Questions Flashcards
nō hea
Where from
When (in future)
e hia
How many (things)
How many (people)
Like what (how)
Which (singular)
Kei a wai
Who has, with whom
Ko wai koe?
Who are you?
Ko wai te ingoa o tērā wahine?
Whats the name of that woman (over there)
Kua hoki mai koe i hea?
From where have you retyrned?
Kei hea tōku waka?
Where is my waka?
Ka haere ia ki hea?
To where is he going?
Nō hea koe?
Where are you from
when (in the past)
Āhea te kēmu
Whens the game?
Nōnahea koe i hoki mai ai?
When did you return?
E hia ngā ika kei roto i tōu kete
How many fish are in your kete
Tokohia ngā tangata e haere mai?
How many people are coming?
Kei te pēhea koe
How are you
I pēhea tāu kai
What was your food like
Ko tēhea te kapu pai ki a koe
Which cup do you like
Ko ēhea ngā pukapuka kua pāmuitia e
Which books have you read
Kei a wai ngā tīkiti
Whos got the tickets?
Kei a Tāne ngā tīkiti
Tane’s got the tickets
I hoatu koe i te koha ki a wai?
To whom did you give the koha?
E kimi ana ia ki te aha?
What’s he searching for?
Kei te aha ia?
what is she doing?
Hei aha tēnei?
For what purpose is this?
Kei hea tōku waka?
where is my waka?
Ka haere ia ki hea?
To where is he going?
Kua hoki mai koe i hea?
From where have you returned?
Ko ēhea ngā pukapuka kua pānuitia e koe?
which books have you read?
What is an Agent Emphatic question and what tenses can it be used for?
Emphasis on the doer of the agent.
can only be used for the past and future tense.
Nāku ngā pereti i horoi.
I washed the plates.
Māku te kōtiro e korero.
I will speak to the girl.
Nāu te mahi uaua i mahi.
You did the hard work.
Māu te ruma e whakarite
You will tidy the room.
Nāna te parāoa i tunu.
He baked the bread.
Māna te kanikani e haere.
It will be her that goes to the dance.
Mā wai tēnei mahi?
For whom is this work?
Mā Indya te mahi.
The work is for Indya
Mō wai tēnei waka?
For whom is this canoe?