AMND Act 3 Quotes Flashcards
Scene 1: Quotes about how the “ladies” will react to the Mechanicals’ play.
Bot: “First, Pyramus must / draw a sword to kill himself; which the ladies can- / not abide.” […]
Snout: “Will not the ladies be afeard of the lion?”
Bot: “A lion among ladies is a / most dreadful thing […] Tell them plainly he is Snug the joiner.”
Scene 1: Bottom on how the wall must be presented
“Some man or other must present Wall […] and let him hold his / fingers thus, and through that cranny shall Pyramus / and Thisbe whisper.”
Scene 1: When Puck enters
Puck: “What hempen homespuns have we swaggering here, / So near the cradle of the Fairy Queen?”
Scene 1: Mistakes in the play that the Bottom and Flute make
Bot. “Thisbe, the flowers of odious savours sweet-
Quin. “Odorous! Odorous!” […]
Flu. “I’ll meet thee, Pyramus, at Ninny’s tomb.”
Quin. “Ninus’ tomb, man!”
Scene 1: Puck taunts the Mechanicals
“I’ll follow you: I’ll lead you about a round! / Through bog, through bush, through brake, through / briar.”
Scene 1: Bottom’s reaction to his friends running away.
“Why do they run away? This is a knavery of them / to make me afeard”
Scene 1: Ironic Bottom quotes about being an ass.
“You see an ass-head of your own, / do you? […] I see their knavery: this is to make an ass of me, to / fright me, if they could. But I will not stir from this / place, do what they can; I will walk up and down / here, and I will sing, that they shall hear I am not / afraid.” [Sings]
Scene 1: Bottom quote on love and reason
Titania: “I love thee.”
Bot. “Methinks, mistress, you should have little reason for / that. And yet, to say the truth, reason and love / keep little company together nowadays.”
Scene 1: Titania quote about the moon (reference to Artemis/Diana)
“The moon, methinks, looks with a watery eye, / And when she weeps, weeps every little flower, / Lamenting some enforced chastity. / Tie up my love’s tongue, bring him silently.”
Scene 2: Puck says Titania is in love with something
“My mistress with a monster is in love.”
Scene 2: Puck describes the Mechanicals insultingly
“Rude mechanicals, / That work for bread upon Athenian stalls (…) The shallowest thick-skin of that barren sort”
Scene 2: What Puck does to the mechanicals
“An ass’s mole I fixed on his head (…) Their sense thus weak, lost with their fears thus strong, / Made senseless things begin to do them wrong: / For briars and thorns at their apparel snatch (…) I led them on in distracted fear (…) Titania wak’d, and straightaway lov’d an ass.”
Scene 2: Demetrius and Hermia arguing- he is driving her up the wall with anger. She believes he has slain Lysander.
Dem: “I had rather give his carcase to my hounds”
Her: “Out, dog! Out, cur! Thou driv’st me past the bounds / Of maiden’s patience. Has thou slain him then?”
Scene 2: Demetrius and Hermia arguing - she makes him out to be a snake
Her: “Could not a worm, an adder, do so much? An adder did it; for with doubler tongue / Than thine, thou serpent, never adder stung!”
Dem: “You spend your passion on a mispris’d mood: / I am not guilty of Lysander’s blood”
Scene 2: Puck quote about mortals
“Lord, what fools these mortals be!”
Scene 2: Helena’s reaction to Demetrius waking and falling in love with her
“O spite! O hell! I see you are all bent / To set against me for your merriment. (…) You are both rivals, and love Hermia; / And now both rivals to mock Helena.”
Scene 2: Helena taking about her childhood friendship with Hermia
“Is all counsel that we two have shar’d, / The sisters’ vows, the hours that we have spent (…) As if our hands, our sides, voices and minds, / Had been incorporate. So we grew together”
Scene 2: quotes of Lys and Dem saying they love Helena
Lys: “My love, my life, my soul, fair Helena!” (…)
Dem: “I say I love thee more than he can do.”
Scene 2: Hermia’s disbelief about Lys saying he loves Helena
“Hate me? Wherefor? O me! What news, my love? / Am I not Hermia? Are you not Lysander?”
Scene 2: Hermia accuses Helena of stealing her love and insults her.
“O me! You juggler! You canker-blossom! / You thief of love! (…) And you are grown so high in his esteem / Because I am so dwarfish and so low? (…) But that my nails can reach into thine eyes.”
Scene 2: Helena and Lysander insult Hermia
Hel: “O, when she is angry, she is keen and shrewd; / She was a vixen when she went to school, / And though she be but little, she is fierce.” (…)
Lys: “Get you gone, you dwarf; / You minimus, of hindering knot-grass made; You bead, you acorn.””
Scene 2: Oberon plans the whole event to seem a dream
“When they next wake, all this derision / Shall seem a dream and fruitless vision (…) and all things shall be peace.”
Scene 2: Puck quotes about the ending of night
Puck: “For night’s swift dragons cut the clouds full fast; / And yonder shines Aurora’s harbinger, / At whose approach, ghosts wandering here and there / Troop home to churchyards.” (…)
Obe: “But we are spirits of another sort”
Scene 2: Puck confuses the lovers in the forest till they sleep
“Two of both kinds makes up four. / Here she comes, curst and sad: / Cupid is a knavish lad / Thus to make poor females mad!” (…)
“Jack shall have Jill, / Nought shall go ill; / The man shall have his made again, and all shall be well.”