Wk 17: Paediatrics OTC Flashcards
What is the usual temperature taken in different places of the body?
- Rectal: 0.5 higher
- Underarm: 0.5 lower
What are the presentations of pyrexia?
- Irritability
- Not eating
- Clingy
- Cold/cough
- Inc RR
When would you refer for a child with pyrexia?
under 3 months REFER - unless post immunisation
What are the differential diagnosis of pyrexia?
- URTI - viral + self limiting, earache = bacterial
- UTI - scarring urinary tract REFER
- Meningitis - REFER (glass test)
What is the treatment for pyrexia?
- Paracetamol: 3 months
- Ibuprofen: 3 months + >5kg
- Fluids
What are the doses for paracetamol?
Every 4-6 hrs:
- 3-5 months: 2.5ml
- 6-23 months: 5ml
- 2-3 yrs: 7.5ml
- 4-5 yrs: 10ml
- 6-7 yrs: 5ml
- 8-9 yrs: 7.5ml
- 10-11: 10ml
What are the requirements for the diagnosis of atopic eczema?
Itchy in last 12 months + 3/more:
- Hx of skin creases
- Atopic illness
- Dry skin in last year
- Under 2
- Visible flexural eczema
What is the presentation of atopic eczema?
- Lesions most/weeping
- Skin thickened lichenified
- Darker skin appear papular
What are children with atopic eczema more prone to?
- Herpes simplex infection
- Staphylococcal folliculitis secondary infection due to emollients/occlusive dressing
When would you refer atopic eczema?
- Severe
- Psoriasis or herpetic complications: eye involvement
- Treatment failure
- 2ndry infection
What are the OTC treatment for atopic eczema?
- Emollient
- Antihistamine esp sedating (chloramphenamine) - helps nocturnal itch
- Corticosteroids - not under 10
What are the lifestyle advice for atopic eczema?
- Avoid irritants: house dust mite, perfumed bath oils, wool + pet dander
- Add emollient to bath water or soap substitute
- Liberally apply the emollient
- Beware of slippy baths + naked flames
What are the symptoms of teething?
3 months - 3 yrs:
- Pain
- Swollen gums
- Red, hot checks
- Excessive dribbling
- Nappy rash
- Change to sleep pattern
What is the treatment for teething?
- Paracetamol/ibuprofen suspensions
- Topical teething gels: lidocaine
What is the cause of colic?
- Immature GI tract
- Milk/lactose intolerance
- Excessive gas swallowing on feed
What are the presentations of colic?
- Pulling arms + legs
- Persistent/spasmodic bouts of crying
- Difficult to console
- More often in evening
What is the treatment for colic?
- Dimethicone
- Red surface tension allow gas bubbles to join
What is the treatment for constipation?
- Glycerin suppositories
- Dietary advice: fruit/veg + fluids
What is the typical presentation of threadworms?
Nocturnal perianal itching
How is thread worms transmitted?
- Faecal
- Retro infection
- Inhalation
When do you refer for threadworms?
- Treatment failure
- 2ndry infection
What is the treatment for thread worms?
- Avoid in pregnancy (teratogenic)
- For 2 yrs
What are the counselling points for treating thread worms?
- Treat entire family
- Repeat after 14 days to avoid reinfection
- Nails kept short + clean
- Scrub nails + hands after toilet + before meals
- Wash bed linen daily if possible
- Wear underwear under night clothes to prevent scratching
What is the first line for head lice?
- Dimethicone
- Vamousse
- Avoid alcoholic prep in asthmatics
What is the counselling points for the treatment of head lice?
- Wet comg throughout treatment period + after to prevent re-infestation
- Repeat after 7 days