Wk 10 Endocrine & Cardiovascular System Flashcards
How do hormones travel around the body?
Travels via (through) the bloodstream
What type of tissue would you think to find in endocrine organs?
- Simple Columnar Epithelium
- Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Nervous System’s Chemical messenger?
Endocrine System’s Chemical messenger?
(Nervous system) How does the signal reach the cells its targeting?
(Endocrine System) How does the signal reach the cells its targeting?
Nervous system’s Response time?
Always quick
Endocrine System’s Response time?
Slow or fast
(Nervous System) Length of time of effects?
(Endocrine System) Length of time of effects?
Long or short
(Nervous System) Spread of effects?
“Highly specific”
(Endocrine System) Spread of effects?
More general
The heart can be found in the mediastinum. Explain where that is inside the body.
“Central compartment between lungs that includes the heart”
List the heart’s great vessels:
- Superior vena cava
- Inferior vena cava
- Pulmonary trunk
- Pulmonary arteries
- Pulmonary veins
- Ascending aorta
What is the function of the pericardium?
-Protects large vessels & heart
- Lubricates as way to reduce friction between Heart & structures surrounding it.
What are the layers of the heart itself?
- Epicardium (outer layer)
- Myocardium (middle, muscular layer)
- Endocardium (inner layer)
What is the most abundant cell found in the heart?
Cardiomyocytes (CMs), Fibroblasts (FBs), Endothelial cells (ECs), and Peri-vascular cells
(National Library of Medicine, 2017).
What type of intercellular junction allows for the passage of ions and allows heart muscle cells
to contract synchronously?
Intercalated discs
List the conductive system of the heart in order:
- Sinoatrial node = Pacemaker & sets sinus rhythm
- Electrical signals are spread across the atria.
- Atrioventricular node = Delays SA node’s impulse
- Junctional rhythm = Happens “when AV sets to heart rate”
- Atrioventricular bundle = “Routes signal into interventricular system”
- Right & Left bundle branches = Transports signal to heart’s apex
- Pirkinje fibers = Send “signals from apex to contractile cells inside ventricles” (Schultz).
Hypothalamus’ function & location:
- Function: Regulates (controls) pituitary gland
- Location: below thalamus & above pituitary gland
Anterior Pituitary gland’s function & location:
- Function: Regulates reproduction, growth, and metabolism through its hormones.
“1. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
stimulates gamete production
2. Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates
production of sex hormones
─ triggers ovulation in females
3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
stimulates thyroid hormone release
4. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
causes ↑ secretion from adrenal cortex
5. Growth hormone (GH) promotes
growth of body tissues
6. Prolactin (PRL) promotes milk
production” - Location: Grandular anterior location of Pituitary gland
Posterior Pituitary gland’s function & location:
function: Stores & secretes hormones made by hypothalamus (Antidiuertic hormone (ADH) & Oxytocin (OT)
location: Posterior region of Pituitary gland
Pineal gland’s function & location:
- Location: Attached to epithalamus
- Function: Gets info. about state of light-dark cycle from environment & carry this info by making & releasing the Melatonin hormone
Thyroid gland’s location & function:
- location: Anterior neck
- function: Makes hormones that control the body’s metabolic rate, growth & development, heart, muscle, digestive task, brain development, & bone maintenance: Calcitonin & Thyroid hormone
Parathyroid gland’s location & function:
- location: Posterior region of Thyroid gland
- function: Makes & releases Parathyroid hormone, which increases blood calcium levels
Pancreas’ location & function:
- location: Posterior to Stomach
- Function:
1. Makes insulin hormone
*Decrease blood glucose *
1. Makes Glucagon
Increase blood glucose
1. Makes Enzyme
Adrenal cortex’s location & function:
- location: Adrenal gland’s outer layer
- function: Makes hormones (Aldosterone, Cortisol, & Andogrens)
~Aldosterone = Increases blood sodium & decreases blood potassium levels
~Cortisol = Increases blood glucose & inhibits (holds back) inflammation
~ Andogrens = Increase/boost sex hormones made by gonads
Adrenal medulla’s location & function:
- location: Adrenal gland’s inner layer
- function: Releases hormone (Epinephrine & Norepinephrine)
~Promotion of fight-or-flight response to acute stress
Ovaries’ location & function:
- location: Intrabdominal & superior to uterus
- function: Releases ova & makes sex hormones
~Estrogen: Controls menstrual cycle & develops sex characeristics
~Progesterone: Prepares body for pregnancy & helps to keep it.
Testes’ location & function:
- location: In Scrotum of Penis
- function:
~Makes sperm
~ Makes sex hormones:
`Testosterone = Triggers secondary sex characteristics & sperm production