Wk10 Health Beliefs Flashcards
What are 3 types of health related behaviours?
- A health behaviour aims to prevent disease
- An illness behaviour aims to seek remedy
- A sick role behaviour aims at getting well
What are causes of preventable ill health?
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Lack of exercise
- Dangerous driving
- Substance misuse
- Alcohol Consumption
What is attribution theory?
- Individuals are motivated to see their social world as predictable and controllable
- There is a need to understand causality
- Attribution theory focuses on attributions of causality
What is the criteria of attributions?
- Distinctiveness - cause specific to an individual carrying out the behaviour
- Consensus - cause of a behaviour would be shared by others
- Consistency over time - same attribution of causality made at other time
- Consistency over modality - same attribution would be made in a difference situations
What is attribution theory?
Individuals are motivated to see their social world as predictable and controllable
There is a need to understand causality
Attribution theory focuses on attributions of causality
•Internal versus external - succeed = we attribute to ourselves
Fail = attribute to outside/environment
•Stable versus unstable
•Controllable versus uncontrollable
4 cognitive factors involved in people believing negative behaviour factors won’t influence them
- Lack of personal experience of the problem
- The belief that they problem is preventable by individual action
- The belief that the problem has not yet appeared, it will appear in the future
- The belief that the problem is infrequent
What is risk compensation?
Where there are competing desires, eat cake and also stay slim.
Some opt for the healthy approach
Others show risk compensation, I can eat cake today as I go to the gym tonight.
People believe one set of risk behaviours can be off set by a healthy behaviour.
May explain why people don’t stick to dietary and exercise programmes
Must persuade patients of issues - graphic adverts
Measure of the health locus of control
•If an individual believes their health is controllable by them
Or whether
•Their health is not controllable by them or in their hands
What is health belief model?
Helps to explain and predict health behaviours
A person will take a health related action if they think that
1.By doing so a health condition can will avoided
2.They expect that they can avoid the negative health condition by doing this behaviour
3.They believe that they can successfully take this health action
Example is Breast Screening, Cervical Screening, wearing a condom
What are the main factors of the health belief model?
- The perceived susceptibility of the disease
- The perceived severity of the disease
- The perceived benefits of taking action
- The perceived barriers to performing actions
What are the revisions of the health belief model?
- health motivation
- demographic variables
- psychosocial variables
- cues to action
What are interventions using health belief model?
Using the HBM to design interventions has provided very effective
•Explore a persons perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits and barriers as well as any cues.
•These perceived perceptions of threat and benefits can be improved through education.
What is the theory of planned behaviour?
- Attitude toward act/behaviour
- Subjected norm (societal factors)
- Perceived behavioural control
What are interventions using the theory of planned behaviour?
Reviews of evidence have shown that interventions using TPB can lead to significant behaviour change.
What are the keys to a longer happier life?
- To maintain a sense of purpose
- positive relationships
- healthy habits including eating healthy
- sufficient exercise
- sufficient sleep
What are the implications for practice?
A person is more likely to undertake a health related behaviour when they believe that:
- Their health is important
- They are susceptible to a health threat which could have serious consequences
- The proposed action will be effective and does not have too many costs
- Others approve of the action and their approval is important
- They can successfully carry out the action