What is the key take-away of the print revolution?
The European development of print and print culture comes out of the culture of the Renaissance and is deeply influenced by humanism.
However, the printing press also serves as a technology that changes European culture forever (Side note: Printing seen as business invention)
What is the northern renaissance? and how does it spread?
Italian Renaissance spreads north
*Powerful people commissioning & buying Italian art’
*Italian artists move north for more business opportunities, start ateliers and schools, and bring their techniques and ideas with them.
How were renaissance ideas circulated at the time?
Where was the northern renaissance?
*Centred on Germany and the Low Countries (the Netherlands & Belgium)
Where were centers of the Northern Renaissance? (Places)
- Urban movement: (cities (in city-states or small dukedoms/principalities) are centers)
- Centers of craft and trade as hubs for patronage: (textile trade, Ulm becomes a center of print)
- Holy Roman Empire enables cultural exchange (networking between crafts ppl and scholars)
What were common themes in northern renaissance art?
Northern Renaissance uses:
- more oil paint
- natural light
- emphasis on depicting human emotion
- allegory
- more urban / domestic themes (based in country they are painted - ex. mary gets told about Jesus pregnancy in cluttered dutch kitchen)
- Printmaking and engraving
Is the gothic style looked down upon in the north?
No, used in art and architecture
Explain the Arnofini portrait:
By: Jan van Eyck
- Dutch artist painting an Italian married couple (her rumored dead- pale, he wears black, mirror (dead jesus= her side)
Strict use of renaissance perspective and proportion
Who was Albrecht Dürer? (and describe his two paintings)
Germain painter (did Hozier one)
Self portrait
- Uses trinity sign pointed towards himself
Also: black and white painting of angry angels (?)
- Allegory for depression
- emotion and melancholy (painting doesn’t have to make sense, its the emptions u get from it)
What did Pieter Bruegel the Elder paint?
Seven deadly sins paintings
- educates on sins (ex, wrath)
- Ur supposed to feel upset about this and not be a sinner
Who is Johannes Gutenburg?
Born Mainz (important city of holy roman empire)
Printing press guy (developed in n Strasbourg)
Business in Mainz
Questionable businessman (sued for not paying back loans - bankruptcy)
Recognized for achievements before death: (nice funeral - grave and church destroyed now tho)
What is the Gutenberg bible?
*One of the first significant books to be printed in Europe
*Latin Vulgate Bible
*Printed on parchment and vellum
*Oil-based ink that adheres better to the metal type (this is one of Gutenberg’s key innovations)
*Promotion for Gutenberg and his press Print was a business!
*49 copies survive!!!
How do you operate a printing machine?
- Letters are individually set in the frame, then they are inked
- The press literally pressed the inked letters onto the page
-The metal type used was why his ink invention was important
(think like big stamps u had to re arrange)
How to operate a a printing press business?
*Running a print shop required a lot of workers
*Typesetters, pressers, pullers
*Apprentices for every position in the print shop
- High start-up costs, but high volume if successful
- Try get a monopoly (ex. u print all documents for a bishop)
How did language change with the printing press?
Transition from Þ(thorn) to Y
thee - thou to you. Why? Cuz y replaced Þ
- Þ(thorn) has thee sound
What are the 3 main consequences of print?
- Fast
-Evade censorship (if sneaky and quick enough)
-Promotes literacy (now “best sellers”)
What is print culture? (it’s on the rise)
*When print is a primary way of communicating novel ideas, when print is central to people’s lives
*Importantly, print does not entirely replace hand-writing (manuscript)
How were Luther and Columbus related to print culture?
Luther: translated bible to German
- people can access the Bible in a language they actually read = huge factor in Reformation
Columbus: Rise of travel journals
Why did all this happen in North and not Italy?
- history of art print
- Apprenticeship and journeyman system: encouraged intellectual exchange and technological experimentation
- Different relationship to technology (still like classics but not turned off by new ideas)