Wk3 - Facial muscles Flashcards
All the muscles of facial expression are supplied by what nerve?
Facial nerve
The muscle of facial expression have formed from what pharyngeal arch?
2nd pharyngeal arch
Frontalis muscle
Muscle in forehead which wrinkles the skin and raises the eyebrow
Muscle fibres run up into forehead
Epicranial aponeurosis
Flattened tendon that runs over the vault of the skull
Raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the skin
The epicranial aponeurosis attaches to what?
The dermis of the skin
What are the 2 parts of the orbicularis oculi?
Orbital part and palpebral part
Describe the orbital part of the orbicularis oculi and what it allows you to do
Coarser fibres shaped like an ellipsis which allow you to close your eyes tightly
Describe the palpebral part of the orbicularis oculi muscle and what it allows you to do.
Fine skeletal muscle fibres which allow you to blink
What is the medial palpebral ligament?
A node of connective tissue that serves as an attachment for
Describe the procerus muscles and what they do.
- Found on either side of the bridge of the nose
- When they contract it gives an impression of concentration (draws ends of eyebrows together)
Describe the levator labii superioris muscle and what it does.
- Skeletal muscle fibres coming from above the lip
- Elevates the upper lip
Describe the depressor labii inferioris muscle and what it does.
- Skeletal muscle fibre coming from the bottom lip
- Pulls the lower lip down
Describe the levator anguli oris muscle and what it does.
- Comes from high up near the orbit to the corner of the mouth
- pulls the corner of the mouth up (elevates the angle of the mouth)
- is under voluntary control
What does the depressor anguli oris muscle do?
Pulls down the corner of the mouth
What does the risorius muscle do?
Pulls the corner of the mouth out to the side
Describe the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle and what it does.
Comes down to upper lip and sends a branch to the side of the nose which raises the side of the nose
Small muscle
Elevates upper lip