wk 1 formative Flashcards
Which layer of the uterine wall is responsible for regenerating the tissue that is lost during menstruation?
stratum basalis
Which time point does the ovaries contain the greatest number of germ cells?
7 months gestation
What is the structure called that forms from the follicle following ovulation, contains theca and granulosa derived cells, and continues to produce progesterone for about 2 weeks post-ovulation?
corpus luteum
A 30-year-old pregnant woman undergoes a routine ultrasound scan. The scan reveals a normal pregnancy, however she has two uteri.
What is the most likely embryonic explanation?
incomplete fusion of paramesonephric duct
In males, which structure develops to form the vas deferens (ductus deferens)
mesonephric duct
In females, which structure develops to form the superior portion of the vagina?
paramesonephric duct
A couple attend an infertility clinic. She has had a hysterectomy as management for grade 1b endometrial cancer. All infertility investigations are normal, including normal female ovarian reserve and semen analysis.
What treatment option should be discussed?
A couple attend an infertility clinic. The man had a vasectomy 5 years ago and was shown to be azoospermic following this.
What treatment option should be offered initially?
ICSI treatment with sperm obtained by surgical sperm aspiration
A couple attend an infertility clinic. Investigations for the man show he has obstructive azoospermia.
Which genetic condition is the most likely cause of this condition?
cystic fibrosis
A 28yo female and 30yo male have been actively trying to conceive for the past 2 years, without success.
What proportion of couples require assessment of infertility in the UK?
1 in 6
A couple are undergoing IVF and are booking to attend for embryo transfer.
At which stage in embryo development is embryo transfer most successful?
A couple present with a 5 year history of unexplained infertility. What is the best course of treatment?
-> After 3 years of unexplained infertility, the chance of spontaneous fertility is low and therefore IVF treatment is recommended.
A couple present to discuss assisted conception options. The man has had a vasectomy 3 years ago. What is the best option?
surgical sperm retrieval + ICSI
A woman presents with multiple small painful ulcers on her genitalia and a flu-like illness. She is unable to urinate due to discomfort. You suspect Herpes Simplex infection.
What is the best course of treatment?
A couple have undergone investigations for infertility, which has shown the cause to be due to male factor. What proportion of patients undergoing infertility treatment are a result of male factor?
where does spermatogenesis occur in a testicle?
seminiferous tubules
A woman presents in her 3rd trimester with pelvic pain. What structures relax in pregnancy, which could be contributing to her pelvic pain?
pelvic inlet
You are observing a woman in the 2nd stage of labour. You can see the vertex advancing. Which structures on the fetal skull outline the vertex?
anterior + posterior fontanelles + parietal eminences
A non-sexually active woman presents with a vaginal discharge which contains bubbles and has an offensive smell.
What is the most likely infection?
bacterial vaginosis
You review a patient in clinic with abnormal menstrual bleeding. Following a thorough assessment, you diagnose dysfunctional menstrual bleeding. What proportion of women with abnormal uterine bleeding will be caused by dysfunctional uterine bleeding?
Changes in the Endometrium in the luteal phase are direct effect of which hormone?
How long does the luteal phase last in the menstrual cycle?
-> luteal phase is fixed at 14days
A 70 year old woman presents with vaginal bleeding. An examination is performed and endometrial biopsy is obtained. What information is NOT required when submitting an endometrial biopsy for examination?
Select one:
Date of last menstrual period
Hormonal therapy
Pattern of bleeding
Number of pregnancies
number of pregnancies
Following a dilation and curettage for a missed miscarriage the pathology report states that this is a “complete hydatidiform mole” (CHM).
What is this at higher risk of turning in to, when compared with partial moles?