Wheels Up - IOE Flashcards
Avionics Set Up For Approach - ILS, RNAV-LPV, RNAV-LNAV/VNAV
1 - On FGP, Select APPR and VNAV when crossing restrictions exist
2 - On FGP, Set FAF crossing altitude on altitude pre-select
Avionics Set Up For Approach - LOC, LOC/BC LDA
- Select APPR then NAV after LOC capture
- Use VS/VNAV to FAF
- use VS to MDA
Avionics Set Up For Approach - VOR, NDB, RNAV-LNAV
- Select NAV
2 Straight-in: VNAV NOTE= Most non-precision procedures publish a descent angle. The angle is usually in the Nav Database and VNAV can be used past the FAF - Circle-to-land: VS
Relevant OpSpecs
OpSpec C049 – Destination Airport Analysis (DAA)
OpSpec A057 - Eligible on Demand Operations (EOD)
OpSpec C054 – High Mins Captain Restrictions/Limitations
OpSpec C055 – Alternate Destination Requirements
OpSpec C077 – Terminal Visual Flight Rules, Limitations, and Provisions
OpSpec C079 – Lower than Standard Takeoff Minimums
OpSpec - C049
The eligible on-demand (EOD) certificate holder is authorized to use the Destination Airport Analysis (IPreflight) Program described or referenced in this operations specification.
60% - Uses a factor of 1.67% (Wet runway)
80% - Uses a factor of 1.26% (Dry runway)
EOD Operator may use the 80% Number
Operations specification A057 must be issued for this authorization.
C057 - IFR Takeoff Minimums, 14 CFR Part 135 Airplane Operations All Airports
Standard takeoff minimums are defined as 1 statute mile visibility or RVR 5000 for airplanes having 2 engines or less
C054 - High Mins Captain
Published RVR Minimum Equivalent Required 1800 4500 2000 4500 2400 5000 3000 5000 4000 6000 5000 6000
C077 Terminal Visual Flight Rules, Limitations, and Provisions
Terminal Arrival IFR Visual Approach or a Charted Visual Flight Procedure
(1) The flight is operated and remains in Class B, C, or D Airspace, within 35 nautical miles (NM) of the destination airport in Class E Airspace, or the airspace beneath the designated transition area.
(2) The flight is under the control of an ATC facility.
(3) The flightcrew must maintain the basic cloud clearance as specified in 14 CFR Part 91, § 91.155.
(4) For a visual approach without a CVFP, the flightcrew must be able to establish and maintain visual contact with the airport or maintain visual contact with the traffic to be followed as directed by ATC. In addition, the following provisions and weather conditions at the airport during the approach must be met: (4a) Reported visibility must be as specified in § 91.155, but not lower than a visibility of 3 miles and reported ceiling must be 1,000 feet or greater
C079 IFR Lower Than Standard Takeoff Minima, 14 CFR Part 135 Airplane Operations All Airports
Lowest Authorized RVR
TDZ / 500
Mid / 500
RO / 500
Minimum Runway Requirements
HIRL and CL Lights
Other Limitations
C079 . IFR Lower Than Standard Takeoff Minima, 14 CFR Part 135 Airplane Operations All Airports Touchdown zone (TDZ) RVR 1600 (beginning of takeoff roll)
1- High intensity runway lights (HIRL).
- Operative runway centerline (CL) lights.
- Serviceable runway centerline marking (RCLM).
- In circumstances when none of the above visual aids are available, visibility or RVV ¼ sm may still be used, provided other runway markings or runway lighting provide pilots with adequate visual reference to continuously identify the takeoff surface and maintain directional control throughout the takeoff roll.
What are the two (2) requirements to initiate an approach when weather reporting is not available or is inoperative?
- Alternate airport with Weather Reporting
2. Altimeter setting required (at field or per chart)
EOD Limitations (135.4) - Experience
One pilot with 75 hours in type
SIC - less than 100 hours in type cannot land when DAA is required except with Check Airman
IFR Alternate Airport Fuel Requirements
1 - Fly to the destination
2- Fly from the destination to the alternate
3 - Fly after that for 45 mins at normal cruise (Gama KA350 = 800 lbs)
When is an alternate NOT required for the IFR flight ?
For 1 hour before and 1 hour after, weather reports or forecasts indicate:
- The ceiling will be at least 1500 feet above the lowest circling MDA “OR”
- IF no circling approach is available, the ceiling will be at least 1500 feet above the lowest
published minimum OR 2000 feet above the airport elevation (whichever is higher) AND - Visibility is forecast is to be at least 3 miles or 2 miles MORE than the lowest visibility minimums whichever
is greater for the IAP to be used at the destination
Basically, what does EOD (Eligible On Demand ) allow?
- No Weather reporting at destination
- Use of DAA (Destination Airport Analysis - iPreflight) to use 80% instead of the 60% analysis
14 CFR 135.4 defines a new type of operator known as an “eligible on-demand operation.” An eligible on-demand operation is allowed more lenient destination airport effective runway length performance and the opportunity to conduct an instrument approach at an airport with no weather reporting with certain qualifiers
Destination Alternate Weather - What is required?
- Look at the 10-9A page to see if it N/A is listed for the airport/runway combination
2 Use the 1 facility 2 facility rule to make that determination
1 - 4 - 1 = 1 facility = Add 400 foot to the MDA/DA as applicable, Add 1 mile to the visibility
2 - 2 - 1/2 = 2 facility = Add 200 foot to the “higher” MDA/DA as applicable. Add 1/2 to the “higher” visibility
From 135.225 (b) - A pilot conducting an eligible on-demand (EOD) operation may begin and conduct an instrument approach procedure to an airport that does not have a weather reporting facility operated by the U.S. National Weather Service, a source approved by the U.S. National Weather Service, or a source approved by the Administrator if -
(1) The alternate airport has a weather reporting facility operated by the U.S. National Weather Service, a source approved by the U.S. National Weather Service, or a source approved by the Administrator; and
(2) The latest weather report issued by the weather reporting facility includes a current local altimeter setting for the destination airport. If no local altimeter setting for the destination airport is available, the pilot may use the current altimeter setting provided by the facility designated on the approach chart for the destination airport.
Eligible On Demand (EOD) Review. From the slide show during Indoc
1 - Cannot land @ 60% of runway - Apply 80% DAA for a dry runway
2 - What allows Gama to do this? - EOD Authorization
3 - Who can land ? PIC (normal or high mins) SIC ( > 100 hrs in type) SIC (< 100 hrs with Check Pilot
4 - Instrument approach without weather reporting FAR 135.225 (b)