Rigging Flashcards
Is rigging an option when the situation is life threatening and the area cannot withstand a detonation?
What is rigging?
Semi-remote procedures involving the use of rope system to remotely deal with improvised explosive devices and suspect packages
When and why would you use rigging?
In conjunction with other tools
to move a package from point A to B
To remotely perform SAD after RSP or remote opening procedures
What are other options to rigging?
robot and hand entry
When is rigging not a viable option?
The situation is life threatening
The area cannot withstand a detonation
When is rigging a good option?
The package is inaccessible to the robot
A robot is not available
Hand removal is not justified ( only risk life to save life)
What can happen if you use rigging on a device?
The package can become more hazardous (piss it off)
Cause detonation
correct a malfunctioning circuit
How do you determine route of extraction?
most direct route, hazards in the area, avoiding greater hazards, the package (size ect.), expertise and equipment available.
What must you know before rigging?
Is the situation life-threatening, can the area withstand a detonation, and your limitations
What factors affect the rigging operations
Situation, Size and weight of package, Location of package
What are the three types of rigging?
1 line, 2 line, multi line
What are the pros and cons of a 1 line system
Pro: Is the quickest and least confusing to set up and operate.
Cons: involves dragging the package, requires hands on to correct malfunction
What are the pros and cons of a 2 line system
Pro: Permits correction of malfunctions, allows package to be lifted over things, package can go in reverse, increases operator’s flexibility and safety
Cons: Still a mostly dragging operation, is more confusing than one line system
What are the pros and cons of a multi line system
Pros: uses a drag assembly to allow package to be suspended in the air
Cons: its complicated to set up and operate, requires a lot of training, must be carefully thought out
What does the base line do?
suspends the package throughout the operation
What does the working line do?
lifts the package from where it is placed and moves target
What does the auxiliary line do?
moves the package over obstacles, performs corrective actions, is a back-up for the primary system
What happens during the execution phase of rigging?
make 1 approach, attach the line to package last, return to safe area, complete system set up in safe area, operate system, apply wait time
What happens during the planning of rigging
removal and transport, containment, pictures/ X-rays, tech responsibilities, countercharge
What are the safety precautions during rigging
Minimize time on target, user serviceable equipment, beware of booby traps, ensure: slack in the line, lines laid properly, personnel are clear, you are clear of lines use clear exit paths don't disturb attached lines maintain a safe distance, beware of flying objects from hardware breaking Maintain positive control of lines try to avoid detonation avoid jerking lines
How should you correct malfunctions in a system
attempt to correct remotely
observe safety precautions
Do not use hand removal
When should you attach lines to a package
Last, just before returning to the safe area
What is the greatest advantage to the one line system
fastest and easiest rigging system
What is the greatest advantage of the two line system
Allows reversal of package