Where we came from and where we're going Flashcards
Cognitive psychology is the study of information processing. True or false?
What is cognitive psychology?
The science of mental life. How we acquire, maintain, communicate and use knowledge about the word.
How does cognitive psychology focus on the individual?
Processes through which we take in information (attention, perception, visual object recognition)
How we store that information (STM, LTM)
How we do things with it (decision making, reasoning)
What is the definition of the mind that indicates different types of cognition?
The mind creates and controls mental functions such as perception, attention, memory, emotions, language, deciding, thinking, and reasoning
What is the definition of the mind that indicates something about how the mine operates and it’s fucnction?
The mind is a system that creates representations of the world so that we can act within it to achieve our goals
What are different types of cognition?-The mental professes.
perception, attention, memory, language, problem solving, reasoning, and decision making
The study of mental processes, which includes determining the characteristics and properties of the mind and how it operates.
Cognitive Psychology
First cognitive psychology experiment in 1868 done by what dutch physiologist.
Francscus Donders.
Donder’s Pioneering experiment
How long does it take to make a decision?
What were the 2 measures of reactio time used in donders experiment
simple reaction time, choice reaction time.
What steps occur in the simple reaction task?
Presenting the stimulus (the light flashes) causes a mental response (perceiving the light), which leads to a behavioral response (pushing the button). The reaction time (dashed line) is the time between the presentation of the stimulus and the behavioral response.
Who founded the first laboratory of scientific psychology in 1879?
Wilhelm wundt
What was Wundt’s approach, which dominated psychology in the late 1800 and 1900s?
Where was the first scientific psychology laboratory?
University of Leipzig in Germany
Wundt wanted to create what, which would include all of the basic sensations involve in creating experience?
“a periodic table of the mind,”
What was wundts method of asking participants to describe their experiences in terms of mental elements?
Analytic introspection
What Psychologists experiments demonstrated the minds ability to retain information
Hermann Ebbinghaus- Memory experiment: What is the time course of forgetting.
who taught Harvard’s first psychology course?
William James
who wrote Principles of Psychology textbook 1890?
William James
Who founded Behaviourism?
John Watson
What was Watsons goal?
to replace the mind as a topic of study in psychology with the study of directly observable behavior.
As behaviorism became the dominant force in American psychology, psychologists’ attention shifted from
asking “What does behavior tell us about the mind?” to “What is the relation between stimuli in the environment and behavior?”
Watson’s most famous experiment
Little Albert experiment
Who introduced operant conditioning.
B.F skinner
who introduced Classical conitioning
Who introduced the idea of cognitive maps as a result of rat maze experiments?