Wk 2 Vocab Flashcards
Joint movement, extremity is moved away from the medial plane of the body.
The socket portion of the ball-and-socket hip joint. Formed at the junction of the ilium, ischium, and pubic bone of the pelvis.
Joint movement, extremity is moved toward the medial plane of the body.
the part of the arm or forelimb between the brachium and the carpus
Articular cartilage
the smooth, white tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints
Articular process
projections of the vertebra that serve the purpose of fitting with an adjacent vertebra.
bone in your neck. It’s the first one, and it serves the purpose of allowing your head to move backward and forward.
Axial skeleton
made up of the bones in your head, neck, back and chest.
forms the pivot upon which the first cervical vertebra (the Atlas), which carries the head, rotates
Bone marrow
found in the center of most bones and has many blood vessels. There are two types of bone marrow: red and yellow.
the arm, specifically the upper arm from shoulder to elbow.
having a relatively broad, short skull (usually with the breadth at least 80 percent of the length
Calcaneal tuberosity
a raised projection located between the tendons of the peroneus longus and brevis.
A hormone formed by the C cells of the thyroid gland. It helps maintain a healthy level of calcium in the blood.
a small channel or duct
Cancellous bone
spongy bone or trabecular bone, is characterized by its spongy, porous, honeycomb-like structure and is typically found at the ends of long bones.
the group of small bones between the main part of the forelimb and the metacarpus in terrestrial vertebrates. The eight bones of the human carpus form the wrist and part of the hand, and are arranged in two rows
of a vertebrate animal) having a skeleton of cartilage
the circular (or, more precisely, conical) movement of a body part, such as a ball-and-socket joint or the eye.
a rounded protuberance at the end of some bones, forming an articulation with another bone
Costal cartilage
The costal cartilages are bars of hyaline cartilage that serve to prolong the ribs forward and contribute to the elasticity of the walls of the thorax. Costal cartilage is only found at the anterior ends of the ribs, providing medial extension
the shaft or central part of a long bone.
A diarthrosis joint is a freely moving joint characterized by its mobility and joint cavity within a synovial membrane encased in the joint capsule. Diarthrodial joints are also known as true joint or movable joint, or synovial joint, that allows free movement of the joints.
The digits have a universal labeling system using the anatomical position of the hand (palm facing anteriorly) as reference. Going from lateral to medial, they are named thumb (digit 1), index finger (digit 2), middle finger (digit 3), ring finger (digit 4) and little finger (digit 5).
having a relatively long skull (typically with the breadth less than 80 [or 75] percent of the length).
; The endosteum lines the Haversian canal and all the internal cavities of the bone