Wheels Up - Limits from the BE300 Limitations Sheet (GREEN ITEMS) Flashcards
Torque % Limits
Takeoff ……… : 100%
Max Continuous …..100%
Transient. …. 156% FOR 20 SECONDS
ITT Temp Limits
Starting ………….. ;1000°c FOR 5 SECONDS
Idle ………………….. 750°C
Takeoff .. …….. ….. .820°C
Max Continuous … .820°C
Transient.:. …… ….. 850°C FOR 20 SECONDS
Cruise Climb … ……785°C
Gas Generator RPM (%N1 )
Minimum Idle …… … 62%
Takeoff …. .. …………104%
;Max Continuous …. 104%
Transient. ……………. 104%.
Propeller RPM - T/O, Max Continuous, Transient
Takeoff .. …… ~ .. … 1700 RPM
Max Continuous ……1700 RPM
Transient… ……………1870 RPM FOR 20 SECONDS
Oil Pressure PSI Limits
Starting ……. …. ……. 0-200 PSI
Takeoff ……. ….. .. .. 90-135 PSI
.Max Continuous …. 90-135 PSI
Transient. … ………………200 PSI
Oil Temperature Limits
Starting -40C (Minimum)
Takeoff 0 - 110C
Max Continuous 0-110°C
Transient. 0-110°c
Temperatures between 99°C and 110°C
are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes
External Power Limits
Volts _____28.0-28.4Volts
Amp,,__ 1000Amps (Momentarily) 300 Amps (Continuously)
Generator Limits
Maximum Generator Load In Flight:
Sea Level to 34,000 feet altitude 100%
Above 34,000 feet altitude 95%
Maximum Generator Load Ground Operation:
62-70% N1 = 75%
70-100% N1 = 100%
Propeller Rotational Speed Limits
Transients not exceeding 20 seconds 1870 RPM
Reverse 1650 RPM
All other conditions 1700 RPM
Minimum idle speed 1050 RPM
Starter Limits
30 Seconds ON, 5 Minutes OFF
30 Seconds ON, 5 Minutes OFF
30 Seconds ON, 30 Minutes OFF
Max operating air temperature limits
Sea Level to 25,000 ft = ISA+ 37°C
Above 25,000 ft = ISA+ 31 °C
Weight Limits
Baggage Compartment, Ramp & Zero Fuel Weight
Maximum Weight in Baggage Compartment 550 lb
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 12,500 lb
Maximum Ramp Weight 15,100 lb
Weight Limits as limited by T/O Requirements
Maximum Takeoff Weight . = 15,000 lb
or as limited by the following graphs:
- Max T/O Weight to Achieve T/O Climb Requirements
- Max T/O Weight as Limited by Tire Speed
- Takeoff Field Length
For 14 CFR Part 135 Operations:
• Takeoff Flight Path Requirements to 1500 ft AGL
• Service Ceiling-One Engine Inoperative
Maximum Landing Weight = 15,000 lb
Cabin Differential Pressure Gauge
Green Arc (Normal Operating Range)
0 to 6.6 psi
Red Arc (Unapproved Operating Range)
6.6 psi to end of scale
Pneumatic Pressure Gauge
Green Arc (Normal Operating Range) ..... ....12 to 20 psi Red Line (Maximum Operating Range) ... ....... ....20 psi
Vacuum Gauge - Narrow Green Arc
(Normal from 35,000-15,000 ft) ………2.8 to 4.3 in. Hg
Vacuum Gauge - Wide Green Arc
(Normal from 15,000 ft to Sea Level) 4.3 to 5.9 in. Hg
35K marked on face of gauge at 3.0 in. Hg
15K marked on face of gauge at 4.3 in. Hg
Flight Load Factor Limits
Flaps Up Flaps Down
- 1 Positive Gs 2.0 Positive Gs
- 24 Negative Gs 0.0 Gs
Landing Gear Cycle Limits
Landing gear cycles (1 Up-1 Down) are limited to one every 5 minutes
for a total of six (6) cycles,
followed by a 15-minute cool-down period.
Icing Limitations
Minimum Ambient Temperature
for Operation of Deicing Boots -40°C
Minimum Airspeed for Sustained Icing Flight… 140 knots
Air Conditioning Limitations
The supplemental electric heater must be off for at least 2 minutes prior to and
during engine start.
Do not operate the electric heat with the pedestal floor outlet blocked or the
cockpit door closed.
Autopilot Limitations - Height specific
- Autopilot minimum engage height after takeoff is 400 ft AGL.
- Autopilot minimum use height during cruise is 1000 ft AGL.
- Autopilot minimum use height during approach is 79 ft AGL.
- Autopilot minimum use height during steep approach is 160 ft AGL.
Airspeed Limitations - Vfe
Approach ………. … 202 KIAS
Full Down ………. . 158 KIAS
Airspeed Limitations - Va
Maneuvering Speed (Va) …….184 KIAS
Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed (Vlo)
Extension …………….. 184 KIAS
Retraction .. … ….. .. . 166 KIAS
Maximum Landing Gear Extend Speed (Vle)
Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed (VLE) 184 KIAS
Air Minimum Control Speed (VMcAl (Propeller Feathered):
Flaps Up ………….. 94 KIAS
Flaps Approach … 93 KIAS
Maximum Operating Speed (Vmo)
Sea Level to 21000 feet = 263 KIAS
21000 to 35000 feet = 263-194 KIAS (0.58 MACH)
Propeller Autofeather
The propeller autofeather system must be operable for all flights and must be
armed for takeoff, climb, approach and landing.
Emergency Airspeeds (15,000 lbs) 1-engine Inop
Vxse = 125
Vyse = 125
Enroute Climb = 125
Max demonstrated Wind Components for Coupled Approaches
Crosswind = 32 kts
Tailwind = 14 kts
Aircraft Height, Length Wingspan
H = 14 ‘ 4 “
L = 46 ‘ 8 “
W = 57 1 11 “
A/P Max Coupled INCPT Angle for Back Course
Autopilot Max Coupled INCPT Angle for NAV/LOC
For Back Course = 70 degrees
For NAV/LOC = Less than 90 degrees