CNAF 3710 Flashcards
What is required when operating as an overwater rescue vehicle per CNAF?
When any naval aircraft is assigned the primary mission to operate as a rescue vehicle over water they SHALL have as a member of its crew one aircrewman who is outfitted for water entry and has completed rescue swimmer school.
That aircrewman SHALL be prepared for immediate water entry
Before commencing a flight plan the PIC SHALL be familiar with all information appropriate to the intended operation including:
- Delays (anticipated traffic)
- Risk assessment
- Alternatives available if flight cannot be completed as planned
- Fuel Requirements
- Terminal Instrument procedures
- TFRs
- Weather reports and forecasts
When planning to operate at other than homefield, OLFs, or local training fields, PICs SHALL what?
When planning for operations at civilian airfields, PICs SHALL ensure what?
Be aware of and meet airfield operating requirements and if necessary satisfy PPR requirements. (PPRs are not required for diverts/ emergencies)
The PIC SHALL ensure runway length and runway and taxi load-bearing capabilities are adequate and that DoD contract fuel services are available if needed
Which airfields are Naval Aircraft allowed to operate at? When?
To remain over night you need what?
At all military airfields, and civilian airfields listed in the DoD Enroute Supplement and when:
- Mission accomplishment
- Added training value
- Interests of the govt or taxpayer.
RON is allowed when in support of mission accomplishment, and with wing/group commander approval. It is also allowed if required for aircraft maintenance or following an emergency divert.
What needs to be impletmentd when the A/C is left unattended away from homefield?
Who can Authorize this and when will they do it?
Unit COs SHALL ensure that appropriate security and force protection plans can be implemented whenever aircraft is left unattended away from homefield.
Wing/group commanders SHALL only authorize planned RON stops at airfields where force protection requirements set forth in applicable directives can be satisfied.
When can you land at other than Airfields? (Think LZ)
When can this be waived and by who?
- A military requirement exists
- Adequate safeguards are taken to permit safe landing/takeoff without hazard to people or property
- No legal objection to landing
CO’s may waive the above if aircraft is engaged in SAR operations
When is a flight plan required?
A flight plan appropriate for the intended operation SHALL be submitted to the local air traffic control facility for all flights of naval aircraft except the following:
- Flights of operational necessity
- Student training flights under cognizance of CNATRA conducted within authorized training areas.
What are you signing for when signing a Flight Plan?
- The flight is AUTHORIZED
- NOTAMS have been reviewed
- In accordance with GOVERNING DIRECTIVES (fuel and weather)
- WEATHER BRIEF is made availabile to every aircraft
- INSTRUMENT Ratings are held by every PIC
- All passengers have been properly MANIFESTED
- PROPER WEIGHT and BALANCE has been filed
- PIC acknowledges responsibility for the SAFE AND ORDERLY CONDUCT OF THE FLIGHT
How long are DD-175-1 briefs valid for?
3 hrs past briefing/FWB delivery time or ETD plus 30 minutes
Flight Plans SHALL be based on the following:
The actual Wx at the point of Departure at time of clearance and the existing and forecast Wx for the entire route of flight including Destination and Alternate weather forecasts +/- 1 hr of ETA
When do you need an alternate airfield?
Destination Wx is forecasted to be less than 3000/3 during the period +/-1 hour from ETA
If your destination weather is published mins up to 3000-3 you need what Wx at your alternate?
What is the note for choosing an alternate?
Non-precision: published mins + 300-1
Precision: published mins + 200 - 1/2
For aircraft with only one operable UHF/VHF Transceiver, PAR/ASR minimums SHALL NOT be used as the basis for selection
If destination weather is 0-0 up to published mins your alternate must be
3000 - 3 or better
What kind of approach does your alternate need to have?
If an alternate airport is required, it SHALL have a published approach compatible with installed operable aircraft navigation equipment that can be flown without the use of two way radio comms whenever either of the following exists:
- Destination lacks the prescribed approach
- Weather at the alternate is below 3,000-3 ±1 hour of ETA
Pilots SHALL not fly into WW unless one of the following exceptions apply:
The storm had not progressed as forecast and:
- VFR filing is permitted if existing and forecast Wx for the route planned permits such flights
- IFR flight may be permitted if radar is installed and operative, thus allowing for detection and avoidance of thunderstorms
- IFR flight is permissible in controlled airspace if VMC can be maintained, thus enabling the aircraft to detect and avoid thunderstorms
- Performance characteristics of aircraft permit a flight altitude above storms
Or OPERATIONAL NECESSITY, Emergencies, or Flights involving weather research/reconnaissance
How much fuel are you required to plan for if alternate is not required?
Fuel to fly from takeoff to destination plus 10% of planned fuel requirements
How much fuel are you required to plan for if alternate is required?
Takeoff to approach fix of destination and thence to an alternate airfield + a 10% reserve of planned fuel requirements
In no case SHALL the fuel reserve be less than what?
Where else SHALL minimum fuel reserve requirements be displayed?
20 minutes of flight calculated for fuel consumption based on operation at planned flight altitude
Minimum fuel reserve requirements for specific model aircraft SHALL be contained in the appropriate NATOPS manual (for us 600lbs)
When are position lights required to be displayed?
Standard position lights SHALL be displayed during a period 30min before official sunset until 30min after official sunrise or anytime when the prevaling visibility as seen from the cockpit is less than 3SM.
During these conditions they SHALL be displayed:
- Immediately before engine start and anytime the engine is running
- When the aircraft is being towed unless it is otherwise illuminated
- when an aircraft is parked and likely to cause a hazard unless otherwise illuminated or marked with obstruction lights.
When are Anti-Collision lights required?
Anti-Collision lights SHALL be used immediately before engine start and at all times when the aircraft engines are in operation, except when the use of such lights adversely affects ground operations. They may be turned off during flight through clouds when the rotating light reflects into the cockpit.
Which unusual maneuvers are prohibited within B, C, and D airspace?
- Unnecessary low passes
- Unscheduled flybys
- Climbs at steep angles
- Practice approaches to altitudes below specific minimums (unless a landing is to be made)
- Flat hatting
What are the VFR Cloud Clearance requirements?
If weather would otherwise preclude remaining VFR, what SHALL the PIC do?
- Alter route of flight so as to continue VFR
- Remain VFR until IFR clearance is obtained
- Remain VFR and land at a suitable alternate
What is required to do practice Autorotations?
Practice Autorotations SHALL be conducted within the limits of the field boundary over a surface upon which a full auto can be safely completed and that is readily accesible to crash, rescue, and fire fighting equipment.
Practice Autorotations require the specific approval of the tower.
With no further guidance helicopter flights with class B, C, or D airspace are restricted to what altitude?
What else do they need to avoid?
Helicopters SHALL NOT exceed 500ft AGL, unless specifically cleared by the tower or other control agency.
Pilots SHALL avoid flying over areas when thier rotor or prop wash could result in damage to aircraft, property, or personnel.
How high must you be over Noise Sensitive Areas?
What is considered a Noise Sensitive area, and when can you break this?
These areas SHALL be avoided when at altitudes of less than 3,000ft AGL except when in compliance with an approved:
- Traffic of approach pattern
- VR or IR Route
- Special use Airspace
Noise Sensitive Areas include breeding farms, resorts, beaches, and those areas designated by the US department of Interior as National Parks, National Monuments, and Recreational Areas.
When are you allowed to Dump fuel?
When can you break this and what is required?
Whenever practicable, fuel SHALL NOT be dumped below an altitude of 6,000ft above the terrain.
Should weather or emergency conditions dictate jettisoning at a lower altitude, every effort SHALL be made to avoid populated areas.
When under positive control, the PIC SHOULD advise ATC that fuel will be jettisoned.
When can you drop/shoot through clouds?
Who is responsible for ensuring deconfliction?
On the High seas if clearance can be maintained by radar or other visual means. The operational commander is responsible for safeguarding surface and air traffic
Over land the shot/drop must be conducted over an approved range. The range controller must approve it and is responsible to ensure protection of others.
Are you allowed to Jettison external stores through clouds?
Nothing precludes emergency jettison of external stores through extensive cloud cover; pilots are directly responsible for thier actions and must take every possible precaution to minimize danger to other aircraft and persons/property on the surface.
Define Minimum Fuel
Is an advisory term indicating that in the judgement of the pilot the fuel state is such that no undue delay can be accepted en route to the destination.
It is not an emergency situation. If need priority landing pilots should declare emergency fuel and give time remaining in minutes.
Both minimum fuel advisories and emergency fuel state shall be reported each time control is transferred to a new controller
What does CNAF say about the use of seats and safety belts?
Who isn’t required to be in a seat?
Each persons safety belt and shoulder harness SHALL be worn and tightened prior to takeoff and SHALL be worn until the completion of the flight EXCEPT when neccessary activities require temporary removal. Inertial reels SHALL be manually locked for takeoff and landings except where the procedure is detremental to safety/safe operation.
The number of persons over 2 years of age embarked on a naval helicopter for flight SHALL be restricted to the number for which there are adequate seats and safety belts. During takeoffs, landings, and at all other times when specified by the PIC, each person over 2 years of age SHALL occupy a seat or berth and be secured with the safety belts provided for that purpose.
When may seating requirements be eliminated?
Cabin seating for helicopters may be eliminated when operational environment or aircraft configuration/load requirements dictate for the accomplishment of essential training and operations with the following guidelines:
- Applies to SPECOPS training and missions
- Applies to dedicated life saving efforts, including humanitarian and SAR ops
- Not to be used for routine operational training or personnel transfer. Applies only when tactical or procedural requirements exist for a specific mission or exercise
- When seats are removed, passengers will be restrained by an appropriate alternate means (gunners belts)
- If mission profile requires the removal of seats/seatbelts/restraints for one part of the mission, the passengers will, if possible, use seats/seatbelts/restraints for all other phases of the mission
According to CNAF when are Anti-Exposure Suits required?
The final determination with regard to actual wearing of anti-exposure suits SHALL be made by the CO or OIC of the aviation unit concerned.
The latest available type of continuous-wear suits SHALL be provided for flight personnel of naval aircraft when in the event of a mishap the would be a significant risk of water entry and either of the two following conditions prevail:
- Water Temperature is 50°F or below
- OAT is 32°F or below (based on wind chill corrected factor temp)
Between 50-60°F the CO must determine whether anti-exposure suits are necessary based on probably rescue time, water temperature, and OAT with wind chill.
What does CNAF require for Crew Rest?
How long can the crew be scheduled for and what is required after?
Crew Rest is the non-duty time before a flight duty period begins.
Crew rest includes free time for meals, transportation, and rest to include an opportunity for 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep for every 24hr period.
Flight crew SHOULD NOT be scheduled for continuous alert (required awake) and/or flight duty in excess of 18hrs. If this becomes necessary, 15hrs of continuous off duty time SHALL be provide prior to scheduling the member for flight duties.