Wissen Flashcards
Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg Auf Der Wartburg
- 1845 in Dresden
- fünfte vollendete Oper-danach nur Mythen/
- 1861 Paris mit Ballet(Flop)
- Dauer 3-3.15h
- Nimmt Wolfram von Eschenbach der in seiner letzten Oper Parsifal spielt
- 3.Akte(T. Im Venusberg-Rückkehr zur Wartburg und Dienst zu Maria-begegnet Elizabeth/Gesangwettstreit und offenbart Venusberg/Buße nach Rom- El. Wartet und stirbt - T. Kommt und stirbt aber Vergebung)
Frank Stella
•Retro at Whitney(2015)
•57y career
•black paintings(1959-shocking at moma)-tombstones for expressionism and birth of minimalism
•found art coolness beyond cool(found pollock and Kooning too vulnerable)
Francis Bacon
- 1909-1992 in Dublin dies Madrid
- close to Beckett
- last works”self portrait” (1976)-Not concerned w death but creating new form-sometimes disturbing form that says art is only created by the living
- playing w ghostly and shadowy to create excitement and mystery through entire body of work
Paris Imprisonment of society- Philosophy of life
“Metro, boulot, dodo”
French Revolution
Paris Commune/Great Terror
French Revolution
•14.7.1789 storm of Bastille
•Louis 16 wanted to be loved by people and maintain traditional institutions
•1791 flight to northeastern border
•1792 Declared war on Austria in hopes that they would attack Paris and arrest the radicals
•birth to Universal human rights, extension of voting rights, emancipation of jews first successful slave revolt and abolition of slavery, use of terror as an instrument of government, police state, called a personality
•founding fathers Lafayette(not celebrated and considered simpleton) Robespierre(dies of guillotine)and Napoleon
•1794 abolition of slavery(mostly Because British Plot was feared to disrupt French Commerce abroad)
Great Terror (1793/94)
- Robiespierre(beheaded 1794) ordered 2,639 executions and 30-40k nationwide-total victims approx 250k
- result of difficult situation the revolutionist found themselves
Commune of Paris (1871) working poor killed(17-35k dead) many exiles to colonies- leftist and nationalists
•Gustave Courbet(President of federation des artistes) wrongly accused of destroying vendom
•troops sent by Adolphe Thiers-communards killed archbishop and two generals and set buildings on fire( petroleuse women who probably didn’t exist)
•resistance for trying to do disarm Paris and cannons at Montmartre
•disorder as lost war to Prussia and famine
•first dictatorship of proletariat/montee au mur( at Pierre lachaise for commemoration of shot ppl at that wall)
Vladimir Nabukov
-1899-1977 (St.Petersburg-Suisse)
-Russischer schriftsteller phyrotechnischer erzaehler von Geschichten
-had to flee Russia for revolution
-gay brother who was killed in camp and father was accidentally shot in London
-Lolita(1955 Humphrey Humphrey might be Jewish? Small hints of his heritage- not explicit not to give the character a certain stereotype-H. Fleeing Europe and the cruelty” those to whom evil is done, will do evil in return)
-lived in Berlin
-poets synonym V.Sirin
-wife vera-deeply in love and trusted opinion-complained about little letters back(hers don’t survive)-later affairs w others/she saved Lolita from trash(to have a Vera)
-best work in English and liked Usa(took what he needed-kitch-materialism)”I’m
An American writer”
Werke: Lolita/ Pale Fire (hint of protagonist is kept in a gulag- same as Lolita just a hint- never mentions political events of his time explicit in his books)”The Gift”(last novel in Russian)
Joyce Carol Oats
-1938 in NYC
-Mehrfach fuer pullitzer nominiert
-loves boxing
-pyrotechnical qualities of imagination but very predictable
-teaches in Princeton
-characters don’t live outside book
-Like dickens but represent an exact observation of society
-publishes many books in many genre
Werke:”the accursed”(2013)- gothic historic academic novel of ideas(mystic: vampires, ghosts etc mixed w famous ppl Wilson Roosevelt -started writing in 1981-evil can be attractive and make us accomplices)
•Wife of Justinian/(520 C.E in Antioch)
•former mistress of rich
•father was a respectable bear trainer in the circus
•beautiful as a goddess
•was protected by Serverus(“Chalcedon”God and humanity in Christ 512-518)
•stayed loyal to him
J. Conquered North Africa and issues “compendia” of Roman law
•redid “Hagia Sofia”(holy wisdom)
•she became Virgin Mary to J. Almighty God
•she could break the rules and protected followers of Serverus and prostitutes
Black Death(Art)
- 1348 first appearance
- Siena and Florence half of inhabitants died–biggest proportion of mankind perished
- Pisa(fresco by Francesco Traini about plague” Triumph of Death)
- change of depiction of art (Christ as authority and pushed to foreground(fearfulness confront death)Andrea Orcagna “Enthroned Christ” st. Novella
- Duccio
- “Ma Paese”(my town or my city)rival to Florence
- Simone Martini(1284-1344)–duccios pupil–European fame “annunciation”1333 in uffizi(wall of gold-Maria seems unhappy
- amrogio Lorenzetti(uffizi-larger figures than normal-fully developed architectural rendering in medieval art-range of colors)
- Pietro Lorenzetti(1290-1348) brother(basilica of Assisi lower church chapel-“Entry into Jerusalem”1320-30-upper corner temptation of Adam-beginning of sin and arrival of Jesus as salvation)
- Palazzo Pubblico(1297-1342)
- -sala del congnsilio-“Maesta” by Martini (1315)-looks like tapestry and “Sienese captain” biggest landscape till up to date
- -Sala Della Pace- Allegory of good and bad government (A.lorenzetti 1338)commune of Siena w Justice and Pace (seems bored n nothing to do)-amazing and most important landscape and civic pride
Nuremberg code
- 1947
- first, shortest and most uncompromising ethical code and regulation
- no legal authority
- voluntary consent/no children and other not capable of deciding/fully informed about about nature, duration and purpose
- 1944-1974 U.S conducted multiple test w radiation, hepatitis to children in orphanage till
- 1964 Declaration of Helsinki - still no legal authority(no placebos if effective treatment is available)
- arguments of nazis: would have died anyway and life at stake of troops in extreme circumstances
- Belmont report(1978- no studies on humans without consent-law!!!)
Bruno Pontecorvo
- 1913-1993
- Prestigious Pontecorvo prize since 1995 for discoveries in nuclear sience
- Russian spy and communist
- said never to have worked on bombs
- worked under enrico fermi in Rome
- lack of world class apparatus hindered him to more discoveries
Martin Wong
- 1946 to 1999
- Chinese American
- death of AIDS
- brick by brick slum cityscapes
- bohemian life
- won a ceramic price at de young museum-used glitter, had to give back and abondend it
- MoMA owns “Attorney street w poem by piñero”
- ots of sign language
- after lsd trip gave his work away short before a show
Sophie Täuber-Arp
Swiss artist
1916) vertical
horizontal composition
Dadaists then abstract
Peter Stamm
1963 in konstanz
-Swiss German
-novels tend to refocus(often flee something without knowing what it is-relationship that flourish are abandoned etc.)
-stripped down objective style and books are short
-shortlist of international booker price 2013
-sense of reality by leaving things out
-banality and realness of character-don’t sound smarter than they are
W:”All days are nights”(artist who doesn’t want to repeat his art but out of inspiration till meet tv art presenter who got disfigured in car crash-he draws her and they become lovers-got laid off and gets in stimulation of work-breakdown and Jill rescues him to become teacher)
“Agnes”(1998-first novel/popular-simple and haunting-parable w/o message/Swiss German who meets writer in Chicago-to amuse her he writes story of their relationship-nice then darker side)
“Seven Years”(best/climax that others don’t-German architect cheats on beautiful wife w ugly unsophisticated polish)
Regina Ullmann
Schweiz 1884-1961 Bavaria)
Much correspondence w Rilke and copied him
poet and writer
pre-modern alpine settings
very moral
resembled a peasant woman and talked little.
W:”Die Landstrasse”(1921-12 stories dream and sermon like)
Svetlana Alliluyeva (-2011)
Stalins daughter
- mother committed suicide
- fled to USA and moved a lot
- wrote books(letter to my friend) but lost money to marriage and overspending
- Stalin eliminated most of her mothers family on bogus charge
- loved her father and knew about crimes(said she avoided him after but letters prove differently
- never found love and many disastrous marriages-affairs
- left two older children in Russia-later tried to reconnect
Joseph Stalin
1878-1953 Born in Georgia
•enrolled in theological school
•convicted for banditry and send to Siberia(escaped)
•beat as child
•after revolution one of top 4 next to Lenin
•Lenin’s testament said to remove dangerous man(Stalin insulted lenins wife after informing him for trotskys victory in battle
•Stalin was ruthless when conquering Georgia)
•hitler called him”genius” and tiger
•responsible of 15M deaths(1932-33- 4M Ukrainians by famine called Holodomor)
•in 06 poll states that half population see him as positive figure
•collectivization(taking away land from 100 million Russian peasants)
•btw.46-52 convicted 1M for political crimes
•his “team”:Vyacheslav Molotov”deput”/Ananstas Mikoyan/Nikita Khrushchev
•genius of Adminstrations
•1928 Control of russia And made peasants again to only producers of food and instudrial workers to be able to compete with Europe (killed millions by taking away food for city)
•tiredness reader of books and reports and was aware and gave all executive orders
Nicolas Fabri Peiresc
- 1580 to 1637
- polymath and collected antiquarians
Elvis Presley
- walk in Sam Philipps record label studio to do record for mum (1953)
- sang “thats all right”(R&B became rock n roll)
- Off stage polite but bomb on stage
- hound dog first 1-and rest is history(originally from black Wilkie Mae R&B but written by Jewish teenagers as blues number)
- saw himself more as ballad singer than R&B
Herculaneum Rolls
-papyrus rolls found 1752 in “villa papiri”
Ernest Hemingway
•Suicide by gunshot
•disciple of Gertrude stein and Ezra pound
•mother dressed him as a girl(also had androgynous feelings and obsession with hair)
•young men in early work lives in moral code(only answer to themselves-if living up to own heroic ideal-jake Barnes)
•refers to himself and others in letters as “male”–afraid to talk about himself in “I”
•wished to find someone to merge as”one”
•Stein early on mentor:”start over again and concentrate”
•loved and obsessed with guns, hunting,safari
•childish, brutal abusive man who wanted to possess woman and defeat nature
•1954 Nobel Prize
•big influence of his friend Joyce as he introduced frankness,sex,style
•Hemingway heros were not the “he-man” and beacon of masculinity but cowards and traumatized men
•KGB recruited him in 1930 but no evidence he worked for them
•never starved and first marriage w heiress Hadley Richardson
•wanted to write like cezanne painted- with all tricks and then breaking whole thing down an build “real thing”(his draft and 2nd version differ completely- leaves out and creates mystery)
•wasn’t gender breaking(him wanting to be female) but loved the forbidden and reversal as like the hunter changes to the hunted
“Sun also rises”(1926-original “lost generation but Stein disagrees so juxtaposition)”Two-hearted River”
“Old man and the Sea”(1952- answer to faulkners acceptance speech for Nobel price-could write a book better and straighter without tricks and rhetoric)
“A Farewell to Arms”
Salem (Hexenjagd)
- Children of village acting odd(daughters of town minister)
- Arthur Millers “the Crucible”
- Indian woman Tituba held responsible and beaten to confession/reverend George Bourroughs as ringleader
- judge John Hathorne(ancestor of Nathaniel)/later lieutenant governor of Boston
- spread out to neighboring towns
- merciless William Stoughton as prosecutor and trials through autumn till doubt raised/dismissed charges and later paid reparations to some families
Many theories but one is that accusers were poorer folks in town interior blame rich merchants and farmers( social change)
-mass hangings
Arthur Miler
1915 in Harlem
-Jewish immigrants
-topics often from newspaper or stories his friend told him
- voice of middle class
W:”View from the Bridge”(Eddie many surprised impulses that don’t add up- Freudian mess)”All my Sons”(1947- first hit on broadway)”The Crucible”(1953)
-Daughter of herodias(wife and sister in law of Herodes which John complained about )who wished John the Baptist head on a silver platter when father grants her every wish. In love with him
But rejected.
-Symbol of Lust
Adaptions by Wilde,Strauss and Flaubert
Dance of 7 veils
Caravaggios painting (Malta in exile)
Ludwig van Beethoven
- first symphony (1799-1800) when he was 30 and established in Vienna
- loss of hearing started 1796(25y)personal crisis
- 1802 Heilgenstadt Testament(Suizid), never sent and found after death which resulted in Eroica(broke classical tradition and added scale and complexity)which was dedicated to Napoleon till he crowned himself(B.scratched out name)
- wrote two Symphonies together(one radical one conservative
- 10y pause followed to 9th(first w choral- ist develops from premonition to embodiment-process of composing itself)
- wanted to move audience like Schiller did w his plays (esp. Robbers)
- op.130 ending seperated to own “große Fuge” with Opus 133- and 130 last completed composition
- notations in scripts are rich in implications for performers
- archduke Rudolph (brother of emperor) was his pupil in composition and his patron and talented pianist
- huge public funeral
- neglected his later works(abstruse/impressed Mozart 1787 w his piano improvisation(memorized all his improvs-lots in his “variations”)
- shifted the emphasis of music to ending(before normally in 1st movement)
- music like thought or speech-he wants us to hear effort and struggle
- Style of Mozart and Haydn
- composed 2nd symphony Revolution of freeing music- prevailing conventions of harmony and structure
- ask performer to have courage to play his piece- later he was abrupt /no continuity and disconnected (piano sonata 111) 3rd symphony •Eroica”- First named “Bonaparte” but ripped name off after disappointment
- C# in 7 bar was first note of modern music(Wagner)
- last work opus 131-Stravinsky”perfect inevitable inalterable(best ever written)—>Schubert asked to hear it before his death
- on death day shakes fists to heaven and thunderstorm appeared(last words: plaudite amicis, comoedia finita est-applaud friends, the comedy is over)
- Political man: freedom for men- right and responsibilities at same time/
- late piano sonatas restless and sound incomplete
- 1815: sought custody of his nephew Karl when his brother died as he disliked his sister In law
- 1819 start of Missa solemnis for ceremonial installation of archduke Rudolph
- disdained nobility but needed it to live
Q:”symphonie:triumph of its art”
The mysteries of Paris
Eugène sue /published 1842
•greatest best seller of all time
•presented in installments m(ppl couldn’t wait for next)
•Paris by night(crime prostitution poverty-killer-prostitute and disguised aristocrat)
•Sue entered into working class-elected to assembly and later expelled by NapoleonIII
•to be continued story in Journal des debats
•rival to Balzac (did same novels)
•replied to readers letters and socialist reform
•first critique on society and government
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- lost life in resistance and plotting to Hitler
- found value of hilaratas(joy and comfort in good humor and being happy)
- letters from prison critique focus on human weakness and boundaries
- worked and protected by brother-in-law Hans Von dohnjani
- visit to NYC and black churches formed his ideas(underwhelmed by students)
- Confessing Church(doctrine against nazism-but to soft for him)
- gay
Paul Durand-Ruel
- Paris Art dealer-specialist in Impressionism
- affability and iron will
- first bought on romantics and barbizon(courbert)
- 1872 introduced to Manet and bought all/later Pissarro,Renoir and monet
- organized first show in NYC in 1886
- owned 15k paintings(1500 Renoir/1000monet)
- first to show Gauguin and Bonnard(not a fan)
William Blake(Poet)
- Almost forgotten at his lifetime and rediscovered
- engraver and illustrator(Milton paradise lost or Dante inferno)
- said to be mad(saw angels in trees-visions)
Andrea del Sarto
•Florentine painter and master of Giorgio Vasari(who never forgave him that he didn’t advance his career in France and become most sublime painter)
•trained as goldsmith(like Brunelleschi)
•created chalk drawings and soft edge painting and seem very modern
•focuses on few central figures and neglects details(portrait of young man and block/book)
Artist without errors(senza errori)but overshadowed by Raphael Michelangelo and davinci
Peggy Guggenheim
-survived titanic except father(gambled fortune before)
-beat by first husband artist Laurence veil and affect w Beckett
1959 Muséum by frank Lloyd Wright by Solomon
Peggy G. Collection in Venice 1951
-5 husbands and 400 men
-bought paintings during nazi time(controversy)
-shallow and sometimes crude humor
-affair and helped Max Ernst to escape
-helped pollock who was handyman at solomons
Albert Speer
1905 Mannheim to 1966
•Convicted to prison but arguably should have been hanged
•hitlers architect and later made fortune on his books
•improvised first Nuremberg meeting with Lichtdom and then became H. Fav. Architect
•planned on largest dome(72story skyscraper)
•ordered Jews to mines for his stones
•minister for Armaments and war production
1606(performed 1611)
- gunpowder plot months before
- play is cursed and never mention title-referring as “Scottish play”
- Scotland:M. Prophecy by witches that he will be king of Scotland- ambition and pressed by wife he kills King Duncan(stabbed in bed)-wrecked w guilt and paranoia
- tyrannical ruler and more murders to protect himself of suspicion(kills Banquo and France escapes
- bloodbath and civil war takes them into madness(sees banquos ghost) and death
Eduard Manet
1832 in Paris to 1883
- boycotted first impressionist exhibit in 1874
- his conversion when seeing change in industrialization leisure and fashion
- models sat long sessions and paintings looked hazy
- jealous of monets success(salon 1866 better reception)
- radical technical innovation 1870s(abandoning of chiaroscuro-suppression of half tones)
- always worked to complete in time for Paris salon
- his 1860s work was inspired by old masters like titian Velazquez Goya Vermeer,even tho he denied it
- dismissed plein-air till 1870(“In the Garden”“The Railway of 1872-1873)but unable to embrace and explore to replicate light and coloristic modeling and not at ease w softer fragmented brushwork
- his views on Venice (1875) most fully realized Impressionism work
- learned in workshop of beaux arts
- Olympia(1863-2y before showing-1865 scandal of year-real woman nude no goddess-black cat symbol of sin and superstition-prostitutue-looked unfinished as brushwork can be seen - similar to Titian w dog in uffizi)
- le fifre (no background behind boy)
- Le dejeuner sur lherbe (1863-scandal-naked woman and second girl too big
- prositute theme in nana(Zola book) rejected at salon in 1877
Harry Houdini
Born Erich Weiss in Budapest:Jewish
•attracted to his nemesis the psychic Mina Crandon(sensation who could move objects and talk to brother)
•started as clairvoyant and believed in spirits like his friend sir Arthur Conan Doyle but later tried to debunk spiritualism as a con and shut it down(disguised went to seances and interrupted)-took. Advantage of human morning
•used toes like fingers and detector mind
•not a great illusionist-lacked mystery and atmosphere
•wanted to baffle with challenge of death
•moves to USA when 4
•Named himself after a 19th century watchmaker and magician
•married to his assistant German Bess
•terrible actor in silent movies but wrote his own stories to create fuss
•died at 52-allegedly by a puncg in stomach as he could last any hit-but medically appendix bursted abs he refused to go to hospital
•not political but did take on police that was feared especially in Germany and made fool
1903” siberian transport cell”-getting out of a safe on wheels
•”Chinese water torture cell” -head first lowered glass fronted box
Orson Welles
1905 in Wisconsin 1985
- temper, dismissing of reality of monies and hiding when crisis loomed
-Rita haysworth 2nd wife and “Lady in Shanghai”
-Italy mid of 40s(scared of McCarthy?
-peaked early and devolved in fiascos
-stage debut as Sorrow child of Madame butterfly and Broadway debut w.19 as tybalt(Romeo&juliet) and star of theatre and also Radio(Halloween 1938”war of worlds-fake news about arrival of Martians)
-American Brecht
-“Kane” on newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst and cowritten w Mankiewicz/”Amberson” next movie about Midwestern family in decline but W. Left early for other project
-last movie and comeback
“other Side of the wind” never finished
-myth that he wasted money on films(very frugal)
-Didn’t admire Chaplin but adores Keaton(“The General” best movie ever made
-critics don’t call him funny
-didn’t care about commercial success and didn’t want to repeat himself(therefor few movies
Werke:”Citizen Kane”(1941)”Too much Johnson”(lost silent movie found and restored 2012)”The Lady from Shanghai”(1947)”Touch of Evil”(1958- Marlene Dietrich)”F for Fake”
Clarice Lispector
1920 in Ukraine -1977
Mines to Recife Brazil as child
-badly injured in 1966
-most important Jewish writer since Kafka
-mother died of syphillis by rape
-topics often fearfulness of women,ghost lines of self/figures frightened by interaction
John Updike
-Pulitzers for rabbit novels
-first published work were poems(light verse and his secret bliss)
-Defender of Vietnam War
-flush of prose and painting w words
-staff writer of nyer
-“no unpublished thought”like gold score cards,concerts review–all auto biographical
-constantly wrote and published 26books
-legacy stored at Harvard
-common middle classer careful w money(expensed hot dogs)
-main themes:adultery(he and wife did too)
-great self-absorption
-heroes are Joyce and Proust
-believed that art made life,interest and importance
-critics say sometimes overdescripted or saying nothing at all
-Rabbit,run was answer to keruacs on the road and poorhouse fair to orwells 1984
-believed in ppl finding happiness but too often have to achieve it through a price to pay(hurting or damaging other ppl)
-poetry can be intimate but he like to cheer himself about topics such as distress strain etc best ones are non imaginary where title predicts content
Werke:Rabbit books(mirror of American society-19601990)/Olinger Stories(about himself)”Witches of Eastwick”(1984
Gustav Mahler
Alma Mahler
•started w songs(next Schubert),1st symphony built around songs”Lieder eines fahrenden gesellen
•most famous conductor and controversial conductor(1897 Vienna for a decade but needed baptism)
•2nd symphony w Berlin Phil while he conducted in Hamburg(took night train)
•6th Symphony”the tragic” w cowbells but also symbol of his offstage instruments that sometimes don’t make sense
•liked to put the slow movement last(2+3rd) very radical innovation
•sound still very 19th century and end of line of big composers but also a proto-modernist as pushed symphonic style to breaking point
•helped Schoenberg financially
•overreaching maximalism and banal melodies were seen differently after Adorno revised him as old fashioned but cracks in structure herald future
•entered Vienna music award w “klagende lied” w. Brahms on board but lost- blamed that this could have been his touring point
•overshadowed by R.Strauss but believed
1879 Vienna-1964 in nyc
- affairs with Mahler (husband),Gropius,Oskar Kokoschka, Franz Werfel,.Mac Burckhard
- strived to become a great composer but became a muse instead
- narcissyic, anti-Semitic, untruthful and boastful -> her diaries are altered to meddle with her own legacy and crediting Gustavs work to her
- early on Klimt had crush on young Alma
- has abandoned her own ambition to become a composer for Mahler
- 1915 married Gropius , daughter Manno born and later divorce
- even been antisemitc left with werfel and Heinrich mann over Pyrenees(Bruckners originally score of 3rd symphony)
Recep Tayipp Erdogan
- Major of Istanbul
- Prime minster 2003-2014 and 12th president
- tried to change constitution to make him executive president to appoint judges and weaken military
- Akp party
George Armstrong Custer
•1857 joins West Point
•clusters luck saved him many times
•strong confidence and ignored rules, good eye and instinct for battle
•failed in school but noticed by powerful men(McClellan) and helped win battle of Gettysburg
General with 23/died in battle of Little Bighorn/Montana by Sioux at 36 along 241 others(4family members)
•never actually attacked Indians
-Orestia-trilogy(Orestes kills mother to revenge for her killing his father A.- can’t kill mother without destroying own character)
-only left ancient trilogy
-about revenge and justice represented by society(lawyer judge)
-first prize at Athenian festival Greater Dionysia(458 Bc)
-said to have died when eagle dropped turtle on his head mistaken as a stone
-exported drama to Greek colonies
-Greek drama started w tube of “aulos” and 24 men singing for God Dionysius till later a soloist was added and he could sing and talk in poetic meter
-added a second speaker and open possibility of dialogue
“Agamemnon”(opening play),takes place in Argos(not Mycanae as was originally A. Home)
Clytemnestra-A. Wife -wanted to murder him for sacrificing Iphigenia(daughter)and her sun Orestes(w ax) -sister of Helen of Troy
-Orestes stands in front of Athens court w Apollo defending him and furies against him(no greater crime than killing mother)
-Athen goes for O. As she came from Zeus head and therefor is on mans side
- City prior(1300-highest office in florentine government) was to be terminated cos he was white guelf(supporter of holy roman emperor and charged with corruption
- loss of citizenship that he held highest on earth and exile harder on him than being poor
- never returned to Florence again
- Inferno(influenced by medieval law and his experience and suffering see above
- wrote Commedia to redeem himself
- Baudelaire:art Is prostituition- offers itself freely–so does comedy (love god art come together in the nine circles of hell and heaven)–depression brings all to a standstill(darkness n bed)
- like in virgils “aenas” where trojans Leave and find new legacy reborn in Rome–all about movement
- salvation or damnation depends entirely on individuals free will(human moves should go to or away from god)
- inferno educated the reader in way of deceptions and self-deception(some characters are not aware about their masking of motivation)
- hell is never ending waste of time
- purgatory time matters(Plato :”time is moving image of eternity”)–unmoved mover is god- all goes toward him
- basic plot is pilgrim who moves from self-love to harmonization of love(god) that moves universe(called salvation)
- gets condemned souls in hell to tell their stories by promising rewards
- puts prominent contemporary figures in hell and saves others who were condemned in reality
- First Virgil then Beatrice leads Dante(creates this figure as a solution of his physical and spiritual needs–he knew and was aware about his own feelings)
- men who sit in front of gate of hell cos no principles or convictions
- 14th century allegorical poem about sin and redemption
- Pilgrim(protagonist) and Virgil the guide - -controversial in earlier time but since t.s eliott raves it to highest account
- Terza rima (aba/bcb/CDC)
- had to be read phonetically(richness of sound)
- no choice to enter hells gate,path to paradise leads through hell
- some aspects of dantes hate to othe cities and people(genocidal of genoa etc.)
John Birch Society
- Rechtsradikale amerikanische Organisation zur Bekämpfung des Kommunismusder amerikanische Politik infiltrierte, Entziehung der USA von UN und Impeachment of Chief Justice earl warren
- 1958 in Indianapolis by Robert Welch Jr.
- named after American missionary killed in china(1945- so cold first death of Cold War)
- Mao zedong apologized for killing and mutilating
Nicolas Poussin
- 1594 in normandie to 1665
- dominant figure of 17th Century classicism
- esoteric and meditation
- later “Neo Stoic” painter as he chooses subjects of passions and fates of humanity
- peintre-philiosophe as he painted lots of mythology and Old Testament
- moved to Rome at 30 and never left
- never painted palazzo or big commission(disliked pompous baroque)
- late years had tremor in hand but still painted
Saint Augustine
Monica (mother) dies in 387
“the city of god”–men are pilgrims travelling back to god;nothing on earth is ultimate value;
•libido dominandi- lust to conquer/(“the confession”
•conversion in garden in Milan 386 voice said to him”pick up and read”(st Paul romerbrief)
•bishop of hippo
•saw and invented the purgatory fire
•couldn’t speak Greek and not read scriptures and New Testament of great thinkers(at the time in eastern Roman Empire) and only major thinker who only was monolingual– seen as provincial
•sought God working himself not other texts(interior intimo meo- you were more in me than me)
•married in Carthage to a woman for 14y and son Adeotatus
•Persian cult of manichean belief that mother loathed
•impressed by sermons of milan bishop ambrosius(later his baptizer)
•no earthly pleasures are higher than the happiness of the saints- ultimate experience of divinity (port of Ostia)
•confessions biography of him and then “literal meaning Genesis” meaning(Adam and eve als volle Wahrheit)-problem das alles nicht wortgetreu überliefert sein kann(bezweifelte and en Worten”und es öffnete ihre Augenlider”-dachte an eine Erscheinung nämlich genitalien und dadurch Scham)
•Fortpflanzung ist nicht böse aber Sex an für sich schon– original sin “Originale peccatum”–but virgin got pregnant through faith not lust
•Adam and eve not original meant to reproduce but sin later forced them to
Q:”The world is a book an those who do not travel Read only a page”
Auguste Rodin
- Mythomanic in romantic style(like Wagner and Hugo)
- sometimes preferred fragment to finsihed product
- tactile spontaneity
- rejected sense of completeness as figure as whole(created often only body parts and loosely put them together)0
- Rilke admired him and worked as secretary(“fundamental element the surface of his figures”)
- 1877 “age of bronze” at salon male nude with much success
- “thinker” as a part commission that never happened on Dantes”commedia”
- many monuments to Hugo and Balzac
- rather spoke of things(emotions and associations to them) than of people
Pablo Picasso
- Northern Spain and father director of local art school
- 1944 joined communist party
- sister died of diphtheria and he vowed never to paint again
- Changed to many styles— embraced real not ideal
- Socratic dialectic of questioning and questioning
- liked to work in old places
- artist who stands outside of time
- 40y of works and different styles are knit together
- Blue and Rose Period
- art was assertion of himself and drama around him(guernica)
- Magazine”Minotaure”
- from reality to abstraction and abstraction to realty( P.powerful Action of his hand transformed different styles)
- Sculpture on his grave is conchita (femme au vase) also in guernica she holds the torch
- sculptor more as hobby(guitar who shows negative space”inside-out” and 1937- “woman w vase”)
W:”Blind Minotaur”(1934-1935- obsessed w his eye sight-very superstitious and warded off fears in paintings)
“Minotauromschie”(1935-most celebrated print-women represented by horses - Olga who hurt him most—young girl is conchita holding light)
“Guernica”-market place massacre planned by hosting for hitters bday 1937–Picasso chose that theme for world fair in Paris–Cochita appears in sketches and woman with sacred lamp in painting–no shines so developed ultra Matt house paint(first time used ever)–Dora maar helped finishing(“weeping woman@series came from painting and her image)–horse stand for pain and death and apocalypse–himself as Minotaur-horseshoe symbol of Islam and Moroccan men–
Q:”there is no past or future in art. If object can’t live in present it must not be considered at all”
“every man I draw is my father-he wore a beard and every man I see is more or less w his features”
Alexander Hamilton
1755 in West Indies
- secretary of treasury(was opposed by Jefferson and Madison to his financial program and creation of national bank
- affair w Mrs. Reynolds who blackmailed him and H.took funds of the treasury to pay(later rather to be called corrupt confessed adultery and never really recovered)
- duel w Aaron burr(as failed attempt to presidency and governor)
- created bank of United states(BUS) to mainly support big merchants and oversea commerce and overlooked smell people
- Scottish father never legally married mother and abandoned them
- patrons sponsored his education in NYC and became famous lawyer
- womanizer and horny(Martha Washington called her cat H.)
- Washington treated him like his son
- wrote most of Federalist papers
- duel w Aaron burr
Gore Vidal
Titanium knee and gay
-gave estate to Harvard
-never went to university
-feud w William f.buckley (called him queer and V. Said crypto-nazi to B.)
-grandfather blind senator of Oklahoma– father football star and aviator w portrait on Time—mother left when 10—insecure never mentioned her
-self-centered and loved to conquer and shine
-gave many interviews
-wanted to become a poet
-screenplay of “Ben Hur”
-failed congress in NYC and senate in Cali
-friends w Kennedys till later turned on them)essay:”Holy Family”
-many books of historical reflections–better essayist than novelist
-didn’t like Joyce carol Oates
“Best Man”“Julian”(1964-first top of Times best-seller)”Washington d.c”(1967- American chronicles”Aaron burr as hero)
Frank Wedekind
1864-1918 Lulu play in 1890s then adapted two part version "Earth Spirit" and "Pandoras Box"(1895/1904)-- society dissolves under sexual desire(gets raped by 7 and marries but husband drops dead when he sees her w artist love making- later prostitute and killed by Jack the Ripper -outspoken poem for sexual freedom -spring awakening -marlis Petersen as lulu
Philip II (Spain)
1527-1598 (Habsburg)
-parties wildly but from 59 he devoured Catholic and supported Inquisition and Fernando de valdés
Father emperor Charles V
1556 King of Spain(high point of Spanish empire)
1554-1558 king of England married to MaryI(England 53-58)–seen as dark age
-Spanish had many sub categories for human races and mixes
-tried to conquer China and japan(Philippines named after him)–only little knowledge
-1588 defeat of Spanish Armada
Henry James
-Wealthy eccentric independent
-father who educated free liberal and sensuous
-Boyhood stammer–slow speaker who believed in Scandinavian spiritualism
-shadow of his intellectual American elite brother William
Till he later prevailed
-used “accident”(most likely his back- “balls crushed by fire extinguisher)as an excuse for not being manly or evading “civil war”– often mentioned also by Hemingway sun also rises
-sarcastic mindspeaking chaffs
-didn’t like critism
-Style concentrates in “One Deep breathing economy”and organic form of one story
-Bostonians(lesbian couple in late 19th)
-portrait of a Lady(1881 Isabel Archer)/daisy miller/golden bowl
-Sex:metaphor for knowledge a.experience a knowledge n experience metaphor for sex
(Son just to show marriage ausgefurhrt/wants to stay innocence forever) gaining of sexual knowledge leads to evil of personal tyranny
-heros prefer lonely integrity of honor over corrupting compromises of love
-His maturity works:theme of human manipulation
Q:”nothing is my last word to anything!”
Pierre Boulez
French Conductor and composer
Harsh on contemporaries and fervent supporter of contemporary music
Alexander Calder
- Grandfather created William penn statue in Philadelphia at city hall
- new YORK art students league then left to Paris 1926
- always fascination with wires since childhood(he was physically the opposite- bulky and seemed unbeholfen)
- created a “cirque calder” in Paris (wire puppets) hat had a magical effect on ppl— later added more like the “Brass family”
- 1930 visit to Piet mondrian changed his art to abstract
- 1931 creates “mobiles”- (Duchamp’s suggestion- first with motors later with natural help only
- 1933 settles back in USA and created “Steel fish”
- immensely popular but daring in his experiments as well
- came back from France to CT in 1933 and introduced new naturalism(wind that moves mobiles)
- turned sculpture into a dancer and abstract marionette
- father was a well known American sculptor
- subtle confident drama achieved with ease and elegance
- Sculptor (mobilé) and kinetic
Magna Carta
- signed by John(youngest of 5/weak and no one ever took his name again
- lost more castles than he gained-lost Normandy
- levied steep taxes higher than ever before) -enforced by barons to “obey the law of the land”to whom he was cruel
- borrows from many earlier agreements–some centuries old
- country turned around and demanded king to obey own rules
- asked pope Innocence III to nullify and he voided it
- Archbishop of C. Stephen Langton co-wrote and responsible for first “operative clause”(English church shall be free and it’s rights undiminished) and others that protected barons land from seizing by King(also debts to Jews were debts to king as he owned them as property)
- chapter 39 most famous”due process”
- in 18th century divided in chapters- first one long text
- by 1225 third of charter was revised or cut–liberties to free and unfree(noble and commoners)
- myth that written in stone
- 16 states took full text into their statue books
Frank Sinatra
Grammy for album design and love gangsters
-married Ava Gardner and shortly Mia Ferrow
-son kidnapped
-disliked rock&roll and many hits in later years
-impatience and changed mood in a minute
-friends with JFK(Chickie Babie) and hoped for a position(ambassador to Italy)
Steve Jobs
- asshole behavior (cruel,arrogant)
- product launch of Macintosh(84) next computer(88-failure but sold its software to apple and got back into as ceo 10y after he got fired) and iMac(98)
- Loved secrecy and the ta-dah effect
- put much of Apple money off-shore(tax)
- attention for detail
- gave people what they wanted before they even knew what they wanted
T(homas) Stearns Eliot
- sophisticated wasp family and felt superior to jews(disguised it in “Burbank” story)–strong believer and thought failed in his faith
- married Vivien im(impotent)in uk-separated in 1938(mental illness -died in asylum 1947)
- uncle president at Harvard
- denounced democracy(too easily changed by man- thought real D. Only possible that every individual was equal before God)
- Bad health and working machine
- marriage after 2 months to please Ezra pound - protégée—became “dead” after marriage
- editor of the criterion
- transformed genre of literary critiscim more than anyone
- judgements seem final and true=impersonal
- Mixed Feelings About Dostoyevsky
- sufferings helped him to enter a genuine and personal universe
“Bad poet unconscious where need to be conscious n(conscious where unc,)make him personal.poetry is escape from personality and just who has one knows meaning of escape.”
-champion of impersonality
W:”Wasteland(1922)”Four Quartets(1943)–evoke a synthesizing version of public and private disorder the emotional and erotic failures of individual persons and the chaotic anomie of contemporary Europe(disasters of both inner and outer worlds)and exploration of allusions(reference to people places myths etc.)
Q::poetry is not turning loose of emotion but an Escape from emotion it is not the expression of personality but the escape from personality
George Herbert Walker Bush
- 41st President(‘88-92)
- turbulent years as Berlin Wall and Soviet Union fell and China stability called into question
- took Gorbachev call xmas day 1991
- New England born Texan oilman
- father Prescott moderate republican in CT.
- fought in war and was shit down(escaped w parachute)
- opposed 1964 civil right act(to show he was not a Yankee)
- running mate of Reagan(was considered before)
- ran twice failing for senate seat 71/76
- first for planned parenthood but Reagan made him change
- chose Dan Quayle as vice(didn’t like him)
- called to invade Iraq in ‘90 and made Hussein give in after a week(highest approval rates)
Q:” Read my lips. No new taxes.”
Horace Walpole
- Gründer Englischer Landschaftsgarten(“Strawberry hill”) und “Gothic Novel”(ghosts etc.)
- father first prime minister of Great Britain(longest)
I Ching
- book of change
- guide to an ethical life, a manual for rulers, an oracle for one’s personal future and the future of the state.
- in cooperated Confucian, Taoist and Christian ideas
- Fu Xi(dragon or snake w human face)studied patterns of nature in sky and earth–everything could be broken down to 8 trigrams(three stacked solid or broken lines–representing Earth mountain water wind thunder fire lake heaven) reflecting yin and yang
- 1050 emperor Wen made into 64 hexagram
- three tortoise shell coins were tossed and interpreted
- first translated in 1882 and then German 1924 made it famous
- every line can be read completely different
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
1749-1832 dt schrifsteller
•erfand die novelle
•100sof poems(very simplicity makes it untranslatable)plays and three of Europes most influential novels
•theory of color and morphology of plants
•civil servant at duchy of Weimar(life different to Werther subdued and full of responsibility
•conservative(hostile to French Revolution and German national movement
•famous incident when he took a stroll w Beethoven and royals came-G. Greeted and B. Fought through the crowd-sign of Romantiscm when royals wanted to be associated w artist rather G. Who grew up as employee of royalty)
•With “Wilhelm Meister Apprenticeship”(actor who lives the escapades and scandals of his freedom and “elective affinities” founder of Bildungsroman and novel of adultery “
•”sorrows of young Werther” started a suicide wave of young people(misread-W. Kills himself of self-centeredness(got most ideas from books not life experience )ot disappointed love-really involved w. Own feelings and proud of his misery—comparable to hamlet who was trapped in Denmark as He is trapped in universe–but H. Has added to perform which W. Doesn’t– real person of his life and ruined relationship with Goethe after publication
•only surviving son prosperous family and studied law
•Italy and studying Renaissance was a revelation and rebirth
•married Christiane Vulpius(inferior to his intellect and bore him a son before married)
“Faust”(refuses anything that live has to offer–devil may take souls when he gets to content w life–seduces Gretchen and abandons her–prison for killing her child -she gets saved by God)
•often used foul,vulgar language
•Germany’s didn’t love him right away-Brit’s revived him.ThomasCarlyle:”Close your Byron.Open your Goethe.
•Goetz von Berlichingen(1773-robber baron who steals from innocent merchants for fun-Play later used for United Germans)
•Goethes Bone-discovered bone(vestiges of bones between human maxillae)
•Faust based on Puppenspiel vom Dr Faustus und Mallows Dr.Faustus
•worshipped Napoleon till the end (1808 private audience)-great creator needs to have a mineral hardness
Last words”more light”!(metaphor for seeking illumination)
Publius Papinius Statius
45 bc-45 AD in Nepal
Roman poet of Silver Age in Latin literature
W:”Thebaid(12 books to imitate Virgil’s Aeneid-battle of odipus sons for throne of Thebes
“Silvae”(collection of poems) and “Archilleid”
-Drei Schicksalsgöttinen
-Gemeinsam oder einzeln agieren
Nona(neunte) Decima und Parca(Geburtshelferin)
- griechisch:Moiren Klotho(spinnerin)– Lachesis (Loserin) und Atropos (Unabwendbare)
Marcus Licinius Crassus
115-53 BC
Romanischer General und Politiker
- wealthiest man in Roman history and maybe all time by real estate speculation
- key role in transforming Roman republic to Roman Empire
- defeated Spartacus and shared consulship with Pompeii
- joined Caesar in first triumvirate
Dantes Inferno und Pugatorio und paradiso
1304-1307 und Pugatorio 1308/09-1312 und Paradies 1316-20
Vergil brings Dante through inferno(weilt im limbus da er Heide war- hätte aber Ahnung von Ankunft des Propheten”Ekloge”– Vertreter der natürliche Vernunft
-9 höllenkreise eines gewaltigen Trichters bis zum Mittelpunkt in der nördlichen Halbkugel– je tiefer desto härter die Bestrafung
-Vorhölle(laue Seelen weder gut noch böse)
-Fährmann Charon bringt Schuldner über Acheron in Kreise
1kreis(limbus-ungetaufte Kinder,schuldlose nichtchristlichen– Strafe ist Sehnsucht nach Gott)
-zwei Grundkategorien– Maßlosigkeit(incontinentia) und vorsätzliche Bosheit(malitia)und zu Ende schwere Bosheit (feritas)
-alle Strafen Prinzip der gottlichen Rache ‘Vendetta”– alle physischer Natur und entweder gleiches mit gleichem oder Kontrastbestrafung(Weissager mit Kopf nach hinten gerichtet da sie Zukunft voraussagen)
9stufen falls man vorpugstorium und irdisches Paradies
-höchster Berg als Antipode Jerusalems(sudle Halbkugel(eine Schnittlinie mit Jerusalem luzifer und Paradies)
-vorpugatorium–Seelen die am Ende des Lebens bussen und deshalb warten müssen den Weg zu gehen
-7 Todsünden (Verirrungen im Ziel :Hochmut, Neid,Zorn– Verfehlungen im Maß:Trägheit, Geiz(Verschwendung),Schlemmerei, Wollust)
Sünden 3-7 sind gleiche in umgekehrter Form in Hölle (2-5)
-je höher desto leichter der Schritt
-Paradies am Ende mit Lethe und Eunoe
-Bestrafung auch “contrapasso”(neidischen Augen zugenäht)– wird angenommen da Erlösung folgt
-große Rolle von Erörterung der Dichtkunst und D.begegnet viele Vertreter
Wie Pugatorio auch hier Vorstufe (Mond,Merkur Venus–Seelen haben geringere Vollkommenheit-gebrochene Gelübde liebe zu erdolchen Gütern)
-Sonne Mars Jupiter–gute aktive Seelen–erste Bereich des reinen Paradieses– Weisheitslehrer, Märtyrer und gerechten Seelen
-fixsternhimmel:Trumph Christi und erscheinen der Apostel mit drei glaubensprüfungen
-9ter “primum mobile” mit 9engelhierachien
- und dann oberste Zone –empyreum-Himmelsrose und “schau gottes”(10stufen)
-große kreisende Gesamtsphäre in ständiger gleichgerichteter Bewegung –oberste still und ruht in sich
Sonnenhimmel(12x12 reihen Der weisen)-Mars(seligen bilden singend ein Kreuz)Jupiter:Adler als Symbol der weltlichen macht-Saturn:Himmelsleiter uns Jakob
Gestalt des Menschen und Intellektuelle Fähigkeiten bleiben-Seelen sind individuell
Grundlehre:glaube,Hoffnung, liebe
Ronald Reagan
40th President and governor of Cali 1966/1970–never lost election–most popular on election day
- wrote most of all presidents(letters diaries speeches)and uninvolved in daily work of government
- 1994 Alzheimer’s but thought to have symptoms in his presidency and maybe incapable of govern
- loner who could create a bond w crowd but not another person
- Iran-contra(weapons sale and funds transfers)
- father alcoholic shoe salesman, unemployed no college and constantly moving
- great patriotic storyteller and speech giver
- 1962 General Electric cancels contract(speaker) as he switched from dem to rep
- didn’t cut spending or taxes
- R.defeated carter as Ted Kennedy attacked C about his policies being to conservative
- deregulation and pro business policies but technologies and trade changed and apple/Microsoft were founded under ford but they later led to more risk taking(crisis 2008 possible)
Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun
Most gifted portraitist 18th/19th century–especially Marie Antoinette(friends)
- influenced by JJ Rousseau and values(motherly love)
- criticized for her consistency and optimism in a time of revolution and romantic doubt/self questioning
Frank Gehry
Born in Toronto (frank Goldberg)
-influenced by William pereira(transamerica building)
-started of with cheap funky geometric buildings
-Co-designed organ in Walt Disney Hall in LA (Hurricane Mama)
-Guggenheim Bilbao (91-97-inspired by Sydney opera and paintings by sky in el Greco)
computer technic made eccentric buildings feasible
-Luis Vuitton 2005-14)
-IAC Building Chelsea-New York by Gehry(8 Spruce)
-Dream of skyscraper
Napoleon Bonaparte
Austerlitz 1805(defeat of Austrian and Russians)
“Monstre sacré”
Napolenonic Wars
•1799 abandoned his army in Egypt and rushed back to Paris where deputies wanted to arrest him but brother saved him
•1800 supremacy of N and collapse of republic
1804 crowned himself emperor-officially ending the republic
•established Napoleonic code, bank of France and legion of honor
•rise of army and great generals to keep order but in all the campaigns abroad the ties to the republic and ever changing new constitution weakened bond and loyalty
•sold the Louisiana territory to keep it away from British
•south American Independent worse only possible because Napoleon invaded Portugal and Spain
• dominance on the continent because enemies failed to unite against Napoleon till 1813, developed a successful diplomatic and military strategy of divide and conquer, and kept us officers close by rewarding them with money and titles
•Displayed art objects ripped out of Germany and Italian churches is in the Louvre
Guelfe(republikaner–papsttreu)-opposition zu Ghibelline(kaisertreu)–Schwarze guelfe “Neri”(Papst)–Expansion von Märkten und treue zu grosskraften///weiße “bianchi”(Dante-Papst unabhängig und Papst und kaisertum nur als ihre Position und nicht um weltliche Macht zu bekommen
1300 Prior der Stadt und trotze Papst (Bonifaz VIII der Karl von Valois rief um weiße zu zerschlagen–traf B. Und versucht zu verhandeln aber vergebens)–als schwarze an macht kommen wird er bestraft und verbannt und sogar verurteilt verbrannt zu werden
- Exil und nie zurück in Florenz
- 1304”convivio”(enzyklopadie des widens fur nichtlateiner) “de vulgaris eloquentia”(enttstehung der Sprache)(sich zu erneuern und Verbannung abzuschütteln-für andere Zeitgenossen in Erinnerung rufen wer er ist)
-1307(1312)Heinrich vii Kaiser durch Klementine V und D. Verfechter seiner Anerkennung da er die gottgewollte Institution zurück sah und somit auch sein Heil
-early friendship w poet Brunetto Latini(laienbildung) and he educates him
Divine comedy–14th century allegorical poem about sin and redemption
-Pilgrim(protagonist) and Virgil the guide and Beatrice (theology)– met her with 9years and then again 18–epiphany of beauty and when died he made her immortal
1292”Vita nuova” D. Erwähnt Werk das er für beatrice schreiben wird
- Ziel die Zeitgenossen zu mahnen und Umkehr ihres sündigen Lebens zu bewegen
- 14233 Verse(100 Gesänge)–elfsilber
- Mensch im Mittelpunkt der christlichen Heilsgeschichte und Entscheidung zwischen gut und böse, heil und Verdammnis (die Beziehung zwischen Schöpfer und Geschöpf)
- Holzes Kraft wirkt leichtfertig vom empyreum bis Hölle
-controversial in earlier time but since t.s eliott raves it to highest account
-Terza rima (aba/bcb/CDC)–had to be read phonetically(richness of sound)
-no choice to enter hells gate–path to paradise leads through hell
-3 Times 33 plus Prologue(number for trinity and Jesus death)–7 circles of pugatorio symbolize deadly sins and
“Bergpredikt”(sermon on the mount)– every sixth canto talks about political history (Florence Italy empire)
10 Himmelsparen-vollkommene Zahl
-Strukturgesetzlichkeit durch Salomos:
“Omnia in mensura,Numero et pondere disposuisti”(oft paraphrasiert im ma)–1.alles beruht auf zahlen(ohne dann nichts wert)2.alles was Mensch sieht ist zahlenform und deshalb erfassbar und rational3.schön weil zählbar(vollkommen) und somit gottes Schöpfung
- alle Verse cantiche und sogar Wörter sind durchdacht,abgezählt und strukturiert
-gematrie(wandelte heilige Namen in Nummern und setzte in Text ein-griechisches Alphabet
Beatrice(Zahl 9 als Wunder der trinitat) im ganzen Werk versteckt
Dorothy Parker
- Algonquin round table(Robert Benchley and Robert Sherwood)
- short stories and poetry and criticism
- Wit,Flair an humor to portrait the truth how she perceived it
- started at vogue 1915 then vanity fair(youngest and only female theatre critic
- abortion
- love affair w Harold Ross(editor of nyer)
- married Alan Campbell (gay)
- twice nominated for Oscar
- joined radical left movements and causes like estate left to Martin Luther King and naacp
“Big Blonde”(failed party girl)
Thomas Hardy
-English poet and writer – Romantiscm(influenced by dickens and George Eliot)
-First wife Emma dies and he feels guilty(many poems for her) and later florence(fan letter brought them together) and left the clock in office on the date E died
- made Wessex setting of his novels
-thought of himself as poet and novels only cos wife to support and when he could afford only published verse till his death
W:”Far from the madding crowd”(1874)”Well Beloved”(1878)
Frederick Douglass
Former slave and abortionist–fled 1838 in Maryland
Most influential Afriamerican in 19th
-writer,abolitionist, statesman
-dazzling oratory (counter example that slaves are stupid)
-escaped to Ireland and Britain as ex owner was chasing him
W:”Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave”(1845)
William Gass
Hates to produce great work—what’s not metaphorical is not!
Loves Kafka and Rilke- unconventional style and creates uncommon relationships of actors- more into the style
Werke:Middle C(catholic who pretends to be Jewish so he can leave Austria over Britain to USA)
Temple of texts (2006)/tunnel (1995) P digs tunnel to get away from life “Eyes”(2016)- novellas and short stories
Jakob fugger
Most important merchant banker of 16th
-made money with pepper-minerals- silver copper and gold
Mines and textile trade
-investier as only German in Trade Expedition to india
-Germany’s first Renaissance chapel funded by him
-investment banking and lending(habsburgs and Charles V)
- held royal title and estate but never used it or involved in politics- more into accumulating wealth
-first capitalist (relationship to governor and protection for both)
-richer than Medici Rockefeller etc
Charles Rosen
Pianist And Music Theorist
•studied at Juilliard
•never entered major competitions and wasn’t interested in popular romantic pieces
•didn’t promote himself and no real life video recordings survive
•Ph.D. In French literature at Princeton
•critics are divided
•one of the only to handle beerhovens Hammerklavier opus 106
•called bachs”Ricercar” most important piano piece of millennium
•first to have recorded all twelve Debussy etudes
Aretha Franklin
-collects money in cash before the show which is always near piano
-18 Grammys (1998 sang “Nessum dorma” with 20 minutes notice when Pavarotti cancel
-1967 crowned queen of soul by pervis spann
-she doesn’t fly so never sang oversees
-carol King wrote “natural
Woman” for her in 1967 and one of greatest performance in 2015 at Kennedy center
-loves the fur as mean of drama and earned status
-father Clarence lavaughn Franklin most famous preacher of his day–“golden voice” and recorded his sermons and sold 100k times–fathered child with 12y old girl
-A. Grew up w famous black people as guest in their house and neighborhood (Diana Ross duke Ellington Ella Fitzgerald )
-1960 to Nyc and signed w Columbia
-respect and think anthems for women and black rights
-1972 “amazing grace” recorded at church best selling gospel album of all time and documentary About it denied to be shown by A
“Lord chamberlains men”-wrote most for James I(Henry VIII sister married into Scots and wanted to join whole island)
•Elizabeth I not too interested in plays and mort of S. Play written under James-
•no more English but British themes
•stole ideas from others and made his own
•knew little Latin and no Greek and based his works on Livy history of early Rome,Plutarch biography and comic plays of Plautus and gained idea from other people who read the originals like Montaigne
•His plays are a vast deabting society in which characters posing questions to themselves or others”to be or not to be. That is the question.”
•called the English Ovid (borrows lots from him)
W:”Macbeth (1606) “Anthony and cleopatra”King Lear”- (1606)bleak ending-after Lear exclaimed “howl,howl” to dead daughter Cordelia-Albany wants to restore L. But he ignores power and dies and no order restored and world must end w no justice/too extreme so happy ending(also metaphor for James idea to reunite Britain as C and L. Are united)0 was later performed/
-read up on James interest about Possession and adapted his reading into play to suit him/more use of equivocation especially from Catholics allowed to lie if they believed in the truth/
Margaret Thatcher
- reignedfrom 1975-1990
- played active part in referendum in ‘75 to chose to remain part of common market–first ever referendum in uk–she was for it– famously wore a sweater w all member states)
- 1982 Falkland wars
- got ousted when her long time cabinet minster Geoffrey Howe resigned with the first televised speech from the parliament
- many prejudices: Scottish nationalists, northern Catholic Irish and Germans but liked poles
- Truly nationalistic but also internationalist, believed in an ideological commitment to winning the cold war and in free markets (esp. Europe with no borders as a single free market)plus promoting democracy
- Same ideas as Ronald Reagan
- Even tried to ally with Mitterand and gorbertachow against Germany’s reunification
- had Dementia later and her later works seen to be influenced by her ghostwriters rather than from her own memories and ideologies
- Against trade unions, closure of coal mines, privatization of industry
- Her reforms revitalize Britain at a crucial moment
Spanish Civil War
- governed by leftist,socialists and archists
- Nationalist started civil war (‘36)
- famous writers came to fight(Orwell, Hemingway)
- almost all agricultural monopoly of landowners and strong Catholic Church till 1931 second republic changed laws and divided land and allowed divorce
- coup d’etat in 1936 with moor army in Morocco
- Hitler and Mussolini provided Franco(power till 75)with airplanes and first airlift in history
- only Mexico sent rifles and sovjet traded arms–Britain and Spain stood buy doing nothing
- anarchist governance in BCN(if order wasn’t liked one could step out and discuss)
- 150k civilians and prisoners of left and 49k nationalist killed–500k kills overall
- revolution in a revolution in BCN over telephone exchange(anarchist vs socialist government)
- “Lincolns”(foreign American fighters)
Niki de Saint Phalle
- French model, aristocrat and artist(who said that art made her sane again after being in an asylum)
- gaudi like sculpture garden in Tuscany (over the top mosaic statues–mystical figures of tarot decks)
- shooting paintings in 60s(rifle–femme fatale to set her free as mother and wife)
- love affairs w royals and poured drink on Saul Steinberg when partying w Giacometti
- father moved to Nyc and banker(financed “le pavilion)
- both siblings commited suicide
- married to artist Jean tinguely
Ronald Reagan
- Lost against Kennedy In 1960 and Cali governor in 1962
- prolonged Vietnam even after he realized can’t be won(tapes proof)–though ran campaign for president to end war– even sabotaged LBJ peace talks in Paris so democrats wouldn’t gain in polls and ensure his win–N.offered V. a better deal if they wait–Nixon would have betrayed south Vietnam (with an interval solution ergo. POW returned and he would leave country and north wouldn’t attack for 18 months)
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
6 BC -65 AC
- Tutor to the young Nero on Claudius request
- Philosopher and scientist(Earthquakes)
- Forced to commit suicide on neros orders(his tutor but retired and planned coup)
- “imago vitae suae”(Image of his own life-Tacitus meant S.created his own image all his life till death)
- slashed ateries(Too old-died in hot bath through steam)
- Imitation of socrates Death
- ”stoic philosophy”(no wealth-denounced tyranny-hypocrisies as he was very wealthy and even loaned money $40M steered to the Brits
- key to virtues life is freedom from passion )
- forced to exile to Corsica (adultery)
- very gory plays (8 survive) and not performable—very anti stoic like focused on the dark forces(absence of human reason)” explosions of evil”— the gods don’t come to help
- made up correspondence btw st Paul and Seneca(from Middle Ages to use him as a figurehead and kink Christian Faith)
“You Cant Chose your Parents but you can Chose whose Child you are”
“Life feels longer n fullfilled the more engaged you are(studies Etc.)
“It is not the man who has too little but the man who craves more, who is poor.”
“I am safe,neither,as yet,do i believe,nor do I rejoice(N.on aggrepinas mothers death)
W:”The Thyestes”(king Atreus serves brother own children’s flesh-very upsetting works of classical literature)
“Moral Epistels”(letters to his friend Lucilius”)
Erykah Badu
- spends lots of time on road
- 1997 debut Baduizm(2grammies)
- dancer and rapper before singing
- signed with universal and recorded w d’angelo and Roots
- neo-soul
- compared to Billie holiday
- “on and on” first number 1 on rmb
- they did Andre 3000 from OutKast(ms Jackson about her)
- famous for head wraps and beads
Paul McCartney
Paul met John in 1957(already before)
-first photo of four 1962 and last 1969
-only legend to cope with fame
-great musical melody making gift(songwriter)
-breakup as business side went bad(their manager screwed up relations and swindled his client out of royalties)
-stopped singing Beatles songs and new material seemed cluttered
-created new band called “Wings”
Edgar Degas
- character of so many opposites– seen bourgeois and pauper by his friends
- almost blind by end of his life but still worked
- couldn’t let a painting go– urge to revise and redo–saw it always as unfinished–very complex work
- easy to abandon friends over disagreement
- was a loner–never lived w someone
- he exhibit with Impressionists– but hated the idea to paint outside– didn’t like to copy but to create from the memory
- created monotypes:owned press and liked idea to play and improvise with ink(which was freely added)
- liked brothel,dancers laundeessss pictures: no faces, slapstick comedy–crude views on women–create shapes to emerge from dream or nightmare– not published for public
- 1892 showed landscapes– only personal exhibition–reminded of his vitality but for him only imaginary and no interest of accuracy
- late monotypes around 1890 are unfinished
Hays Code/Motion picture production code
By Hays (postmaster of Harding) introduced in 1930(till 1952)–prevent exploitation of women, nudity, glorification of crime etc.–so there is no Imitation(bad acts had to be punished)
- original Putin place by Catholics
- made movies more funny and added plot– sex had to be guessed– women started along and acting more
- screenplays were pre censored
- after Rossellinis movie “ The Miracle”–Supreme Court decided that pictures are protected under 1 and 14th amendment
Wallace Stevens
1923: “Harmonium”(most know poems”/1936”Ideas of an order”(features most important modern American poem”The idea of order at Key West”
- poetry stand in for religion
- depressed but fought it
- impaired hearing by malaria in PA
- havard
- white man casual racism and anti-semitism
- sumptuous blank verse(merged into Marianne Moore style)
- insurance agent
- picked fights with Frost and Hemingway(broke his fist while punching H.)
- quintessential American poets of 20th–invested in slight subjects(weather) with oracular gravitas and grand ones(death) with capering humor
“Cut-outs”( drawing with scissors”Jazz” early period- later 1950s women cuts which impressed me in big format also blue nudes- meticulous study of the first nude(IV) that he then got so versed and precise that he created the last three in one cut in 15min)
“Parakeet-his own garden in his home which spanned over a whole room and let’s you lose in wondering thoughts-south of France when had to host nazis and he was to weak to paint
-swimming pool-hung in his dining room)
-created glass stained window for chapel of the rosary (vence)–nonbeliever but called it masterpiece
-king of fauvism
-most adventurous colorist
-first major mural”the dance”(1930) in Barnes foundation–vorvater der “cut-outs”–Dionysian heat of 8 women–recap of older painting” le bonheur de vivre”(new one is memory of a dance)
-Matisse more naturalistic and systematic after WWI
-idea of not to make form but to measure and delimit areas of flat space
-loved Renoir
Ellsworth Kelly
- Inheritor of Matisse coloristic gifts(influenced by cut-outs”)
- -hard edged enigmatic images of operation of chance and fragment of elements of city and landscapes(interest in random and chance)
Anthony van Dyck
-trip to Italy and paid attention to Venetian art (tizian)
-great portraitist(influenced by tizian and Raphael)
-settled down in Genoa and many portraits be found there and then got Hofmaler of Charles I
-great lininess( order of lines and effect of painting)
-protege of Rubens
-liked to put features directly on canvas
-aimed for magnificence – and also lived like a prince with staff servants and even clowns to entertain his visitors
W:”Blue Boy”
Thomas Gainsborough Last words:”we are all going to heaven and van Dyck of the party”
Piero Della Francesca
-wrote reflected essays on his work
-never settled in big city but came home
-Dignity of portraiture,loftiness of style, poetical solemnity of imagination
-phenomenal mastery of light/ berenson:”inarticulate” (“his dream of surroundings worthy of his mind and heart, where his soul would feel at home”)–no expression in ppl-“magnetische würde–immobility(understood that feeling n expression destroys visual painted space and makes painting a momentary scene indestructible)
-intimacy and gravity
-Saw world in geometric( precursor of cezanne and serat( wrote about it in his last years and didn’t paint anymore)
-phlegmatic style made P. rediscovered and appreciated)/
T.s Eliot “unoffending feet”
Werke: 8 panel st Augustine polyptych(missing centerpiece- Mary w child)/Flagelation/
Virgin Mary enthroned w four angels (1460)
W:”legend of the True Cross”(Arezzo-1452)
Samuel Richardson
- sporadically at school till 17 and the printer
- first novel with 50
- Pamela”(1739)–first in this modern novel(inner life and around one plot)–style is Puritanism and moral–virtue and honesty stand for –Half way through the book wedding day Mary Richardson changes his tone tomorrow lessons in marriage(narrative dead zone)
- Henry Fielding found it unbearable and wrote spoof “shamela”
- master to portray the inner life of character
- longest novel(970k words-war and peace 560k)
W:”Clarissa”( family wants her to marry Solmes so she doesn’t run off with Lovelace, her equal in wit and beauty–but he holds of marriage)
“Sir charles Grandison”(third and last book–touchstone for Jane Austen)
Sandro Botticelli
- not too much expression except dantes and st Augustine portrait
- 1490 illustrated version of “divine Commedia”(30 survived of 92)
- greatest patron Lorenzo Di pierfranco de ‘Medici
W:”Primavera”“Birth of Venus”“Madonna of Magificat”
iRichard Strauss 1909
- libretto von Hugo von Hofmannsthal
- slaughtered King Agamemnonby ax(-house of Atreus)
- Clytemnestra murdered husband and gets killed for it/Orestes is brother
Mario Vargas Llosa
Essayist and intellectual
2010 Nobel prize
-1990 ran for president of Peru and won. First election then failed In runoff(was associated with “white” and privileged ppl)
-words are disguises of reality therefor literature does not describe the world but describes itself”
-Romantic Marxist and supporter of Fidel Castro to supporter of Milton Friedman and global capitalism and efficiency of free markets
Supremely modernist technique that allows to bypass flashbacks(connection of thoughts of the characters)
W”Time of the Hero(1963- first novel-his time in military-seen anti Peruvian and big revolte
“The feast of the goat”(2000-dictatorship of rafael Trujillo in Dominican republic)
“the discreer hero”(19th novel
David Humes
-failed to get an academic job
-views in 19th seen as perverse and destructive(“goal was to create distrust to faculties)
-great historian and essayist(“history of England)
-atheist and didn’t take religion seriously
-naturalism–“Treatise of Human Nature”(1739)similarities to creatures(before Darwin)–human only clever animal
-all is related on experience and universal skepticism
-great essays on economy and trade
Theodor Kennedy
Brain cancer 2009
- determined to help the poor and sick(maternal leave/Federal aid for AIDS/disability act/voting rights of blacks/minimum wage/child health care)
- fought even when thought it was hopeless
- always gathered experts and analyst to solve problems and talk about issues
- great bipartisan(sang songs/quotes poems)
- drive car into water and his passenger got killed 1969
- 1994 nephew trialed for rape
- reelection in Massachusetts against Romney (rough start)
- supported Obama over Clinton in race
Peter Olivi
Franciscan monk (end of 13th) and lived by their rules of total poverty
- theory that all money is not the same(invented the word venture capital as money loaned by merchant and is not “simple money” as lending and getting it back depended and many shifts of the market and later value
- defender of papal infallibility
- last years study of apocalypse (believed live was fight against antichrist)
Galen of Pergamon
2nd century physician, surgeon and philosopher
- more than 500 treatise which built base and shaped western medicine till 18th
- physician had to establish prognosis by factoring in many views like physique, environment, individual temperament etc
397-400(42 years old)
- when he read it felt closer to God
- 13 books supposed to be read out loud-first 9 are autobiographical and last 4 commentary
- prayers to God and based on psalms of David
- each Book started w a prayer to God
- sinful youth to conversion to Christianity
- first western autobiography
- influence by bishop and whilst St ambrosius and nebridius(bishop of egara ans Barcelona)
- quick rise to bishop after conversion could be a reason for him explaining to his critics
- minor confessions of lust and pear theft
Winston Churchill
1874- 1965 Blenheim(duke of Marlborough)
•elected to Parliament in 1900(1915 resigned cos of Gallipoli scandal)
•broke to extravagance style and spending,gambling and stock speculation
•Six volume of WW2 and five of WWI
•wife clementine head of Red Cross and visited Russia
•Just met Stalin once in summer 1945 Potsdam
•complicated relationship w Zionism
•called savior if his country and civilization
•Reagan quotes Churchill endlessly
•loved velvet boiler suits and sang music hall songs in stressful situations
•American mother Jennie
•saw war as cruel but necessary (advance of mankind- like sanitation after WWI)
•flirtet with eugenics
•1901 opposed making larger army(10y rule- no war for 10y so no spending- but both wars were less than 10y away so he didn’t foresee them)but invest money in welfare and pension, later led the naval fleet and arm race with Germany on battleships
•Back on air raid bomb on civilians and also advocated for violence at the Suez Canal (Later often revise his first opinion)
•Only later did you listen and got talked out of crazy ideas and develop patients
•5.3.1948 Iron curtain speech (Hitler could have been prevented till 1935-doesn’t day how-compares to communist threat)
Critics: master of Augustan pride and wrote w false eloquence
Anne-Louise Germaine Neckar de Stael-Holstein
- preferred exile to subjection
- salon lioness, romantic novelist
- many lovers(Benjamin constant)
- father was minister and tried to establish constitution monarchy
- wrote about public option and how it prevails and really rules and leaders need to succumb
- 2 children with minister of war Narbonne who favored war against Austria which ended in a disaster attack of Austrian Netherlands(she supported him)
- experienced the 1792 massacres of commune And escaped to Switzerland
Thomas Jefferson
3rd president 1800(before vice and Secretary of State)
-land owner in Virginia –inherited from his mothers and wife’s father and built monticello(on mountain to separate from his peers)
-apostle of democracy and ironically slave holding aristocrat–many inconsistencies
-Lincoln”all honor to Jefferson”(declaration of independence)
-broad interest in many fields(music,art etc.)
-had black mistress w 6 children (Sally Hemings) he was against intermixing–didn’t acknowledge them or gave them freedom
-always considered him the smartest person in the room and played chess and beaten and France he gave up the game
-served in public life inmore capacities and longer than any other founding father:loved to show patriotism to world
-1784 minister of commerce with Europe
Paul Celan
Paul Antschel in Romania 1920-1970(suicide in Seine)
-same difficulties as Kafka(Jew writer in reman language)
-parents died in camp
-never lived in German and taught in Paris
-1960 Georg Büchner Prize(Heidegger influenced him but disappointed meeting)
-compared German language as it went through the horrors of war and did a Atemwende–productive silence and loss of rhetorical moment and swerving away from accustomed paths
-addresses often in second person”you”
-late poems almost unreadable and not translatable(leaves confusion)
Portugal Empire
-Vasco Di Gama(hated and acted cruel towards Muslim even killed a pilgrimage ship to mekka) reaching India in 1498 around cape of good hope
-intrusion into Indian Ocean and west and east Africa coast and Macao and India(Portuguese india) with Goa as headquarter of trade
-cinnamon cloves and pepper as precious spices
-tried to find sea routes to undermine Venetian monopoly of merchant capital
Slave merchandise and therefor now have a big black population
-1488 Bartolomeu Dias rounded Cape in search for mystic kingdom of Prester John to fight against Islam (Constantinople fell in 1453)
-King Dom Manuel 1495-1521
-1500 voyage to India landed in Brazil- let by Pedro Alvares Cabral
-Alfonso de. Albuquerque as governor of India(terror of east)
Idea:”Find Christians and spices”– trade and crusade could be combined
Johann Sebastian Bach
•Orphan w 10-no school attendance
•Died of eye operation
•little correspondence left-no diaries
•disliked authorities
-•violinkonzerte- sei solo=sechs solos-falsche grammatik- oder Du bist allein)–wortspiele
•composed weekly cantatas for St Thomas in Leipzig (5years and 200 survive)
•Luther’s prose translation of bible gave B. The images he needed for cantata(Luther believed that music could make scripture alive-B. Identifies himself w Luther)
•Cantor of St Thomas in Leipzig 1723-1750
•drew from operas for his sacred works–chance to bring work to life–wrote several mini operas for Saxon electors incorporating mythical personas and later recycled for his Christmas oratorio
•1736 Saxon court composer
•was difficult and used curious variations and strange tones as cantor
•word-painting techniques
•tried to meet Handel twice but he denied out of being threatened
•music as a vessel of divinity
•in mid 40s(1730) started recycling old pieces
•St. Mark passion pieces together from older pieces (1731)
•19th century discovery of his recycling of old wirks (Mass B minor)praising secular Kong’s/queens for his - hard to accept cos not creating new like Beethoven- this parody of older works helped him to lift it to higher levels
•most of his sacral work for small ensembles and choirs till the sing-Akademie (led by Mendelsohn) revived it and got performed by choral societies around the world
•mixed old (renaissance/stile antico/vocal polyphony) with modern style (new instruments/operatic)
Q:”fifth evangelist to spread the (Lutheran) word”” music sets in order what life cannot”
Werke:mass in b-minor(family calls it the “catholic mass”- the credo in mass justifies)/St. John’s and st.matthew passion and lost St.Mark Passion”(1744)
Helen Gurley Brown
-editor cosmopolitan,brought emancipation and sexiness
-breast op with 73
-highest paid women in advertising on west coast
-married late to producer David brown(open relationship
Q:” at certain age woman can only rely on posture and expensive jewelry”
Prophecy at birth -left at mountaintop where rescued by shepherd and adopted by king polybos and queen merope
Oedipus marries his mother Jocasta and kills father king laios
-4 children with mother
-Oedipus at colonus becomes beggar in later life and his secret burial place protects Athens(apotheosis)
-Sphinx asks Oedipus who walks in. The morning on 4 day 2 and night in three legs!
-daughter Antigone and sons Polynices and etiocles(O. Foresees that they will kill each other)
-opera by George enescu(1936)
Martha Nussbaum
- Rejected platos theory of happiness when human is self-sufficient–tragedy occurs cos ppl living well
- first woman to be elected to havards society of fellows in 1972-left hog havard when she was denied tenure
- Kyoto prize for philosophy(highest honor for anything that’s not able to win Nobel)
- created a list 10 capabilities but also to society should nourish (freedom to play, to love critical reflection)
- first dismissed to acknowledge anger or give in preferred being detached and now lives it and feels anger all the time
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
1712-1778 in Genf
-Vertreter des enlightenment
-loathing of metropolitan vanity, mistrust of international trade and advocacy of traditional mores
-enemy of Voltaire/V.:he wants to see the rich robbed by poor–both buried in pantheon
-unlike Voltaire he expected church and religious safeguarding to make life of poor tolerable
-quintessential inner experience of modernity: being an outsider
-Liberty is not inherent in any form
Of government, it is in the heart of the free man
-boy toy to noblewoman w 15 -she educated him-love of his life
-worked in different jobs throughout Europe and experienced inequality
-exposed himself to women in dark alleys
-wasn’t really interested in the poor but wanted ppl to understand his pain(he never was poor tho and had rich patrons but he turned down royal patronage not to be a kept man
God father of fascism (view on soldiers, trade,women)
W:”social contract”(1762)-new political structure court cure inequality and I’ll of commercial society
“Julie”- best selling novel of 18th-nobleman daughter fall in love with poor young tutor
“Emile” “on Education”
Absalom, Absalom
Faulknerian knowledge” knowing without being told”
Hieronymus Bosch
1450-1516 s’-herzenbosch
Real name hieronymus Von Aken
-great imagination of heaven and earth but foremost “truth to nature”, fascination with animals and sensitivity to landscape– ability to look beneath surface and distinguish truth from false
-joined sacred brotherhood of “our lady” which provided commissions to his 2 generation ancestors before
-died of plague
- no indication that he ever moved or travelled
-many surviving paintings are unclear for whom made or if by him painted or what they mean
-Prado owns the biggest collection
-Spanish King Philip II big supporter(also of Titian)
W:”temptation of st. Anthony”“Wayfarer”"”garden of delights”
Kim Jong-un
Father Kim Jong-il1994-2011) and grandfather Kim il-sun(1948-1994)
-Only emerged as heir two years before fathers death–ran terrorism, counterfeiting and is youngest son
-party chairman
-family always created a person cult
-family hid out in Siberia with other communists before taking power(changed fathers year and birthplace to work into person cult)
-short tempered and domineering and stupid
-loves basketball
-biggest rival his uncle jang song-taek–he made up a plot against him and executed–his followers and supporters deports tend to camps with family
-land decided by core,wavering and hostile class(25,55,20) and status and food supplies, education etc depends on class
Joy Williams
- 40 years of writing
- celebrated short stories
- known for concision, jumped connections, singular details and brutal humor
- loves to let the context hang in mystery
- many of her stories turn on question of hallucination,facts,details that perplex reader but make private sense to character
English rebel queen who destroyed most of the Roman infrastructure around 60 CE
Noam Chomsky
- argued early that humans are only living creature who learn and express language–(also in deeper reflecting manner)
- language just recently abruptly evolved in east Africa and created “Merge” which could hold structural expression– first thought then language
Michael Heinzer
- 41 years active
- “city” 1,5 mile site in Nevada next to Area 51 and atomic test site which host outdoor sculptures like complex1-3
W:”double negative”( two holes next to each other and best seen in the air)
Gottfried Leibnitz
- Greatest Polymath
- Invented Calculus
- mind,not matter was fundamental,and reality consists of monads(infinite Numbers of beings), with different perspectives, with each represents the universe
- why does God allow evil?”we lived in best of all worlds and that this world achieves best balance between simple laws and desirable effects”(famous statement and often ridiculed)explains his “principle of sufficient reason”-nothing happens without a reason and God chose this world from all alternatives he could have taken
Immanuel Kant
koenigsberg 1724-1804
- Taught many subjects(politics physics history etc.-to keep up w contemporary interests)
- dismisses his writings before 1770–rousseaus effect on his thinking–“Rousseau set me right”
- Limits of human knowledge
- embraces change and fallibility and its creatives possibilities
- grew up pietist(living relationship w God)–opposed to religious ceremonies(won’t bring salvation)
- love with metaphysics (Aristotle -follow philosophy of nature and reality as a whole “meta”-“question of being”) and tried to find a defense but then started questioning it:three critiques of Pure Reason,Practical Reason and judgement
- predicate(man is mortal-predicat) defines concept-something can cannot be and not be”
- space and time are conditions of experience
- “Critique of pure Reason”(supported by Rousseau-social contract 1762-man of corporate and collective desire of communal agreement to regulate relations)
- Truth can be empirical and rational –perception is filtered through categories imposed by the mind
Q:”if we say ,”there is no God, there”,is not the least contradiction in such a judgment.”“I argue there is a god precisely because nature can proceed even in chaos in no other way than regularly and orderly”
W:”kritik Der reinen Vernunft,praktische Vernunft”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Charming and engaging
Thought he Dealt well with Stalin which irritated Churchill
1944: Sent his Vice President Henry Wallace on state journey as an excuse to remove him from ticket
- very uncertain and vague with colleagues and friends to keep his options open
- fragile and sick but determined that he was only option for Democratic Party and ran again–sick heart
- agreed on Truman to make vice - but he hardly knew him
Wislawa Szymborska
1923-2012 Polish
-1996 Nobel Prize
Started as illustrator for children books
-great consistency of tone and temperament
W:”Map:collected and last poems”( wit and judgement sharpened by war years
“Poem about Hitler as a toddler”(baby could have been anyone and noones fault that happened what happened)
Jean-Antoine Watteau
Not directly style but masked more than reveal to make painting subtle, sensuous and elusive
- many painting of young elegant men and women in garden, terraces etc.
- “watteaus soldiers”(Frick 1710-1711)-great showcase of vigor,exhaustion, attentiveness and repose
- clothing not a covering but revealing – accentuates
- recognizes bleakness of war(waiting starving etc)
- bad shape and darkened color of “W.soldiers”
- seen by poets s d writers as melancholy lyricism
Niccolo Machiavelli
Florenz und diplomat,kanzler des militars nach sturz der Medicis(1494)– reist als gesandter florenz zu vielen politischen Persönlichkeiten(Caesars borgia, Maximilian, Julius II, überwacht Belagerung Pisas etc.)
- Schrieb am “discorsi” 1513 (Geschichte Roms und Weiterführung von Titus Livius) als er es unterbrach und “Príncipe”begann
- nicht als Werbung an Medici gedacht sonder Anlass durch Grundlage der antiken Autoren
- war Verfechter der Republik bevor und dadurch später immer skeptisch von M. Betrachtet aber späterer Clemens VII gab Geschichte Florenz in Auftrag,indem M. Die Medici nüchtern und kühl zeichnet
- immer politisch analysierend und konnte nicht gekauft werden
- Hauptthema wie man sein Amt das “Fortuna” einem beschert hat erhält und ausbaut–“nur den Launen der Fortuna ausgeliefert wenn man nicht vorsorgt–Herrscher hängt von seiner virtue(Tüchtigkeit) ab diese zu besiegen aber auch den Zeitumständen
- im Zweifel und wenn es um alles geht draufgängerisch sein da das weib(Fortuna) am schöpfe gepackt werden will
- verteidigte skrupellos Cesare Borgia Handlung
- erlaubt Betrug Gewalt und Grausamkeit
- unwichtig wie man zur Herrschaft gelangt(vererbt oder Bürger oder kirchlich eingesetzt–Príncipe somit als Herrscher zu übersetzen)
- lehnt tyrannei ab und hofft auf gute Festzelt und hofft auf weisen und gutmütigen Herrscher
- Staatsräson übertrifft Ungerechtigkeiten (auch Goethe Meinung bei Belagerung Mainz)
- die freien deutschen Reichsstaedte waren das politische ideal für M., da selbst regierend und unabhängig von Kaiser
- Gute Gesetze und gutes Heer als Formel für Organisation des Staatwesens
-18.Kapitel als bekanntestes da er aufruft gefürchtet(nicht gehasst) zu werden und besser als beliebt und nicht unbedingt Wort halten muss sondern es brechen muss um Herrschaft zuhalten
26Kapitel-II-XI Herrschaftsformen/3 Kapitel Heerwesen/XV-XXIII Regierungsprobleme/letzte Kapitel Erläuterung warum Herrscher Staaten verloren und letzte Kapitel Appell an Medici machten sich zureissen um Italien zu retten(manche denken ergingen dazugefuegt aber er steuert geradlinig auf diesen Schluss zu
1923: founded by Kemal(ataturk) as secular state and abolished Islamic caliphate after 1300y
Putsch 1960,1971,1980 and 1997(generals made prime resign)
- 1923 Ataturk created secular European identity to protect from islamism
- 2016 putsch first to aim for islamism with leader Fethullah Gülen
- erdogan called people to go to streets and fight for republic
- second largest nato military force
Jane Jakobs
Saw city life as a diverse neighborhood which dances like a ballet with each other– against Lower east side express (against Robert Moses)
-against big urban projects like Roosevelt island and Lincoln center
Book:”Life and Death”
Thomas Hobbes
With all thoughts and perceptions humans are only matter in motion, and God also a physical thing–except God(out of picture) this presents modern naturalism
“State of Nature” human not obligated to follow moral rules as it is not safe to do so
Vladimir Putin
- watched the people uprise in Dresden against Stasi in 1989–crowd tried to also ransack job building but Putin threatened to shoot(it worked)
- abolished regional elections of governors and appointed himself
- connecting Rome to Mesopotamia-center of trading
- Isis destroyed shrine to god Bel(1BC), temple to baalshamin and Roman victory arch
- Zenobia–Queen 3BC who resisted Romans and Persian rule
Stuart Davis
Still looks very “today” even if from 60s
- cubist who tried to give it an American look
- incorporated numbers words phrases much like pop art before it became popular but later on didn’t like that movement
- often used French influence to his New York street paintings
- mural of men’s bathroom of radio city hall
- late last huge canvases considered best work(monumentality with words)
W:”report from rockport”(Joan miro like)
Frauke Petry
1975 in Dresden
- Party leader of AfD(which was founded when merkel broke promise not to bail out Greece)
- dull and technocratic speeches
- “people have to shoot immigrants that cross border illegally”“Islam does not belong in Germany”
- Phd in chemistry and ex wife of pastor
- 2014 first seats in saxony–2015 about 15% national polls
- thinks that extremism mostly results out of the new social setting that the refugee not used to
- father tried to escape three times
- invested prize money of entrepreneur competition in start up but then bankrupt
1000-1400- era of crusades
638: one of first conquest of Arab caliphate
1099: first crusade-almost all Jews and Muslims slaughtered
-church of holy sepulchre (Christ crucifixion and resurrection)- Al Aqsa Mosque and
Dome of the Rock(second Hebrew temple) where Abraham was to have sacrificed Isaac and where in 621 Muhammad ascended to heaven
1187:Saladin retakes it and crusades never retook it completely but general tolerance by Saladin
George Plimpton
American sports journalist, writer, occasional sportsman
- founder of Paris review and writer at New Yorker
- write about his experience in sports(joining lions)and published like Sports Illustrated”Out of the league”(1965)”Shadow Box”(being with Muhammad Ali 1985) and”one for the record “(Hank Aaron black baseball player 1974)
Svetlana Alexievich
Belarus writer
Novel prize 2015
- new genre”history of emotions” and collage of human voices recorded during interviews
- monologue that are not so much about historical events but how they shaped their inner lives
- works exclusively w living ppl—books about -historical crises through voices of ordinary ppl -2005 national book critics award and 2013 German peace price of book trade
- books sold on black market in Russia
- first winner whose book are based on interviews
- women voices dominate in later work(more emotional recalling)
“Voices from Chernobyl”(1997) “War has not a woman’s face”(1984-Gorbachev used title in speech-women talking about WWII)
John leCarré
- Real name David Cornwell
- strongly influenced by his dad who was a con man with excesses and betrayals(fraud and stealing pension funds)
- his novels can be seen as British decline and refusal to accept it by elite
- moves to been and learned about German culture and post war partition
- like dad a brilliant mimic and entertainer and became spy
Spy novels(25)
Werke:delicate truth ( to be a patriot one has to betray the state/ no longer other states- countries are enemy but the money driven firms)
Call for the Deal (first novel 1961-George smiley)/The Spy who came in from the cold(Alec leamas)- not glamorous like James Bond
Ruthless manners so ..”That ordinary people here and elsewhere can sleep safely “Tinker.tailor.Soldier.Spy”(Alec guineess as Smiley)
Stephen King
- 350 million sold books
- common theme of ordinary helping each other and and struggling in life and pure evil(demonic or extraterrestrial etc.)
1979:Inspired by Iranian overthrow -militants stormed meccas grand mosque. Wahhabi forces helped clear them but deal was that al-Saud monarchy cede power for strict personal behavior:cinemas, concert halls shut down and women veil in black(need man to travel,study work or open bank accounts)
Eastern province: 2million shiites w Shia law but treated second class, conquered 1913 and never a shia minister appointed–saudis exploit and leave the population poor
-Mohammed bin Salman: de facto ruler (aging father)– many executions and move to the right after laxer times under Late king Abdullah but now moving to left(shut down moral
Police etc.)
Tony Blair
Prime minister 1997
Labour leader 1994
25 million pounds worth of properties and advisor to Wall Street and president of Kazakhstan
-messiah complex and believed in taking sides with every force
-thought that he could influence American behavior by joining military actions and sharing his views to shape outcome
-deceived parliament and his words publicly differ from his words to bush
Letter 2002” I will be with you, whatever!”
-Iraq war Worst interference since Suez–no imminent threat of Hussein and no weapons of mass destruction
Karl Marx
- 66 jahre nach seinem tod 1/3 der Weltbevölkerung die sich auf seine Lehren stützen
- glaubte dass Arbeiter sich zusammenschließen und Revolution machen
- philosophical problems arise if real life conditions which need to be changed
- not appreciated or know when alive and books sold very poorly(died impoverished)
- hailed Paris commune as communist society and Lenin and Russian revolution made Marx known
- poor speaker with a lisp but devoured books and ruthless in print(made enemies of friends and allies)
- his thought for human freedom and was Enlightenment figure(wanted works rational and transparent-liberated from external forces)
- didn’t say much about life would look like in communist regime it would find itself after revolution
- studiert Jura später Doktor in Philosophie über antiken Materialisten(demokrit und epikur)
- politisch und religionskritisch keine akademische Karriere möglich
1843: trifft Engels in Paris(erfolgreiches Unternehmen in England)
1848: kommunistische Manifest
1867: das Kapital - Wille zur Veränderung reicht nicht aus, wenn die Verhältnisse reif sind; die Reichtum produzieren können nicht darüber verfügen–kapitalistische Produktion führt zur Polarisation zwischen Kapitalisten und Arbeitern–man muss Produktionsverhältnisse umwälzen
Hubert Robert
- greatest painter of antiquities in 18th
- 1000 paintings(10k drawings in 50y)
- fast painter(1day for large pic)
- friends with Elisabeth Louise vigee Le Brun
- studied and stayed at the french academy in Rome for 10y
- started as painter of architecture
- joined royal academy
- painter for the court and refused Catherine the great invite
- went to prison in revolution for his association w royals
- harmonious touch -agreeable style and full of joy
Dada(babble of babies, double yes in Slavic,word for toy and hair tonic)
-Founded by artist refuging in Zurich from WWI at Cabaret Voltaire
-Main figure Hugo Ball(left turned gnostic catholic and died in countryside)
-Richard huelsenbeck champion of provoking and Sophie Taeub danced her appearances w mask on–late husband Hans Arp most consistent
-multimedia events combining words, literature,music,singing,dance,art,farce and noise
-tried to invent new art form with no ties to old ones and therefor incorporated abstraction,photomontage, collage,conceptual art, African artifacts and children drawings(wild simple and insane)and also aimed to laughter and absurdity(sets free)
-stayed at mental hospitals to experience
-1922 the group fell out over the question if a locomotive is more modern than a bowler hat
-difference to surrealism is that it didn’t had a leader(Breton) and a program
-max Ernst drawings and photomontage in 20s
-turned against anything established(religion,national identity,culture)
-whoever is a Dadaist is against dada
-Marcel duchamps pissoir”fountain”,Kurt Schwitters
Thomas De Quincey
- English writer, essayist best know for “confession of an English Opium Eater(1821)
- published anonymous and opium was taken for everything from stomach ache to headache
- laudanum(tincture dissolved in alcohol)
- tried to put losses(sisters death) fro. Time into spaces so that it still exists
- found Wordsworth ballad”we are seven” at 14 and shaped him–found him but disappointed but became friends of family
- his biography is not accurate as missing the chronology-the addiction made him think visions were realty
- Borges calls his dreams best in literature
- his sisters death when he was six made big impression especially the memory alone in front of the coffin when sun shines in
- later work obsessed with murder and violence
Henry Green
•neglected by success in lifetime–published under drab pseudonyms
•avoided definite article and hyphens, havoc on comma and killed adverbial suffix -ly
•very similar to Henry James who thought to really represent sense of life
•characters don’t always know everything and reader is mire knowledgeable which brings book alive
•war experience helped him become original
•Auden:”best English novelist alive”
•one word novels
•stopped writing 20y before his death to avoid repetition
W:Party Going”(1939-social comedy)”Living”(Birmingham factory life)”Loving”(1945-greatest novel-Irish castle 40s with upstairs-downstairs politics)
Shirley Jackson
SAN Francisco 1916-1965
- amateur witch
- mother disapproved of her look and profession
- fiction writer of New Yorker (husband writer for talk of the town)
- house represents warmth and security but also imprisonment and catastrophe–women keep their demons in their mind and fulfill the ideal of a house wife of the 50s
- great sense of humor
- suffered from agoraphobia
- died of heart failure but only speculated by village doctor– wrote in diary short before death hat she wanted to find freedom
W:”The Lottery”(1948-ritual human sacrifice-originally in New Yorker and gathered huge uproar)”The haunting of the Hill House(1959-one of best ghost stories written)”Wr have always lived in the castle”
Tristan und Isolde
1865 in Munich
- meditation on love and death which is based on an ancient myth of love of knight and wife of king( Celtic ambience in all versions which keeps mysticism, warrior code and knowledge of magic arts)
- daily reality dismissed as illusion and truth about love, life and death refrained as in a fever dream
- title roles one of the most extraordinarily demanding in opera and music was denied by singers and conductors as unplayable
- music is built on idea of great yearning that cannot be fulfilled in this life– orchestra plays single chord in third measure which builds but never resolved–“Tristan chord”
- prelude ecstatic yet torturous world of longing
- Isolde’s Liebestod with octave leap
Frank Kafka
•Was happy in his unhappiness–tortured spirit
•Laughed uncontrollable while citing the opening pages of “the Trial”(self irony)
•son of prague(“city wont let me go.”)
•political remote–not impressed when Germany declares war to russia(went swimming in diary)
•did care about praise and critiscm
•saw himself alien-hardly human
•beauty of language-purity and conciseness- always something not being said!(guilt cos of homoerotic fantasies?-disgust of women in his writing- father obsession as eternal masculine-his endless torture)
•dislike of psychology
•requested from max Brod to burn his writings(trial/castle)
Q:”I am made of literature.i am nothing else and cannot be anything else.”” A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us”” there is infinite hope, but not for us”
Tim Kaine
- Governor of Virginia and head of DNC
- not well known before running mate
- harmonica buff
- devout and bible savvy catholic
- never lost an election(from city council to governor 2005 to senator 2012)
- civil right lawyers trained at Harvard
- missionary in Honduras exposed him to race and poverty
- son in law of ex governor Linwood Holton(70-74)– made history by sending his daughters to black schools
- made first full speech on senate floor in Spanish
William of Norwich
Mid of 12th:
Blood libel(Jewish kidnapped and murdered Christian children to use the blood as part of religious holidays and as symbol as they killed Jesus and had to renew)
-as late as 2005 accused in Russia that Jews use ceremonial murder
-first case in town of Norwich, one of most thriving Jewish communities with strong moneylending business which fostered jealously
-1144 Holy Week and middle of civil war(empress Matilda against Stephen of blois), William(leather worker) brutally killed and had allegedly marks of crucification–nailed to a door and bled to death(accusations of his maternal aunt who also said she dreamt she was tortured by Jews and saw it as a sign what was to come)
Jews were summoned by bishop but was blocked by sherif as they are under the jurisdiction of the crown
-Williams body was publicly enshrined and tried to make him martyr
-Thomas of Monmouth tried to create a cult of William and write seven books about him l(first two books as template of Jewish guilt and punishment for later accounts)
-failure of second crusade in 1149 meant no spoils, more debts for crusaders and more prejudice against Jews
Søren Kierkegaard
- broke off engagement in 1841 and left celibate ever since
- seen as founder of existentialism
- God is a whole other and can’t pressed into service for mundane causes
- most important religious thinker of modern age–dramatizes thinking of religious and secular reason
- lover of irony and often signed works with synonyms
- human being is incorrigibly moral, condemned to worldly existence
- authoritarianism:God does not command an action cos it is good rather an action is good only because he commands it
- rejects sociality of reason(Hegel)as absolute and doesn’t tolerate any difference within its domain but himself succumbs god as more absolute power
- knight of faith: possibility that meaning of life is total different as it is(God as ultimate)
W:”Either/or”(1843-first book reflection. On two kinds of existence- hedonistic and aesthetic)”Fear and Trembling:a dialectical lyric”(opposition of public obligation and private faith–example if abrahams sacrifice “Akedah”–faith is a paradox where individual can’t make himself understood- religion imposes higher purpose to men than what ethical reason can do)
Benjamin Franklin
- Close to sister Jane(book of age- life and birth of family)
- 10siblings
- ran away 1723
- founding father of usa(signed Declaration of Independence-treaty of Paris-to end American revolution and constitution
- philosopher-diplomatParis and London
- self education:founded first lending library in USA (1731)
- was Imperialist and royalist before changing in favor to independence(humiliated in London by government accusing him being. Conspirator for colonist)
- started in printing business and later spent 18years to represent Pennsylvanians who opposed penn family
Franz Lizst
-Born in Hungary(former Austria) composer,pianist, conductor
-legend of his performances, women fainted and most famous if his time
-critic that he had poor grasp of compositional technique and pieces are shallow but saw himself misunderstood and had fervent admirers like Richard Strauss
-poor background but father gave him to be taught in Vienna to Antonia salieri
-Liszt Octaves- talks interlocking octave scales
-1847 last public recital where he accepted a fee
-accepted to be Court Kapellmeister in Weimar
-Wagner was his pupil and influenced him to enhance Tristan’s chromaticism
-invented new formats like symptonic poems
W:B minor sonata (master piece)
Mitch McConnell
- senator from Kentucky and second majority leader in senate from ther-started moderate and changed drastically to right as it benefit him
- lawyer from Louisville and 1977 ran as county judge
- doesn’t make great impression(boring)
- fervent believer in no limits of campaign contributions(opposed McCain-feingold but Supreme Court overruled him)
- 1984 won senator against Huddleston with misleading ad (written my ailes)
- loves and perfectioned fundraising
Derek Walcott
St.Lucia 1930
- first substantial poem when 18
- tried to create a Caribbean poetry as rich and rewarding as canonical works
- took in the patois of street language
- often used familiar figures like crusoe or homage to Dante and homer in “Omeros”(achille, hector and Helen–1990)
- Nobel prize 1992
J.M. Turner
- lived to paint-nothing else mattered m–from mid teens starting painting w pencil in early morning
- numbered and grumbled and not very eloquent
- often compared to constable who had a different approach to landscape. T. Tried to aim to deep final truth
- mother in asylum and he turned back on her and didn’t go to funeral
“Dutch boats in a Gale”(1801)”Slave Ship”(1840-he actually invested in slave farm)
Martin Luther
-big on women rights as she should get divorced if husband failed to have sex and can become priestess
-terrifying experience in thunderstorm bright him to church
- October 31st,1517 thesenanschlag church door in Wittenberg(murky evidence)
-Augustinian monk to complain about bought indulgences to get out of purgatory(Rome needed money to get st Peters cathedral built)
-only personal faith can obtain divine grace
-1521 excommunicated by Leo X
-translated the Nt into german from original Greek(11 weeks)and Old Testament from
-anti semit
-believed of second coming of Christ and life is short and has to
Live to the fullest
Samuel Beckett
NobelPrice (1969)
•obsessed w Joyce(dressed and ate same) try to counter balance by mimicking Henry Fielding and stealing whole phrases
•his novels refuse to yield to satisfaction or semantic release–makes you want to leave the theater–stop to read but artistry keeps you
•nearly abandoned writing till Godot became success
•mostly men driven plays till death of his student love and end 50s more and almost equal female parts also to start using memory and known feelings of past that were absent before( estragon can’t remember the day before in Godot)
•Dupuytren syndrome(locks hands in clawlike position)
•his letters don’t reveal much about him or his relationships(wife/Joyce etc.)
•Not,I(1972)total darkness only broken by light on mouth–idea from Caravaggio “beheading if St. John” and Epiphany of Moroccan woman–originally wanted to have two(mouth and auditor) but didn’t work on stage
•worked for French resistance and almost caught for concentration camp
•apolitical almost anti political but actually helped political causes (anti apartheid/Havel etc.)- was a stranger in France(never held passport and not Irish anymore cos he left early and never lived there- made him being aware not to be political
•bad at history plays and political satires and realistic fiction
•with leaving out a sense of time and space all the negativity and horrors that his plays describe could be taken place anywhere- now and then
•Yeats called Gina jew
•grew up Protestant Irish
Q:”If you do not love me. I shall not be loved.”“ever tried.ever failed.no matter.try again.fail again.fail better.”
“More pricks than kicks”(1933 - first own creative opus/17copies sold in beginning- couldn’t remember own stories years later when got famous and republished- “echoes bones” unreleased story)
“Waiting for Godot”“Not I””
Alexander Herzen
- illegitimate son of Russian noble man who gave him his name in honor of his german mother he smuggled into Russia disguised as a boy
- considered as first Russian socialist
- 1850–From the other shore(reflection on the failed revolutions in Europe 1848)
- 1852-1870 autobiography “My Past and Thoughts” unfinished at death–history has no aim and multiple futures are possible–collection of anecdotes and memories of great figures of his time(Hugo, garribaldi)
- Darwinist and believed laws and chance interact(repeat a situation and it might develop differently)
- witty and brilliance– could switch sides and ridicule his own arguments(admired by Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky)
Julia Ward Howe
-beautiful, rich and demanding attention
-woman activist
“Battle Hymn of the Republic”(events she witnessed near capital while civil war-soldiers sang”John browns body” and inspired her to write very violent but popular poem
-Howes new brown and even donated money to his cause
-1853:”Passion-Flowers”–husband didn’t know and wanted divorce as some poems were humiliating him-she agreed to stay and change and their battles relationship formed literary path
-1908 first woman elected to “American Academy of Arts and Letters”
-husband Samuel Howe famous for his work at blind school and Greek war of independence warrior like Byron
-friends with dickens and James and some of their characters might be based on her(David coperfiled,bostonians, portrait of a lady)
Michel De Montaigne
French philosopher of renaissance and statesman
•invented the essays(some of the most important essays by him-but arguments not always fully developed)and father of modern liberalism
•t.s Eliot”like a fog.He doesn’t reason but insinuates!”
•from wealthy people and lived w peasants for three years and then taught by a German tutor to be taught Latin–last writer to gather vast wisdom of antiquity and ignored the wrongly zeal of Christianity(Vatican banned his essays)
•some complained that he lacked of any hard core of belief and public-spirited advice
•wrote and retreated in tower on family estate
•mayor of Bordeaux
•inner life is double and all emotions are mixed and conclusion inconclusive
Q:”we are I know not how,double in ourselves,so that what we believe we disbelieve and cannot rid ourselves of what we condemn”
Oscar Wilde
•trinity college and Oxford
•1895-1897:stay in confinement at reading Gaol(designed to look like a castle)-punishment for having sex w men–“De Profundis” essay composed as letter to his lover Lord Alfred Douglas — had the chance to escape but stayed as he was proud- later he appealed his sentence in prison by saying he needs a doctor for his disgraceful sickness
•after bad experience campaigned for prison reform and gay laws
•New aesthetics“art for arts sake“-total autonomy
•married wealthy Constance Lloyd(2children)
•Irish playwright, novelist
•”picture of Dorian Gray” (greatest writing at „preface“)
•fluent in German and French (died in France)(also Greek and Latin-master of language)
•Master if aphorism(general truth expressed in a concise way)
W:“The importance of being Earnest“
Jean Cocteau
- gay French photographer,Poet,director and playwright
- he admired his own white hands and for them photographed
- loved his famous friends like Picasso(who designed sets for him)
- one of the greatest conversationalists
- Proust warned him that the salons and society would distract him from his work and talent
- fell in love with straight Raymond Radiguet and both profited from their friendship
- used word surrealism in ballet “Parade”three years before invented
- was with his a for bf Marais one of first famous gay couples
W:”Beauty and Beast”“les enfants terrible”
Bob Dylan
- Bobby Zimmerman
- Habit to turn up in neighborhoods of music legends
- deep and layered lyrics
- still rewriting all of his songs
- insisting on words over tunes(countermelodic)
- 2016 Nobelpreis but refused(for his understanding of great American song tradition-absorption and adaption of their elements)
- 64-67 his prime time(bringing it back home,blonde on blonde,highway61 revisited,the basement tapes)
- Brecht and Rimbaud his muses
- mixed folk with blues and “oral ballad”(century old traditions)
- fear of being trapped and typecast as Voice of his generation
“Tangled up in Blue” (1975-divorce album Blood on the tracks)”Desolation Row”
Francis Picabia
Paris 1879-1953
•with Marcel Duchamps follower of dada
•you have to take liberties even with liberty itself
•copies paintings of his father and swapped them with originals which he sold
•renowned for impressionist landscapes in 20s
•salon d’automne granted lifetime access and his works got more and more outrageous which they hang out of the way
•switched to surrealism and collage paintings and later abstractions– if you want to have clean ideas change them as often as your shirt(didn’t stay loyal to one style)
•close friend of Gertrude Stein
•seems soulless
•his dada pieces of engines or machines as new way to look at people
•started as impressionist went to cubists till dada and abstractions later with dots and circles—no style or approach that lasted
•desire to be consistently inconsistent
•wealthy playboy living on the riviera
W:”Salome”(1930)”portrait of cezanne”(1920)”l’œil cacodylate”(1921)
Gregory Rasputin
- was seen as sort of god(women collected water from nevka river where his body was thrown in and Romanovs brought him to cure there hemophiliac son)
- rumors if orgies with tsarina, prostitues and German spy got him murdered
- poisened and shot but revived-shot 4 more times and then body didn’t sink in river and untied his arms and made sign of cross(legend)
- 1893 he set of to pilgrimage(claimed he walked till holy land)
- great gift of reading people and combined mysticism w eroticism(accused to belong to the sect of khylyst-sin is necessary for redemption)
- apart from healer gave tsar political advise and more scandalous articles about R.behaviour did not stop tsar from keeping him
- dangerous for monarchy as all the scandals work against it–seen as “dark force”
- 30M scattered across Middle East–most in turkey Syria Iran and Iraq
- worlds largest population without a nation
- PKK in turkey-15m living there which were long denied–founded as communist party by ocalan till he transformed it to a ruthless national party
- since 2011 better self-rule in nortj-east Syria
- 5.5M in Iraq Protected during gulf war by USA from Hussein
- helping in war against isis
- most Kurds believe in Sunni-Islam but also shiites or Christian’s and rather identify through language which originates from Iranian roots and live mostly in mountains in turkey and iran
- Atatürk thwarted plan in 1923 W treaty of Lausanne of own land
- 800k in Germany
- Turks and Iraqi Kurds are in contact to undermine PKK and therefor turkey might accept a Iraqi Kurdistan
- PKK stands for socialism and gender equality
John Quincy Adams
R-6th President–one term in 1824
-cold-Face behind iron mask
-strict father
-Only former president to serve in House of Representatives
- Secretary of State(more successful than presidency-helped negotiating end of war of1812 –treaty of Ghent
-acquired Florida from Spain(transcontinental treaty)
-stroke before Lincoln
-died at his desk
-no electorial majority against Jackson so he got president w alliance of Henry clay(Speaker) support(promise if Secretary of State)
-foresaw split of union(civil war)
-only First Lady born outside the USA (Louisa-Ill and depressed-her father went bankrupt in London and fled to USA–popular at Prussian court and queen–her skills as hostess helped him become president as he was not social)
-considered both sons a failure(both died young)
-Monroe Doctrine(1823 warning Europeans to expand in Americas)
-wanted tunnels roads, universities, scientists”lighthouses of the skies”(knowledge and science would triumph over enslavement)
-great voice against slavery
Emily Dickenson
- Amherst Massachusetts
- usually composed at night but carried around pen during day
- only 10 of her poems published in her lifetime anonymously
- poems changed American literature
- recluse and know as “the myth”and rumors that she was epileptic
- many scraps(pieces of paper) remain with some of her works
- said to have had affair with Kate Scott
- Harvard Ken her desk and poems
John Aubrey
- Antiquary(passion for the last),biographer,natural philosopher
- wrote many unpublished brief mini bios (bacon, Doyle,Milton, Shakespeare)”Brief Lives” and with his description of the people as a true individual(way they dressed or laughed) was first true modern biographer
- wrong image as a drunkard that only wrote down gossip but was a serious intellectual
- fellow of royal society and pioneer thinker of archeology(measuring Stonehenge and layers of soil -stratigraphy)and on of first to attempt blood transfusion
King Lear
- bleak ending–after Lear exclaimed “howl,howl” to dead daughter Cordelia-Albany wants to restore L. But he ignores power and dies and no order restored and world must end w no justice
- originally too extreme so happy ending(also metaphor for James idea to reunite Britain as C and L. Are united)was later performed
- read up on James interest about Possession and adapted his reading into play to suit him
- more use of equivocation especially from Catholics allowed to lie if they believed in the truth
-Emerged in postwar Britain
-no or rough finshed -bare brick concrete and wood also uncompromising forcefulness, idiosyncratic shape with buildings inner life like plumbing and heating exposed
-cost effective alternative
-Skopje Bulgaria rebuilt heavily in 1963 after an earthquake and considered Brutalist capital of world
-clear exhibition of structure,valuation of materials “as found”,and memorability as image
-lack of finesse
Q:”l’architecture, c’est avec des matières brutes établir des rapports émouvants”
W:le Corbusier”unite d’habitation”(47-52)”Whitney museum”(63-66) “royal national theatre”(67-76)
55 a.d-
- stoic
- born a slave
- manual of ethic advise”Enchiridion”(some things are in our control and some are not”)
- only thing controllable is own judgement and only thing we should worry about
Werner Heisenberg
•world physicists feared he would build atomic bomb for Hitler so planned to kidnap him but weren’t close and program was shut down in 1942
•chief of research of nuclear fission
•tried to gain knowledge from Niels Bohr to build bomb but he was furious(later worked at Manhattan project)
•tried to keep on program but not build bomb so scientists don’t have to go to war
Frank Ramsey
- persuaded Wittgenstein to come back to Cambridge to teach and that his “tractatus” had flaws(W. Thought that problems arise from misunderstandings of logic of our language”. But in fact only reduced it down that not problem if linguistics but world
- one of greatest intellects of his time but not known to wider public
- brother was Archbishop of Canterbury
- “Ramsey theory”
- contribution to economic writingd(taxation and how much nation should save to have a state of bliss-60% of income )
Guy Burgess
•Russian spy and exiled to Moscow in 1951-boasted that r was a spy but mi6 never suspected anything and often was protected by senior figures
•BBC program director and government official
•Eton educated and privileged-dirty and inappropriate in appearance
• unpopular at Eton and never made it to elite group Pop but then made it his task to get into all other groups and make everyone important his friebds(Churchill etc.)
•secret society apostle and was gay
Bruce Springsteen
- Performer and guitarist since 60s
- self made working class roots in nj
- 1974”born to run” worldwide recognition
- suffers from depression/bipolar
- songs about Everyman on way to personal hero/experience
- nickname “the Boss”
- 1984”born in the USA” bitter reflections of a Vietnam veteran
- signed by Mike Appel who got him into Columbia records but exploited him– lawsuit that made S. not write for two years
- his band :E Street band(performing for 25 y)
James “Jimmy Merrill”
- Poet with 25
- elegance and virtuosity
- 1976” Divine Comedies”-seances he conducted with David Jackson(lover)with ouija board also “changing light at sandover”
- not artist shapes art but powers behind the mirror,spirits of dead and forces that choose poet as their medium
- aestheticism
- “book of ephraim” best poem
Restaurant: Bellevue, Pastar und brewery medvidku
•quiet and good listener
•studied at American academy but low profile and no one really remembers him
•little known about him and family
•worked with Muslim brotherhood after Mubarak was toppled
•toppled Mohammed Morsi who appointed him
But didn’t intend to take power and president in 2014
•Sisileaks reveal some of his intentions like manipulating media
•no press conferences or journalists able to ask questions
•women working one of the lowest in world
•out of touch with people and torture spiked(40,000 political prisoners)
•more Military man than politician
•police in opposition to army has its own power and can’t be controlled and very brutal
•less isis recruits as Egyptians are weary and more educated about radical Islam
Eleanor Roosevelt
•social reformer and crusader for human rights
•fought for desegregation of blacks in army
•insisted to be seen as an individual and not intermingled w her husband
•made some anti-Semitic statements early (1939 letter to a German friend) but later advocated for star of Israel
•united nations committee of human rights that drafted universal declaration of human rights
•1961 appointed by JFK commission on the status of women
•her husbands affair w secretary in 1918 shocked and changed her to a more self independent woman
Richard Diebenkorn
- abstraction phase from late 40s to mid 50s(de Kooning influence) To representational imagery(clearly recognizable for what they are)in figures, interiors and landscapes till mid 60s to “Ocean Park” paintings from late 60s(impressions of beach,sky,ocean transformed to enigmatic geometrics)
- his work very much influenced by bohemian style of San Francisco and Bay Area
- experimentalism influenced by Matisse
Émile Zola
- journalist, novelist
- practitioner of naturalism
- 1898 major figure in liberalization of France and defender of Alfred Dreyfus in his newspaper “l’aurore” j’accuse - open letter to president Felix Faure and divided Catholic Church and liberal society– he was convicted and stripped of legion of honor and fled to England
- nominated for Nobel Prize in 1901and 1902
- Italian father
- childhood friend cezanne
- failed baccalaureate twice
- started as literary and art critique
- wife Alexandrine but had second gf Jeanne and made two children with her
- 1864” la confession de Claude” autobiography
- 1867”Therese Raquin”-family under napoleon III and second empire) started the series Les Rougon-Macquart which follows both families for 5 generations and talks about the influences of violence, alcohol and prostitution
- 1886 l’œuvre about bohemian life of painters and falling out with Cézanne
- 1877 l’assommoir made him wealthy and better paid the Hugo
- died of carbon monoxide poising but conspiracy that vent was blocked on purpose
- Buried first at Montmartre then next to Hugo in Pantheon where someone tried to kill Dreyfus at the ceremony
- “naturalist” novel (inspired by doctor Claude Bernard)-observation of world with all that involved by meticulous documentation– experimental analysis of human psychology– character shouldn’t appear larger than life— critics say his characters are cardboard and not memorable
- called him self positivist
- heredity and circumstance explain circumstance(claude in l’ouevre)
W:”Rougon-Maquart- 20 novels as a panoramic account of second French Empire–300 characters that descend from those two families
L”oeuvre(1886-Claude lantier mad painter who fails to fully execute his genius and kills himself in the end-Nanas brother-obsessed and modern painter a la plein air)
(Arthur)Evelyn Waugh
- English author of biographies novels and travel books,journalist and critic
- one of the great prose stylist of 20th Century
- wrote for success, money and acclaim
- brother Alec, fathers favorite, was a writer himself whose move “island in the sun” made him rich
- homosexual phase at oxford
- 1929 married Evelyn Gardner but she cheated and divorced a year later and all later is aftermath and damaged even with all his success coming
- glorious and tenuous black comedy
- lost Anglican faith but turned to catholic as refuge
W:”decline and fall”(1928 successful debut)”Brideshed Revisited”Sword of Honor”“(war trilogy)
Jean-Honoré Fragonard
•successful,wealthy and avidly collected artist in his lifetime
•turned back to academie Royale early and retired with 60 to administer the museums
•fragonard room with 6 large paintings “The Progress of Love” portraying a pair of youthful lovers at frick
•student of Francois Boucher and got training as history painter
•1752 win of Prix de Rome and first overwhelmed by all the art in Rome
•his acceptance piece for the academie was bought by the crown and he was supposed to paint after the ceiling for Galerie d’appolo at the louvre, which he never did but he always lived in the palace
•1773 another voyage to Italy with his Parton who later claimed all his paintings as his but F suit him and got most of them restored
- Ignatius Loyola -military man who has visions and started religious journey when going to pilgrimage to holy land
- Francis Xavier fellow of I. Was sent to convert pagans in India and Japan
- spiritual excercises conducted by a trainer or spiritual director for one month to retreat from daily life to reflect on broader setting, possibilities and shortcomings and relationship to god – recreate life of jesus(first week isolation of god then early life of Jesus, his death and risen life)
- later changed to 14 years of studies
- first Jesuit Pope St. Francis took name from st Francis of Assisi who wasn’t a pope or priest or Jesuit
- pius XI encyclical against anti Semitic prevented by jesuits but also inspired by a Jesuit
- held lots of slaves
- presurpression jesuits (1540-1773) troublemaker in theology education politic till Franciscan pope Clemens XIV abolished and post surpression 1814 being revived by pius VII
- Campion a English radical who opposed the popes hardlines against England and queen but was later caught and tortured(gave up names of catholic families)
- Daniel berrigan who burned draft files to protest Vietnam war was hunted down but managed to did and reappear
Sigmund Freud
•1899 “The interpretation of a dream” breakthrough
•frequent use of cocaine and wrote many things but denounced it later
•1938 left Vienna on Orient Express
•many famous Freudians(psycho analysts immigrated to Usa and held big positions-became very popular–dynamic approach(source of feelings are hidden and we denying and surprising them and try to bring them to light(Dora study/rat man
•seen as the person who dived into the psyche of the subject and emerge with tragic wisdom( narcissus was more than just self living but I der Rath a trap door of aggression and desire etc.)
•claims that impregnated sister in law and covered it up–and misrepresented outcomes of patients
•Virginia woolf his publisher
•took daughter Anna in psychoanalysis to set her libido free but failed to grasp she liked women
•accused that his discoveries never occurred at all
•oedipus complex-every child must overcome an Oedipal desire to murder same sec parent in order to clear way for copulation with other one(usually around 4y)-discovery by Woman who claimed to been abused but F. Himself persuaded them to believe/he had same problem and belief with Oedipus complex
•seduction theory: woman suffering of hysteria were molested(usually father) under as a young child which they can’t remember and oedipus c was born and psycho analysis and they cover it up in dreams
•claims that we lost big parts of the 20th for research cos ppl only focused on his methods
Stephen Spielberg
•owns rosebud sled
•30 feature films directed (3 top grossing of all time)
•more thanked as god in oscar speeches
•extremely private
•problem being Jewish and yearned Christmas and everybody’s normal life
William Wordsworth
•loved the French Revolution but lost admiration when terror came and left his lover and child in France where he lived for a while
•started P. With his childhood tracking fragmentary episodes that influenced his mind from infancy to manhood how his psyche was formed and shaken
•P. Represent confusions as well as conclusions of consciousness
•poem address his friend Samuel Taylor Coledridge and abondibs impersonal epic voice
•concludes poem with tribute of human creative power” a thousand times more beautiful than the earth itself “— replacing externals divinity with inner one
•poem was published after death and praised for homage to nature not sensitivity to consciousness
W:”The prelude”(1805-meditative poem on growth of poets mind and consciousness over time
Theodor Fontane
- Vertreter des Realismus
- 1839 erste Novelle”Geschwisterliebe”
- Lehre zu Apotheker
- 1855-1859 London als Korrespondent für central Stelle für Presseangelegenheiten und dann zuständig für Presseberichte für positives Licht auf preußische Außenpolitik
- meisten romane nach 60 Lebensjahr und stellt Charaktere mit kritisch liebevoller Distanz vor
- “causerie” gebildete Plauderei in literarischer oder geselliger Art- wo Personen(oft unfreiwillig)währe Interessen enthüllen– Gesellschaftskritik
- “Herr von Ribbenbeck”
Effi Briest
Kritische Distanz mit schriftstellerischer Eleganz– Höhepunkt des poetischen Realismus– Geburtshelfer des deutschen Gesellschaftsroman- Manns Buddenbrooks
•harte Konsequenzen bei Übertretungen des bürgerlichen Moralkodex
•wahre Begebnisse
•Kreatürlichkeit (Hund Rollo und Haushälterin roswita) zur Gegenüberstellung der affektierten kessiner Gesellschaft
Alan Greenspan
- Jewish chairman of federal reserve from 1987-2006(appointed by Reagan)- second longest position
- “great moderation”-economic growth steady,inflation low,short and mild recessions
- reputation of a great fit to handle the crisis(Asian and Russian crisis, tech bubble etc.)
- studied clarinet at Juilliard for less than a year
- close relationship to ayn rand
- opposed to regulate derivatives and caused crisis of 2007(“ market is self correcting”)
- blamed Chinese to buy bonds to fast so the interest rates could rise and cool housing bubble
Joan didion
- Wrote a “Star is Born” move w. Streisand w her writer husband John Gregory Dunne
- big on journalism (40 pieces in NYRB)–especially about black-white relation
- travelled to many dangerous places for her recherché
W:”Blue Night”;memoirs especially about daughter who died ‘05 w 39y)”Run River”(1963
Gustave Flaubert
- lived with mother close to Rouen
- wasn’t well informed and didn’t read newspapers or voted
- 1856 Madame bovary his first work as a unknown provincial Frenchman in his mid thirties-first published “la revue de Paris” with passages expurgated
- 1869 “ Sentimental Education”-collective historical consciousness–one of most authentic historical novels ever written about 1848 revolution
- James Joyce literary godfather
Q”author in his work should be like god in the universe.Present everywhere and visible nowhere.”
Amos Oz (Klausner)
- most famous living Israeli writer
- 2014 “judas”-life of Jesus and judas in divided Jerusalem of 1950– three ideas (Ben-Gurion as Jewish state and legitimacy-judas as betrayer and Jesus as conflict with Christianity
- great rhetorical skill that sometimes too abstract and excuse for too long and eloquent speeches about big ideas
- “idea of betrayal. Of parents” often found in his books
- book of Kells—4 gospels in Latin written vellum(skin of calf)-originally kept at monastery at kells-most famous page Chr Rho (Christ in Greek)-written 800 A.D- moved to Dublin in 1653 to protect from Cromwell
- St Patrick’s- Jonathon swift dean 1713-1745 and buried - national cathedral of church of Ireland -1191 to st Patrick whose holy well was on this site
Restaurants: 37 Dawson Street/ Hazienda(bar with no door)
Alexander Pushkin
- Russian consider him greatest writer– first great writer and father of Russian Literatur
- famous Russian noble family whose great grand father was a black prince who was adopted by Peter the great and given considerable land by his daughter
- Imitated lord Byron and obsessed with Don Juan
- died in a duel over his wife’s infidelity
- unless other Russian authors he doesn’t engage in lengthy philosophical speeches which seem baggy but concise with a hint to ultimate questions
- loses lots of his rising lyrics in translation
- prose doesn’t come close to his poetry
W:”Eugene Onegin”(sparking wit, beautiful turned epigramms that need perfect timing)
“Mozart and Salieri”(10 pages that gave various ideas to Russian authors-inspired movie Amadeus)
Jane Austen
•six mature novels, four published in lifetime-never signed with her name–unfinished novel “Sandinton”
•great at opening lines in her books
Theodor Adorno
- Frankfurter Schule”from 1924-1970 on marx and Freudian ideas””– neo-Marxist– most all members were children of rich jewish businessmen who rejected capitalistic success
- criticism that school was elitist and only observed from afar while themselves enjoyed every luxury
- deeply influenced by Walter Benjamin that “every document of civilization is a document of barbarism”
- nazism is rooted from capitalism, enlightenment and western civilization(1944- dialectic of enlightenment)
- classical pianist and argues jazz and pop culture was suitable for nazism cos it distracted and oppressed the masses so they would focus on important things
- 1966- Negative Dialectics- reject idealism which only stands for “i” and regards nature as inferior
Jürgen Habermas
- Philosopher of 2nd generation of Frankfurt school
- against merkel Greece politics
- leading European public intellectual
- cares about political democracy of eu(so eu can act without compromise national governments)
- social democrat
- we came too far to go back to national decisions- embedded capitalism globalize do markets and outstripped national level democracy
- Adornos research assistant
- challenged Heidegger about “inner truth and greatness” of National Sozialism in 1953 which he hasn’t changed after re issue
- most distinctive feature of mankind is not social interaction through labor (Marx) but through discourse and communication
- endorses and defends liberalism and constitutional democracy (first german till Kant)
W:” Lure of Technocracy”
Robert Lowell
- bipolar disorder
- unwavering will and hugely talent poet
- in his madness thought to be Christ Hitler napoleon and often hospitalized
- confessional poets(like Silvia Plath)
- his first wife brilliant writer Elizabeth hardwick who helped and calmed him and without he wouldn’t have created and lived as long(later left her to a business heiress)
W:”Life Studies”“For the Union Dead”
Gods of Irish myths like Finn mac Cummaill and Ossian
•Gaelic bard
•Napoleon obsessed with him and painted his Rome bedroom after him where he was to be the successor of Caesar and king if Rome
Finn mac Cumaill
•god of all male hunter warriors fian (clergy called them “sons of death”)
•”accalam”(coming of Christianity to Ireland allows of some pageants stories to survive)– st Patrick writes them down w gods permission
•gods are not family like Olympian or Valhalla w attributes but beautiful healthy people who looked like us and lived in hollow hills called “side”
•myth decides their origin to angels that were not bad enough to go to hell and wen to Ireland and good angels that helped bringing Christianity
•started out of gods of nature but the changed to culture and skills
Chuck Schumer
•senate minority leader after Harry read
• Harvard law school
•started politics a state assembly for Flatbush
•used to hold Sunday press conference to get Monday coverage in newspapers
•1998 run for senate and was at third spot and almost quit race but tried to appeal
To neglected middle class white voters and won plus reelected
•campaigned against Harry Reid’s nuclear option to change rule 22(51 votes enough to overrule) but in the end voted for it
•Liebling der Wall Street and Great negotiator
Ben Lerner
- Fulbright scholar from Kansas
- finalist for national book award/Guggenheim Fellow/first American “preis der Stadt Münster für Poesie”
- teaches at brooklyn college
W”Lichtenberg Figures”2004(poetry)/”leaving the Atocha Station”(2011-fiction)
Shmuel Yosef Agnon
1888-1970 Poland (Austria-Hungarian) and now western Ukraine
- 1966 Nobel prize Jewish writer in Hebrew (mostly old Hebrew)
- 1908 immigrated to Palestine and drawn to Zionism
- drawn to Gerken literature and Thomas Mann leitmotif and conflict between Eros and calling of the artist
- copied Flauberts style especially indirect discourse(character speaks through voice of narrator)
- chose his religiosity cos it served purpose as artist
W:”A Simple Story”(1935)”A City in its Fullest”
- Emperor Eunuch Zheng He surpressed with his ships other regions (Vietnam etc.) and see as Chinese Columbus and created China’s idea of “tian xia”– everything under the heaven– where chine sits in the middle as sole possessor of civilization with other countries initiating its perfection
- creating new territories out of reefs in south Chinese sea and proclaim their land to her oil but also to fulfill the government idea of nine-dash line which occupies malaysias Philippines and Japan’s coastlines and argue that Zheng He been there before so it’s theirs
Xi Jinping
- In 100y of parties history the only next to Mao clearly chosen by peers as general secretary 2012 and president 2013(centralized power)
- determined to erudite corruption
- against glasnost and perestroika
William Faulkner
- 1949 Nobelpreis
- 1962 fell from a horse in VA
- his grandfather embasseled money and ran away with octoroon/grey Gran father wrote Civil war novel”“white rose of Memphis” which made him become a writer
- small guy 5’4 and alcoholic
- stories about “human heart in conflict with itself”
- lied to family friends etc(made up stories like war wounds in France)
- created a little town Jefferson in Yoknapatawpha county based on his oxford home where 15 of 30 novels take place
- his complexity to disguise facts to neighbors and force readers to struggle to get story straight
- 1935”Absolom, Absolom”which some critic think as his greatest novel
- often there is a sexual connection between master and slave
Voynich Manuskript
- 1430 und später von Kaiser Rudolph II ( obsessed with alchem) gekauft
- Sektionen von Botanik, Astronomie und Anatomie die bis heute noch nicht entziffert wurden und man sogar annimmt es sei ein Scherz da Bilder sehr dilettantisch gemalt sind
- in der Beinecke Yale Library unter MS 408
- full tempered short gay Milanese painter
- only signed one painting”Beheading if St.John”(Malta) and easily copied and believed other paintings by him
- Taking of Christ was found in Dublin after decades in attic
- “Seven Acts of Mercy” In pio monte,Naples
- inventor of chiaroscuro (play with light and dark)
- expelled by pope Paul V when he killed a thug but later rehabilitated but too late-died on the way back to Rome
- his style had big impact on baroque painting
- mysterious death - either fever of knights of Malta with whom he had a fight with after he became a knight
Rob Rauschenberg
- believed that art is unbounded and cross-pollinated(many different trades)
- friends w Duchamps and Dadaism
- Q:”painting related both to art and life. Neither can be made.(I try to act in the gap between the two)–“I always wanted my work done in the studio feel like it was going on outside the window”
- lover of Jasper Johns and Cy Twombly
- 1959 “combines” collages of drawings paintings taxidermy etc.
- 1948 attended with future wife Susan Weil Black Mountain college that was run by Joseph Albers and missed Dekooning
- 1953 asked de Kooning for a drawing that he erased later and made one of his most famous works
- youngest and first American to win top prize at biennale
- Andy Warhol showed him how to use craft of silk screening photographs which became his most eminent works
Elizabeth Bishop
- grew up in novia scotia and spent 40/50s in Brazil
- ordinary every day fiction that made her work feel natural
- felt poetry has to be accurate, spontaneous and mystic
- early work sometimes overly descriptive
- father died early and mother institutionalized
- gay
- very close friend w Robert Lowell and great correspondence
- later poems feel more free and confident
W:”Crusoe in England”
Steve Bannon
- mergers at Goldman Sachs and later sent to Hollywood to invest in movies
- violent history with his wife’s
- claims to have stocks I. Seinfeld syndicate but can’t be located
- head of Breitbard
- trumps campaign manager and now adjvisor
Ludmilla Petrsuhevskaya
- 1988-started writing when 50 at height of glasnost
- censored writer and write stories and plays in 60s and 70s
- dark and bleak truth of soviet society and living
- 1992 “Vremia noch”
- moral voice and heir of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
- gave up writing and does cabaret
- family was shunned as Enemies of people and moved to south east Russia where they starved and she collected food from trash
Eugene O’Neill
•1936 Nobel prize in literature
•Pulitzer for Drama (1920/22/28/57)
•some of his work very gauche(cos he intended that a good actor can convey more through his facial expressions
And gestures) and seemed like from an adolescent
•father James prospect to be a great actor but bought rights to “count of monte Cristian” and got stuck on your for 30y
•wanted to destroy 19th American theater where the star is everything and everyone supports only artist(like his dad was)
•Vagabund himself even tho he allegedly wanted one home and physically violent and alcoholic
•proud of his Irish roots and gave all
Children Irish names and insisted to have actors only of Irish descent to play his characters
W”The Ice Man” “The Hairy Ape”“Long Days Journey”
George Washington
- president day (Washington,Lincoln,Reagan) originated at his bday January 22
- 1789 first president and only one to be persuaded to accept presidency at temporal capital Nyc
- before commander-in-chief of continental army
- was loved and received as a monarch and despised it-wanted to make sure he was only temporarily and elected
- “gained his power by his readiness to give it up”
- very concerned about his appearance and to act(loved theatre)
- traveled throughout Usa to bring government to people and to get them to like it(rode as a civilian into cities)
- first treaty under constitution was with „creeks“ Indianas in Georgia to respect their land
- made fortune by land acquiring and was ambivalent against Indians (free as men but Selters needed their land)
- spent most money in his presidency in wars against Indians
Edith Warton
- married to ted warton but lived most of live apart and divorce when he embezzled her money
- created the “mount” in Massachusetts
- 1911 leaves for France
- 1914 set up a string of hostels to take care of war refugeees
- “The Children”last major success but she was out of touch and never really incorporated war– 1923 last time in NYC for two weeks
- 1927/28/30 nominated for Nobel/won Pulitzer
“House of Mirth”(Carrie Fisher/1905- Henry James plea to “do NYC)”Age of Innocence”(1920)
Robert Bresson
- 13 features in 40 years only(explained that was hard to get funding for his type of film as investors wed to know everything in advance and he couldn’t give that)
- did his two early films with professional actors than non-professionals
- films must be raw und authentic
- characters implausible and opaque(more truth to them)
- movie as filmed theatre
- doesnt like and your symbolism
W:”un condamné à mort s’est échappé”(1956)”Pickpocket”(1959)”Au hasard Balthazar”(1966- one of all tine best)
John F. Kennedy
•1956 jack Kennedy tried to run in primaries and lost
•sent anti catholic pamphlets to Catholics to get them to vote
•35th president
•Kennedy center In D.C.-performing arts center–presidential library and museum at Cambridge(1979- I.M. Pei)
•abolished prayers in church
•treaty with soviets to limited nuclear tests
Bill Clinton
- lost congressman in 1974–governor reelection in 1980
- brought party from left to center
- Clintonism– pro-market policies with rhetoric that put middle class families in highest place of honor
- won AZ and FL which wasn’t Dem in decades
- end of presidency budget was balanced, country at Peace and prosperous
- 1994 crime bill- three strikes mandatory life sentences and more police men– affirmative action policy 1995
- free trade NAFTA and deregulated banks(put to much faith in deregulation)
- signed Defense of a marriage Act(invalidated state sanctioned gay marriages
- scandals like “Whitewater” were they invested. In RE in Arkansas –prosecutor Kenneth Star who couldn’t find anything but then discovering sex scandals
- Clinton Foundation to give disaster relief and help poor like medicine(aids drugs for Africa)
- 2005 Clinton global initiative–forum like David to discuss worlds most pressing problems–15k pledge to participate and focused on renewable energies, small business credits for women etc–2016 last one
- thinks NYT out to get him(bad review of memoirs and opened whitewater w article)
Martin Luther
- born Luder to wealthy copper merchants
- Augustinian Friar(not monk) and theology professor
- 1517-95 Thesen an Kirchtür/university of Wittenberg–opposed sale of indulgences(forgiveness of sins)–one could even repent for someone else as Luther did at the holy stairs at Lateran for his grandfather–but believed salvation was only an outright gift from God only bestowed out of his love to his creation
- indulgences mostly by Julius II to finance St Peter–Jacob Fugger heavily involved with banking and transport and got 3%cut
- mostly survived cos of the patronage of elector Fredrick III of Saxony who stayed catholic and saved his life in 1521 by hiding at Wartburg Castle
- 1518 meeting in Augsburg with papal inquisitor in fuggers house that he left untouched
- 1519- revelation about nature of Salvation
- became friends w Cranach and used his paintings and printing to reach people
- first translation of bible from Latin to German
- 1525 freed from vow and married runaway nun Katharina von bora who gave 6 children
- hate of Jews an calvinists
- never hammered the theses but sent out to archbishop and were no demands but suggestions up for debate
- when caught in storm vowed to st Anne that he would become a monk
- became Staupnitzs successor of bible study in Wittenberg with 28
- sola Fide:”Glaube Alleine!”(backed by st Augustine)-be a sinner and let your sins be strong but let our trust in Christ be stronger
- sola Scriptura: only th bible could tell the truth- everyone became a priest cos they had to understand what they read
- 1521: Diet of worms - Luther went nd stuck with his views
- by mid of 16th 1/3 of books written by him in German(made him a rockstar)
- 1523 New Testament from Greek and 1534 Old Testament from Hebrew- volksnah und verständlich ( viele Alliterationen)
Diane Arbus
- suicide
- called her subjects freaks who Perseus their otherness with fierce velocity
- didn’t like to arrange subjects but rather arranged herself–saw and produced the world how it was without her// try to document shape-shifters
- grew up rich and privileged and was always drawn to other closest societies
- rumors that she had relationship w her brother
- starter at fashion photography w husband but had to quit
- no other artist portrait proud people so accurate who risk all to become themselves
- Lisette Model opened her eyes and brought her to the path to listen to herself and understand theme the way herself presented it to her
Czeslaw Milosz
•grew up as pole in Lithuania which was seized by Poland and he never really had identity
•1950 polish cultural attaché to Washington and was not considered trustworthy and summoned back to Warsaw but could leave with and didn’t return till ‘81
Of presidents wife the country to Paris
•never joined communist party
•1980 Nobel Prize
•his wartime poetry was simply direct and had pathos
•wanted to create poems that at least had a meaning to one person and his struggle with life
•disliked French initiation and aestheticism
•believed In listening to his conscience and alwys acted upon it(never could commit to Communism)
•spent most of his literary life in near-total eclipse as his work was banned in Poland and no one knew him in USA where he taught
•1993 moved back to krakow
W:”The captive Mind”
Günter Grass
•Nobel prize 1999
•belonged to Waffen SS when 17- he believed I disclosure and repentance but never confessed to that
•2012 complaints of Israel as atomic power
The Greek Anthology
- 4500 short poems from 3BCE to 4CE
- came to Europe from Byzanz in 15th and influenced European poetry
- evokes the Epigram” a short, especially satirical, poem having a witty or indigenous ending”has to have an expectation which should receive an Aufschluss.
- E.often only meant a label or something written(tombstone or in a cup)
- opposed to elegy which was a complaint poems often mourning the death
- collection of Meleager 2BCE and Phillip of Thessalonica(40 CE mostly Hellenistic), Constantine Cephalas(Palatine Antholgy in Heidelberg)
W.G Sebald
- killed in car accident
- 1996 “The Emigrants”international fame–four semi-fictional autobiographical stories and “austerlitz”(2001-welsh Jew finds out his heritage from Prague)
- characters isolate and depressed, often menaced by lunacy and trauma– but style is sometimes eccentric and playful
- new genre- combined essay, photographs and fiction to order to probe questions in new ways(scattered photos without captions)
- criticism that he was a lost modernist still left in 19th century prose
W”the rings of Saturn(1995)
Marcus Aurelius
•Vater einflussreicher Senator starb früh und Mutter Domitia Lucilla half mit Vermögen und macht
•Hadrian wurde aufmerksam und später Adoption durch Antonius Pius(H.adoptivkind)-21 Ausbildung in Staatsgeschaften was Einzelfall in römischer Historie
•asketisch und möchte keine Gladiatoren oder Theater
•machte adoptivbrudee Lucius Verus zum Mitkaiser
•Sohn commodus mit 16 mitkaiser
•glaubte dass alle miteinander verbunden und deshalb schrieb er nie jemanden ab
W:”Selbstbetrachtungen”(nur zum persönlichen Gebrauch-circa 170-
1.Buch Danksagungen an Familie und Gönner, mehr aber wer ihn und seine Weltanschauung geprägt hat
2-12. Bücher-sehr nach epiktet geprägt-da nicht für Publikum geschrieben, Stil sehr ich-bezogen und oft ohne Zusammenhang– Aufgabe der Vernunft ist es die Einflüsse des Körpers auf die Seele zurückzudrängen und diese zu Verbündeten zu gewinnen– will nicht innovativ sein aber bescheiden nach der Stoa leben und nicht selbst philosophieren
Q:” Hüte dich, dass du nicht verkaiserst!”
- executed only about a dozen important buildings
- opposed corporate influenced and restored architecture as an art form
- ideas of timelessness,solidity,nobility, repose
- grand gesture with simplicity and power-drew on gutsy ethos of Greco roman tradition
- “all forms are already embedded in material and await artists touch”(like Michelangelo)
- drew on the beaux arts ideas bilateral symmetry and marche (central processional route through building)
- drew on the concrete ideas of Le Corbusier
- taught at MIT,Yale and Princeton and Penn
- came from Estonia and face disfigured when he was mesmerized by burning coal as a child but his personality was magnetic and fathered three children by three women—oscar nominated film By his son who forged family with his half sisters
- died in restroom of Pen Station
W;”Exeter library”(65-71)”Salk institute”(59-65)”Kimbell Art Museum” Fort Worth (66-72)”Yale Museums”
Six day War
•war between israel, Egypt,Jordan and Syria and seizing of Palestinian West a bank
•”any sacrifice for peace” today is considered far worse than situation now
•peace agreement only my coercion which happened under carter (no more financial aids) or bush who forced Shamir to attend talks in Madrid and refused funding for settlements in territories(true problem)
French Great Terror
Great Terror (1793/94)-
•Robbiespierre ordered 2,639 executions
- Commune of Paris (1871) working poor killed(17-35k dead) many exiles to colonies- leftist and nationalists
- Gustave Courbet(President of federation des artistes) wrongly accused of destroying vendom
- troops sent by Adolphe Thiers-communards killed archbishop and two generals and set buildings on fire( petroleuse women who probably didn’t exist)
- resistance for trying to do disarm Paris and cannons at Montmartre
- disorder as lost war to Prussia and famine
- first dictatorship of proletariat/montee au mur( at Pierre lachaise for commemoration of shot ppl at that wall)
Victor Hugo
- public hero and buried in Parthenon
- lived on exile on British island Guernsey
- started if as royalist but then liberal and against Napoleon III
- big against capital punishment
"Les Miserable"(1862)-H. Sermonizes and doesn't have ability like dickens,Balzac to dramatize matters of heart--highest price ever paid for a novel--introduced lots of argot(language of the underclass like Balzac did)-jean Valjean hardly talks and and we mostly only follow his actions. Like the "slog through the sewer"to save Marius- "society must look at those things cos it creates them"
Camille Pissarro
•called himself pupil of Corot
•big emphasis of meaning of shadows
•eliminated earth colors and black from
His palette
•chose canvas sizes that showed modesty to private collector than public glory
•spent apprentice years in West Indies where father was a trader
•beloved by artists like cezanne
•foucussed on female paysanne and workers
- Gründergestalt Zenon (334-261 v.Christus)
- Name von “bemalten Wandhalle” in Agora Athen (stoa poikille)
- Anspruch die wahren erben sokrates zu sein die nach Wahrheit strebten
- Idee:großes Feuer reinigt die Welt in großen Abständen aber alle Gestirne behalten Laufbahn mit Präzision. Alles und gleiche geschieht kehrt unendlich wieder
- Chrysippos von soloi-drittes Oberhaupt der Schule und Meister Dialektik
- Idee:Menschen ein ganzes machen/vernunftseele die den Kosmos leitet geliehen und göttlich
- Körper als vessel und vom trieb oft verleitet und wenn nachgegeben macht Mensch zum Tier
- Musterbild ist Herakles der am Scheideweg zu Tugend und Laster das bequeme Leben als Selbstzweck ausschlägt erschöpfender existenzform mit vielen Rückschlägen wählt!– Erfolg nicht durch erreichen des Zieles-Erfolgreiches leben braucht Rückschläge
- guter und Luxus sind belanglos und unwichtig
- leid ist nur was wir selber als leid anerkennen und subjektiv-Vernunft erkennt dass Schmerz nichts ausrichten kann(auch wenn der Körper schreit)-“stoische Ruhe”
- gotter wurden verehrt aber nicht festgestellt welche-leben nach Tod war die Seele kehrt in Kosmos zurück
- gegenlehre zu Epikureischen Idee
•San Zeno-patron of Verona–bronze door with panels done by three masters–Giotto frescos–altarpiece by Andrea Mantegna–stolen by Napoleon-three top pieces can be seen as one painting- smiling San Zeno statue that shows him as a dark skinned
- piazza bra with amphitheater and piazza Erbe with lion Column
- Juliette balcony
- restaurant fontanina
Abraham Lincoln
•16th president and reelceted 1861-when took office slavery already 250y flourishing
•very astute and never stepped too early or late
•antislavery since early days-attended antislavery church and practiced his eloquence on antislavery speeches
•wrote anonymous articles In Papers to accuse opponents w falsehoods
•1846after state legislature left for one term to house of reps
•1850 “compromise” by Henry clay but left off or and died
•arch rival Stephen Douglas who saved “compromise” as he divided the omnibus bill into smaller ones to appeal to several groups–seven debates btw them are classics of rhetoric-L. Wins presidency 1860
•switched from Whig to republican
•shot in ford theatre by John Wilkes booth
•wife mary(Todd)
•signed emancipation proclamation jan1 1863-100days announcement to southern states to end slavery
•needed a victory and the long road to antiedam- general george mcclellan- who ran as a democrat against him for president in 1864)controversial: no power in those States to proclaim but had power in northern states n didn’t end slavery!
•Feared that Kentucky and Missouri would follow southern if E.P signed but decided to keep it so unionists in southern state will follow him
•13th amendment ended slavery
•famous speech: Gettysburg address:(1863/ dedication of soldiers/greatest speeches of us history/defined civil wars struggle for preservation of union that would bring equality to all)”four score seven years ago”
•William Seward (secretary of state)
•great player of influencing newspaper(in beginning wrote articles about himself-denouncing others(james shield,who called a duel-met but was called of)-accidentally pre released annual address-staged his debates got heavy press and resulted in cooper Union address-patronage to newspaper ppl to get their support-repressing paper in war time-outmaneuvering the papers w each other)
•conter argument:” wanted to deprive south from slaves to weaken and keep Union together”
•revisionists: High protective tariffs that favor northern industry over southern agriculture
•1855 (lost speech) called for a strangling cordon: free territories, free northern states that surround the south and will make them abolish it too sooner or later
•wanted that states abolish it themself (supported with incentives) and not government
•the compromise of 1850: Henry clay finds solutions that divides N\S over slavery
Van Cliburg
- most famous pianist in American history
- 1954 Julliard
- debut with ny Phil at Carnegie hall
- 1958 gold medal of Tschaikowsky price at height of Cold War
- first and last ticker-tape parade for classical musician and cover of TIME
- lived w his mum till her death (79)–gay
- 1978 stopped playing and before his playing became harsher and lost intuition(self doubt)
Arturo Toscanini
•precision and power but lack of spontaneity and amazing memory (could remember every detail for example Götterdämmerungen) and often rushed through the pieces
•RCA created two NBC Orchesters just for him (37-54)-in studio 8H(Snl today)
•one of greatest conductors-transparent radiant
•refused to play for Hitler and Mussolini-very morally driven and conducted the Palestine orchestra(36/37)
•only played 19th century
•1886 with 19 took over operas by conductor who got sick on tour In rio
•1898 principal conductor at “La Scala” gave premiers for Turandot, la Boheme,Pagliacci
•”fallstaf” fav opera
• easy on singers but tough on orchestra
•made opera as a spectacle(ppl talked laughed) to actual culture
•1929 musical director at ny Phil
Bob Marley
- died from Melanoma cancer(diagnosed 1977)-played final show 09/1980
- Rastafarian movement (fairly conservatives on scripture and diet and lax on liberal rituals like pot)
- born to a white man in Jamaica with no water/electricity-mixed blood and teased”german boy”
- founded group “Wailers” in Kingston
- Johnny Nash discovered them in 1970 but left them
- hits:” so much things to say”” I shot the sheriff”“could you be loved”
- symbol of peace and unity
- Peter gosh said to have been genius but rebel
- never really succeeded w blacks but more white college educated and hippies
W:”Soul Rebels”(1970)”Soul revolution”(1971)”Catch a Fire”(1973 revolution in adding guitar solos and synthesizer)”Natty Dread”(1974)”Legend”(1984 best of-one of most sold)
Homer”Odyssee”750 BC and Aeschylus trilogy “Oresteia”(458 BC) and euripides “Orestes”(408BC)
•Agamemnon comes home after Trojan war and 10years and killed my wife and her lover((Aegisthus)- later revenged by her children orestes and Elektra
•A. Sacrifices daughter Iphigenia(tricked to be married to Achilles)for good fortune atTrojan war
•Orestes is defended by god apollo who claims that Matricide isn’t a big deal as father is only true parent
•Helen of Troy is C. Sister
Sadiq Khan
•londons First Muslim mayor(or any metropolis-london would be a 43m population in USAand economy of Cali and Texas combined)
•third direct elected mayor(first in 2000)
•polls have him as most popular politician in town and material for prime minister
•Labour Party
•feminist and first mayor to walk in gay pride
•knows his responsibility to demistify Islam
•shared a bunk bed in tooting till he was 24(year he got married)
•studied law and worked for civil rights cases
Henry David Thoreau
1817-1861 Concord
- biggest little city-others were acott-Emerson Hawthorne
- American philosopher, poet, author, naturalist(recorded flora and fauna in region)
- despised Europe (adored Humboldt)
- never read newspapers
- abolitionist\transcendentalist
- narcism and saw himself superior to everyone else- often contradict himself(leisure is good and then work is important / railroad good then evil etc.)
- ambivalent sexuality(died virgin-liked man and women)
- 1837 graduated Harvard and saw education as highest value like his friend Emerson
- took Walden to show that women were surrounded by paradise
- Q:” We only see what we are prepared to see”
- wrote two volumes about flora and fauna of concord wildlife that he encountered and also took interest in trees and rivers
“Walden”-on Independence Day 1845 took
On life in the woods- reflection upon simple life in natural surroundings-escaping responsibilities of living among others-lived two years and wrote 10-only w Emerson help and after his death became cornerstone work of American nonfiction-much stretched the truth-wasn’t off grid-took 20min to walk home and frequent visitors in summer and winter in area/ate mums food several times a week-appealing as read early in school and time is very pro adolescents-to rebel and only listen to one self and great description of nature)”Cape Cod”(Irish immigrants shipwreck- he sympathized w natural forces and not victims)
Michelangelo (buonarroti)
•70y career
•was free in his art(no strings from patrons) and added deeply personal character
•copies Giotto and Bertoldo in his early days
•1506 “Battle of Casciba” cartoon with many naked men did not survive but some examples do and was taken by many big artist as a school to learn from
•life long study of male nude with play of passion and contentment of soul
•tomb of Julius II with Moses statue(originally 47 statues)
•Sistine Chapel Fresco since 1508-1512
•preferred sculpting to painting
•sketched everything out before creating
•gave fellow artist his drawings and ideas to help but also to establish his dominance (for example Sebastiano del piombo )
•hated Raphael”prince of synagogue”(friends w Jews)
•Allrounder also architecture poetry drawing
Frank Lloyd Wright
•Taliesin Fellowship 1932-response to Great Depression-Idealistic work-study commune(served as his architecture school and his office)
•rethought social issues and wanted people in rural areas to be more self sufficient
•exposed to an new German education and freethinking- also very feminist education
•Guggenheim Museum in NYC
•Mile-High Tower,Illinois- never created highest skyscraper (528 stories)
•archive was limited access and expensive for research so that today most new scholars are set back for a generation
•born draftsman but hired rendered for his projects
•obsessed with Japanese woodblock prints- layer when he couldn’t pay his bills he travelled to Japan to buy and sell them to get cash
•1900-1914 Prairie School
•scandals halted his career in his mid-life where others get best commissions but pulled it together and later exploited his persona in public media
•realized that heat doesn’t have to be conserved and closed off to keep heat and that revolutionized the open concept of living room and public spaces
•rejection of wall as traditional solid barrier and thought it as enclosure space- windows no longer holes punched through mass but light screen filters
•more than 140 buildings (1/3 of his buildings) open to public and speaks of his popularity all around
•brought house to the landscape with terraces
Porches, flower boxes
W:”Unity Temple”(05-08),”Fallingwater”(34-38)
•Basilique de Notre-Dame de Fourviere:
dedicated to Virgin Mary as she spared the city from plague-top of hill
•Place Bellecourt-one of largest squares in France/Europe
•Place Terreaux-Musée des Beaux Arts/Hotel den ville/fountain by Bartholdi(statue of liberty)
•cathédrale de St. Jean-famous astrological clock (till 2019)
•palais des papes
Seat of nine popes(including two antipopes from 1309-1377 as intrigues made Clemens V leave-Palais vieux (Benedict XII) et Palais neuf(Clemens VI)
•Pont St. Benezet -Hirte der gottes stimme hörte eine Brücke zu bauen–famous song from Operette in 19th century-built in 12jhd et destroyed 1668 cause of water storm
•Musée de Petit Palais-collection of Italian mittelalterlichen Werken und Sandro Botticelli
•churches: Notre Dame des Doms, St.didier
•Musée Centre Caulmont
•Musée Granet
• cathedrale St.Saveur
Alfred Sisley
- born to English parents in Paris
- after went to London he decided to become painter
- followed school of corot
- stayed himself true to only landscapes and always painted outside and didn’t finish in studio
- master of Überschwemmungen, Liegender Schnee(Monet preferred falling), und Ausmaße des Himmels und Lichtspiele/Reflektionen mit Wasser
- viele Werke vor 1970(Franko-Prussian War) disappeared
- food friends w Renoir, monet, Pissarro and he exhibited three times in their independent salon
Fernando Pessoa
1888 in Lisbon -1935
- wrote English verse which he learned as a child in ZA
- published only one book”message”collection of poems–left thousands of manuscripts which are masterpieces
- name Portuguese word for person–denied in his prose and poetry that he existed as any kind of distinctive individual-he is what he likes to be and others want him to be
- Magnus Opus “The Book of Disquiet”–collage of aphorisms and reflections in a fictional diary-work on for years but never published - claims that he is indifferent narrator with uneventful events-uses 72 fictional alter egos who he attributes the entries with–good example of solipsism (one ones own mind exists)
Chester Authur
•21st president (81-85)
•birtherism-gossip he was born in Canada or Ireland
•succeeded as president from vice president to James A.Garfield who got shot in 1881 who was his instructor at school before
•won a segregation case of black woman thrown off streetcar (1855)
•got much advise from Friend Julia sand who asked him to reform
•he redecorate md White House/revitalized navy and adapted great foreign policy plus helped black schools and civil service reform(politics removed from federal hiring
Erich Auerbach
•Literary critic
•Werke:”Mimesis”(Greek for imitation of reality in art and literature)the representation of reality in western literature”(apex of European humanist criticism”- twenty chapters each one for theological or literary work
•pattern of styles
•no extensive library in Istanbul later Yale
•constant theme “dignity and depth of the self”
Ulysses Grant
•General in civil war and fought decisive battles
•president after Andrew Johnson (1868)and said to be one of the worst and scandal ridden administrations
•tomb on riverside west became very neglected as people Didn’t care
•fought for the black cause and got lots praise from Douglass
•conter to his father he was quiet and not showing off and loud mouthed
•mixed military career(poorly at point. West and dismissed from army for being drunk) and poorly as business man and had to sell firewood on the street
• Lincoln about grants drinking problem:” can you send a barrel of whatever whiskey he drinks to my other generals?”
•decisive victories :Vicksburg (1863);battle of the (‘84-he pressed on even though he lost against Lee—loved to bulldoze others down)
•made many appointments if minorities ;Jews blacks women)
•stoical prose In his memoirs (like Lincoln and Crane)
760-710 BCE
•Song of Ilium/Ilion
•homer makes his book entertaining and light but it’s actually difficult and dense
•Unrhymed Greek-dactylic hexameter
•set at Trojan war and 10y siege and quarrels between King Agamemnon and warrior Archilles
•only covers a few weeks of the final year but covers many Greek myths and covers future events prohesized and Archilles imminent death and fall of Troy
•Odyssee is the sequel
Peter Sloterdijk
- German philosopher,polemicist and tv host (das Glashaus-philosophische Quartett)
- against taxes and immigrants and pro genetic alteration and
- clashed with Habermas as he uses nazi terms when talking about future generations might be shaped by some version of eugenics
- close to Heideggers views
- for him world is upcoming if rage(Islamist movement, stalin Bolshevik Revolution, Jewish god etc.)
- his former assistant is AFD official
W:”Critique of Cynical reason”(1983-most sold philo book after WWII-suggested to act like Diogenes when mastrubsting or asking Alexander to step out of the light)
Rex Tillerson
•secretary of state
•ceo of Exxonmobil
•names for two actors playing western (John Wayne/Rex allen)
•drum scholarship got him into university and then production engineer at Exxon
•wanted to leave after trumps speech at boys scouts but was persuaded to stay and called him “fucking moron “
•in charge to find new resources like oil fields which had him negotiate billion dollar bills with erratic and brutal leaders
•often acted against us legislation by doing deals against politics (oil deal in Iraq w Kurds)
•putin honored him with a pin and member if Russian order of friendship with whom he shared a friendship
-• for Paris accord but took long time to acknowledge climate change
•imposed enormous cuts and diplomatic positions
Leonardo da Vinci
- loathed Michelangelo and had David’s nudity concealed by a bronze leaf
- spent 17y in Milan and helped duke ludovico Sforza (later for Borgia)with military inventions (which were never built)
- affair with a young boy salai who reassembles Mona Lisa
- wrote right to left as he was left handed
- often abandoned his works
- used oil not only egg tempura in many layers to appear it was created in light
- beautiful boy(bit effeminate) who lived angels
- illegitimate son which set him free of obligations to follow in fathers prof
- his work show allot of androgyny (Mona Lisa/last supper etc.)
- created a notebook with thousands of pages strewn across the world with botany, anatomy, art etc-intended publication(not a diary and nothing about himself)
- rumors of his homosexuality(Germans called them Florenzer)—his spleen was setting caked bird free and also two machines like opening prisons from inside and tearing of bars (maybe symbolic?)
W:”Last Supper”(1495-1498)- made him finally famous “Battle of Anghiari”(passion of war and antiwar-Bit like Guernica)”Mona Lisa”(1503- astounding naturalism
George Eliot
- Mary Anne Evans
- male pen name so she was taken seriously (tribute to lover George Henry Lews)
- Dates many married men to escape real world and live fantasy— brother broke off ties with her for that behavior
- housekeeper of beloved dad- was considered too smart to marry local men- she always sought approval of family but when lost faith her dad split with her (later reconciliation)
- characters live fantasy in a community/person that seemed friendly are actually hostile
- many recurrenced themes are shameful secrets that are revealed
- Adam Bede first novel (7 all together/Middlemarch-protagonist Dorothea Brooke)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
- narcissus, which he portrays himself in his most autobiographical Novel “Tender in the night”(1934-Dick Diver)
- chronicler of jazz Age
- many of fellow writers and even friends thought him overrated (Edmund Wilson, Hemingway etc.) and during lifetime more a light weight— talented but unserious and flimsy but he was a poet of the prose
- lived with the history/manners changed dramatically and he recorded it and its society
- 1918 met Zelda Sayre
• the great Gatsby
Herbert Hoover
- 31st president (elected 1928 with 440 electoral votes -all but 8 states)-first time run for political office(four years later 59 votes)
- Coolidge predecessor—
- started of as a moderate Republican
- his measures against 1929 Great Depression were too conservative
- turned the House of Representatives Democratic for next 62 years
- studied at Stanford mining engineering and oversaw later many gold mines
- scrupulous hunger for power and money
- helped getting food to Belgium in WWI
- befriended Woodrow Wilson and was made responsible for food distribution to American troops
- warmed of a crash and sold his own stocks
- created some policy’s that became the new deal(agricultural loans, government home-mortgage agency,desperation of commercial and investment banking)
- wanted to stay out of war w hitler and disapproved of alliance w Stalin
- Truman appointed him to create an government efficiency study (Hoover Commission)
- never took a stand on prohibition which was then on his way out and widely unpopular
Mike Pence
•Vice president can’t get fired
•doctrinaire ideologist and well connected to base and billionaire donors (especially a puppet of the Kochs’)
•converted from Catholicity to Christian evangelism
•1987 started to run for Congress and lost against Democrat (used donations for his mortgage) till he made it in 2000(12 years but never authored a single successful bill)
•1992 joined conservative radio show which gave him exposure and being liked
• 2008 became Republican conference chair(presides weekly meetings discussing policies and legislative goals)
•2012 governor of Indiana - staged him for presidential campaign with very conservative policies (gay/money from casinos which he opposed)
•link for trump to evangelical and midwestern but they don’t really get along well and was with Chris Christie choice for VP
- commissioned by Augustus
- imperial optimism
- Aeneas and his Trojans left and headed westwards to settle in Italy to create a new empire(compared as puritans left England to create new state)
- use of historical present (starts sentences in past and changes to present and back to past- leaves uncertainty of what’s happening)
- dead father Achises reveals himself in dream and tells him to carry on
- Aeneas represents past present and future of people
Philipp Roth
- Self critical(several drafts per book)
- calls himself boring w uneventful life—reason to bring events to his books likes Flauberts quote:” be regular and orderly in life like a bourgeoise so that you may be violent and original in your art”
- problem to paint Jews-called anti-Semitic
- natural ease-familiar voice to reader
- likes to laugh and made many many friends(bellows /Kundera etc)
- often compared with John Updike
- criticism for weak female heroines
- close bounds to Newark where he grew up and understands through it America
Werke”The Ghost Writer”(dedicated to Milan Kundera-close friends and helped K to get western attention-Zuckerman(hauptfigur)-witness and chronicler of American life)” Operation Shylock”“Sabbaths Theatre”“Plot Against America”“Portnoys Complaint”(1969)
“The plot against America”(2004-Charles Lindbergh becomes president in 1940)
Susan Sonntag
Amerikanische Schriftstellerin/Poetin
•went to Vietcong and wrote article in “esquire”
Mary Shelly
•married to poet Sir Walter Scott
• when she was 18
•close friends w Lord Byron(sister had his child)
w:”Frankenstein,or the modern Prometheus”(1831-90 films,cartoons,60 Millionen google searches)—three volumes(with three different voices at different times by Creature/Frankenstein/explorer Robert Walton)published 1818 anonymously but early success staging with sold out houses throughout Europe—- not Doktor in the novel
•heroic rhetoric style of Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
•philosophical debate( creature wants female compagnion)
•three completely different versions (rewrote them)
•story is misinterpreted-about love and creature like an infant seeking a parent to teach him
•takes place in Ingolstadt
•his ugliness becomes the central idea of his revenge and him being rejected
•great friendship with sea captain Robert Walton
Pierre-August Renoir
- saccharine Sweetness in his portraits and nudes—sublime sentiment and hedonistic feel sometimes done w kitsch—wanted to create riches with modest means and for some people want it too rich it too modest — hard to have both
- later female figures are monumental -big breasts,hips,arms,thighs(critics call them antiquated but modernist like Picasso loved them)-recaptured Greek sculpture
- was Impressionist but still loved the details (woman’s complexion/a hat etc.) that made it hard to combine
- impressionist starting from 1870–avant-Gardist but turned his attention to past too
- loved storytelling
- jean Renoir-filmmaker (2nd son)
- struggles under arthritis later but kept tight grip
- married to Aline (his muse)
- Anti-Dreyfus and made anti-Semitic comments
- started sculpture late(some say as good as Rodin)
W:”Luncheon of the Boating Party”(1880/81)
Mihail Gorbachev
•general secretary
•his parents resisted Stalinism (secretly baptized)
•wife Raisa strongest influence
•KGB leader Yuri Andropov helped him in his ascend who raise to n2 at the Politbüro and then placed himself as next leader
•great chemistry w Reagan and thatcher (latter: we can do business together)
•1989 at Warsaw Pact Grant’s all states freedom without interference of his party (glasnost and perestroika Wiederaufbau)
•wanted free ejections and soviets (national counsels)
•took yeltsin out if Ural and gave him oversight of Moscow party— many quarrels started
•bush held off his full support of G. And financial aid (like Marshall Plan)and that weakened G
•1991 G was put under Housearresr by kgb chief Kryuchko(hardliner) and ussr couldn’t liberalize more(Raisa suffered a stroke of stress)
David Hockney
- later years (67-74y) painted rural landscapes of his native Yorkshire
- early 60s- debonair playfulness in paintings
- ”Photography” has failed” (lack of substance)
- loves to paint rugs
W:” Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy(1970- modern London at ease)”The Room”(1967- gay lover)
Robert F. Kennedy
- ran against Humphrey, McCarthy and Johnson (1968)
- ran his brothers campaign in 1960 and became Attorney General
- connection to union workers, African Americans (smart and reachable, street sense)
- first election a Kennedy lost was primaries at Oregon (against McCarthy)
- minutes after declaring victory in California he was shot at the ambassador hotel
- Senator of Minnesota
* Tried to eradicate Communism
Jacques Offenbach
- 100 works of musical theater and operas
- last piece “Les contes d’Hoffmann”from Gerken romantic writer ETA Hoffmann(who was a fav in France)-3years process-was said that he only lived to see it performed(wasn’t granted)-“Barcarolle”most famous aria—love of three diffferent women(a doll-a singer who dies when she performs-Venetian heartless courtesan
- composed in frantic pace
- apart from Hoffmann he was known for his satiric theater making fun of military, marriage,etc
- sublime musical parodies
- father adopted the name of his hometown but settled in cologne
- 1833 conservatoire in Paris to audition for cello but dropped out after a year
- became orchestra player at opera comique
- napoleonIII made him a French citizen and got him legion d’honneur- liked his theatre like his own politics was theatre
W:”La Belle Hélène”,”Orphée aux Enfer”
Friedrich Schiller
1759(Marbach am Neckar)-1805
- besuchte gegen den Willen der Eltern eine Militärakademie (Carl Eugen) um Führungselite her anzutrainieren-beendete als Doktor der Medizin nicht Jurist wie vorgesehen
- 1782 Uraufführung von Räuber in benachbarten Mannheim -gleich Ruhm-verlangen nach Freiheit, Empörung um sittlichen Verfall. Schiller besuchte das Stück und wurde wegen unerlaubten Urlaubes in Arrest gestellt und Schreibverbot und floh letztendlich nach Thüringen
- 1783/83 lebte als verarmter deserteur und schrieb “Kabale und Liebe” die den herzoglichen Hof in Stuttgart angreift
- verschuldet fast im Schuldner Gefängnis
- 1785-88 Christian Gottfried Körner nimmt sich ihm an uns verlegt seine Werke
- 1789: Antrittsrede als Professor in Jena und von Frankreich geehrt(Staatsbürgerschaft)er revidiert es später
- ist ständig krank und zerbrechlich
- viel Austausch mit Kant und Goethe (1776),fruchtbare arbeitsbeziehung aus denen etliche Werke hervorgehen
Arthur Schlesinger
•called (neo)liberal historian and a defender as USA as an empire but gave warnings against unchecked executive power
•”Age of Jackson “ revised the view on Andrew Jackson’s presidency (Pulitzer Prize)— Jackson had close similarities to FDRs new deal and book helped new dealers understand their time better
•despised McCarthy ant communism
But also pro Stalin
•speechwriter for Adlai Stevenson (52and56 runner for president hated his indecisiveness) then JFK in 1960
•second Pulitzer for “thousand days”- memoir of jfk politics
Georg Friedrich Händel
•court composer for the Hanoverian regime George II
“MESSIAH”(1741)- (oratorio) emotional range, embraces multiplicity of existence and engagement of our longings, fears,sorrows, ecstasy and exaltation— first performed in Fishamble Street in Dublin/originally a concert piece/when composing the messiah he was in trance and saw Visions of god// Text assembled mostly of old prophetic writings of Jesus arrival
•Zadok the Priest- sung at English coronations
Joseph Conrad
1857 (Ukraine)-1924
•father was a polish nationalist, arrested several times
•wanted to become a sailor and was sent to marseille and then joined British merchant marine
•spent some time in Congo and saw
King Leopolds II atrocities
•polish-English Writer and one of best in the English language, which he only learned as an adult
•hero’s are often alone and refuses to let story speak by itself -talks all mysteries out of situation
•condenmed exploitation of Africa but was a bit of a racist himself
W:”Lord Jim””Victory””Heart if Darkness”
John Hay
- Roosevelt Secretary of state(also before in many foreign posts)
- ghostwriter of most of Lincoln’s correspondence also Bixby letter (southern supporter women claimed to have lost 5 sons but lied -2sons)
- thought the American democratic System close to perfection
- married Clara stone (one of richest women)
- Q”Splendid little war”- Spanish-American war(helped create a superpower out of USA which was before more of a bystander)
- defended Philippines occupation and arranged meetings to create Panama Canal and declare independence from Columbia (built with American money and Interests)
- ”Open door” notes- China open to trade with all countries rather than making exclusive deals
Sir Isaac Newton
- Studied at Cambridge (Aritstotle etc.) but also engaged in revolutionary thinking like Descartes
- groundwork’s in math,optics,astronomy, theoretical physics
- first scientist ever been knighted
- president of royal society
- obsessed with alchemy and finding a cure with it which influenced his own health and went insane (poisonous materials)
- study of bible and history of religion- kept secret that he engaged in religious matter, hurt his reputation and job(believed the patriarchs like Noah etc knew about the meaning of god and sun as Centre that’s why they put fire in the middle of their temples)
- 1690- close friendship to John Locke
Alexander Pope: Nature and nature’s law lay his in the night.
God said, Let Newton be! And all was light
Andrew Lloyd Weber
•very pompous style and dragged broadway back to European style of operetta
•had a toy musical theatre with his brother where full shows were created and many ideas came for his later shows
•PG Wodehouse fan and one of his I it flops about his life
•father was a composer for church music and I traduced him to Puccini
Jesus Christ Superstar (1970)-first Jesus was lead singer of deep purple- a true (prog) Rock musical
•managed to keep 80% of his proceeds(not to music publisher)
•long time partner Tim Rice(“memory”)
Walt Whitman
- father of free verse
- in between transcendentalism and realism
- candid and open treatment of body and language, disability and death- visited 100k soldiers in hospitals(homoerotic arousal and got tuberculosis)
- specimen popular word for him
- war was a social cleansing agent and a powerful force to union America
- saw president and government before war as evil corrupted people which was purified by war
- all soldiers equally brave and was against slavery but could sound racist at times (opposed suffrage and embraced slave owners in some poems)
- Friend Traubel recorded 5k pages and wrote biography”with Whitman in Camden”(1906)
Q:” What would this life be without immortality?… if the spiritual is not behind the material, to what purpose is the material?”( believed in souls living after death but wasn’t religious per se-Santa Spirita)
W:””Drum-Taps”(1865- civil war poetry)”Leaves of Grass”
Julius Caesar
- lifelong sear on Senat when elected quaestor(finances)
- made many enemies early but had two influential, rich friends Marcus Crassus/Gnaeus Pompey (first triumvirate)
- 59BC consul
- Gaul was taken and put under personal power greAtest lang grab by Roman General
- complained that he hadn’t achieved as much as Alexander the Great when 31
- Cicero lauded caesars prose as straightforward,makes and without Ornaments
- senate voted for him to wear laurels for honor(hide his hair loss)
- epileptic attacks
- genocide of several people (Belgians etc)-fought 4M Gauls and killed 1M-400k Germans(broke truces)
- crossing of the Rubicon in 49 BC while Rome was facing a civil war (moved troupe to Rimini -military coup and defeated his old friend Pompey and then got dragged into Egyptian war for rule (cleopatra and siblings)and last enemies beat in Spain (45)
- many policies for poor and veterans (rent control,debt relief etc)
- replaced 355 day calendar to 365 with leap year
- 44 dictator for life and first moving person. To have head depicted in club -killed ides of March (room was later turned into communal toilet)
Jasper Johns
- cerebral and taciturn
- painter, sculptor, printmaker
- abstract expressionism, Neo-Dada and pop art
- known for American Flags and others related topics
- 1954-vision in a Dream (stars and stripes on an easel, which he painted)-1955 “Flag”(MoMA)-canvass too expensive for artist so he took a bed sheet with enamel paint and mixed with beeswax as it took to long to dry—it’s a flag (object)and a painting at the same
- painted three dozens of flags
- only once took a stand with his flags when ending Vietnam war otherwise quiet about meaning
- couldn’t perform abstract expressionism as he didn’t want his work be an exposure of his feelings- work has to have importance and be Independent from the artist personality
- sculptures that took shape pre-existing objects(not like Duchamp using the real objects as art)
- lover to Robert Rauschenberg (broke up 1961- he made paintings like “Liar””no”)
- destroyed all early works
- 1970s crosshatch paintings are first real abstract works of his
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Performed best when listeners understood him and had connection
- child prodigy on the piano
- Köchelverzeichnis 626 items (Requiem lädt and unfinished)
- composes for the audience reactions (K297- Paris symphony- repetition of a movement in the end)
- first German opera “Entführung aus dem Serail”(tribute to emperor Joseph II for the centennial of ottomans defeat 1683)
- understood that winds give all voices a special character (tamino in magic flute- last opera)
Robert Mugabe-Mnangagwa/Zimbabwe
•“crocodile“ as he fought against white rule (confident of mugabe who tried to poison him-minister of security in 80s-and killed 20k opposers in south)
•92 y old dictator got ousted in 2017 and planned successor wife grace
-killed activists in 08 election and was forced to build a unity party as foreign pressure grew
•Harare capital
•2000s seizure of white rules farms and Enteignung
Victor Orban
•originally Protestant but changes party programs in 90s to be more bürgerlich and involve church and the people’s values
•‘98 with 35y Europe’s youngest prime minster
•studied on a George soros scholarship who
He hates today
•prime mister again since 2010 again when the left wing had a disastrous economic record and dealt with corruption
•gave 1M Hungarians. From neighboring countries new citizenship who voted for him and the 500k left and couldn’t vote in embassies (elections in 2014- free but not fair)
•represented by Fidesz who is centralizing power and exploiting the country — money isn’t stashed away but land is being owned by most members (most land ownership in modern Europe)
Paul Cézanne
•struggled with portraits(made around 160)
•family wealth greed him to do work he didn’t want to do
•Mildly anti-Semitic(was in favor of Dreyfus affair) and embraced Catholicism In late years
•wasn’t taken serious till late and first private show in Paris in 1895
•despised gaugin (accused of stealing his style)
•eyes often look in different directions(evidence of discontinued process)
Mohammed bin Salman
King Salman currently monarch and father
- deputy crown prince and son of ruler of Saudi Arabia (Nayef designated crown prince till he got support by trump)
- supported by trump/kushner and their hope for change in the region
- nickname MBS
- kingdom ruled since 1953 by six brothers all sons of King Abdul Aziz al Saud (1932 United Kingdom)
- one of last absolute Monarchies
- King seen as “custodian of the holy mosques” (Mecca et Medina)
- mostly suni Population and Iran as big enemy
- since 2017 open conflict with Qatar(too close relationship with Iran) blockades by Saudi/Bahrain/gulf states and saudis hacked state television Al Jazeera to tweet wrong statements by emir
- reformed Whababi law(ancient ant western doctrine)- like women can drive now but he actually arrested reform religious groups and closed independent press
- arrested members of royal family for corruption but reason was to gain all security offices and threaten them (national guard was left)-no more checks and balances
Francois-René Comte Chateubriand
•grew up penniless but father made money with ships and slave trade
•simple cross with no name as tomb stone(humble and Christian)
•claimed to have interviewed Washington (as contrast to tyrannical Napoleon)-not sure if real
•joined emigre Army of the princes (formed in Koblenz) to fight against revolution
•escaped to London till 1800
•1802 genié du christianisme (same time when Napoleon signed concordat with Catholic Church to reinstall their position)
•1814 “ De buonaparte et des Bourbons”-defense of legitimate monarchy against its usurper
•memoires d’outre-tombe (44books)- intended to be published 50y after his death by needed money and sold rights which made it published right after his death
•victor Hugo big fan
•early voice of French Romanticism (Atala et René)
Uraufführung 1600
•not too popular till 18 century when German/English romanticism promoted it (exploration of the self/Vorlage für Goethes Wilhelm Meister)
•possibility that it was written for his only son Hamnet who died at 11
•a son bemoans his father who fails to secure sons succession
•Freud often compared hamlets complex to Oedipus complex (his own desire to kill father and sleep with mother)
•suicide thoughts might be void-likes his image to detest the world and not really thinking of committing the deed
•three different versions(Q1-Q3)- Q1 was found in 18s and changed perception of the play
Q:”to be or not to be”
Gustav Klimt
Egon Schiele
•his drawings were weak
•started in 1880 with many commissions for buildings at new official buildings were the city wall used to be (Burgtheater)
•1894 great hall of university (three paintings representing faculties-medicine,Jura,philosophy)-idea of lightness wine over darkness but his paintings did opposite
Artist of sublimation and allegories,symbols
•Gold leaves and mosaic effects as surfaces but also posture and gesture of strong women
•strong drawings that were sold to collectors
•Scandolous erotic pictures
•arrested for kidnapping rape and public immorality
•deliberately morbid expressions- skinny predeath bodies and puppet like quality(death and decay constant theme)
•master painter of decadence
•arms often symbolize distortion (Verzerrung)
•Pubertäre Kinder,die masturbieren
•Gustav Klimt was his teacher
•inspiration from very alive Japanese puppet theatre Bunraka
•him and his wife died of Spanish influenza (more dead than WWI)- he was 28
•created on32 self portrays and two hundred works on paper
•personae was calm relaxed and agreeable but portrays himself as troubled, haughty and blasé in pics
Giorgio Vasari
- artist,architect and art historian
- designed Uffizi
- huge canvases and frescoes leave generic renaissance effect
- 1550 book:”the lives of the most excellent painters,sculptors and architects”
- Palazzo Vecchio- overpainted da Vinci’s “battle of anghiari”in request if Medicis who wanted a new painting to show their greatness- but Vasari knew da Vinci’s magnificence and left hint “Cerca trova “-seek and you will find
- Personal friend to Michelangelo
- was always in movement and painted endless commissions (but the rather without passion)
- bought great house and decorated it in hometown arezzo
- pushes his friends and denounced enemies in book (el Greco complained that he only valued Roman and Tuscan art)
- collected drawings and assembled book that refers to design and style of artists (lost today) but his school still exists
- ”Renaissance” our of his idea that the painters were coming back to the perfection of ancient rom and Greece
Independence 1947
- worlds biggest democracy
- prime minster narendra modi (BJP-Indians people party)-majority without need of coalition//three top men in country (prime/chief/president) come from a ultra Hindu extremism(dans of European fascism)
- sections are bought and third of Congress man have criminal charges against them
George Bernard Shaw
1856(Dublin) -
- Irish playwright and theathre critic
- ubiquity- print, newspaper, stage, tv
- Source for newly intellectually aware middle and low middle classes
- autodidact-came from poor background and started in real estate
- witty, rigorous, energetic style
- 1885 music critic for the dramatic review and then public speaker
- 1895 drama critic for Saturday review
- 1897 first success with “the devils disciple”
- sat on the Labour representative committee which turned into Labour Party
- huge success in German speaking countries
- lost favor when he wrote about WWI as a mistake from moth sides (Germany and allies) but changed his opinion(or pretended to) when went to the front and became preachy in his publications
- tired of democracy- liked Hitler,, Stalin , Mussolini(wanted to kill the genetic unfavorable)
- didn’t want to be Irish but followed development there and wrote and supported the Irish revolutioners
- believed in Lamarck evolution and the female in his plays looked for men to reproduce(if men wanted or not) and are the dominate character
- many actors avoided him- inexhaustible verbosity at expense f emotional depth-but they work good in theatre(know to amuse audience)
- doesn’t let character develop for themselves- always behind as to pull strings a a puppet and make sure all Indented is understood
- made lots of noise but didn’t leave a real mark (provoked a lot)
•works on Ibsen and Wagner “the ring”
Marianne Moore
1887-1972 in st.luis
•Modernist poet
•animal poems-often sacrifices accuracy for rhyme
•infatuated with Henry James niece Peggy James
•all correspondence and manuscripts bought by rosenbach museum
•was on today show-sports illustrated and cover of esquire
•first to write exclusively on typewriter
•insane father(asylum- thought was appointed to find bibles truths-cut off his right hand-as written in bible)
•went to Bryan mawr(prepared by mothers lesbian gf)-marianne stayed with mother and all three(including brother warren) had an intense relationship(M.is referred as “he” in family letters-mother daughter slept in same bed till death-mother edited Poems and even contributed lines
•argument that she stayed at home so she could write and not other obligations like work,marriage or money)
•Pulitzer and bollingen
•Ezra pound n Eliot recommended her-first works in 1915-work as nothing but language,which is a dance among words and ideas
•enfant terrible” of NYC- witty,radical practice of syllabic but rymed stanzas and cleverness w metaphor but poems seem lonely
•brilliant editor of “the dial”(one by Margarete Fuller)
•poetry declines over time(fatigue of imagination)- M.thought poetry not satirical but praise and reason leads to lack of imagination
•amazing perception that startled ppl
•fan of Norman mailer
Werke:”observations”(1921)”the Fish”“the octopus”“the jerboa”
Clement Attlee
- known for being inconspicuous(sheep in sheeps clothing/modest little man with plenty to be modest about
- belittled and not taken serious by many but made it and his government was one of the best in 20th (British academics opinion)-made modern England
- grew up in London and enjoyed being in the poor parts after college (family was rich)
- hobby poet- especially his war poems in WWI
- first Oxford graduate to become a Labour MP
- big fan of Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points Democracy (free trade - league of nation etc)
- loyal character especially to party credo ( clause IV-best for workers)
- fourfold System of welfare(sickpay/health service/Insurance)
- opposes communism in practice and Marxism in theory-also Infiltration of unions by Marxist’s
- hard as Churchill but stayed in his shadow but C only became PM with his help
Herbert von Karajan
- Austrian conductor
- wanted to keep drive and precision of Toscanini with fantasy and Introspection of furtwangler
- wizard of pure sound
- perfectionist- striving for balance proportion lucidity and polish
- no extroverted gestures- small for soft music and big movements for loud
- music director of Berlin philharmonic (1956-1964)-London -producer and director at la scala -general director of Vienna state opera and artistic director of Salzburger festival
- directed film and tv plus abstract opera
- man of 19yh century and too luxuriant for baroque
- fan of Mahler and refused to record carmina burana
Roland Barthes
•-“Mythologies”(1957- 54shodt stories about French pop culture
•run over by a laundry truck after having lunch with Francois Mitterrand
•literature critic but al us wanted to write novel
•gay men living with his mother
•French theorist to inspire genuine love (someone to completely excepts all your moods)
•lived next to saint sulpice
•liked structuralism and post-structuralism(endless play-restless and fugitive nature of signs)-only liked Literatur with neutral voice toi(like Camus-nothing with psychology)
•loved cy twombly (scribbles but freed of meaning- he simulated it!)
•”camera Lucida” - two theories of spectator :Studium and Punktum(single detail that touches the spectator)of photography
Homer - Iliad (Ilias)
- Song of Illion (Troja)
- Greek epic poem in dactylic hexameter
- set during the Trojan war and it’s siege by a coalition of Greek states
- battles and quarrels between king Agamemnon and warrior archilles
- only covers the end of war(few weeks) it covers many Greek legends about siege
- Odyssey(sequel)- both some of oldest world of western literature
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu(1949-
•First prime minster born in Israel
•Populist comparable to trump- denounces left wing media and fake news
•sex tape emerged 1993 and wide Sara stood by him after he Adressen it on tv- she has lots of influence
•ambassador to Israel in dc and UN in 80s
•brother died trying to rescue Israel prisoners
•N was in the special forces himself and took a bullet on an operation
•father a very conservative historian who feared Iranian atomic force and thought the Israel state wouldn’t happen with the people
At disposal(didn’t believe in the ppl)
Charles I
- King Britain and Ireland 1625-1649
- built up one of the greatest art collections
- unsuccessfully monarch- became heir after his brother Henry died- 5’4 with bad speech impediment
- anti-Calvinist religious sympathy
- 1629 chose to rule w/o parliament for 11y(needed the P. Approval for money)
- tried to overthrow MPs and declared war( parliament with scots and Irish against him)— losses like WWI
- declined a peaceful settlement and 1649 execution (“man of blood” who brought war upon his people)
- sold his art collection to settle debts (many in France and Spain)
- (ghost-) wrote a spiritual and political reflection(cleric wrote it) that became bestseller “Eikon Basilike”(the image of the king)— became an angelican martyr in 1660( canonized by Parliament)
- Spanish catholic wife Henrietta Maria was granddaughter to pope urban VIII and had a chapel in all of her palaces
- started collecting from his mother wish and when he saw the Spanish court where he got gifts(Titian, Velasquez veronese etc.)
- rubens came 1629 to negotiate peace with Spain and gave him pictures
- Anthony can dyck was knighted by Charles (his painting with king and family is most famous)
Diogenes Laertius
3BC in Nicea
- Collected and commented on antic philosophers till Neoplatonist - 80 different individual figures in “Lives of the eminent philosophers”
- been ridiculed that he only stole ideas and was mediocre at best
- talks more about the social life’s (sex life, origin etc) than the teachings
Cesar Ritz and Auguste Ecoffier
- luxury hotels in London Paris and Madrid plus 91 ritz-Carlton’s
- partner Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935) made Hotels success with his excellent cooking —friends w Zola and mover of Sarah Bernhardt—food should be food and made simple(ingredients shine through)— introduced chef de Partie so he didn’t have to check every meal and invited Prix fixed meals
- crook as he embezzled money from his employers (savoy hotel)
- Born in Switzerland
Anthony Powell
•British novelist
•one of 50 most influential since 1945
•“A Dance to the music of time“- twelve volume between 1951-1975 — first three novels are about WW2–modeled on the work of Proust and title of Poussin painting-following a group of people in 2y cycle and how they develop
•blamed of being to snobbish
•badly reviewed by auberon Waugh and friend with his father Evelyn
•first novel “Afternoon Men”(1931)- made him to become a promising writer
•mostly themed of a successions of parties and rural sojourns and dialogue of well-connected aristocratic wannabes
Edgar Allen Poe
- father died when child and adopted by tobacco maker
- parents were itinerant actors
- parents refused to pay his gambling debts and had to leave university (Virginia before England)
- work was identified and rejected w his dissolute life (ausschweifend/verdorben)
- alcohol opium and gambling problems
- analytical logic and sensitive imagination paired with his psychological interest (probed human mind)
- murder and death are fav themes with presentation of monstrous and terrible
- literary critic(definition of short story)
Pius IX
1792-Ancona -1878
•longest pontificate in history
•abduction of a Jewish boy by his maid-pope baptized him and child never returned to his parents
(Edgardo Mortara)—became a devout priest and grateful to pope till 84y
•Pope 1846
•early archbishop -intelligent and sold own property to help poor and saved Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
•encouraged Italian nationalism
•beginning reformer Pope and hope of liberals till ‘48 Italians declared independence war and unified Italy— Pope became hardliner again
•1854: cult of Virgin Mary “ineffabilis deus” —was preserved free from all stain of original sin
•humble and beloved -peoples Pope
•1868:Vatican council(first modern)-infallible Pope- violent reactions (inside and outside of Roman church-founding of “old Catholic Church”
•Franco-Prussian war les French to withdraw soldiers from Rome and king victor Immanuel defeated Pope(1850)- Papal States incorporated and pope into Exil in Vatican
•king granted him many rights but Pope wrote “ubi now” in which he refused all relations to godless Italy- released non-licet- which forbids devout Catholics to work in government or vote in Italian state
•popes didn’t leave Vatican till 1929 till sovereignty was created
Claude Debussy
•”I compose quick- it only takes time to get up and motivate myself to do so”
•music has delicacy charm tenderness which was French for him and opposed to the German logical and dense texture
•essential beauty- lushness and sweetness without thickness
•childlike dreaminess
•won Prix de Rome after third attempt when he composed what the jury wanted to hear
•preference for whole tones (two steps on piano)-light can filter through
•only finished opera «Pelleas et melisande»made him a cult figure-music has trancelike power
W:”prélude à l’après midi d’un faune»»children’s corner suite»
Jair Bolsonaro/Brazil
- trump of tropics
- former army captain- insulting Afro-Brazilians/women/minorities and misses dictatorship (64-85)
22.4.1500 Pedro Alvarez Cabral arrives
•4th largest democracy/8th largest economy
•1888 slavery ends as last country in Western Hemisphere
•Rio former capital
•only two Afro as ministers both famous (pele and singer Gilberto Gil)
•Dilma Rousseff impeached 2016
•1822 independence-done by Portuguese royal family (emperor Pedro) who fled Napoleon
•1889 monarchy overthrown by military coup
•1930-45: getulio vargas dictator and 1950 elected president (committed suicide in offe 1954)
Bertolt Brecht
- Bad body odor/
- kommunist- lots of affairs(who wrote his plays) -early on three children w three wifes
- wife: Helene weigel(talented actress- said to have converted Brecht to kommunism)
- many poems and wants to mock/provoke/contradict- poetry not supposed to be easy
- 1928 Three penny opera
John Law
1694:convicted of murder and fled prison to Paris to found a national bank that incorporates all of France overseas trading and absorbed countries national debt
•paper money instead of hold and silver(as the metal value wasn’t important but the symbol that paper money represented)
•finance Minister and maybe richest man ever
•1717 company of the west to acquire land and trading rights of Louisiana (50%of Usa then) later merged with Senegal company and known as Mississippi company adding tobacco collection of taxes and for a fee took over Kong’s debts
•1720 Controller General of Finance (Prime Minister) and fked through Germany to Venice with his son only
Bauhaus/Walter Gropius
•founder of Bauhaus
•survived front line fighting and being buried alive for 3 days
•Viewed all design as archtectonic in basic character
•bauhaus in Dessau (25-26)was core of modern movement
•balanced the conservative elite who financed and the bohemian talents at the aces met who were considered madmen and enduring them free exploration of their art
•uncle architect Marin Gropius
•studied at TU Munich and berlin but never finished
•married Mahlers wife Alma
•had to leave Germany for his second Jewish wife-settled first in Uk(unsuccessful) then USA where he took the chair of Harvard school of design in 1936
•headof tac(architects collaborative)- was his figure head/ famous company with many women: built Harvard graduate center(Gropius complex)/ American embassy in Athens /pan am building 58-63)
- All comes from water
- measured height of pyramided by its shadow
- very religious”all things are full of god”
- first pre-Socratic and savant about physical science
Pieter Bruegel der Ältere
•Most paintings in oil on wooden panel
•most of his paintings in Kunsthist. In Wien
•reputed tu be born a peasant and was long considered primitive but famous in his lifetime and painting snatched up by Rudolph 2 in Prague
•worked in an unitalian Netherlandish style
•5 of his 6 season painting still exist (3 Vienna one MET and one at private)
•began as Imitator of Hieronymus Bosch like monsters, demons and birds eye view but later replaces evil with regular people and no divnine spirit present or watching over
•First painter to only paint for art collectors nothing for use in the church
•seven prints of the deadly vices and one the largest “Christ carrying the cross”: people
Marching like to entertaining event- only small is heist figure subduing under the cross
•said to be the best painter- flawless in design and execution yet different in each work often in low-life genre
•Habsburg biggest collectors but he painted often against that nobility in his paintings
Andrea Del verrochio
•most inventive sculptor of his generation
•vasari denounces him in his biography even tho he praises his work
•musician, sculptor and painter- tried many new things
•created tomb of Cosimo of Medici and many other works like fountains with winged baby with large fish
•Leonardo da Vinci was his pupil and when they no painted a picture together he realized how much better L was and never touched paint again
•perugino, Botticelli and credi his pupils
•vereocchio- little hog
•paintings often heart shaped faces with prominent upper lip,long distance btw nose and lip, almost no eyebrows and thin prominent nose
W:”David with the head of Goliath”(1465)-in bronze- (Leonardo as the model?!)-David was symbol of Florence small smart swift and good governance and poet and musician -perfect renaissance man (also chose Hercules as their hero)-answer to Donatello’s David (nude)
“Lady with a flower”-(1475-1480)I like its time- not a shy humble woman but curious and ready to engage with her eyes
Equestrian statue in Venice of Bartolomeo colleoni (next to Donatello’s statue first free standing since antiquity
Walter Benjamin
- Frankfurt School(dark negative dialectic thoughts- state watches)
- Jewish literature critic
- suicide
- never found his way in university system
- caught in Marxism Kabbalah and communism- w bertholt Brecht
- Adorno urges him to come to USA- dies at franco- spain border (Escape)
- Pop Culture Could educate masses and see things critical not only a Political instrument
- Master of aphorism
A”There is no document of culture that is also a document of barbarism”
W: the storyteller essays 1936 -opposition of the oral tale to printed novel which the latter is long and needs time cos people age and develop and question of meaning of life (not like a oral story which is a different format and has a moral)
Charles de Gaulle
•Born in Lille by a catholic frugal and patriotic father -all treats he held
•believed that leadership must he instinct not always rationalism
•1909 spent a year in military with Philippe Petain who helped him later to make career and then military academy
•Churchill saw in him a man of action- left to London after France capitulated and started his famous broadcasts in June,1940 “the flame of French resistance must not be extinguished and will not be extinguished”
•1946 former party RPF (rassemblement du peuble francais) with poor election results
•1958 Algier Crisis brought him back out but didn’t want a coup but by legal means
•denied Uk membership in EEC
•work out at the end and retired 1969 after losing a pointless referendum on regional reform
Charter house of Parma
Stendhal-pseudonym for Marie-hebri beyle Write it as last book in 1839 and finished day after Christmas seven weeks later - dictated the piece
•bargains briskness of gusto,brio, elan, verve, panache
•loosely based on Alessandro Farnese, later pope Paul III and his beautiful aunt, who murdrred a young women’s servant and escaped prison by a rope
•quick pace and seems spontaneous
•fabrizios father is French soldier that is introduced in Besinnung
•real hero’s are Gina and count mosca-cunning puppeteers at court
•Balzac” one sees perfection everywhere” but criticized his style(none) and bad choice of words
•Gide ranks it among top10 best international novels and best French
•Henry James’s dozen finest novels we possess
•reads first as a historic soap opera. Fabrizio is head strong and I love with beautiful rather dull clelia jailers daughter
Mormone oder Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
1805 in Vermont Joseph Smith- killed 1844 from a gun shot in Illinois-politician who ran for president(first Mormon and first candidate to be assassinated)
•30 wives(14-56) but bequeathed all to his wife Emma when threatened to divorce him
•treasure hunter and unearthed a set of golden plates written in reformed Egyptian in 1827 in hill cumorah(upstate) (second great awakening
•angel Moroni appears and Instructs to unearth
•(father had dreams with prophecies)
—>1830 Book of Mormon-Jewish Family who leave 600 BC to sail to America where Jesus preaches to their descendants —> attracted ppl to believe its holy land
•self declared prophet
•new Jerusalem’s first in Ohio than Missouri and resettled back in Illinois in Commerce and renamed it Nauvoo(which he believed meant beautiful city in Hebrew)-20k members and bigger than Chicago with tabernacle twice as large as WH
•made Lieutenant General (only George Washington before)in nauvoo
•posthumous baptism where someone alive stands in for a deceased
•plural marriage but handled in secret and not talked about (“was” wed and sealed)
•wanted to replace constitution and democracy with theocratic kingdom(council of fifty)
•dark skin was a curse of god and no black priest till well into 20th
•feud with William law (former Chruschtschow member) got him to jail for declaring martial law and ppl stormed and killed him while jumping from second floor window
•quorum of twelve with President Brigham young took over and forced out of nauvoo and went to Utah(not American soil)
Robert Musil
1880- 1942
•the man without qualities (1930) with sequel Agathe (1932)
Unfinished and endless-but teaches patience with its suspense
-no one ever read all of it(joke)
Main character Ulrich- soldier engineer mathematician seeks one year absence from his life to seek his abilities
•no real directions: many ideas characters- but without concept and ramifies (verzweigen)but with WWI looming but becomes more of a love story till he meets his estranged sister Agathe at father funeral but again there is no outcome
Two yellow brick roads: global Austria and incest but either really is main story
Agathe: 350pages and feels like a novella compared to Man- mostly just the two siblings in action
Plot: how a man is to live with a woman
1906: the confusion of young törless- commercial success
1924: novella “three women”
Virginie Despentes
•French director, writer, feminist
•parents leftist and out her I to mental institution to contain her when young
•admires Charles Bukowski and writes like him
•1994: debut:”baise-moi “ when 23y and 9publisher refused it till friend self published it and distributed it to coffee shops and punk bars and then met Patrick
eudeline(Rock critic)who managed to get it on “Paris derniere”
•2000 low budget film of her book with pornstars and real sex and was banned from theatres
•sexual revolution lived by generation X and acclimation if pornography I’m public spaces through New communication techniques—> Exploration Of obscenity limits
•Her characters deal with misery and injustice, self-violence such as drug addiction, or violence towards others such as rape or terrorism/ often female misfits who kill
•was a sex worker and wrote on Coke binges
•full of innocence and rage at same time
•with 35y became lesbian
•2015”Vernon subutex”- trilogy -Catapulted her into the heigh echelons of the Literaet establishment(subutex drug to treat opioid addiction)-Parisian epic a la Zola with Vernon as aging gen-x who meets the marginalized ppl and speaks for them— Moved into a park and becomes guru of an ragtag utopian community
•claims that has more success because main characters a man
•2016 One of the 10 members of the Academie Goncourt Well she already stepped down
•Got raped her self and made the woman she is now(Raped on a hike in the forest and regrets not to have fought back even though the situation was hopeless)
Ayn Rand
Alissa zinovievena Rosenbaum I’m St. Petersburg to prosperous Jewish family
- very influential to (right wing) people as mike Pompeo, Paul Ryan, Peter think, Steve Jobs, Trump(identifies with character Roark
- 1926 went to Hollywood and met fav director Cecil b demille and became his screenwriter
- 1929 married Actor Frank O’Connor
- 1930 first novels “We the living””anthem”
- Wrote to defend capitalism and against the policies from Roosevelt
- created an almost cult like group with Nathaniel Blumenthal(branden) and his gf which turned intimate and both couples moved to NYC and later spokesperson of NBI till 1968 when she withdrew from him as he had another woman
- her characters divide into brillant, gorgeous creators and unattractive, incompetent parasites
- Philosophical movement “objectivism”
- Credit small group of devotees to whom she lectured one of her students Alan Greenspan
- Transforming peoples political convictions through tales of indomitable heroes Romance and sex—}Conversion machine that runs on Lust
W:“the fountainhead“(1943)
“Atlas shrugged“(1000paged morality tale about industry titans and other capitalists -most influential book-1957- became a bestseller but mostly read by Ordinary people and intellectual elite mostly didn’t care And you never wrote fiction again
Gerhard Richter
1932 in Dresden
•One of Germany’s most prominent artists And one of the most influential living artists
•Contributed to the stain windows at the cologne cathedral(11,500 color squares
•First art school in Dresden Art academy-east Germany (Socialist realist murals and paintings)then left for west Germany, Düsseldorf
•One of the first post war German artists to deal with pictorial records of Nazism
•Two soaring paintings 67 foot tall in the Reichstag (German flag, Birkenau facing each other)
•1973 first solo show in New York and was understood primarily as a graphic artist
•art critics didn’t feel comfortable with his art: severity, hermeticism and intimidating
•Onkel Rudi (1965) in his Wehrmacht Uniform
->Made paintings fromphotographs
•1980 started working with squeegees To partly obscure what lies beneath
•most works are derivative and contingent(unvorhersehbar, zufällig ) and nothing is immutable
Henry Kissinger
1923 in Fürth
•1952 started own magazine “confluence” with contributors like Hannah Arendt , Arthur Schlesinger jr , Reinhold Niebuhr
•foreign policy doctrine “realism”
•National security advisor and secretary of state to Richard Nixon
•Spoke frankly about the US pursuit of power
•Parents settled in Washington Heights after Kristallnacht
•Went to Germany during the war in the 84th infantry division
•1947 Enroll to Harvard for political science and English literature
•For him history was a cycle of meaningless incidents And not a story of birth maturity and decline
•Undergraduate thesis “the meaning of history”:The realm of freedom and necessity cannot be reconciled except by an inward experience “
•His dissertation about the Vienna Congress and how Britain an austere try to contain the Napoleonic France Drew parallels on how to handle the Soviet Union->Sometimes called the American Metternich
•1954:Did not get Junior professorship but Was
recommended for the council of foreign relations
•1957:“Nuclear weapons and foreign policy “ Usa needs to use nuclear weapons in conventional wars
•Advisor to Nelson Rockefeller, Bundy
•1968: Consultant to the Paris peace talks and past information about the negotiations between Jonsson and the South Vietnamese and encouraged latter not to take part
• 1969 continued bombing Cambodia to get more concessions with North Korea. More bombs than in World War II and killed 100,000 people
•“Any political event anywhere in the world demands a response somewhere else “closed
•Approved off Pakistani and Indonesian genocidal war
•detente with SU and opening up with China
•Shuttle diplomacy to contain 1973 Arab Israeli war
George IV
- regency era
- very unpopular with his people and didn’t moan his death and said to be barley educated and a drunk
- prince of Wales, prince regent and king
- nickname prinnie
- 1819 crowned king after father mad George III died
- befriends whigs Leader Fox as a prince and was hoped to Put whigs in power but didn’t
- great collector patron and connoisseur of art
- George I elector of Hanover was his great grandfather and first king of Hanover
- built Carlton house as a prince which got him in lots of debrs but furnished it very tasteful with art etc but destroyed it 6y later cos too small and. Or private enough
- married actress illegally Maria fitzherbert but got annulled when married to princess Caroline of Brunswick
- First came to visit Scotland and Ireland in 100 years got him very popular organized by his friend sir Walter Scott
- bought many things after French Revolution
- built his own marienbad dpa in brighton “royal pavillon”- Indian Turkish Chinese style
- One of the founding fathers the national Gallery
- appreciates Haydn and Jane Austen (she hated him cos of his treatment of his wife)
Alexander von Humboldt
•Many plants,animals town states Etc named after him
•most famous scientist w grandest funeral in Berlin of any private man
•100th year cities around the world made parties for him (25k in Central Park alone)-NYT entire front page for him
•King was godfather
•President Jefferson invited him and wanted advise of the unexplored lands he purchased from Napoleon(Louisiana treaty)
•close to brother Wilhelm but not to mother who was cold/
Q“world was one big living organism where everything is connected”
•discovers 2000 plants at a time only 6000 were known-magnetic equator/
•taught in Paris-so fast and so many new ideas no one could keep up
•universally adored except Napoleon who envied his success(same bday met him in 1804)
•classified plants by climate zones/
•first to call for global study and exchange of data w other scientists
•big abolitionist
•Darwin his biggest fan and adored him(his work made him travel and ideas discover his ideas)
•Simon Bolivar”discoverer of the new world”/almost invented first battery
•attracted to young men
•compared the stones In Mines that occur at different depth to plants vegetation on mountains and altitude
W:”Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions of the New word”(1807-1826)”Cosmos”(5 volume explains world and summarize his thinking and ideas but never mentions God)
First book:1790-„Mineralogical observations on some basalts on the Rhine”-his exploring of the Mines prepped him for his later strenuous voyages but also first step to run mines in Silesia and Franconia
Max Weber
•studied law in Heidelberg
•believed that labor and work must be a vocation-
•”Class,status and party” —-social schichtung not by class but by status groups who define themselves by values(dress,style speeches manners)economic class just one aspect of status
•founder of modern sociology
•modern capitalism in northern Europe early modern era with Christian culture who saw persist of wealth as sin but it could prevail (capitalism) cos it was not a set of institutions but a behavior or cultural style -> merchants dutiful to work and amassed fortune but didn’t indulge into hedonism
•Calvinist predestination helped his thesis— Worldly success was seen as a sign of divine ejection
•today no more calling but wealth on earth is what counts
•facts are objective and values are not - so not combinable
•stayed a nationalist but helped draft Weimar constitution and was member of new centrist German Democratic Party
W”the Protestant ethic and the spirit of captitalism”(1904-1905)—faulted notions of people who think Weber said capitalism was caused by Protestantism
1915-1919 wrote in all major religions
1913 major treatise of “economy and society” that he didn’t finish
476lines “Ars poetica”: dactylic Hexameter, lays down literary laws observed by writers fir centuries-for example Shakespeare devides his plays in five acts
•printed after his second book “epistles” is addressed to three members of piso family (father and two sons)
•human as first word and not a reference to art as such a d ends with a mad poet lashing out at others
•shifts from poetry and creating poetry to poet himself in second half
Charles V
•“yo el Rey“ -I the king (of Spain)
1483-1520 buried in pantheon🏛
painter and architect, jeweler
•infectious exuberance and impeccable control
•High renaissance - painted every detail of his paintings-3d like
•orphan by age of 13
•Workshop of 50 ppl(stuck/plastique/architecture-highest quality-father figure to them)
•Master of “Chiaroscuro style”(strong contrast btw.light and dark)-made popular in France and influenced Caravaggio to how we know him today
•Copied Michelangelo style (muscled-Greek) was mocked by him”prince of the synagogue” referring to “isiah” painting which is a portrait of R.friend
•1508 arrives in Rome
•1514 chief architect for at Peter’s
•exchanges drawings with duerer, created altarpiece in Rome for Jakob fugger and met Martin Luther
•created graceful ovals(faces etc.)
Works:vision of Ezekiel(1516)/transfiguration/Donna velata
Assistants:guilio Romano/gianf.penni/Giovanni da udine
H.G Wells
1866-1946 (Bromley UK)
“The man who invented tomorrow”
•his ideas included future things like air conditioner, internet, tv, atomic bomb
•”the time machine”(1895),”the island of dr Moreau” (1896),”the invisible man “(1897), “ the war of the worlds”(1898)
•science and scientist not always for greater good and predicted awful total war of 20th century
•joined social movement and sexual and women liberation ideas
•won scholarship to royal school of science (where he got the Know-how to his novels and ideas, especially in biology)
Richard Wagner
- Wagnerism different meaning in different times
- Wagner was too strange and eccentric and not popular enough to unify the broad german masses
- Bayreuth festival founded in 1876
- Gesamtkunstwerk
- stretched limits of harmony and operatic form
- first artist to calculate and demand the speed of dynamic developments
- repetition w subito piano and them explode after third rep.
- unresolved chords and tension
- complex but not complicated music- layers of music that individual simple but put together create complex construction
- Anti- Semitic special cos of success of Felix Mendelssohn and giacomo Meyerbeer- Joseph Rubinstein wrote piano score of Lohengrin- Wagner was played in tel aviv in third reich
- many Hollywood movies copied “the ride”(Walküre) and it’s Inszenierung
- his myths (Lohengrin)were the birth of superheroes in the 30s were weak western society needed a super hero to fight fascist ideas
- parallels to Star Wars(Final scene evokes Leni Riefenstahl), Matrix and apocalypse now who draw on his music and settings
Joseph (Joe) Biden
- Senator of Delaware and Vice president under Obama
- took Amtrak von Wilmington to Washington
- his son hunter was under suspicion to have made money on a board in Ukraine
- wants to be the most progressive president since fdr and a transition president to a younger gen.
- first nom Ivy League degree since Walter Mondale 1984
- attended Syracuse university and failed as he didn’t properly footnote a paper
- married Neilia hunter with two children beau and hunter and became public defender
- 1972 run for senate and beat incumbent j Caleb Boggs by 3k votes
- neilia and Baby Naomi died in car crash
- said as senator in 70s that he was very conservative and only liberal in civil rights and civil liberties
- 1975 meets Jill Jacobs ,a teacher,on a blind date and have a daughter together
- Lied that he has a scholarship and landed in top half of class and ended his presidential campaign in 1987
- 2007 another run for president
- 1994 drafted the crime bill which initiated mass incarceration (three strikes law)
- bipartisan skill but budged on bush tax cuts for republicans to implement some permanent cuts
- 2015 son beau does of brain cancer
- seems very caring and opening up to his emotions which distracts for his arrogance
- like a wheatervane knows which direction country is leaning )gay marriage)
- 2017 decided to run for president when Trump called people in Charlottesville great on both sides
- civil right activist and congressman clyburn endorsers him and he won South Carolina and revived his primary campaign
- chose Kamala Harris as VP
Charles Darwin
•“on the origin of species”-(1859)cofounder Alfred Russel Wallace —-> Evolution through natural selection (Excess population, competition for resources, random variation and differential success in reproduction to result in elaborate adaptations)
•Write Seven Books about his empirical studies hat Continually repeated sand experiments and even he suggested to read summary in the end
•1835 several months stay in GalápagosInseln
•rumors that transformism and later steps to evolution and new ideas were implemented in his Edinburgh Years Which he denies
•”the descent of men””
The selection in relation on sex” more catered to the human species in regards of his evolution ideas
Mao Zedong
•1949 assumed leadership of China till his death in 1976
•cultural revolution (1966-1976)-Traumatic time ofwidespread political violence and upheaval , as the aging mao stoked youthful radicalism and a bid to extend his already long hold on power
•mao cult by his own party during his lifetime to have a person cult to represent the values and ideology
•One of the bloodiest leaders next to Hitler and Stalin
•”Great leap forward” Catastrophic program of accelerated collectivization and industrialization btw 1958-1962 That resulted in the great famine which killed by politically induced famine and terror 30-40M
• term Maoism And it’s essential core Was veneration of the peasantry as a revolutionary force,End time colonial resistance, use of thought control techniques To forge a disciplined increasingly repressive party in society
•other despots adapted his style and look Especially in Cambodia( receivers 1B in loans when China was poor itself)and Africa (Zaire)
•red book: collection of maos sayings quotes and aphorism Popular with black panther party and RAF and lots of middle class as his words resonated with philosophy of American founders (a little revolution is justified)
•played the race card: powers USA and UdSSR are both white but chines yellow and closer to black-> reaches out to those minorities
•his successor Deng imposed term limits to prevent a cult like with mao
Francisco Goya
- goya paints to illuminate
- great eye for fashion and excellent company at shooting parties and got lots of commissions for portraits
- almost modern and based his art on nature
- served Kings and monarchs rather than ideologies
- 1800 became deaf and that changed his ability to be innovative
•the third of May(1808)-laborer to get shot/ „caprichos“-1799 album of etchings- first international attention of his human bodies in various forms and stages(the colossus is a work that is questioned if made by him- Prado)
William Wordsworth
- “grand old man of British romantiscim“(Kathryn hughes NYRB)
- most popular poems that made people come to the famous Lake District done in early ten years (1797-1807)(„tintern abbey““daffodils““the solitary reaper““ode:intimations of immortality“) and prelude -posthumous published verse autobiography Was an act of penance and rehabilitation That he worked all his life on ( before known as poem to Coleridge)
- Poetry of emotion and imagination that use the real language of man
- Later poetry was seen as childish and a parody of middle and lower classes And changed to a mouthpiece for church and state conservatism(where he was a young rebellious liberal before)
- Introduced die Liberal subjective “I” to English verse
- Partly scholarship at Cambridge and went to revolutionary France
- Inspired the founding of Britain’s national trust and Yosemite National park
- “Love of nature leading to love of mankind”
- One explanation of declining poetry is that he wrote the best poetry when his sex life stalled till his marriage in 1802 to express his feelings and longings in that period and that his firnrship with Samuels Taylor Coleridge (especially from 97/98)helped and inspired him write till 1808 when they broke off