What is the key takeaway?
The demand for commodities was so large it incentivizes the expansion of slave trade and abuse of enslaved people
What was the basis for discrimination with Medieval slavery?
Religion not race
What does the Development of the caravel (small fast ship) let people do?
sail greater distances faster and more safely
*1441: Portuguese traders sailing down the African coast first capture and enslave Africans
*C. 1502: the first African enslaved people are transported to South America
How do the debates over who can be enslaved change over time?
*16th century: Valladolid debates exclude Africans (see lectures on the New World for a refresher)
*17th century: John Locke argues that enemies defeated in a “just war” can be enslaved
*18th century: Rise of scientific racis
What was “race” first used for?
What is Code Noir (1685) ?
governs the institution of slavery in all French colonies
*Writes that slaves can be of any race or religion, but the subtitle of the document directly refers to Black people
Rise of the Curse of Ham justification for slavery, what is it?
Thing with Noah
had three sons in bible
- He cursed one of his sons and made him black
- So all black ppl are cursed? (some logic like that)
Which country is the big slave trader?
Where are enslaved africans from in africa?
West africa
Where does sugar grow?
*Sugar requires a tropical climate
*Grows best on flat land, close to water
*Initially grown on the South American continent, but Caribbean islands eclipse the continent by the 1650
How is sugar grown?
*Sugarcane is a kind of grass & can be propagated from cuttings of the cane
*A majority of the world’s sugar cane was still harvested by hand (or by machete) as of 2016
What is a Sugar island?
an island whose economy was either entirely or principally devoted to the production of sugar
*Sugar grows well at scale, you can grow more of it by clear-cutting land and building massive plantations
Were plantations and refineries at the same spot, or separate businesses?
Initially, plantations and refineries were separate businesses but, on the Caribbean sugar island, planters realized that they can also refine sugar on their own premises
What were the two kinds of labour for enslaved men on sugar plants?
- On the plantation = healthy men and boys
*Cutting and propagating sticky sugarcane in the hot sun (often disease or machete accidents) - In the boiling house = injured men, older men, young boys
*Supervising the boiling sugar syrup in the dark, smoky, humid boiling house
(Sugar sticks to you as it burns you)
What did enslaved women do on sugar plants?
ancillary work (support work)
*Enslaved women gave birth to the next generation of slaves = this is an area of resistance