What is important to note with witchcraft?
Victims (the accused)
The accuser (also victims of sickness, death, and crops dying) (Stress drove them to believe there were witches among)
What was Magic in Early Modernity?
Magic traditions in Christianity and Europe
: resurrection, transubstantiation, miracles, etc.
*There are also magical folk practice
Magic and Religion solved different problems, what were they?
Magic: Short term
- solves immediate problems like illness, bad luck, unfulfilling personal relationships
- interconnected disciplines: astrology, palmistry, etc.
Religion: Long term
- solves big, long-term problems about the afterlife, morality, and cosmic justice
*Religion also gives life meaning
What does the Clergy think about Magic?
Magic challenges religion’s explanatory power = Clergy treat magic as a rival
What was the renaissance natural magic?
Masculine intellectual tradition of renaissance
- Use natural materials (not spirits) to cause changes in the world
related to alchemy, astronomy, and astrology
Two big natural magic followers:
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
Marsilio Ficino
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463 – 1494): young upstart magician who became an acolyte of Savonarola and burned his books, assassinated by a fellow practitioner
*Marsilio Ficino (1433 – 1499): Catholic priest and scholar of natural magic (especially astronomy/astrology)
*Accused and acquitted of heresy
Were the witch hunts solely catholic or protestant?
Was everywhere
Both Protestant and Catholic clergy saw themselves as direct competitors to magic
*And accused each other of being magic-adjacent
*Protestants: the Catholic Church’s emphasis on ritual, hierarchy, and mystery is basically magic
*Catholics: the Protestant emphasis on autonomous interpretation opens the door to demonic forces
What is Idolatry?
Worshipping something that is Not God (ex. devil, a cool rock u found, eric)
What is Heresy?
Worshiping God according to wrong belief (ex. Protestants and Catholics accuse each other of this)
What is Superstition?
Worshiping God the wrong way (ex. Folk practice, kind of hedging bets with God)
Smaller crime then other two
What is a witch?
You are one with alliance with the Devil (gain power!)
How is power conveyed to Witch?
*Sex with the devil
*A deal with the devil in which the witch hands over their soul
What did Witches do?
*Flying ointment
*Killing infants and new mothers
*Killing cattle
What were witches “accessories”?
Who qualified as witches?
- Both men and women
- People outside expected gender roles were targeted:
Masterless women: women who have no man (husband, father, brother, etc.) to govern them
*Women who have never married or had children
*Men who are disagreeable (didn;t get along with other men), have no children, either married to accused witches or unmarried
Witchcraft accusations are highly regional