Windows 10 Flashcards
Where are Notepad’s Temp files stored?
They aren’t. Notepad doesn’t store temporary files of any kind (although you may be extremely lucky and grab them from the pagefile.sys) C:\Users\%username%\Appdata\Roaming is also an option IF THE FILE WAS SAVED and then deleted etc
How do you access the recycling Bin in Windows 10?
type “Recycle Bin” -> Enter or Goto Personalization/ Themes / Desktop icon/ then check “Recycle Bin”
Can you adjust Windows 10 Recycle Bin to delete files automatically based on time?
Yes, using Storage Sense we can configure the Recycle Bin to automatically permanently delete files after 1, 14, 30, or 60 days.
What is Windows 10 Storage Sense?
Storage Sense (turned off by default) can be configured to automatically clean up your hard drive the way that Disk Cleanup does
How do i see the current User that is logged in?
What is Edge Collections?
Basically like favorites but you get thumbnails of each website saved in a thumbnail view. Collections is found in Edge on the Top-RIght of the browser with a folder a + symbol
If a recent hardware device is not found in Device Mangager, other than disconnection, what else could it be?
The hardware may be in ‘Hidden Devices’. Find it, uninstall and reinstall again
How do I see whats in my Clipboard History to paste or Pin items?
Windows Button + V - brings up Copied (ie CTRL+C) or the Clipboard History
If Clipboard History is not turned on, how do i turn it on?
Type in “Clipboard Settings” and turn ‘Clipboard History’ On
Is it possible to send copied items using CTRL+V to other devices I’m signed into using my MS Account?
Yes, Type in “Clipboard Settings” and turn ‘Sync across devices’ to have the local Clipboard History appear on any other devices signed in using the same MS Account
How many items can the Clipboard History hold?
Clipboard History items are unlimited, however, the Clipboard History has a maximum of 4MB Total space, and its last on, first out
Is the Clipboard History wiped when i shutdown or restart my Windows PC?
Yes, all Clipboard History items except those that have been pinned will be purged. Pinned items will remain
Whats Windows 10 Sandbox? Is it available in all versions?
Windows Sandbox allows the installation and testing of new software in a sandbox environment without it impacting the ‘actual’ physical computer. Windows 10 Sandbox is only available for Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise
Is Window 10 Sandbox turned on by default?
No, Windows 10 Sandbox is not turned on by default. To turn it on, type in “Turn Windows Features on or off”, then scroll down and check “Windows Sandbox”
How do you start Windows 10 Sandbox?
Just type in “Sandbox” then use CTRL+V to paste a suspicious application, or an internet browser to visit a suspicious website etc
Whats both the blessing and the curse of Windows 10 Sandbox?
Windows 10 Sandbox is purged each time you leave. So while you can install applications etc, they will be removed upon exit. This proves difficult when coping items such as a Word Document with Macros - you would need to install MS365 first each time
Whats Windows Virtual Desktop? How do you access it?
It allows users to create a new desktop without any windows open Access Tabs and Desktops via Task View in the task bar, or click Windows + TAB To open a new Desktop, Click ‘New Desktop’ in Task View, or Windows+CTRL+D
Is there a quick way to switch between Windows Virtual Desktops? Is there a quick way to close Windows Virtual Desktops
Yes, Windows+CTRL+ArrowKey Yes Windows+CTRL+F4
How can you show/ hide icons on the desktop?
RC on the Desktop, View, Show Desktop Icons (Warning, this does it for ALL Virtual Desktops!)
How do you turn on Focus Assist?
Open the Action Center and click “Focus Assist”. Click again for “Priority Only” and “Alarms Only” You can also RC to change the Focus Assist Settings to only receive alerts from certain ppl etc, schedule automattic Priority times etc
What is Windows 10 Remote Desktop Quick Assist? How do you open it?
Remote Desktop Quick Assist is Windows 10’s answer to TeamViewer allowing once-off help to other Windows 10 users. Both users just type in “Quick Assist” to open the application
What is Aero Shake?
Its when a user clicks and holds a title bar, shakes, and all other windows minimize. (or Windows+Home) Shaking again brings back all the windows its designed to give the user focus on the one window
What is Snap Assist and how do you use it?
Snap assisst allows users to ‘snap’ a window to half (or even quarter) the current screen with open windows. To use either drag to left or right or user Windows+Arrow
What is NightLight? How do you access it?
NightLight is found in ‘Display’ Settings and allows you to dim the blue light emitted by your monitor and even has a slider bar!
How do you open Snip and Sketch?
Does Windows 10 Home include Bitlocker?
thats a VERY tricky one to answer. Officially no, but technically yes. If a Windows 10 Home machine meets the minimum requirements, Windows 10 Home will encrypt the main drive using Bitlocker.
How do you stop Windows 10 from rebooting after Updating?
Via Group Policy (Which isn’t installed on home by default) then open up gpedit.msc Computer Configuration ->Administrative Templates-> -> Windows Components-> Windows Update Enable “No auto-restart with automatic installations of scheduled updates”.
How do you install group policy on Windows 10 home
Run CMD as an admin and then copy and paste the youtube link i saved
What feature manages the photos of the Windows 10 LockScreen/ login screen?
Windows Spotlight
How can you configure Windows Spotlight
You can only customize it via liking or disliking 300+ photos as they come up. There is no way to cycling through them or adding to them (short of submitting photos to Ghetty images and having your photo selected by bing) Alternatively you can set 1 photo as your background or a slideshow
How do you view the passwords saved in Edge?
Settings/ Profiles/ Passwords, but to see all passwords for Edge, IE and Chome, do it via Windows Credential Manager Then, you only need to check Firefox for its stored passwords
How can you check the passwords saved for IE, Edge and possibly Chrome all in one go?
By using Windows Credential Manager This wont stop passwords being stored in Edge/ Ie (and possibly chrome) though
How do you turn of Sticky Keys/ Filter Keys in Windows 10?
type in “Ease of Access - Keyboard Settings” - Toggle off - Reboot the machine (important!)
Whats the difference between Sticky Keys, Filter Keys and Toggle Keys? How do you turn them on?
Sticky Keys ‘holds down’ keys as if they were sticky & are designed for people with disabilities. (eg, with Sticky keys we can action ALT+CTRL+DEL by pressing ALT, CTRL and DEL individually.) Filter Keys by contrast tells your computer to ignore brief or repeated key presses and allows you to set the time a key is pressed before it repeats. Toggle Keys plays a sound everytime a user hits Caps, Num or Scroll Lock How do you turn on Sticky/ Filter/ Toggle Keys? - Sticky Keys are turned on by pressing Left Shift 5x fast - Filter Keys are turbed on by holding the right Shift key for eight seconds - Toggle Keys is turned on by holding Num Lock for 5 seconds All can be disabled in Ease-Of-Access Keyboard Settings
How do we stop Windows 10 from rebooting?
By Renaming the Reboot or Reboot_AC and Reboot_Battery tasks found in %windir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator
Can we change the default location Windows Explorer opens in in Windows 10 by altering the ‘Target’ field like we did in Windows 7 and Windows XP?
Unfortunatley No. The two work arounds are Drag a Folder to the Pinned Windows Explorer Icon on the Taskbar so that that folder becomes ‘pinned’ or, create a shortcut to c:\windows\EXPLORER.EXE /n, /e, X:\Folder of my choosing,location%20of%20your%20desired%20folder.
When TPM’s are having problems, how do we clear them in Windows 10?
Do a backup of the PC, then: Open the Windows Defender Security Center app. - Device security. - Security processor details. - Security processor troubleshooting. - Click Clear TPM. After the PC restarts reset logins such as Pin, Fingerprint and Windows Hello
How do we clear Saved Credentials for Network Share or Remote Desktop Connection
Open Control Panel - Switch to Large Icons, - User Accounts - Manage your credentials - Windows Credentials or with the following command: - rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr
The Startup Folders no longer exist in WIndows 10 (unless using Classic Shell Start Menu). So where are the startup folders in Windows 10 so we can create shortcuts on our desktop and move them into our Start Menu?
C:\Users\ user \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
How do we open Windows 10 built in Memory Diagnostic Tool?
Search for “Windows Memory Diagnostic”
What do the two blue arrows on incons mean?
A compressed folder or file
In Windows 10, what is Storage Sense, and where is if found?
Storage sense is found in Settings, System, and allows Windows 10 to automaticaly free up hard drive space by deleting files that are no longer required such as temp files
In Windows 10, how can we change the default location for where content is saved?
By Clicking “Change where new content is saved” in Storage (Settings/ Storage) NB: It only alows us to choose the drive, not the directory to store each type of content in
what is the ReFS File System?
Resiliant File System, - Released with Windows Server 2012 - Available in WIndows 10 Storate Spaces - Like RAID, but allows for multi hardware
What are some advantages of ReFS?
ReFS Supports: - ACLs - Bitlocker Encryption - Mount Points - Volume Snapshots - USN Journal - Change Notifications - Disk Quotas - Symbolic Links - Junction Points - File IDs - Oplock - Reparse Points - Block Cloning for VMs - Data Deduplication
What are some disadvantages of ReFS?
ReFS does not support: - Compression - Not bootable - Page Files - 8.3 file names - hard links - Converting a NTFS to ReFS without dataloss - EFS (Encrypting File System)
Whats the difference betwen ReFS and Storage Spaces
ReFS is the file system that can only be used with Storage Spaces Storage Spaces can still use NTFS if needed
What is Windows 10 Storage Spaces?
Windows 10 Storage Spaces:
- Is a RAID Software Technology
- Allows the adding of several differnt types(eg, RAID, SSD, SCSI/ sizes (eg 1TB, 4TB) of physical discs into the one data pool.
- Internal and external discks can be used (including NAS over network and USB),
- Supports NTFS and ReFS.
- Its is the fastest redundant internal storage system around
How do we add App to Startup in Windows 10?
Right-click the app, select More, and then select Open file location.
(Other Shortcuts such as those on the Desktop may not work)
Run: shell:startup
then copy the shortcut accross to a startup folder
How do we bring up the Run Command?
Windows + R or search for Run
whats the command for shutdding down a remote computer?
shutdown -r -m \MachineName -t -01
How do we setup a Sign-in Pin in windows 10?
Windows Icon/ Settings/ Accounts
On the ACCOUNTS page, select Sign-in options from the options on the left.
What are the locations of the Windows 10 Startup Folders?
All Users Startup Folder
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.
The Current User Startup Folder
C:\Users[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
How do you get the Recycle Bin onto Windows 10
Start/ Settings .
Personalization > Themes > Desktop icon settings.
Select the RecycleBin check box > Apply.
How do we edit the hosts file in WIndows?
Windows Key, type “Notepad”, RC and select ‘Run as administrator’
Open the following file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.
How do we add an new Virtual Desktop in Windows 10?
Windows Button + Tab
Hit the ‘Task View” Button on the taskbar
What does hitting Windows + Tab do in Windows 10?
Opens the Task View where we can see our current windows and Virtual Desktops
What does Windows button + X do in Windows 10?
Opens the Quick Link Menu
How do we open the Quick Link Menu in Windows 10?
Press Windows button + X
Whats the quickest way to open Windows Explorer in Windows 10?
Hold Shift and Double Click
How do we quickly switch between Virtual Desktops?
Windows button + CTRL (Left or Right Arrow)
How do we put different WallPapers on each Virtual Desktop in Windows 10?
- Settings/ Personalization
- Select Background Picture
How do we hide icons on our WallPaper?
RC on Desktop/ View/ Show/ Hide Desktop Icons
How do we open the Emoji Picker in Microsoft Aps?
Windows+; (semicolon) to open the emoji picker.
How do you open Settings fromt he Keyboard in Windows?
Windows Key + I
How do we open Voice Typing in Windows 10 from the keyboard?
Win key and press H