Demolition Procedures-Non Electric Flashcards
A safety fuse system consists of what 3 components
Igniter, time fuse, non-electic cap
A shock tube system consists of what 2 components
shock tube/ primadet, shock tube firing device
What are 7 different types of fuses
- matches
- pull wire fuse lighter
- hot wire fuse igniter
- m-60 igniter
- m81-igniter
- safety fuse
- time fuse m-700
What explosives does time fuse contain
black powder
What explosives does det cord contain
HMX (high melting explosive) white
Time fuse and det cord can both be OD green, how do you tell them apart
time fuse will have a black core, det cord will have a white or pink core, and time fuse will have markings on the casing
What is an easy way to identify an M7 military non-electric blasting cap
M7 has a flared tip
What is the most sensitive portion of the explosive train
blasting cap
What blasting cap is equivalent to the military m7 blasting cap
8 civilian cap
When attaching a blasting cap, what is the first thing you do upon receiving the cap
Look for obstructions and condition inside of the cap
obstructions, dents, water, moisture.
What 3 steps do you preform when preparing safety (time) fuse for use
- tie a knot in the non-working end of time fuse
- cut and dispose of 6 inches of time fuse from the free end
- cut and test burn 3 ft of time fuse (50 ft downwind) to determine the burn rate per foot.
How far away from explosives should a test burn be conducted
minimum of 50 ft downwind from explosives, use safe separation time (SST) and burn time (BT) to determine burn rate (BR).
What components make up crimpers
crimp jaw, cutting jaw, screw driver, priming spike, stop stamp
List steps when performing cap procedures
maintain positive control at all times, full arm’s length, inspect inside and outside of cap, safety fuse vertical at full arm’s lenght, slip cap over safety fuse, create a marriage crimp 1/8-1/4 from open end, fully crimp,
When priming explosives what part of the crimping tool is used
priming spike
How do you prime explosives to prepare for cap insertion
insert priming spike in explosives creating large pocket to accept cap (s).
Upon inserting a non-electric blasting cap into an explosive what should be done to the fuse to avoid it curling back and burning through itself
weigh the time fuse down in two places with dirt or sand 12”-18” from each end
Prior to igniting time fuse or firing a charge, what safety measure must be conducted
give 3 “fire in the hole!” alerts
What are measures you can implement to prevent misfires with time fuse
use dual firing system, follow all steps, secure caps in charge (taped), don’t bury caps, capping procedures, avoid moisture in caps
When clearing non-electric misfires
allow 60 minutes plus burn time
use minimal personnel to clear misfire (no more than 2)
counter charge the misfire
What are the advantages of time fuse
minimum amount of equipment, not subject to premature detonation due to static or stray currents
What are the disadvantages of time fuse
there is no control after system has initiated, misfires require a 60 min what time
What is primadet
primadet is shock tube with non-electric blasting cap already affixed to the tube
What is the detonation velocity of primadet
6500 fps