Wildlife Lecture Final Exam Flashcards
How are tailed frogs unique compared to other frogs in BC?
- Extension of the cloaca, which resembles a tail which is used for internal fertilization
Key characteristics of a stream where tailed frogs inhabit (5)
- Cobble or boulder SUBSTRATE
- Second or old growth CANOPY
- 1.5 - 15m WIDTH
- Fast flowing, high OXYGENATED water
- 5 - 18 degrees C
What 2 species of tailed frogs are in BC, and provide their status and general location.
- Coastal tailed frog: Yellow listed, Coast!
- Rocky Mountain tailed frog: Blue listed Southeast corner of BC
Process of conduction tailed frog surveys
- Check shore for adults
- Establish 5 meter section and flag off in 1 meter sections
- Starting downstream, start search
- Remove rocks and put on shore checking for tadpoles with net
- When captured, transfer to bucket for processing
- Return debris to stream
- Complete data
Physical features of adult tailed frog (4) ?
- No external ear membranes
- Dark brown broken line from snout to back of head
- Do not vocalize
- Front toes have distinct CLAWS
Physical features of juvenile tailed frog (5) ?
- Black, brown or grey in color
- 10 - 15mm long
- Sucker like mouths with teeth
- White spot on end of tail
- Tail laterally compressed
What are 4 goals and objectives of conducting a coastal water bird survey?
- Estimate population size
- Assess trends and distribution in populations
- Assess individual sites important to specific populations
- Assess annual changes
- Improve understanding of ecology in water birds
State 4 ways to minimize bias when conducting waterbird surveys.
- Assessments in same area
- Within 2 hours on either side of high tide
- Same equipment capabilities
- Same observer is ideal
How to estimate large flocks of birds?
- Split groups into smaller groups of 10s, 50s…
- Use percentage that a particular number occupies
- Take a picture to observe later
- Practice with someone more experienced
What are the 3 critical assumptions with relative abundance surveys?
- Statistically constant survey
- Biological, environmental and sampling factors must be kept constant
- Independent surveys
What does it mean to have a “statistically comparable methods”?
- Methods used in the survey must be able to be compared
Why is the humane treatment of animals essential for scientific inquiries?
- Animals less likely to exhibit normal BEHAVIOUR
- Animals less likely to SURVIVE
- The above will compromise DATA
9 ethical considerations when conduction wildlife handling surveys
- Have current KNOWLEDGE
- Local, provincial and federal REGULATIONS and permits
- Trapped animals are not exposed to overhandling, predation and weather extremes
- EQUIPMENT routinely checked
- Avoid disturbance at SENSITIVE TIMES
- Save accidental MORTALITIES
- Avoid transmissible DISEASE or parasites
- Know population STATUS
- Minimize NUMBER of animals used
- Use SEDATION if prolonged pain or distress
- EUTHANIZE if severe chronic pain
What is capture myopathy?
- Disease associated with handling of wild animals
- Animal is unable to cool itself and gets HYPERTHERMIA
What is the most important causation of capture myopathy?
Describe PRE-ACUTE capture myopathy
- Death within minutes
- Low blood pH, damaged muscles, heart failiure
Describe ACUTE capture myopathy
- Less severe than pre-acute, death within 24-48 hours
- Muscle rupture may occur, may be uncoordinated
Describe SUB-ACUTE capture myopathy
- Less severe than acute, death may take a few days
- Muscle and kidney damage, dark brown urine
Describe CHRONIC capture myopathy
- Survive for weeks or months
- Suddenly die from heart attack
What is the best treatment for capture myopathy?
- PREVENTION is the only “treatment”
Provide considerations a researcher should take before taking on a wildlife inventory survey (4)
- Assess consequences
- Minimize and adverse effects
- Balance: adequate samples for valid data, but minimize effects
- Consider knowledge gained vs. negative effects of disturbance
Provide 5 guidelines for minimizing negative impacts of research on animals
- Only get as close as you must
- Avoid sensitive times for disturbances
- Review literature on best methods of specific species
- Consistency in timing and intensities of visits
- Re-visit habituated individuals/populations to avoid disturbing other populations
Provide 5 guidelines for minimizing negative impacts of research on animals
- Only get as close as you must
- Avoid sensitive times for disturbances
- Review literature on best methods of specific species
- Consistency in timing and intensities of visits
- Re-visit habituated individuals/populations to avoid disturbing other populations
What are some precautions to take when live trapping?
- Suitable TRAP TYPES for specific species
- Suitable CAPTURE TECHNIQUES for specific species
- Avoid ACCIDENTAL CAPTURES of non-target species
- Ensure trapping equipment is in good working order
- SHADED area
- WEATHER considerations, do not trap in rain/wind
- Avoid trapping individual with dependent YOUNG
When should HARP NETS be used?
- Used for LARGE number of bats at roost or cave entrance
When should MIST NETS be used?
- Used for catching FEW individuals
- Can cause increased chance of injury
Negative ramifications of improperly restrained animals
- PHYSIOLOGICAL disturbances: hypothermia, hyperthermia, shock, stress
- Altered BEHAVIOUR predisposing them to predation
- Potential for injury to animal or handler
General guidelines when restraining animal
- Handle QUICKLY with few people
- DARKENED chambers/blindfolds
- Minimize NOISE
- Minimize excessive STRESS
- TIME of day
- Avoid PREGNANT, BREEDING, or animals with YOUNG
- BREATHING is regulated when in holding bags
What are the important criteria for to consider when marking animals for monitoring (4)?
- Minimize immediate or long term hinderance or irritation
- No adverse effects should be had on behavior, physiology, social life, or survival
- Mark applied quickly and with minimal pain
- Easily distinguishable mark
Describe HOT BRANDING and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Imprint burnt into skin
- NOT recommended, painful and stressful
Describe FREEZE BRANDING and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Dry ice to imprint skin
- Less painful than hot branding
- Recommended over hot branding
Describe TATOOING and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Giving permeant mark on upper lip, groin area, or ear
- Less painful than branding
- Animal has to be recaptured to read tag
- Recommended for some studies
Describe TOE, EAR or TAIL CLIPPING and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Removal or damage of animals tissues
- May cause adverse effects on animal behavior
- Toe clipping must never be done on burrowing, climbing or roosting animals
- NOT recommended
Describe EAR TAGGING and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Not too painful, tag can fall off, can cause localized infection
- Recommended for some studies
Describe NECK BANDING and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Must be carefully sized and consider growth and activities
- Can cause abrasion to neck
- Recommended for some studies
Describe LEG SWITCHES and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Temporary for large animals
- Ear tags prefered
What are 2 negative effects of bird nest surveys? How can these be minimized
- May decrease REPRODUCTIVE success in birds
- May result in biased data by the researcher
Minimized by timing visits and activities
State 7 precautions to take when restraining a bird
- Ensure proper TRAINING
- Minimize NUMBER of people
- Gently hold WINGS and LEGS to prevent damage
- Avoid interfering with their BREATHING
- Use DARKENED chambers to reduce stress
- Use SAFETY equipment (gloves, goggles)
Describe LEG BANDS and mention if it is a recommended method?
- A numbered band placed on leg
- Not harmful, but animal has to be captured again to read tag
- Recommended and successful
Describe COLORED PLASTIC LEG BANDS and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Same as leg bands but colored
- Animals may not have to be recaptured due to visibility of colored tags
- May result in less camouflaged abilities ?
- Recommended and successful
Describe BACK TAGS and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Can not be used on small birds (interferes with flight)
- Tagged attached by clip to skin, or around base of wing
Describe WING MARKERS and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Wing streamer of colored plastic, used and successful on a variety of sizes of birds
- Not successful in some ducks
- Ensure size and shape do not interfere with flight
Describe NASAL MARKERS and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Commonly used to mark waterfowl
- metal or plastic discs attached by wire which runs through nasal passage
- Foliage entanglement, may result in ripped nares
- Male ruddy ducks unable to obtain mates, interferes with courtship
Describe DYES and mention if it is a recommended method?
- Colored paint on animals fur, skin, horns
- Can be successful
- Generally temporary
- Too much color can result in predisposing animal to predation (reducing camouflage)
Give 4 steps a handler should take when working with poisonous amphibians or reptiles
- Do not work alone
- Minimize handling
- Work with experienced handler
- Use anesthetic or physical restraints prior to handling
Is toe clipping in amphibians a recommended method of marking? Explain.
- Yes, it is recommended
- Appears to have no adverse effects
- No more than 2 clipped toes per limb
- No clipping of specialty digits
Is removal of scutes in reptiles recommended? Explain.
- Yes, it is recommended
- Healing is fast and infection is rare
Is using dyes on amphibians and reptiles recommended? Explain.
- Not recommended
- Skin in some amphibians and reptiles is permeable resulting in absorption of harm chemicals
- Should only be used if positive of no harsh chemicals and skin is not permeable
Who are professional biologists primarily accountable to?
- The College of Applied Biology
Who are professional biologists primarily liable to?
What is the difference between MORALS and ETHICS?
- Morals: how we define our PERSONAL character, individual based. Not based on the collective or the law
- Ethics: Set of standards as a COLLECTIVE (community, board). Guide how to act collectively as a body. Generally derived and complementary to law
If you consider something immoral, does it mean it is unethical according to the profession you belong to?
- Not necessarily. One can consider something as immoral but if the if it aligns with the set standards of ethics based on the collective profession which you belong, you have to consider whether you can continue to work for the employer who may not have aligned morals
As a professional biologist, what are the 5 standards you must adhere to?
- ACCOUNTABILITY: Understand that you are held accountable for your actions
- COMPETENCE: Keeping up with knowledge in the field
- DUE DILIGENCE: Demonstrate by both actions, and documentation
- INDEPENDENCE: Remain objective, impartial, and intellectually honest
- INTEGRITY: Conduct ones self in a professional and ethical manner
What is an EXPERT?
- INDIVIDUAL with extensive knowledge or ability based on research, experience or occupation in a particular area of study
- Acquired experience in a COLLECTIVE sense
To determine if you have sufficient knowledge to carry out a task, what 2 questions must you ask yourself?
- Do I have requisite expertise to do this task?
- Doe my knowledge in the area meet the expectations of my peers and professionals?
If you are in doubt about your knowledge base, what should you do?
- Decline the assignment
- Upgrade if there is no detriment to client
- Consult with specialists
As a professional, what does it mean to be independent?
- Remain objective, impartial and intellectually honest
- Independent to aims of employer, special interest groups, or personal bias
- A term for times where a professional is not required to tell absolutely everything to everyone who has involvement in a situation
- Reasonable care that a professional member of a professional community would exercise to achieve desired outcome
What is the criteria to ensure a professional biologist has completed their due diligence (9)?
- Stay within area of expertise
- Consult with specialists
- Meet all LEGAL requirements
- Access and apply all relevant data
- Reference, explain or justify any new or unusual methods
- Follow, document and record appropriate standard of practice
- Ensure conclusions are clear
- Appropriate level of effort to perceived risks
- Identify and address uncertainties of differences or professional opinion
Who are professional biologists primarily liable to?
- The CLIENT and the PUBLIC
- What jeopardizes your professional ‘Integrity” (include ‘sins of omission)?
- When OBJECTIVITY or HONESTY and forthrightness are weak
- “Sins of omission” is a term used meaning there is no obligation to share everything with those involved in the particular matter. It is common courtesy and strengthens your integrity when this you are open and honest about everything.
- What is meant by ‘Intellectual Honesty” and ‘Accountability’?
- ACCOUNTABILITY: quality or state of being answerable and carries with it an obligation to accept responsibility for an action or outcome
What is the difference between negligence and incompetency?
- NEGLIGENCE: Neglecting responsibilities or lacking concern, lack of due diligence or care
- INCOMPETENCY: Lack of ability or skill to be able to preform a task
- Having the appropriate skill or ability to perform an approved standard
Code of Ethics #1
- Provide OBJECTIVE , SCIENCE-BASED, unfettered, forthright and intellectually honest opinion, advice and reports in applied biology.
Code of Ethics #2
- Undertake assignments and offer opinions only in areas in where TRAINING and ABILITY make the
registrant professionally competent.
Code of Ethics #3
- Ensure they meet a professional standard of CARE by practicing applied biology with attention,
caution, prudence, and due diligence
Code of Ethics #4
- Provide a PROFESSIONAL standard of SERVCE to clients and employers by conducting business
practices fairly, avoiding conflict of interest and respecting client/employer confidentiality
Code of Ethics #5
- Hold paramount the SAFETY, health and welfare of the PUBLIC, including the protection of the
environment and the promotion of health and safety in the workplace
Code of Ethics #6
- Uphold PRODESSIONAL OBLIGATIONS to the College while in the workplace
Code of Ethics #7
- Maintain a standard of personal and PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT that does not reflect adversely on
the College or its registrants
Code of Ethics #8
- Avoid injuring the REPUTATION of others through malice or negligence
Code of Ethics #9
- Recognize the duty to ADDRESS POOR CONDUCT and/or practice of another professional under the
Professional Governance Act in order to protect the public interest, the profession, and the reputation of
the College as a regulator