Wiki 9 Flashcards
He pereti
a plate
te pereti
the plate
ngā pereti
the plates
Māku e waruwaru ngā rīwai
I shall peel or scrape the spuds
Mā māmā e tunu te pēkana. māu ngā hēki e tunu
It’s up to Mum to cook the bacon and you will cook the eggs
Māu ngā hēki e tunu
the eggs will be cooked by you
Māu e tunu ngā hēki
you cook the eggs
Mā Monty te whare e hanga
The house shall be built by Monty
Mā Monty e hanga te whare
its for Monty to build the house
Meatia ki roto
put it in
Meatia ki runga.
put it on
Meatia ki waho
put it out / put it outside
Meatia ki roto
put it inside
meinga iho
turn (something) off
meinga ake
turn (something) on
Kāore koe i te whakarongo
you’re not listening
kei te whakarongo koe
you are listening
Kua mutu?
finished? (is it)
kua mā?
clean? (is it)
kua rite?
ready? (is it)
Kāore anō kia mutu
not yet (finished)
Kāore anō kia mā
not yet clean
Kāore anō kia rite
note yet ready
kāore. … i te …
something isnt happen at present sentance
Kāore anō kia ….
something hasnt happened yet or is not complete yet
Kāore anō kia haere
not gone yet
Kāore anō kia mahi
not done yet
Kāore anō a Mere kia haere
Mere has not yet gone
Kāore anō ngā tamariki kia tū
the children have not yet stood