Whitehead Chapter 4 Flashcards
«A form of execution in which the prisoner is nailed or otherwise affixed to a cross and left to die of asphyxiation
Agony in the Garden
«The mental, moral, and physical agony suffered by Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he prayed after the Last Supper but before his arrest. He asked the Father, if possible, to remove the cup of his Passion and Death but the Father’s will be done.
«Greek for “emptying,” it refers to Christ having emptied himself by becoming man and taking on human nature
The Last Supper
«The Passover meal Christ and his Apostles celebrated before his arrest. Christ instituted the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders at the Last Supper
He suffering of Christ leading up to His death.
«The bodily rising of Christ from the dead, as he had foretold, on the third day after his Death on the Cross and burial in the tomb. By virtue of his Resurrection, Christians have the hope of resurrection with Christ on the Last Day
Suffering Servant
The fulfillment of Isaiah 53
Temptations in the Desert
Here separate temptations of Jesus by Satan during his forty day fast in the desert.
Christ rising into Heaven after His death.
Christ’s divinity revealed when a voice from Heaven called Him son
What is transfiguration?
Rand figuration is the revelation of Christ’s divinity to John, Peter! and James after a voice from Heaven called him Son. The significance of this is that it he apostle’s knowing Jesus was divine and dying for him adds credibility to the Catholic faith.
What is the new Commandment’s link to the ten?
The new commandment is the Decalogue, Jesus is the living model of the Ten Commandments.
What is the Eucharist?
He Eucharist is the embodiment of Jesus, and His presence in our lives.
Who is the suffering servant?
Jesus is our suffering servant, his death on the cross implied immense suffering along with the redemption of us, meaning His service.
What is the agony in the garden?
His was the period of time in the garden of Gethshemany that Jesus took upon our sins, and was immediately tempted to release them, but He kept on going.
Why did God become man?
To repay our debt to God.
Who has the power to forgive man’s sins?
Only God.
How did Christ deal with Peter’s betrayal?
He gave him a way to achieve forgiveness.
What is the significance of the resurrection for us.
The resurrection lets us know that God can overcome sin and death, and that any quantities weighing will always result in God winning.