Why did the Cold War Thaw Flashcards
Vietnam war
USA enter the Vietnam war in attempt to stop communism spreading to the rest of Asia the war had cost billions of dollars and soldiers
Many people disagreed with the war itself so there was less time for USA to go against USSR
Mutually assured destruction
Both have been involved in the arms race since the Second World War
resulting firepower would destroy both
Cuban missile crisis proved how fragile nuclear relations were
Nixon visits China and USSR
Nixon visit to china
Brezhnev didn’t want them to form an alliance so he agreed to meet Nixon himself
USSR negotiated peace in Vietnam for USA
Nixon visited Brezhnev and they discussed Disarmament, preventing military tension Worldwide and economic progress
Space cooperation
From 1974 Joint space venture
scientist started working together
Two astronauts joined together and shook hands
Money problems
All the money spent on the wall both countries were an economic trouble and couldn’t afford another fight
Salt one
Strategic arms limitation treaty 1972
Anti ballistic missiles were limited to 200 per country
ICBM were limited to current amounts
Submarine launched ballistic missiles limited to current amounts
No limits on bomber planes and couldn’t check on each other
Helsinki accords 1975
Boreder after World War II agreed on the first time
accepting west Germany is a country
agreements made to collaborate on scientific economic and cultural ventures
Human rights and individual freedoms were agreed upon
Salt 2
Limited nuclear weapons ICBMs and submarines LBM and bomber planes too 2400
It began in 1974 but wasn’t completed until 1979
Because of the Russian invasion of Afganistán