What is the key takeaway?
- European politics shifted towards centralized
- More “modern” ideas of international law
- Tensions of reformation sometimes broke out into open war and often left rulers torn between their faith and their political interests
What was happening in Spain?
- Spanish Crown suffers bankruptcies (1557- 1647)
*Spain also struggles diplomatically = should it ally with Catholic states OR should it do what’s best for Spain
How did Spain and Portugal avoid the religious fragmentation that rocks Western Europe?
*The Inquisition is a major factor in this
*Another factor is that Luther wrote primarily in German, which means his work always needs to be translated and diminishes his appeal
What is happening in Italy? (Via religious conflict)
*There is a concerted Protestant movement in Italy (mostly Calvinist and Anabaptist, centred on Venice) but the efforts of the Catholic Church diminish it significant
What’s the deal with the Holy Roman Empire and religion?
Confessional conflicts
- Holy Roman Empire has 3 archbishops (Catholic) and 4 electors
- Half the secular electors became protestant =Schmalkaldic War (1546-1547) and Second Schmalkaldic War (1552)
- Wanted everyone to be catholic
*The Holy Roman Emperor abdicates (of a monarch renounce one’s throne) in the messy aftermath
*1555: Peace of Augsburg grants princes the right to choose their religion
What is the Peace of Augsburg?
1555: grants princes the right to choose their religion
Which country was the powerhouse of europe?
French Wars of Religion weaken French monarchy, but it still remains the strongest state in Europe
What happened in Dutch Revolt (1566–1648)? And how did that lead to a conflict with Spain?
- Charles 5th of Spain inherits the Netherlands (through his paternal Habsburg family when he ascends the throne of Spain in 1515)
- Netherlands became heavily Protestant following the Reformation and eventually becomes majority-Calvinist (Dutch Reformed
- Dutch Calvinism escalates into the beeldenstorm riots (Retaliation by the forces of the Spanish Duke of Alba)
- conflict would continue in multiple phases for roughly 80 years as the nascent Dutch Republic pushed out Spain bit by bit
What was happening in Eastern Europe? (Polish-Lithuania - Political system)
- Union of the Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1569)
- Before 1569 they were governed by union (marriage) -> officially united by their son
- Used system: Parliamentary system (Sejm) and elective monarch
- King is Elected by Nobels (if he dies, maybe son rules, maybe not)
- The General Sejm (commonwealth parliament) met at least every 2 years and could veto the king
What was happening in Eastern Europe? (Polish-Lithuania - Facts about it)
- Largest and richest country in Europe = close to silk road
- Most religiously diverse (best place to be jewish)
- Unlike anything else happening in Europe
- Expansion of serfdom in the sixteenth century
What is happening in Northern Europe? ( Norway-Denmark)
What is happening in Northern Europe? ( Sweden)
Economy runs on mineral extraction
What happened with scandinavian monarchs and religon? (Northern region in Europe)
Over the course of the sixteenth century, all Scandinavian monarchs adopt Lutheranism and make it the state religion
Explain the Breakup of the Kalmar Union?
*The Kalmar Union: a series of marriages mean that between 1397-1520 the three kingdoms of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden were ruled by the same monarch
*Divergent interests within the three countries (especially Sweden’s dissatisfaction) leads to rebellion, the dissolution of the Kalmar Union, and the installation of Gustav I as King of Sweden
*Norway and Denmark split up as well
What is happening in England with Tudor dynasty?
New, young dynasty that has come to power via the War of the Roses; somewhat seen as upstarts initially; really clear branding
(The House of Tudor was an English and Welsh dynasty that held the throne of England from 1485 to 1603)