Longwell Chapter 4 Flashcards
Forty days after his Resurrection, the entry of Christ’s humanity into divine glory.
Agony in the Garden
The mental, moral, and physical agony suffered by Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he prayed after the Last Supper but before his arrest. He asked the Father, if possible, to remove the cup of his Passion and Death but the Father’s will be done.
A form of execution in which the prisoner is nailed or otherwise affixed to a cross and left to die of asphyxiation.
The suffering of Christ leading up to his Death.
The Passion
Following the Baptism of Christ by St. John, Christ fasted and prayed in the wilderness for forty days. During this time, he was tempted by Satan. Unlike our first parents and their descendants, Christ overcame the temptations of the Devil.
Temptations in the Desert
The pious practice of meditating upon Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. This may be done either by walking the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem or passing from one image to the next depicting Christ’s sufferings in a church.
Stations of the Cross
In fulfillment of Isaiah 53, Christ, The suffering Servant suffered and died on the cross to gain redemption for man kind
Suffering Servant
The divine glory of Christ was manifested to Sts. Peter, James, and John on Mt. Tabor. While there, Christ spoke with Moses and Elijah and was called “Son” by a voice from Heaven.
The bodily rising of Christ from the dead, as he had foretold, on the third day after his Death on the Cross and burial in the tomb. By virtue of his Resurrection, Christians have the hope of resurrection with Christ on the Last Day
Fifty days after Passover, the Apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and other disciples were gathered in the Upper Room during the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, which celebrates the giving of the Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and was given to the Church. This event is considered the “birthday” of the Church.
Descent of the Holy Spirit
Greek for “emptying,” it refers to Christ having emptied himself by becoming man and taking on human nature
What is the Pashcal Mystery?
Jesus becoming the passover lamb
Why was Jesus Baptized?
Jesus was baptized to show that he accepted his mission from God
What is the Significance of the wedding at Cana?
because this is where Christ performs his first Miracle
What did Christ experience in the desert?
The devil came to tempt him with 3 different temptations.
How does the devil advance his Agenda?
He tries to tempt Jesus into things that would make his life easier
What was Christ’s final temptation?
St. Peter tried to tempt Jesus to not go through the Passion
What is the Significance of the Transfiguration?
it shows his apostles how divine he actually is
What is the Eucharist and what is its significance?
The Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus Christ, it is a symbol that we receive God through it at mass and is a “re-run” of the Last Supper every mass
Who is the Suffering Servant?
What is the Agony in the Garden?
When Jesus goes to pray and Talk to God and asks God to not make him do what he must do to redeem humanity and Judas betrays Jesus
What is the passion of Christ?
What Jesus goes through leading up to and the Crucifixion
How did Christ die?
He was Crucified
What is Kenosis?
Greek for “emptying,” it refers to Christ having emptied himself by becoming man and taking on human nature
What is Christ’s decent into hell?
it is when jesus goes down to hell before he ascends into heaven
what is the risen christ like?
Did the Resurrection really happen?
Who has the Power to forgive men’s sins?
How did Christ deal with peter’s betrayal?
To make peter affirm his love and fidelity