Search and Rescue Flashcards
What is the minimum required SAR equipment according to the 3-50?
What about for over water?
- Complete SAR curtain
- 3x Cranials, 2x Wool Blankets
- Helo Rescue Bag
- Trail Line Assmebly
- Medical Level A Kit
- Rescue Litter
If Overwater
- 6x Mk-58 smokes
- 3x Electric Marine Marker Lights
- 3x LPU Life Preservers
What does the Wing SOP require for SAR?
With more than one H-60 designated aircrewman in the crew, one of the aircrewman SHALL be designated the command rescue swimmer and prepared to function as the wet swimmer
What does CNAF require for SAR?
When SAR is briefed as the primary mission or it becomes the primary mission, the recue aircrewman SHALL be prepared for immediate water entry
What does the 80T-122 Require for SAR?
- Operable hoist with a rescue device
- Sufficient life rafts to support passenger rescue equipment
- Operable searchlight for night rescues
When is the HAC allowed to authorize a SAR of opportunity?
What do they need to do?
HSM-51 HACs are authorized to conduct a “SAR of Opportunity” if they come upon a vessel or personnel in distress (or recieve distress transmissions) and no other means of assisstance is readily available
The HAC SHALL make every effort to contact the SDO or Atsugi Tower to contact the JMSDF Alert Crew.
Permission from the CO SHOULD be given prior to conducting said SAR
If a “Life-or-Death” situation exists or if any undue delays in communication would jeapordize the success of the mission, they may be required to execute an immediate response without waiting for outside approval
Whats the minimum required crew for a SAR of Opportunity?
- MH-60R Aircrewman
SAR of Opportunity requiring a hoisting evolution with only one designated Aircrewman on board acting as the hoist operator, are limited to uninjured military personnel familiar with hoist operations
Whats required when if a swimmer is deployed?
What is does the hoist operator need during hoist operations?
There SHALL be a hoist operatorin the cabin if a swimmer is deployed
The hoist operator SHALL wear a heavy duty glove during all rescue hoist operations
How long does the MK 25 burn?
The MK-58?
Mk-25 burns for 10-20 min (13.5-18.5 min per the NTRP)
Mk-58 burns for at least 45 min
What are the risks with launching the Mk-25?
The Mk-25 SHALL NOT be launched in a hover because of the valve plug possibly striking the aircraft or personnel
When can you remove the Mk-58 pull ring?
What are some of the risks considered by the crewman and the pilots?
Removal of the marker pull ring from the MK-58 exposes the battery cavity. Entrance of seawater to this cavity will immediately activate the marker.
The ring SHALL NOT be removed until launching is to be completed
After the tear strip is removed, avoid cutting hands on the sharp edges of the can
Aircraft SHOULD NOT fly at a low altitude over a burning MK-58 as the ignition of the second candle can be forceful ejecting flames up to 50 ft
What all is in a SAR curtain?
- 12x Chem lights
- 6x 30 min high internsity + 6x 6/12 hr green
- 3x Chem light Straps
- 3x Gunners Belts
- Cable Grip (1000 lb load)
- Pair Heavy Duty Glove
- Litter Sling Assembly
- Quick Splice
- Trail Line (120 ft)
- Cable Cutter
What other equipement do we bring that’s not in the SAR curtain?
(This is going to be different everywhere you go to some degree)
- 5x LR-18 Life Rafts (Black one man rafts)
- 3x LPU-32 Life Preservers with small survival kit
- 3x Cranials with eye/ ear pro
- 2x Wool Blankets
- Level A Med Kit
- Rescue Swimmer Radio
- 3x More Gunners Belts
- Extra Set of heavy gloves
What can you use in conjunction with the Basket to increase safety?
When lowering the Basket it is likely to spin due to the rotor down wash, If you have a swimmer in the water, you can use the trail line so that they can keep it stable as it if it were the litter, both when lowering and raising the basket
Describe the MEDEVAC Litter we use
Whats required when using it?
It’s a collapsible low profile litter that weighs 40 lbs
The trail line SHALL be used in conjunction
When don’t you want to use the litter?
The MEDEVAC Litter SHOULD NOT be used is the survivor has immediate life threatening injuries or not breathing
In this case execute rescue via fastest means possible
When do you want to use the MEDEVAC Litter?
Personnel who are unconcious, have fallen 3 times their height, or ejected from an aircraft must be presumed to have spinal injuries
Use of the MEDEVAC Litter is highly reccomended to prevent life threatening injuries or permanent neurological damage
How do you deploy our life rafts?
Per the 80T-123 the only raft that is attached to the deck is the MPLR
Deploy the raft at 10/10 or 15/0 have the aircrewman grip the yellow pull tab on the raft and have them throw the raft forcefully DOWNWARDS releasing the yellow tab once the raft begins to inflate
Whats required when lowering the Rescue Hook without a swimmer on it?
The hoist Operator SHALL ensure that the rescue hook is equipped with a rescue device that has inherent flotation and chemlights (night/IMC) prior to lowering it to the swimmer
How do you attach and use the cable grip?
Aircrewman feeds a Gunner belt FROM AFT TO FRONT and secures it to the hoist support arm
The Cable Grip is attached to the gunners belt, then secured to the cable
The aircrewman takes the slack out of the gunners belt to remove strain on the hoist cable (if possible lower personnel in the water before attempting)
Where do you keep the survivor in relation to the aircraft during pickup?
What if theres a parachute?
During pickup the PAC SHALL keep the survivor on the right side of the aircraft to allow the aircrewman to complete the pickup
If a parachute remains in the area of the survivor, maintain a minimum of 1 rotor diameter (53.8 ft) separation between the parachute canopy and the rotor downwash
Whats the Reccomended hover altitude?
What does HSM 51 SOP allow?
Search and hover altitudes should be determined by existing conditions. Recommended altitude for hovering is 70 ft
Prolonged low over water hover with little or no headwind SHALL be avoided due to engine salt ingestion.
Our SOP allows hovering no lower than 40 ft to conduct live hoisting operations at PIC discretion (after hover established)
What are some considerations when there is suspected fuel in the water?
Helicopters generate static electricity that must be discharged on the surface prior to commencing pickup, avoid discharge or deploying smoke markers in an area what is suspect of containing fuel
What are the different methods of affecting a rescue?
- Landing to affect a rescue
- Landing via one or two wheels (Operational Necessity)
- Deployment via the hoist
- Direct Deployment
- Rappeling
What is Direct Deployment and when would you do it?
During Direct Deployment the Rescue Swimmer remains attached to the Rescue hook
It is recommended when in extreme situations: such as rescue in the surf zone, heavy seas, high winds, swift water, ice, or proximity to obstacles which would prohibit safe approach to the survivor
What equipment is used for the Direct Deployment?
The swimmer uses the TRI-SAR harness in conjunction with the Quick Strop to recover the survivor
When do you not do a Direct Deployment?
SHALL NOT be used if the survivor has a parachute attached
SHOULD NOT be used on aviators who have ejected
When would you Short Haul someone?
- Sea States Greater than 2
- Night/IMC
- More than 25 yds between the survivors
How do you Short Haul someone?
When transiting the person on the hoist should be no higher than 30 ft AGL, and no faster than safe single engine not to exceed 40 KIAS
What is the Double Hoist and how is it done?
When can it be used?
The double hoist is when the Rescue Strop is used in conjunction with the Quick Strop to lift a survivor, the Rescue Strop is placed under their arms and the Quick Strop under their knees
This reduces the severity of Hydrostatic Squeeze and can be a quick way to raise a survivor who may otherwise need the litter, or if the Litter has already bee used on another patient
What is Hydrostatic Squeeze?
Severe cold restricts the bodies ability to take in oxygen and forces blood away from their extremities. The stress of being hoisted by the rescue strop will push all of their blood out into their extremities which can send the survivor into respiratory arrest
After they are set down all of that blood will flow back into their core and send them into shock, potentially dropping their core temperature below what is required to sustain life
How could RADALT be affected by a swimmer/survivor on the hoist?
The swimmer/survivor may oscillate under the aircraft during recovery, which may result in RADALT HOLD disnengagement
Any large collective inputs to stop descent/ascent may cause injusty to personnel on hoist
What are your considerations when leaving a swimmer behind?
You have to have the mindset that anyone who is left behind will be lost at sea or die
- Ensure that addition SRU is on scene or en route
- Deploy rafts, smokes, sonobouys, Mark Datum, and leave the swimmer with a radio
- Consider the Sea State, Weather, water temp, air temp, hypothermia/exposure
Whats it say about recovering inanimate objects?
When could this apply?
Swimmer SHALL NOT be required to enter the water ro affect the recovery of inanimate objects
(An argument can be made that a dead person falls into the inanimate object catergory)
How do you handle a Lost ICS?
If a lost ICS occurs while effecting a rescue, the copilot SHALL be notified and advisory hand signals/CREW HVR used as discussed in the SAR brief
Can you do SAR with an Aux tank on the right side?
What are some considerations?
You can, however with a 120 starboard fuel tank installed, hoist devices including the swimmer/survivor and MEDEVAC litter may contact the forward part of the tank potentially causing equipment damage and personnel injury
What do you do if your cable snags?
What if it’s damaged
The cable must be kept clear of all parts of the aircraft and free from external obstacles when in operation. Cable abrasion can lead to cable failure
If cable contact or snagging occurs, suspend hoisting operations and inspect cable for damage in accordance with the applicable procedures
Personnel hoist SHALL NOT be attempted with a damaged hoist cable
What is a requirements while the Cabin Doors is open?
All occupants of the cabin SHALL wear the crewman’s safety harness, or remains strapped into a seat
How will you know if salt encrustation is occuring?
While operating in a salt spray environment for an period of time, a TGT rise of 20°C or more for a constant torque is an indication of engine degradation and possible salt encrustation
A TGT rise of greater than 40°C for a constant torque setting is an indication of engine degradation that may result in compressor stalls
Can the GAU-21 be carried when acting as a SAR platform?
What about during pax transports?
The GAU-21 installed in a 60R does not preclude SAR operations, but it does present an obstacle to the crewman due to its size and location in the cabin door
To the max extent practicable, the GAU-21 and swing arm SHOULD be removed before tasking a 60R in this configuration to conduct PG
A GAU-21 in a 60R presents an egress hazard. 60Rs in this configuration SHALL remove the GAU and swing arm before transporting passengers
The presence of personal weapons, CSW, FFFO, torpedo’s, CATMS, DATMS, or other expendables SHOULD NOT prevent an otherwise capable helicopter from being tasked with logistics or passenger transfers, PG or SAR
Whats required for us to get tasked with a SAR?
It can be approved only by PACOM Joint Personnel Recovery Center (JPRC, also our RCC/SC)
- Mission requirement, not tasking from PACOM JPRC
- Genuine threat to life exists and no other mode of transportation is available
- In in mountainous terrain, it will be Day/VFR only
- Flight conditions are within the capabilities of aircraft and crew
What are some of the rules that make provisions for SAR?
- You may exceed the number of passengers vs seats in situations of SAR
- You do not need to conduct a passenger brief when executing a SAR
- CO can waive requirements to land in other than an airfield to support a SAR
- You may embark otherwise unauthorized passengers in support of a SAR
- You are released from manifest requirements in a SAR