NATOPS CH2.1 Powerplant and Related Systems Flashcards
What is the name of the engine we have, and what are its sections?
We use the T700-GE-401C engine, a front-drive turboshshaft engine which consists of 5 sections.
- Inlet
- Compressor (5 stage axial and single stage centrifugal)
- Combustor
- Turbine (2 dual stage turbines)
- Exhaust
What does the Turbine section consist of?
Which turbines drive what?
You have the Ng or Gas Turbine Generator which is going to drive the compressor and the Accessory Gearbox
The Np or Power Turbine drives the Power Turbine Shaft, which runs inside the Gas-Generator Shaft extends through the front of the engine, where it connects to the Input Module which will in turn drive the rotors
Where is TGT sensed?
It is sensed in between the Gas-Generator and Power turbine
How much airflow is used for combustion?
What is the rest used for?
Approximately 30% of engine airflow is used for combustion. The remaining air is used for:
- Compressor Intel Temperature (T2)
- Compressor Discharge Pressure (P3)
- Combustor and Turbine Cooling (The big one here)
- Engine Oil Seal Pressurization
What are the major components of the Engine Control System?
The components are necessary for the proper and complete control of th engine to maintain a constant Np/Nr.
- Hydromecahnical Unit
- Overspeed and Drain Valve
- Digital Electronic Control Unit
- Engine Driver Alternator
- Series of fuel flow control valves
In general the HMU will provided Gas-generator control while the DECU will trim back the HMU to satisfy the requirements of the power turbine work load.
What are the two purposes of the Engine Driven Fuel Boost Pump?
- Provide reliable suction feed from the fuel tanks to the engine, minimizing vulnerability and fire hazard in the event of damage to fuel lines
- Provides discharge pressure to satisfy the min pressure requirement of the HMU
What does the fuel filter do?
What does it NOT do?
The engine fuel filter provides filtration of solid particulate matter, but does not filter water.
After leaving the Fuel pump how does fuel move through the HMU?
What is fuel tapped off for?
Fuel leaves the pump and passes through the METERING VALVE and SHUTOFF valve and is then directed through an external line to the Oil-Fuel Heat Exchanger.
Some fuel is tapped off for:
- Positioning the metering valve
- Positioning the servo piston that actuates the Variable Geometry Vane Servo
- Amplifying signals (T2/P3/Ng) which influence fuel flow
Whar are the three inputs to the HMU?
There are two mechanical inputs to the HMU from the cockpit
- PCL via the Power Available Spindle (PAS)
- Collective via the Load Demand Spindle (LDS)
It also receives an electrical input from the DECU via the torque motor servo which precisely trims the HMU.
What does the HMU respond to the PCL for?
- Fuel Shutoff
- Setting engine start fuel flow with auto acceleration to idle
- Setting Permissible Ng up to Max
- Fuel Priming
- DECU override capability
How do the DECU and HMU talk to each other and what are they communicating?
The metering valve schedules engine fuel flow commensurate with the current power demand and is trimmed to the required level by the torque motor servo in response to DECU Signals
(The metering valve is like a wild bronco trying to schedule more fuel that it needs based on what the power demands are, the DECU is like the cowboy calming the bronco down and getting him to run at just the right speed)
The HMU then provides feedback to the DECU via the linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT) to null the torque motor servo input, stabilizing metering movement and preventing engine oscillation and hunting
(the bronco then communicates with the rider to stop pulling on him once he is in a comfortable groove, for a smooth race to the finish)
The PAS sets max available Ng, more than is required by the helo
Engine is intentionally scheduled for a higher-than-required power for two reasons:
- Fail-safe to high power. If there is a failure of the torque motor servo then the engine will return to a higher than required setting to prevent power limiting
- Power available with One Engine Inop. If one engine fails, the other will be sufficiently able to increase power up to its limit
What does the HMU Provide?
- Rapid engine transient response through collective compensation
- Auto fuel flow scheduling for engine start
- Ng Overspeed protection (Mechanically limiting Ng to 110±2%)
- Ng Governing
- Acceleration Limiting
- Flameout and Compressor Stall Protection
What does the ODV Provide?
- Provides main fuel to the 12 fuel injectors during engine start and operation
- Purges the main fuel manifold overboard after engine shutdown to prevent cocking of the fuel injectors
- Traps fuel upstream, keeping the fuel/oil heat exchanger full, so that engine priming is not required at every start
- Returns fuel back to the HMU if Np Overspeed is energized (120% Np) or the hot start preventer is activated
Describe Engine Limiting and give some examples
Limiting is a condition defined by reaching a governing condition as a part of the T700 design. The Engine Control system is preventing further increase in powet output.
For example TGT-Limiting or HMU-Fuel Flow Limiting. Both will be realized when you increase collective and instead of getting more power, you get a drop in Nr
What does it mean when you are Parameter Limited?
What are some examples?
Being limited means you are reaching a maximum value perscribed by CH4 and have the ability to exceed that limit. It is the pilots responsibilty to keep the engine and transmission within the perscribed limits.
Np Limited, Ng Limited, Torque Limited, Pressure Limited
What are the two types of fuel flow limiting?
- When at certain combinations of pressure and temperature, high power settings from the collective could result in insufficient fuel provided by the fuel pump. You are limited by the physical size of the lines. In this case You will get an Nr decrease without hitting any other limit.
- Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) limiting is when the HMU tries to protect the compressor section by limiting fuel flow. (This is the compressor stall protection that the HMU provides)
What does the alternator do?
It powers the essential engine electrical functions (DECU and Igniters), and provides the Ng signals to the cockpit
What are the inputs to the DECU and where do they come from?
From the Cockpit
- Engine Speed Trim Switch
- Contingency Power Switch
- Engine Overspeed Test A and B Buttons
From the Helo
- Torque from the other DECU (load sharing)
- Np demand
- 400hz Power (from Alt or Gens)
- HMU feedback (LVDT)
What are the 14 Functions of the DECU?
- 400 Hz Airframe Power Capability
- Np Governing
- Np Overspeed Protection
- Np Overspeed Test
- Ng Decay Relight
- Contigency Power
- Hot Start Prevention
- Engine Load Sharing
- Fault Diagnostic System
- Transient Droop Improvement (TDI)
- Auto Ignition System
- Signals to the Cockpit
- TGT Limiting
- Engine Speed Trim
- DECU Lockout
Np Overspeed Protection
An electrical signal from the DECU to the ODV will secure fuel flow at 120% Np causing an engine flame out
Np Overspeed Test
When both buttons are pressed the Np Overspeed limit is reset down to 96%. If one switch is pressed and the engine flames out, then the other test is faulty
When does Ng Decay Relight come on?
When is it disabled?
If an engine flames out for any reason and exceeds a specific Ng deceleration rate, the Auto-Ignition System will turn the igniters on for 5sec.
The Ng Decay relight feature is disabled below 62% Ng
Auto Ignition System
When an Np overspeed condition is reached and during the overspeed test, the overspeed valve in the ODV is opened to reroute fuel to the HMU.
When Np drops below 120%, the ODV overspeed valve is closed and the igniters are turned on for 5sec. This is repeated until Np/Nr is controlled. Yaw kicks may be experienced.
TGT Limiting
The legacy DECU will stop fuel flow scheduling when the temperature approaches 851°C, the IRP limiter will stop scheduling fuel at 839°C±10°C.
We have the EDECU so the it will protect the engine starting at 878°C beginning fuel flow limitting at 866±10°C
If more power is requested at this point, Nr will droop before more power is allowed.
Engine Load Sharing
Torque signals are compared between the two DECUs, if they differ a torque error signal is generated. The system operates by increasing power to the lower torque engine.
Engine Speed Trim
The INCR/DECR switch will trim both engines simultaneously controlling Np between 96%-101% Np
Contingency Power
By turning on the C-Power switch we are allowing the TGT to increase up to 903°C, allowing normal fuel flow scheduling all the way up to 891±10°C
DECU Lockout
Engine power is no longer controlled by the DECU, it is set by the PAS and LDS only. In lockout the Torque Motor Servo is disabled, deactivating
- TGT limiting
- Np Governing
- Engine Load sharing
Np Overspeed Protection is retained. In order to regain automatic control of the engine bring the PCL to idle before returing it to fly.
When does Hot Start Prevention kick on?
When will fuel flow be restored?
Detects a hot start when TGT exceeds 900°C with Ng below 60% and Np below 50%, and will stop fuel flow by tripping the ODV.
Fuel flow will be restored when either TGT decreases below 300°C or 25sec has passed. Whichever occurs first.
400hz Power
The DECU can be powered by the Engine Alternator or aircraft power via the ENG OVSP circuit breaker. It will automatically determine the best power.
Transient Droop Improvement
Designed to initiate power turbine acceleration early by using anticipator signals from the TDI Nr sensor on the left accessory module and a collective position sensor in the mixing unit.
If anyone asks THIS is the most important function of the DECU when executing Autos as it will “anticipate” the large collective pull at the bottom and provide lots of fuel at the pull to minimize drooping.
What do the EDECU/CEDECU provide that the old DECU did not?
- TGT Limiting: increases the regular TGT fuel flow limit up to the 866±10°C
- Auto C-Power: will automaticall set TGT limit to 891±10°C when the torque from one engine is below 50% torque. C-Power on advisories will not illuminate
- Dual Auto Contingency: newer CEDECU will also activate auto C-Power if excessive Nr/Np Droop is sensed
Describe the path an engine oil particle takes from start to finish
Start in the oil tank, suction from the engine driven oil pump will suck me up and push me out through the engine oil filter (with a bypass)
From the filter it travels over an oil temp and oil pressure sensor then through the AGB to the 6 main sump bearings (each with 2 sets of oil jets)
Scavenge oil will then flow through the pump inlet and over a chip detector
Finally it passes either through the fuel/oil cooler and the scroll vanes, or via an oil/cooler bypass valve back into the oil tank
Describe the Filter Element and Bypass
Oil is routed through a disposable filter element, as the pressure differential increases the PDI will popout providing visual indication that the filter needs to be replaced and fluid will be routed by the bypass instead.
A thermal lockout below 38°C will prevent the PDI from popping during cold weather starts. Oil may still bypass the filter until it warms up and reduces in viscosity.
What is used to drive the engine starter?
Where can it come from?
The engine uses a Pneumatic start system, using air to run the starter. The air can either come from the APU or it can come from the other engine via Crossbleed. If the APU is on, it will be the source for engine starts regardless of switch position.
When does the starter drop out?
The starter will drop out between 52-65% Ng
What are the numbers associated with a crossbleed start?
When executing a crossbleed start, the RECEIVING ENGINE SHALL be a minimum of 24% Ng prior to advancing the PCL to idle.
This will require a donor engine of 90-94% Ng which will require you to go light on the wheels.
How are the Engine Anti-Ice Valves held shut?
What happens if they are open?
Anti-Ice Solenoids are electrically held shut, and controlled by the ENG ANTI-ICE and DEICE MASTER switches. When the solenoid is deenergized, bleed air is taken from the 5th stage compressor.
When open you will experience power loss up to 18% torque, up to 49% if you have a malfunctioning Inlet Anti-Ice valves.
What are the three ways to anti-ice the engine?
- Vent Bleed air into the engine swirl vanes and Inlet Guide Vanes via the anti-ice/start bleed valve
- Vent air into the engine inlet by the engine inlet anti-ice valve
- Continuously pump emgine oil through the scroll vane case
When do the engine anti-ice valves open?
How do you know if they are malfunctioning?
The valve will open when the anti-ice switch is on, and during engine starts. It will remain on while Ng is below ~90% to prevent compressor instability
The valves are malfunctioning if:
- ENG ANTI-ICE advisory is on with Ng is greater than 90% (94% if OAT is greater than 15°C)
- ENG ANTI-ICE advisory does not illuminate with Ng Less than 88% (variable based on OAT)
- No ENG ANTI-ICE advisory if switch is placed to ON
- No rise in TGT with ENG ANTI-ICE switch placed to On (expect 30-100°)
Describe the Inlet Anti-Ice Valve and when it operates
The inlet anti-ice valve is controlled by the ENG ANTI-ICE switch along with the DEICE MASTER. When on, a set of Freon-Bellows will open variably based on OAT.
- When temperature is above 13°C the Freon-Bellows will be closed all the way.
- When temperatures are in between 4°C and 13°C the Bellows will be open variably
- When temperatures are below 4°C the Bellows will be fully open
When the inlet temperature reaches 93°C the INLET ANTI-ICE advisory will appear, when below that temperature the advisory will extinguish
Explain why you lose 18-49% power when the Anti-Ice valves are open
- When the valve is open (and if you have a failed Inlet anti-ice valve) air is diverted from from the 5 stage compressor leaving less air to cool the combustion and turbine sections.*
- Less air for cooling means your engines will burn hotter, and if your engines are burning hotter then you will reach your TGT limit faster.*
- Effectively with the engine anti-ice valves open you will reach your TGT limits at a lower toque value than if you they were closed*
What happens to the air that is warmed by the hot oil in the scroll vanes?
The primary function of the oil circulation is to cool the oil and provide anti-icing to the engine frame, the air heated in this manner is vented overboard by the IPS and does not provide any anti-ice protection to air entering the compressor.
Where do Np and torque signals come from?
There are two Np sensors located on top of the exhaust frame of the engine. They are identical and interchangeable but serve different functions. The left sensor will report Np while the right sensor will provide torque. (Think Right and toRque)
Ng is derived from the alternator which sends it right to the display
Describe the TGT thermocouple harness and its bias
It consists of 7 thermocouples used for measuring TGT which is sent right to the DECU. The signal is biased -71°C by the DECU before being displayed on the instruments.
If the DECU is not powered (CB pulled, or a failure) your TGT will indicate 71°C higher than expected.