WingPAC/HSM 51 SOP Flashcards
What are the ceiling and visibility minimums?
Shore or Ship Operations - 500-1*
*If positive radar control and CCA or PAR is available for recovery, minimum launch weather mins are 200-1/2
If the temp/dew point spread is less than 2° and conditions for formation of fog are present, SDO or OIC SHALL monitor and report on weather conditions. Consideration should be given to suspending flight ops.
What are visibility minimums for gunnex?
For GUNEXs, prevailing visibility SHALL be equal to or greater than the max range of the weapon
What are aircrewmen requirements
- Enlisted aircew SHOULD be utilized to the max extent practicable on all flights
- With Co approval non-tactical/fam flights may operate without an aircrewman if:
- SHALL NOT be used for convenience and SHALL only be scheduled as required to facilitate flight schedule. Aircrewman may disembark the aircraft as required if the SDO is notified and an annotation is made on the flight schedule
- aircrewmen SHALL be embarked on all scheduled IFR flights or flights during which IMC is expected
- aircrewman SHALL be embarked on all night flights leaving NAF Atsugi VFR traffic or GCA patterns.
What are aircrewmen for FCF and Non-FCF Ground Turns?
- FCF checklist items SHALL only be conducted when the crew includes designated FCF
- Min flight crew for non-FCF ground turns SHALL be a HAC and a ground maintenance person or a H2P and a PQM.
- Non-FCF ground turns or APU turn-ups conducted while helo in FCF status SHALL only be conducted by a qualified FCP, with the exception of the post FCF engine cleaning, which may be completed by a non-FCP pilot with OIC or MO approval
What is the minimum required crew for tactical training events?
Minimum crew requirements for tactical training events unless otherwise speificed are HAC/L3, PQM and aircrewman
After how many days is a warmup required?
What maneuvers does it include?
Any pilot who has not flown in 45 days SHALL fly a warmup flight with a current HAC. Warm-up flights SHOULD include autos and other FAM type maneuvers
What are the requirements for night currency?
How do you regain it?
Pilots SHALL NOT fly as PIC unless they are night current.
To be current: SHALL have flown minimum of 2.0 hours within preceding 45 days. Between 45-60 days, CO may authorize day into night transition.
After 60 days, currency SHALL be regained by flying with a night current PIC. NVG LZ approaches and landings SHALL only be conducted when the HAC has flown 1.0 hour of NVG time within preceding 45 days
What is required if your DLQ currency lapses?
Pilots whose night DLQ currency lapses at shore SHALL conduct an OFT or night FLDP event within 30 days of scheduled DLQ requal periods. SHALL complete no fewer than 3 evolution (takeoff, downwind, approach, and landing).
Pilots SHALL be night current prior to flying night DLQ/RLQs
Can you operate with a tail wind?
Shipboard ops with true tailwinds SHOULD be avoided. HAC SHALL be final authority on whether or not to accept a true tail wind.
When is an ISATT required?
What evolutions so you need to do?
If det experiences an OIC change, ship Change of Command (fleet up XO exempt), reassignment to a new ship, or more than 60 days elapse between embarked ops, the following evolutions are required to reestablish readiness
No ISATT safety observer required
- Day and night landing requals
- Emergency flight quarters
- Crash on deck drill
- Hot refueling
- Straightening and traversing
- ELVA/Smoke Light
- Lost plane homing
What are the predeployment mins?
To the maximum extent practicable, pilots should fly a min of 9 hours within preceding 45 days
SHALL Obtain night and instrument currency prior to embarkation
During intervals of 45 days or less between embarked ops, pilots should fly min of 6 hours and achieve night/inst currency
What are the SAR Currency mins?
What happens if you don’t have them?
Pilots SHALL have flown 2 night automatic approaches utilizing windline rescue patterns to a coupled hover in the preceding 60 days.
Pilots failing to meet this req, SHALL NOT be scheduled to fly night SAR missions.
What are the Dip Currency mins?
What if you lose the currency?
Pilots SHALL have flown 2 night/IMC dip-to-dip navigation patterns at night to a coupled hover in the preceding 60 days. To regain currency, pilots SHALL fly with a coupler current PIC in which currency has elapsed
What should Quartery SAR flights include?
All quarterly SAR flights SHOULD include a minimum of 10 min of hoist training
What are aircrewman dipping currency?
How do they get reccurent?
Aircrewman dipping currency: 2 dip cycles in last 90 days
Recurrency: 2 dip cycles with a current aircrewman
Sim may be used; when no sim, two expired aircrewmen may recurrent each other provided weather is VMC and one of the aircrewman is ANI
What are the instrument mins?
How do you recurrent?
Pilots SHALL have flown a min of 2.0 hours of simulated or actual instrument time within preceding 60 days. If currency lapses, must be regained prior to flying any other missions as PIC.
What are crew rest requirements Ashore?
- Aircrew SHALL NOT be scheduled to brief a flight event until 10 hours after completion of post-flight duties
- “Post-flight duties” defined as one hour after scheduled land time; aircrew anticipating post-flight duties in excess SHALL notify SDO.
- Crew day for maintenance ground turns is 12 hours, exceeding requires CO approval
What are crew rest requirements at sea?
Det OICs SHALL comply with and ensure ship COs are briefed on CNAF req’s
Crew rest includes free time for meals, transportation, and rest to include an opportunity for 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep for every 24hr period
Flight crew SHOULD NOT be scheduled for continuous alert (required awake) and/or flight duty in excess of 18hrs. If this becomes necessary, 15hrs of continuous off duty time SHALL be provide prior to scheduling the member for flight duties.
What is the shipboard radius of action?
Shipboard radius of action is 150 NM or max reliable navigation/communication range, whichever is less
Max ranges for one way flights?
One way flights shall be limited to 150NM ship-to-ship and shore-to-ship and 200NM ship-to-shore
What can’t you do with Passengers?
Who can waive NASTP requirements?
- Simulated emergencies
- Practice autos
- Intentional aircraft degradations
- Ordnance release
SHALL NOT be performed with pax embarked or during orientation and indoc flights
Squadron COs may waive NASTP requirements for orientees on day overwater flights
Minimum altitude overland?
Populated - 1000ft AGL
Unpopulated - 500ft AGL
Minimum altitude over water?
Day - 50ft AGL
Unaided night - 150ft AGL
Aided night - 100ft AGL
Flight operations down to 50ft over water during day conditions is intended for operation or tactical training flights where altitude profiles support authorized mission or training objectives.
What are altitude requirements in a hover?
Coupled hover - 70ft AGL
Following establishment of a steady coupled hover at 70ft, ac altitude may be reduced to no lower than 40ft to conduct live hoisting operations at the PIC’s discretion.
What are altitude requirements for TERF and SACT?
Terrain Flight: 200ft AGL (only on approved low level routes and ranges)
SACT training: Day - 100ft AGL/Night - 500ft AGL
How will checklists be completed?
SHALL be completed in the CHALLENGE-REPLY-REPLY format up to rotor engagement. After engagement, CHALLENGE-REPLY.
Checklists may be performed silently by PNAC, except for items that require a response by another crewman to ensure completion.
What if the STAB auto mode button isn’t illuminated when AC power is applied?
When do you need to check for stab programming?
If the STABILATOR AUTO MODE PBS is not illuminated when AC power is applied, stab lockpins SHALL be visually checked prior to flight.
Single engine airspeed and stab programming SHALL be called on the first takeoff of each flight and stab programming SHALL be called after reengaging the AUTO mode subsequent to a simulated or actual failure.
When do you need to do a rescue hoist check?
Rescue hoist check SHOULD be completed on first flight of the day to ensure SAR capability.
When are landing checks required?
In-flight Mission Change checklist?
Landing checks SHALL be accomplished transitioning from pad to runway or vice versa
In-Flight Mission Change Checklist SHALL be utilized any time mission is altered from what was briefed
When are De-Ice checks required?
When icing conditions may be encountered throughout duration of flight schedule, de-ice checks SHALL be completed and reported to the SDO on first flight of the day
Who should be on the controls for engine start and shutdown?
Left seat pilot SHOULD assume controls, right seat pilot SHOULD start engines and finish through generators online. HAC should inform PC of which start is to be used.
Left seat pilot SHOULD assume controls prior to moving PCLs out of FLY for shutdown, right seat pilot SHOULD pull PCLs and engage rotor brake.
What are the restrictions while refueling?
Pax SHALL NOT occupy aircraft during hot refueling, the aircewman SHALL assist in monitoring refueling ops.
During refueling, personnel SHALL NOT hot-seat, enter, or exit from the left seat position while the refueling hose is hooked-up.
Personnel SHALL NOT perform maintenance on top of the helicopter during refueling.
Whats required during turnover?
How far aft can you go with rotors turning?
During crew swaps, helo SHALL be under the control of designated helo pilot and there SHALL be a PIC to PIC verbal turnover.
Personnel SHALL NOT proceed aft of countermeasures dispensers, unless arming/dearming the system, while rotors are turning.
When do you need to ground taxi?
Aircraft SHALL ground taxi to the greatest extent possible when possibility of damage from rotor wash exists.
When are seats and seat belts required per the SOP?
Seat and gunner’s belts SHALL be utilized to max extent possible
All occupants SHOULD be in crash worthy seats with seat and shoulder harness secured during take-off and landing
What are the requirements for Detachment Concurrent Aircraft Ops?
Detachments operating on single-spot ships with two manned embarked helos utilizing RSD SHALL NOT conduct concurrent flight ops UNLESS an emergency landing site is available within 50nm for duration of the evolution.
Requirement applies when ship is intended point of landing for both ac. Does not apply to fly-ons; thorough prior mission planning SHALL be conducted and no-go criteria determined
Requirement does not apply for concurrent manned/unmanned flight ops
Starting the APU for inflight use
When the APU is required in-flight to suport essential ops, it SHOULD be started on deck to the max extent possible
What VERTREP margin is required by the SOP? NATOPS?
When conducting training a 10% margin SHALL exist between IRP and max power required when load is lifted from the deck
NATOPS only requires 6%
What setting should DH be for night overwater flight, in the landing pattern?
When do you need to verbalize the tone?
During night overwater flight below 500ft AGL, consideration SHOULD be given to setting the DH no lower than 10% less than current altitude.
When in shipboard landing pattern, each pilot’s DH SHOULD be set to altitude determined by crew that best facilitates CRM.
Each crew member SHALL verbalize to crew their DH settings and activation of warning tones. All crew members SHOULD acknowledge when altitude warning system aural tone is activated except in traffic pattern.
What are some considerations when dipping per SOP?
GS/CA Hover Mode/Sea State/CA Deviation
PNAC should adjust LONG VEL and LAT VEL to control drift and limit groundspeed to no greater than 2 knots (drift limits do not apply while in cable angle mode)
Cable angle hover mode SHALL be operable for all dipping ops
Dipping ops SHOULD NOT be conducted in seas with wave heights exceeding 15ft (Beaufort wind scale 6) during ULT or fleet level exercises
If cable angle exceeds 4.25-degree inner ring, all crew SHALL verbally acknowledge the deviation and ensure corrections are being made
What are SOP POCL limits?
What about on the last dip?
During training ops, (sub or no sub) POCL SHALL be no more than half the ceiling up to 1000ft. When ceilings are above 1000ft, POCL SHALL be no more than 500ft below ceiling.
During operational ASW, POCL need not be restricted. Howerver, ORM SHALL be conducted to minimize the risk to the transducer in event of malfunction.
To max extent practical, POCL for final dip during training evolutions SHOULD be equal to or greater than max POCL used on that flight.
Max dome Depths in the dips?
- 1&2 - 90ft
- 4 - 250ft
- 6 - 300ft
- 3 - 1400ft
- 5 - 1200ft
This of this one as a clockwise spiral starting at 1
When is the MBIT required?
What if it fails?
Crews SHALL complete MBIT at beginning of every flight in which dipping is to be conducted. Crews SHALL complete mission/weapons system checklist anytime mission power is cycled.
If the MBIT fails, it does not preclude the PIC from taking the ac as long as there is a seated light indication.
When may you ping the dome?
ALFS SHALL only be pinged while submerged in authorized waterspace
Where do you recover a hung dome to at home?
At home?
The preffered recovery spot for a hung dome is Chess Romeo. If possible the dome SHOULD be recovered on the grassy area to the southeast or northwest of the pad, or on the pad itself.
If unable to recover the dome ashore, fly the dome to shallow water in the vicinity of Chess Romeo. Lower the dome from a hover, jettison upon water entry, and mark the location.
If required to recover at NAF Atsugi, the designated recovery area is the grassy are just south of the Charlie East Helo Spot.
What are some considerations when executing a Hung Dome recovery to the ship?
Consideration should be given to securing mattress or padding to deck with tie down straps.
LSE should be positioned in best location to provide signals
After landing and placement of chocks and chains, cable SHOULD be placed in aircraft prior to shutdown.
How will maintenance handle a hung dome if they can disconnect it? If they cant?
If lowered to deck and sufficient POCL exists to allow maintenance personnel to disconnect the dome, they SHALL ensure the dome is grounded and then disconnect. After dome is detached, crew descends and cable SHALL be walked with 2 person integrity away form the landing spot.
If insufficient POCL, crew may opt to lower dome onto padding then slide over to land.
What are the minimum personnel required for a hung dome?
Air Boss or HCO SHALL ensure all personnel are clear of landing spot with exception of min maintenance personnel (approx 4)
What is required for using an E-Kneeboard?
Authorized while airborne. Prior to using an EKB in flight, all crewmembers SHALL be briefed on who is using a tablet, for what puprose, and any in flight duties shifting to other crewmembers while the tablet user is heads-down.
When can you hot fuel with ordnance loaded on ship and ashore?
Hot refueling with live ordnance loaded is prohibited ashore
Hellfire CATM, REXTORPS, empty DRL, sonobuoys, smokes, SUS and door guns are authorized to be carried during hot refueling ashore
Hot refueling with ordnance is permitted afloat with ship CO’s approval
Can you do multiple approaches with missles of rockets?
Aircrew authorized 1 approach and 1 landing with missiles and/or rockets loaded.
What are the limits for straightning with Hellfires?
Straightening, maneuvering, and traversing of ac while loaded with CATMs SHALL be limited to qualified personnel. Training prohibited.
Downloading warshot missiles SHALL be conducted prior to evolutions, except in emergency with authorization of ship CO.
If you have live ordnance can you do training attack runs?
When carrying live weapons, simulated attacks on civ or mil aircraft, vessels, structure or ground vehicles may not be conducted.
With missiles loaded where do you go if you have an in flight emergency?
Helos experiencing in-flight emergency that connot be resolved SHALL preoceed to Chess Romeo for assistance from EOD personnel.
HAC SHALL contact SDO for coordination.
Crews SHALL determine optimal route to Chess that will minimize hazards to persons and property on the ground and other ac.
Which CSW can be carried when passengers are onboard?
In which position?
Pax SHALL NOT be embarked when the GAU-21 is installed. If CSW required, M240 SHALL be utilized.
M240 SHALL be kept in the stowed position when not in use and ammo cans SHALL be secured to prevent missile hazards
What is the required range clearance for CSW employment?
Visibility requirements?
Crews conducting live GUNEX events SHALL be responsible for own range clearance to a min of 5nm beyond max weapon employment envelopes
Prevailing visibility SHALL be equal to or greater than max range of weapon
How far from shore can you use a smoke?
What if it’s already armed?
Except in emergency, smoke markers SHALL NOT be dropped closer than 10nm from the coastline or in inland waterways, unless on a designated range or dip area
Smokes than cannot be de-armed SHALL be jettisoned outside of 10nm from coastline and prior to returning to homebase and/or final landing
What ordnance can you carry over a populated area?
With exception of sonobuoys and smokes, carrying live ordnance over populated areas SHALL be avoided.
If mission requires flight to a facility near a populated area, the most direct route that will minimize civilian exposure SHALL be used.
When and how should you remove or replace the sono launcher cover?
Removal or replacement of sono launcher cover SHOULD NOT be performed with rotors engaged.
If the cover is removed or replaced with rotors turning, 2 person integrity SHALL be used.
What are the requirements when installing the Sonobouy Launcher Cover?
The sono launcher cover SHALL be fastened with all possible attachement bolts, no less than 11 total
All corner bolts are required and missing bolts SHALL be documented on a MAF
Sono launcher cover SHALL NOT be installed with the launcher pressurized
When is hearing protection required on the flight line?
Single hearing protection required within 200ft of ac with rotors turning or within 50ft of ac with only APU turning.
Double hearing protection is required when within 30ft of ac with rotors turning or APU running for extended periods of time.
What does SOP say about wearing rings?
Rings SHALL NOT be worn while operating or working on ac or moving ground support equipment.
When can you get on top of an aircraft?
What is required to do so?
Can you have the backup pump on?
- No one SHALL climb on top of aircraft unless both engines are secured. If only the APU is operating, personnel may climb on top with permission of PIC.
- In this case, PIC SHALL ensure one of the aircrew visually checks top of ac for integrity and FOD prior to engine start.
- Personnel SHALL wear cranial with strap fastened whenever climbing on ac.
- This requirement may be relaxed only as long as required to perform maintenance or inspection in which headgear restricts proper accomplishment of the task.
- Backup hydraulic pump SHALL be secured when personnel are on top of the helo except when maintenance requires the pressurization of the hydraulic systems.
- Movement of flight controls with maintenance personnel on top of the helo shall be thoroughly briefed and under the control of a PC or LSE.
From where will you enter the rotor arc?
What if rotors aren’t engaged and engines are running?
All personnel SHALL enter/exit rotor arc at 3 or 9 o’clock positions.
Personnel SHALL NOT enter rotor arc when pilots are entering or exiting the cockpit.
Personnel SHALL not transit rotor arc while engines are running and rotors are not engaged.
What are the max cowling fastners which may be unfastened?
Max in a row - Total
TGB - 2 - 3
IGB - 2 - 3
Vertical Tail Driveshaft - 2 - 2
Other Tail Driveshaft - 1 - 1
Flight with unfastened, broken or missing corner fastners is not recommended. SHOULD be fixed as soon as practicable.
What are some considerations during shipboard Weapons firing or Executing RAS?
Aircraft SHOULD be airborne or in the hangar during all ship weapons firing evolutions
For RAS evolutions, consideration SHOULD be given to hanagaring the ac, if not airborne, when shot lines are being fired from the replenishment ship in vicinity of flight deck.
Which EPS can be initiated without a HAC?
Sim emergencies, with exception of SAS/AFCS, SHALL only be introduced in the aircraft under the cognizance of a designated HAC
When can you initiate Compound Emergencies?
What about pulling circuit breakers?
Compound emergencies involving the degradation of 2 or more unrelated systems SHALL NOT be introduced, initiated or practiced.
No circuit breakers SHALL be pulled ot initiate a sim emergency;
COs may authorize: ANI and current qualified FRS instructors may pull cb to simulate rescue hoist, cargo hook, RAST, Mission Power, RADAR and Acoustic malfunctions.
Which sim EP’s that degrade aircraft systems may be practiced at night?
What about for SAR at night?
If the dome is deployed?
Practice autos at night are prohibited. In addition, sim emergencies requiring actual degradation of ac at night are prohibited with exceptions:
- Single-eng approaches and landing to prepared surface with adequate overrun and undrrun
- Single-eng running landings
- Boost-off/failed SAS/AFCS
- Simulated lost ICS
- STAB auto mode fail
Eng failure in HOGE training SHALL NOT be conducted at night
When conducting SAR training overwater at night, sim eps that degrade ac systems are prohibited with exception of sim hoist failure
Sim eps that degrade ac systems SHALL NOT be conducted when the dome is deployed
What system is required for practice autos?
e. Pilot and copilot RADALT shall be operable for practice autos
Where can you practice HOGE eng fails?
Which EPs require the sim?
Simulated single eng failures from a HOGE SHALL only be initiated over a surface where a run-on landing can be made.
Dual eng malfunctions, tail rotor drive emergencies, total AC power failure and in-flight emergency simulation that require placement of an engine to DECU lockout SHALL only be accomplished in OFT
When is fligh ops in DECU lockout authorized?
In flight training operations in DECU LOCKOUT, with exception of scheduled FCF training under cognizance of FCP are prohibited
What is prohibited on a 2P-2P flight?
Who can schedule it and in what conditions?
Simulated emergencies, movement of PCL from FLY, night coupled approaches and 180 degree autos are prohibited.
Shipboard H2P/H2P lfights may be scheduled by OICs with the permission of squadron and ship COs and SHALL be conducted as day, VMC, non-tactical training flights.
What is SOPs CAL/LZ power margin?
IRP SHALL be 10% or greater to proceed with approach.
Operational CAL flights other than those of operational necessity SHALL also adhere to this margin.
When can you use the ELRF?
What is required?
May be used for mission training purposes outside of an approved laser range, but SHALL NOT be used on personnel or wildlife.
Crew acknowledgement is required when selecting ELRF from FLIR menu. The ELRF SHALL NOT be fired unless crew concurrence has been received following the “ARM ELRF” prompt.
What is the night lab currecny?
What can’t you do if it lapses?
SHALL be 24 months from the last day of the month in which the training is received.
May be accomplished within 60 days preceding expiration of current training and is valid for 24 months from last day of month in which currency expires.
Pilots and aircrewmen SHALL NOT fly NVD aided events unless they are NVD NITE Lab current.
What is required before you can fly your first flight at HSM-51?
If a new HAC on a DET?
What if your coming back from along underway?
Aircrew SHALL check-in with the CO pior to the first flight at the command.
New check-in pilots SHALL take the Course Rules and SOP exams prior to first flight. New check-in aircrewmen SHALL take SOP exam prior. Pilots returning from deployment greater than 90 days and visiting pilots not based at RJTA SHALL take course rules exam prior to flying in the local area.
First shipboard flights for HACs new to a det SHOULD be a HAC-HAC flight to the max extent practicable.
Upon a det’s return from a deployment greater than 90 days, HACs SHALL fly one flight as a copilot in the local area with a review of course rules.
When should the MTS be powered on/off?
When should it be stowed?
In flight, MTS SHOULD be powered on and stowed when not in use.
MTS SHOULD be powered off when exposed to significant water intrusion.
MTS SHOULD be stowed and deselected at all stations prior to descent below 150ft when conducting practice auto or manual approaches into a coupled hover.
Can you take-off with boost secured?
Takeoff with boost secured is prohibited
When does the cabin door need to be closed?
Whats required if it’s open?
Cabin door SHOULD remain closed during overland flight in the local area. If opened, the PIC and aircrewman SHALL ensure security of cockpit and cabin area
Aircrewman SHALL utilize eye protection at all times when the cabin door is open
When are NVG’s required?
NVGs SHALL be carried in the ac for all night flights
Per SOP, when are dry suits required?
Donning of anti-exposure suits is required when water temp is below 60F or when OAT corrected for wind chill is at or below 32F
However, when water temp is 51-59F and OAT corrected for wind chill is greater than 32F, suits not required when expected time of rescue is less than 1 hr
What is required prioir to hangering aircraft?
Smokes and AUX CADs SHALL be removed from the helo prior to being hangared
Helos SHOULD be fully refueled prior to being hangared to reduce the fire hazard associated with fuel vapors and to minimize damage to the fuel system caused by condensation and micrbiological growth.
When is it required to go through the washrack?
How do you do it?
When can’t you go through?
After all flights which expose helo to significant amounts of salt water spray and after last flight of the day, helos SHALL be fresh water washed
Prior to entry into wash rack, pitot heat SHALL be turned on and tail wheel SHALL be locked. HAC SHALL ensure pitot heat turned back off after
Helos armed with live external ordnance or CATMs SHALL NOT proceed through wash rack
If unable to use wash rack due to OAT (4C/39F) or ordnance carriage, HAC SHALL initiate a MAF
What is required when hoist or ALFS enters the water?
Aircrew SHALL inform maintenance and initiate a MAF anytime the rescue strop, hoist cable, or transducer makes contact with salt water.
When is a maintenance card required?
A maintenance card SHALL be created upon completion of the last flight of the day or if determined that a maintenance card is required for troubleshooting.
PICs will take 2 IMDS and 1 maintenance card for each flight.
Whats the max weight for Autos?
When are they prohibited?
Helo gross weight should be 19,500lbs or less. Crews SHALL conduct deliberate ORM if possibility of conducting autos heavier exists
Practice autos to a site without a suitable paved are ahead for a forced running landing are prohibited. Bravo-one represents min length required.
Whats required before executing a live weapons training flight?
Crews conducting live weapon training flights SHALL review and complete as a crew, the applicable weapon checks within 7 days of actual flight.
When is a HAC allowed to conduct a “SAR of Opportunity”
If they come upon a vessel or pesonnel in distress (or receive distress transmissions) and no other means of assistance is readily available
They SHALL make every effort to contact the SDO or Atsugi Tower and have them contact the JMSDF Alert Crew (Tateyama)
Permission from the Squadron CO SHOULD be granted prior
If a Life or Death situation exists, in which undo communication delays would jeopardioze the success of the mission, immediate response may be required whithout waiting for outside approval