Corbaccio feels younger as a benefit from Volpone’s illness
“sure I shall outlast him: / This makes me young again, a score of years.”
Scene 4: example of Corbaccio’s bad hearing
Mosca: “Your worship is a precious ass -
Corbaccio: “What say’st thou?
Mosca: “I do desire your worship, to make haste, sir.”
Scene 4: Volpone on old age - death called on, sense
“death so often called on, (…) their limbs faint, / Their sense dull, their seeing, hearing, going, / All dead before them (…) And all turns to air!”
Scene 5: Mosca quote about heirs laughing and weeping
“The weeping of an heir should still be laughter, / Under a visor.”
Scene 5: Corvino’s insult to Volpone believing he is deaf
“His nose is like a common sewer, still running.”
Scene 5: quotes of Mosca’s description of Celia - White, bright
“A beauty, ripe, as harvest! / Whose skin is whiter than a swan, all over! / Than silver, snow, or lilies! (…) Bright as your gold, and lovely, as your gold!”