WMD Flashcards
What does CBRNE stand for
chemical biological radiological nuclear explosives
A chemical’s toxicity depends on what
Does, duration and route of exposure
What are the 3 chemical threats
CWA (chemical weapon agents)
TIC (toxic industrial chemicals *most dangerous to bomb techs)
EPC (explosive precursor chemicals)
What is the most important thing to remember as a bomb tech when dealing with chemicals
Inhalation (APR/SCBA)
absorption (PPE splash suit/gloves)
injection (frag/shrapnel)
ingestion (modified level B protects against all 4)
What are 4 types of chemical agents intended for use in warfare
- Blister agents (mustard gas),
- blood agents (cyanide),
- choking agents(chlorine),
- nerve agents (VX nerve gas)
Can bomb squads delegate bomb squad functions to HAZMAT teams
no, bomb squads must clear all explosives hazards first
What field detection method is employed to detect bio logical threats
there is no suitable field detection method
What are the 4 types of biological threats agents
bacteria, viruses, toxins, other
If you locate caster beans what should that tell you
You are dealing with a ricin lab
What makes up an atom
Nucleus made up of protons and neutrons surrounded by a negatively charged electrons
Adding or replacing neutrons gives you different what
When in proximity to ALPHA particles what is a safe distance
1-2 inches
Smoke detectors contain a small amount of what
alpha emitter
When in proximity to beta particles what is a safe distance
20 feet, can be shielded by plastic, affects skin, eyes, internal organs
When in proximity to gamma rays what is a safe distance
100 feet, can be shielded by lead. affects the whole body
When in proximity to neutron radiation what is a safe distance
several hundred feet in the air, can be shielded by water. affects the whole body
What is the difference between exposure and contamination
smelling dog shit is exposure, stepping in it is contamination
When absorbing radiation what is the difference between dose and dose rate
dose would mean how much radiation you are absorbing
dose rate would mean how long you were exposed to the does
A person’s yearly average radiation exposure rate is what
620 mrem/yr
What is the difference between chronic and acute exposure
chronic: small exposure/long period of time
acute: large exposure/short period of time
When dealing with radiation you want to limit your exposure As Low As reasonably Achievable (ALARA)
Time distance and shielding 2X4 rule (double the distance you only get 1/4 Rads
In an IND (Improvised Nuclear Device) what is present
What are the 2 classifications of IND’s
RDD’s(radiological dispersal device)
RED’s (radiological exposure device)
When using HRM radiation detection device, what types of radiation does it detect
neutron and gamma