Chapter 6 Dorman Flashcards
The teachings of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount about the meaning and way to true happiness (cf. Mt 5: 3-12). They are at the heart of Christ’s preaching and fulfill the promises of God starting with Abraham.
Actual Grace
This supernatural, free, and undeserved help from God is given in specific circumstances to help choose the good and avoid evil.
Christian Discipleship
“Being a follower of Christ. This involves a conversion of heart and a life centered on Jesus Christ as well as following his teachings and being a witness to others
Common Priesthood of the Faithful
The participation in the priesthood of Christ shared by all the faithful through Baptism.
The inner voice of a human being, in whose heart is inscribed the Law of God. Moral conscience is a judgment of practical reason about the moral quality of a human action that a person may do, is in the process of doing, or has already done.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
The free and undeserved gift of God to respond to one’s vocation to become his adopted son or daughter.
Principally an attribute of God describing his complete separation from the sphere of the profane. Individual human beings may become holy by dedicating themselves completely to God. Holiness is the perfection of charity.
The faithful who, having been incorporated into Christ through Baptism, are made part of the People of God, the Church. They are not in Holy Orders or the consecrated life.
Law of Love
Christ taught his followers to love God above all else and love their neighbors as themselves. This teaching elevated and perfected the Old Law.
Ministerial Priesthood
Distinct from the common priesthood of the faithful, the ministerial priesthood consists of those men who have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders in order to minister to the needs of the faithful.
Natural Law
The objective order established by God that determines the requirements for people to thrive and reach fulfillment. The participation of man in the plan of God in relation to human life and action insofar as the mind can understand it. Natural law
Precepts of the Church
Duties required by the Catholic Church of her members in order to ensure a certain minimum in their spiritual and moral lives.
A person on earth, in Purgatory, or in Heaven notable for holiness and heroic virtue. The saints share in God’s life, glory, and happiness. The Church may officially declare someone a saint through the process of beatification and canonization.
The process of being made holy. This begins with Baptism, continues throughout the life of the Christian, and is completed when a person enters Heaven and becomes totally and irrevocably united with God in the Beatific Vision.
Theological Virtues
Faith, hope, and charity. Infused in the soul at Baptism, these enable a Christian to partake of the divine nature; they are called theological because they have God as their object
Universal Call to Holiness
Every baptized person is called to seek holiness regardless of his or her state in life. This call was reaffirmed by the Second Vatican Council