What will you find in polar environments Flashcards
What are the climates like at the poles
Long cold dry winters
Short summers
Little cloud formation
strong winds
What will you find in the Arctic(flora)
Plant adaptations
Mosses and lichens on the edges of the ice
Shrubs in the tundra
What are the flora adaptations in the arctic
Small waxy leaves to retain moisture and stunted growth to shelter from winds
What will you find in the arctic(fauna)
Polar bears on the coast
seals whales and walruses
Fauna adaptations in the arctic
Thick insultaing fur
Arctic foxes bison and reindeers
What will you find in Antarctica (Flora)
Algae moss lichens and grass
What will you fin in Antarctica(Fauna)
Fish seals whales Penguins
Penguins nest on ice shelfs
What is the impact of mineral exploitation in the arctic (mainly gas and oil)
Tanker accidents and oil spills from poorly maintained pipelines cause huge damage to marine mammal and bird life
What is the impact of overfishing
Fish stocks collapse
in1990 stocks of cod collapsed in canada
What is the impact of commercial whaling in the arctic
Many whale species are almost extinct
the need for conversation has been agreed internationally and now whaling is resticted to scientific research
WHat is the impact of Cruise liner tourism
Threatens sensitive ecosystems with
Erosion and wildlife disturbance
Marine pollution from waste discharge
What is the impact of scientific research in Antarctica
30 Nations are running research stations in over 50 widely scattered interior locations
What do the scientisist reserac in antartcita
Atmospheric, terrestial and oceanic sysrems
Examples of human activity in polar environments
Indigenous people such as the Sami and Inuits in northern europe